Seminars | Group Meetings | Relevant Meetings
Academic year 2010-2011
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
Monday 20th September 2010 | Prof. Rajmal Jain | Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad | Indian missions to study solar and interplanetary plasma |
Thursday 13th October 2010 | Dr. Yasir Soobiah | Swedish Institute for Space Physics, Kiruna | The search for Martian aurora signatures in MEX ASPERA-3 IMA observations |
Tuesday 1st February 2011 | Dr. Craig Leff | MSSL ExoMars PanCam project manager | A review of MER surface operations, with implications for MSL and ExoMars |
Wednesday 20th April | Prof. E. Dubinin | Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), Lindau, Germany | Induced magnetospheres at Mars and Venus: Open questions |
Tuesday 7th June | Dr. Jonathan Eastwood | Imperial College London | Cluster observations of magnetic reconnection and the ion diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail |
If you intend to visit, you may need directions.
For further information and if you are interested in giving a talk here then please contact Chris Owen
(Space Plasma Physics) or Geraint Jones (Planetary Science).
Group Meetings
Academic year 2010-2011
Date | Venue | Speaker (2:00 pm) | Title |
Monday 6th September | Nu meeting room | Adam Masters | Structure and variability of Saturn's low-latitude boundary layer: An update |
Monday 13th September | Nu meeting room | Segheen Byene | A review of the paper "First application of a Petschek-type reconnection model with time-varying reconnection rate to THEMIS observations" |
Monday 20th September | Nu meeting room | Geraint Jones | Reflections on Rhea |
Monday 27th September | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Monday 4th October | Ariel house | Colin Forsyth | Update on Cluster auroral studies |
Monday 11th October | Nu meeting room | Planetary Ops Team (Gethyn Lewis) | A study of Cassini spacecraft potential using SPINE's SPIS modelling software |
Monday 18th October | Nu meeting room | Andrew Walsh | A review of the papers: "Substorm triggering by new plasma intrusion: THEMIS all-sky imager observations" and "Enhanced Transport Across Entire Length of Plasma Sheet Boundary Field lines Leading to Substorm Onset" |
Monday 25th October | Library | Annie Wellbrock | A review of chapter "Composition and Structure of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere" in the book "Titan from Cassini-Huygens" |
Monday 1st November | Nu meeting room | Chris Owen | A review of the paper "On the variations of the solar wind magnetic field about the Parker spiral direction" |
Monday 8th November | Nu meeting room | Sheila Kanani | A review of the paper "Modification of the plasma in the near vicinity of Enceladus by the enveloping dust" |
Monday 15th November | Library | Chuan Li | Interplanetary evolution of CMEs: a review of recent studies on ICMEs/MCs |
Monday 22th November | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Monday 29th November | Ariel house | Roger Duthie | A review of the paper "Tail Reconnection Triggering Substorm Onset" |
Monday 6th December | Nu meeting room | Andrew Coates | Some recent results on plasma interaction with the Moon |
Monday 13th December | Nu meeting room | Andrew Fazakerley | Centrifugal interchange motions |
Monday 20th December | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Monday 27th December | n/a | n/a | Christmas Day Holiday |
Monday 3rd January | n/a | n/a | New Year's Day Holiday |
Thursday 13th January | Nu meeting room | Adam Masters | Magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause |
Thursday 20th January | Nu meeting room | Segheen Byene | A review of the paper "Bifurcation of the tail current sheet and ion temperature anisotropy" |
Thursday 27th January | Nu meeting room | Geraint Jones | Neutral sodium tails |
Thursday 3rd February | Nu meeting room | Colin Forsyth | A review of Lin et al. (1982) on counter-streaming electrons in the auroral region |
Thursday 10th February | Nu meeting room | Yudish Ramanjooloo | A review of the paper "Solar wind speed inferred from cometary plasma tails using observations from STEREO HI-1A" |
Thursday 17th February | Nu meeting room | Andrew Walsh | A review of recent work on plasma sheet mainly focused on "Average pitch angle distribution in the terrestrial magnetotail: Cluster observation and implication of magnetosphere structure" |
Thursday 24th February | Ariel house | Chris Owen | Chris and Dhiren report on science and technology aspects of a potential mission dubbed TwinSat |
Thursday 3rd March | Ariel house | Annie Wellbrock | A review of the paper "Structured ionospheric outflow during the Cassini Titan flybys T55-T59" |
Thursday 10th March | Nu meeting room | Sheila Kanani | Intringuing (injection) features in Saturn's inner magnetosphere |
Thursday 17th March | Nu meeting room | Chuan Li | A review of the paper "Reconnection outflows and current sheet observed with Hinode/XRT" |
Thursday 24th March | Nu meeting room | Chris Arridge | A review of the paper "Improved mapping of Jupiter's auroral features to magnetospheric sources" |
Thursday 31st March | Nu meeting room | Colin Forsyth | EGU practice talk "Solar wind and substorm excitation of the wavy current sheet" |
Monday 4th April | Library | n/a | EGU meeting |
Monday 11th April | Library | Jonathan O'Regan | Creating energetic particle flux maps using the NOAA POES Medium Energy Proton and Electron Detector (MEPED) |
Monday 18th April | n/a | n/a | NAM meeting week |
Monday 25th April | n/a | n/a | Easter Monday |
Monday 2nd May | n/a | n/a | Early May Bank Holiday |
Monday 9th May | Common room | Andrew Fazakerley | A review the paper "comparing plasma flows at the inner edge of the plasmasheet in the cases of steady magnetospheric convection and of substorms" |
Monday 16th May | Library | Tom Nordheim | Moon-magnetosphere interactions at icy moons |
Monday 23rd May | Library | Cluster Ops Team | Branislav Mihaljcic: "Status_FGM_PAD & Status_Pentrating_Radiation Flag"; Yulia Bogdanova: "Status_CountStats Flag" |
Monday 30th May | n/a | n/a | Spring Bank Holiday |
Monday 6th June | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Monday 13th June | Library | Roger Duthie | Introduction to & Preliminary Results of: A Statistical Investigation into the Connection Between High-Speed Flux Transport & Dipolarisation in the Terrestrial Magnetotail |
Monday 20th June | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Monday 27th June | Nu meeting room | Andrew Coates | CAPS results from recent Titan encounters |
The cake club rota can be found here. (maintained by Roger Duthie.)
Some recipes provided by our cake club members can be found here.
Meetings likely to be attended by members of the plasma and planetary groups (maintained by Chris Arridge)
AGU space physics and aeronomy section (inclusive Newsletters and meetings calendar)
List of MIST meetings and other relevant meetings (link to MIST page)
Imperial College Space and Atmospheric Physics Seminars
Imperial College Plasma Physics Seminars
Royal Society Forthcoming Events
Page maintained by Chuan Li.
Last update: 23/06/2011