Research Interests
- Cometary science
- Planetary
magnetospheres; interactions with rings and moons (member of Cassini CAPS and MIMI instrument teams; Co-Investigator JUICE PEP instrument)
- Comet- and
dust-solar wind interactions
- Interaction
of unmagnetized planets with the solar wind
- Heliospheric
physics (Co-Investigator, Solar Orbiter SWA instrument)
- Planetary surfaces and atmospheres (Co-Investigator, ExoMars 2018 PanCam; Team Associate, JUICE JANUS instrument)
Positions Held
Head of Planetary Science Group, UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Director, Centre for Planetary Science at UCL/Birkbeck
STFC Public Engagement Fellow - producing Astrojots comic strips.
Reader in Planetary Science, UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Previous positions
Other things!
Current Ph.D. Students
George Brydon (Primary Supervisor, 2017-present)
Oliver Price (Primary Supervisor, 2015-present)
Roger Stabbins (Secondary Supervisor, 2015-present)
Rok Nezic (Secondary Supervisor, 2014-present; based at Armagh Observatory)
Sam Taylor (Secondary Supervisor, 2014-present)
Past Ph.D. Students
Dr Sheila Kanani (Primary Supervisor, 2007-2012). Now at the Royal Astronomical Society.
Dr Yudish Ramanjooloo (Primary Supervisor, 2012-2015; Secondary Supervisor, 2010-2012). Now at the University of Hawaii.
Dr Tom Nordheim (Secondary Supervisor, 2011-2015). Now at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Dr Jamie Jasinski (Secondary Supervisor, 2011-2015). Now at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Dr Leonardo Regoli (Joint Primary Supervisor, 2013-2016; joint UCL-MPS student). Now at the University of Michigan.
Dr Kim Birkett (Primary Supervisor, 2012-2016). Now at Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.
Dr Aaron Stinson (Secondary Supervisor, 2011-2016; based at Armagh Observatory)
Taught Courses
2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012, 2013/2014: Planetary Atmospheres (PHASM312 / 4630 / SPCEG011 / SS4), with Prof. Andrew Coates.
2014/2015, 2015/2016: Planetary Atmospheres (PHASM312 / 4630 / SPCEG011 / SS4).
g.h.jones at
+44 (0) 1483 204 263 (or 204 100 for switchboard)
Geraint H. Jones
Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Department of Space & Climate Physics
University College London
Holmbury St. Mary
Surrey RH5 6NT
