Matthew WhyndhamResearch activities[ Publications ] [ Double Loop : “Learning, Knowledge, Research, Management, Media and Minds” ] Double
[ Technology Management Group ] The
Group is concerned with the development, management and exploitation of
technology within an enterprise context, and carries out reseach,
teaching and consultancy in relevant areas. It also supports, by applying
this knowledge, projects and activities in MSSL,
other UCL departments, associated institutions and partner companies. [ SOHO-CDS
] [ Yohkoh-BCS & ReSIK ] [ Other ] |
SOHO-CDS GISMCP detectors, using the MSSL SPAN imaging readout
Filament Dumps, Detector flat field, gain depression
Yohkoh/BCS and Coronas-F/ReSIKThese spectroscopic
instruments both use the same type of Proportional Counter detectors on
ongoing ISAS (Japan) and IZMIRAN (Russia) solar physics
RosettaMUPUSDevelopment using solid-state (CZT) gamma ray detectors for an ESA Cometary Probe