following is a list of materials that can be brought into the M.S.S.L
cleanroom. If you are unsure of a material please contact Alex
Rousseau. It
is required that the lists below are strictly adhered to in order
to use the M.S.S.L cleanroom and to ensure we maintain our high standards
of molecular and particulate cleanliness. It is recommended that users
also read the procedure for bringing materials/hardware into the cleanroom
which can be found here.
- Cleanroom approved
- Computers and
approved peripherals. (Subject to conditions,laptop computers are
the preferred choice)
- Specialized/dedicated
tooling (Subject to conditions)
- Dycem cleaning
- Spectro grade
IPA such as UVASOL or supplied from Fisher Scientific
- Spectro grade
Acetone in small quantities (<100 ml)
- Kapton tape with
Y966 acrylic adhesive
- Blue PCX polyethylene
tape with Y966 acrylic adhesive
- ScotchWeld 2216
in small quantities (degassed preferred)
- ScotchWeld 1838
in small quantities (degassed preferred)
- Cleanroom approved
- 3M Velostat plastic
light proofing material
Banned Materials
is a list of all banned materials for the M.S.S.L cleanroom. If you
are unsure of a material please contact Alex Rousseau (2137). It is
required that this list is strictly adhered to in order to use the M.S.S.L
cleanroom and to ensure we maintain our high standards of molecular
and particulate cleanliness.
- Food & drink.
- Wood products
- Non cleanroom
paper (cleanroom approved paper is available in the dispensers provided).
- Non cleanroom
notebooks (cleanroom approved notebooks are available).
- Bare aluminium,
it is preferred that aluminium is alocromed before being brought into
- Cardboard/cardboard
boxes of any type.
- Pens and Pencils.
The cleanroom has ample supply of approved pens.
- Any type of grease
or oil excepting space qualified Apiezon 100.
- Books and book
- Make up.
- Continuous non
cleanroom approved printer paper.
- Wash bottles
etc. ( the cleanroom has adequate provision of Teflon wash bottles
filled with Spectro grade IPA and Critical Neutral detergent).
- Solvents not
listed in the approved materials list above.
- Compressed gasses
e.g. Nitrogen, Argon and Helium etc. (the cleanroom has dedicated
Nitrogen and Argon supply lines available equivalent to zero grade).
- Vacuum pumps,
unless first discussed with by the CCE and appropriate location
allocated. ( the cleanroom has been fitted with a dedicated vacuum
exhaust manifold and can serve up to five vacuum pumps at any one
time. Preferred rotary pumps are of the scroll type.
- Silica Gel/bagged
silica gel (particulate contamination).
- Masking tape,insulation
tape and sellotape.
- Silicone adhesive
backed Kapton tape.
- Silicone sealing
- Silicone based
- Leather
- Oils of any type.
- Mobile phones
(interference with test equipment and general transfer contamination)
- Bubble wrap (slip
agents and silicone contamination)
- Black ESD bags
(slip agents and silicone contamination)
- Plastic bags
of any kind (slip agents and silicone contamination)
- Pink poly cleanroom
bags (slip agents and antistatic additive contamination)
- Any type of adhesive
not listed in the Approved materials list above
- Open cell foam
- Smoking materials
- Powders, aerosols,
- Commercial vacuum
cleaners (non HEPA filter cleaners)
- Plastic containers
which are not approved by the CCE
- Velcro
Created by Alex Rousseau last
February 2, 2004 11:52