This graphical guide shows the correct way to gown up before entering the cleanroom


1. Remove blue over shoes from left hand cubbyhole

2. Place one foot on step over bench and put the blue over shoe on, then place foot on far side of step over bench (straddling step over bench)

3. Put other foot on step over bench and put on blue over shoe. Push door open and step into anteroom ensuring door closes behind you.

4. Remove a mask from the dispenser and remove packaging. Dispose of packaging in bin provided.

5. Place mask on face as shown above. Ensure that the blue tinged side faces towards you.

6. Remove your gown storage container from the rack as shown above.

7.Remove hood from container and place over your head as shown. Ensure the zip is zipped up all the way to the top.

8. Remove a pair of Nitrile gloves from the dispenser and put these on. Ensure that the hand/finger part of gloves are not handled with bare hands.

9. Don gloves as shown above.Ensure they are put on by pulling the ends of the gloves and not any other part.

10. Remove bunny suit from gown storage container as indicated above. Ensure that you hold the sleeve part of the gown as indicated to stop these coming into contact with floor.

11. Step into gown whilst still holding the sleeves away from floor.

12. Now put arms into sleeves ensuring the gown goes over the hood. The hood should NOT go over the gown.

13. Pull the zipper all the way to the top and then fasten the press studs at the top of the zipper.

14. Fasten the press studs on the arm sleeves as indicated

15. Now pull the glove sleeves over the gown sleeves as indicated. The glove sleeves should NOT go under the gown sleeves.

16. Do the same for the opposite sleeve as indicated.

17. Remove a pair of knee length overshoes from under the bench. The overshoes are from left to right: small - medium - medium - large - extra large in sizes

18. Unwind the length part from around the soles. Unzip the zipper all the way to the bottom then step into the overshoe. Zip up the zipper all the way to the top and fasten the knee studs down. Fasten the clip over the top of your foot and pull to secure comfortably

19. Remove the pair of gloves used for gowning and replace with a fresh pair ensuring you follow the procedure as described above for putting gloves on.

20. Before stepping into cleanroom take a few baby step on the sticky mat to remove any contamination from soles of overshoes then open cleanroom door and step into cleanroom ensuring door closes behind you.

©MSSL Created by Alex Rousseau last modified: February 2, 2004 12:00