EIS Flare Study Options


15 September 2011:

The EIS team has defined a set of flare science goals that have defined studies attached to them. These are as follows:
  1. Preflare buildup:   HH_Flare+AR_180x152 (study ID: #461)
    Study 000461:
    ACRONYM: HH_Flare+AR_180x152
    This study is to hunt for various flow structures in solar flares.
    It can also be used as a study for active regions.
    Target: Active region / Flare
    Type: scanning raster
    Field of view: 180"x152"
    Exposure time: 9.0 s
    Slit: 2"
    Step size: 6"
    Raster Duration: 6m5s
    Data volume: 3.6 Mbits (JPEG75 - default), 4.4 Mbits (JPEG85)
                 See note in instruction to planners section
    O V     : detection of TR response at the impulsive phase
    Fe X    : hunting of reconnection inflow
    Fe XII  : hunting of reconnection inflow
    Fe XIV  : study of normal coronal loops with density sensitive pairs
    Fe XV   : study of flare loops in a cooling phase
    Fe XVI  : study of flare loops in a cooling phase
    Fe XVII : study of flare-loop heating and reconnection outflow
    Ca XVII : study of reconnection outflow
    Fe XXIII: study of loop-top hot region and reconnection outflow
    Fe XXIV : study of loop-top hot region and reconnection outflow
    The non-thermal velocity component in solar flares is studied by
    combinations of Fe XXIII ad Fe XXIV.
    Active region including those with the potential for flaring
    Instruction to planners:
    1) Center the raster on an expected site in an active region.
    2) When flare hunting, adjust the raster repeat for a maximum
      run-time possible, accounting for the TM constraint.
    ** Note** : The default compression is JPEG75. For a short time scale runs, the
    compression parameter should be changed to JPEG85.
  2. Small flares:   CAM_FLARE_DIAG (study ID: #458) or HH_Flare+AR_180x152 (study ID: #461, see above list no.1)
    Study 000458:
    Perform a high-cadence (2m 47s) small (60"x120") sparse (3")
    raster over a small active region  with the 2" slit and 5s exposures.
    TARGET        : Small Active region
    RASTER        : Scanning
    SLIT          : 2"
    STEP_SIZE     : 3"
    FOV           : 60"x120"
    DATA COMP.    : JPEG90
    RASTER DURATON: 2m 45s
    DATA volume   : 2.56 Mbits
    LINES         : Mg V, Si VII, Fe XI, Fe XIII, Fe XIV,
                    Fe XVI, Ca XV, Fe XVII, Fe XXIII, Fe XXIV.
    The core of an active region observed on-disk, not far from
    Sun centre.
    The active region should have displayed signs  of activity.
    Avoid large AR likely to produce X-class flares.
    The study should be run continuously for about 10 hours or more.
    (230 raster repetitions totals to about 590 Mbits and 10.7 hours).
  3. Large flares:   HH_Flare+AR_162x152 (study ID: #485, see above list no.1)
    This version uses 3 arc sec steps for more complete spatial coverage but requires larger data volume.
  4. Reconnection site (inflows):   this is specifically for a large limb flare - FLAREDOP_EIS (study ID: #472). In addition the EIS flare trigger can be used for this.
    Study 000472:
    A sit-and-stare study for flares designed to investigate time
    differences between brightenings observed in different emission lines,
    and resolve the evolution of density, bulk flows and non-thermal
    motions at high cadence.
    TARGET: flaring active region
    RASTER: sit-and-stare
    DURATION: 1 hour
    SLIT LENGTH: 184"
    DATA VOLUME: 168.5 Mbits
    The target should be a flaring active region either on the disk or at
    the limb. The slit should be placed on the location within the active
    region that is most likely to flare.
    Instructions to planners
    1) Place the context study PRY_slot_context_v3 on the timeline first
    2) Then append the FLAREDOP_EIS study. Adjust The number of repeats to fill
       the available time slot.
    3) Then append the context study PRY_slot_context_v3 to FLAREDOP_EIS
       to complete the sequence.
  5. Evaporation:   qub_hi-cad_flare_v1 (study ID: #464) (high telemetry) or CAM_FLARE_DIAG (study ID: #458, see above list no. 2) as lower telemetry option.
    Study 000464:
    This is a fast-raster study designed to support ground-based observations from ROSA by
    measuring plasma dynamics and density changes during solar flares over a broad range of
    temperatures. It is also a potential candidate study to use in response to the EIS flare
    TARGET: Flare
    RASTER: Scanning
    SLIT: 2"
    STEP SIZE 2"
    FOV: 104"x104"
    DURATION: 3.5 mins
    LINES: He II, O V, O VI, Mg VI, Mg VII, Fe VIII, Fe X, Fe XI, Fe XII (dens. sens. pair),
    Fe XIII (dens. sens. pair), Fe XIV (dens. sens. pair), Fe XV, Fe XVI, Fe XVII, Ca XV
    (dens. sens. pair), Fe XXIII, Fe XXIV
    VOLUME: 18 Mbits (x16 repeats = 300 Mbits per hour = 1200 Mbits for 4 hours)
    A flare producing active region (C-class flares or greater) as announced by the Max
    Millennium Chief Observers in their daily messages. The region can be anywhere on the
    solar disk.
    The scheduling of the proposed HOP is determined by the seeing conditions at Sunspot,
    NM at the time of the observing campaign (currently scheduled for 9-14 July 2011,
    inclusive). Typically, seeing conditions are optimal during the first few hours after
    sunrise (~14:00-18:00 UT). We therefore request that EIS continuously raster over the
    chosen Target of Opportunity (ToO) during this 4 hour period, whether on the disk or
    at the limb.
  6. Oscillations:   FLAREDOP_EIS (study ID: #472, see above list no. 4)
  7. Coronal (EIT) waves:   sit n stare: EITWAVE_OBSSNS (study ID: #450)
    Study 000450:
    ACRONYM: eis:eitwave_obssns
    HOP-180 SNS study
    This study is intended to be run in areas located close to the outer edges of active regions
    in order to detect the evolution of propagating EIT waves. The main aim is to study the
    plasma motions below the EIT wave fronts together with plasma density diagnostics.
    TARGET:              Surroundings of active regions
    EXPOSURE TIME:       45
    RASTER:              Sit-and-stare
    SLIT:                2"
    FOV:                 2"X512"
    RASTER DURATION:     33m 11s
    Volume:              33Mbits
    Areas located not more than 150" - 200" from the outer edge of an active region.
    Use/Instructions to planners:
    Run the observation in the following order:
    1) Run eis:eitwave_context. No. of raster repeat is 3
    2) Run eis:eitwave_obssns. Optimum number of raster repeat is 8 (or as many as possible)
       - total duration: 4h25m28s
    3) Run eis:eitwave_context. No. of raster repeat is 3
    Please chain the three runs.
    Observation run-time: 4h37m34s
    Total data volume: 270 Mbits (8 SNS runs of eis:eitwave_obssns)

