$pageFileName = "dstar.php" ?> $pageTitle = " double star magnetospheric mission" ?> include "/home/html/www_plasma/plasma_top.inc" ?>
Double StarThe missionThe Double Star Project is China's first purely scientific space mission and its first collaboration with the European Space Agency. Double Star is designed for magnetospheric research, using two Chinese spacecraft, TC-1 and TC-2, which each have a payload consisting of both Chinese and European experiments. The TC-1 spacecraft is in a near-equatorial orbit and TC-2 in a polar orbit. The launch vehicle was a Chinese Long March 2C . TC-1 launched successfully on 27 December 2003, TC-2 on 25 July 2004. The Double Star mission was designed with collaboration with ESA's Cluster mission in mind. The mission design allows the six spacecraft together to address science questions that neither Cluster nor Double Star could address alone. Science objectives![]() Some of the Double Star science goals (e.g. radiation belt
studies) can be addressed with TC-1 and TC-2 alone, but the most
exciting science opportunities arise when Double Star works in
coordination with Cluster. The two Double Star spacecraft plus the
Cluster tetrahedron provide three measurement points separated on a
large scale. The clever part is that these three measurement points
be used in ways no previous triad has been used. For example, in late
spring 2004 and 2005, TC-1 will search for solar wind entry points at
the sunward edge of the magnetosphere, while Cluster (and in 2005,
are placed to observe any solar wind plasma that enters and reveal how
it is changed as it travels towards the Earth's atmosphere. In late
summer 2004, Cluster, TC-1 and TC-2 lie at different
distances downstream of the Earth in the magnetotail. Simultaneous
observations in these regions will help us to answer the long-standing
questions of where, when, and how a substorm begins. These remain
unanswered until now because spacecraft have never been properly placed
to make the key observations. MSSL are Principal Investigator institution for the PEACE electron spectrometer team, leading an international team of scientific collaborators. MSSL carried out the work needed to produce two single sensor electron spectrometers from the two sensor Cluster II Flight Spare instrument. Additional work was needed to protect the instruments from the more severe radiation environment that Double Star will experience, and to render the instruments fully ITAR compliant. It is planned that a PEACE Operations Team at MSSL will control the instruments, process their data and carry out in-flight calibration work. Further InformationThe Double Star homepage at ESA The Double Star PEACE homepage at MSSL |
26 May 2004 |