Computing Group            MSSL

MSSL Computing Group


Please note that many pages are restricted to MSSL access only


o Application for access to MSSL systems
o Reporting issues or requesting help with MSSL computing
o Disposal of Redundant Computing Equipment:     Form     Disk deletion procedure     List of custodians.

OUser information

o MSSL Computing Help & Documentation
o MSSL Computing new starter guide
o MSSL Service news

o UCL Information Security Group
o ISG's advice on PhishingNEW!
o User guide to UCL's Information Security Policy

o UCL Information Services Division
o ISD Service Desk

O Policy matters

o UCL Policies on computing use, data protection and system management
o Registered Departmental Personal Data Holdings (2016)
o JANET Acceptable Use Policy

O Systems & network administration

o Usernames & uids, LAN address summary (MSSL access only)

MSSL homepage

Last modified 20/10/2021