  8. Slow mode oscillations in coronal flare loops:
     Studies include - A: PRY_slot_contextLITE (ID: #354);  B: Hot_loop_osci_1_v4 (ID: #489) ;  C: Hot_loop_osci_2_v4 (ID: #490)


    - pointing is to a possibly flare-productive active region on the limb.
    - for Study A, 1/3 FOV on the disk and 2/3 FOV off the limb.
    - for Studies B and C, the slit center position is set about 30-50 arcsec above the AR on the limb (close to the AR core)
    - run PRY_slot_contextLITE (ID #354); Study A
    - run Hot_loop_osci_1_v4 (ID #489); Study B, repeating for up to 5 hrs
    - run PRY_slot_contextLITE (ID #354); Study A
    - run Hot_loop_osci_2_v4 (ID #490); Study C, repeating for up to 5 hrs
    - run PRY_slot_contextLITE (ID #354); Study A
    - runs can be done in two parts: A B A as one part and A C A as the second part.
    - each sequence above should be run uninterrupted (preferably use chained studies)

    More Details:
    Note: This observation requires running three studies:
    ACRONYM:           PRY_slot_contextLITE (study ID=354)  
    ACRONYM:           Hot_loop_osci_1_v4 (ID 489)
    ACRONYM:           Hot_loop_osci_2_v4 (ID 490)
    This study is designed to detect Doppler shifts and intensity 
    variations mainly in hot coronal and flare emission lines. 
    The observation consists of three studies. Study A is using slot-40 
    to quickly scan whole AR for obtaining a context image. 
    Studies B  and C are using the repeated short raster in high 
    cadence (< 2 min) to search for flare-excited oscillations in hot 
    coronal loops, such as standing slow mode waves as observed by 
    SUMER. It also includes a  pair of density sensitive Ca XV lines 
    for density diagnostics. The study is designed to detect 
    oscillations and waves in coronal loops of T = 1-10 MK.
    #Study A: Context study
    ACRONYM:           PRY_slot_contextLITE
    TARGET:		   AR loops on the limb  
    EXPOSURE TIME:     10 s
    RASTER:            Scanning
    SLOT:              40"
    STEP SIZE:         32"
    FOV:               488"x488"
    RASTER DURATION:   3m29s
    REPEAT TIMES:      1
    #Study B:
    ACRONYM:          Hot_loop_osci_2_v4
    TARGET:           AR loops on the limb
    EXPOSURE TIME:    10 s
    RASTER:           Scanning
    SLIT:             2"
    STEP SIZE:        4"
    FOV:              38"x200"
    REPEAT TIMES:     1 
    N_LINES           8
           Ca XV, Ca XVII, Fe XII, Ca XV, Fe XVI, Fe XXIII, Fe XVII and Fe XV
    #Study C:
    ACRONYM:          Hot_loop_osci_2_v4
    TARGET:           AR loops on the limb
    EXPOSURE TIME:    10 s
    RASTER:           Scanning
    SLIT:             2"
    STEP SIZE:        4"
    FOV:              22"x200"
    REPEAT TIMES:     1
    N_LINES           8
           Ca XV (181.99), Ca XVII, Fe XII, Ca XV (200.98), Fe XVI, Fe XXIII, 
           Fe XVII and Fe XV
    Flare-productive active region on the limb, better located at the 
    eastern limb.
    For Study A, the 1/3 FOV is on the disk and 2/3 FOV off the limb.
    For Studies B and C, the slit center position is set about 
    30-50 arcsec above the AR on the limb (close to the core of the AR)
    Use/Instructions to planners:
    i)   Run Study A (ID=354) first to get a context image of AR. 
    ii)  Repeat Study B (Hot_loop_osci_1_V4) for about 5 hours, and then
         run Study A again for a context image.  
    iii) Repeat Study C (Hot_loop_osci_2_V4) for about 5 hours, and then
         run Study A again.
    iv)  Stop or repeat ii) and iii) once more if possible. 
    Note: The above 10 hrs observations are better not interrupted.
    We hope to make observations of at least 10 hrs every day
    (better 20 hrs/day if allowed), and last for 4-5 days so we can 
    track the AR passing from behind the limb to the front disk to 
    catch loops of different sizes and different parts of loops
    during this period. 
    The sequence above should be run uninterrupted (preferably use chained 
    studies), i.e. append to highlighted entry.

  9. Low Temperature Flare Plasma::   CORE_FLARE_TR120x120 (study ID: #473)
    Study 000473:
    Study is focussed on low temperature transition lines. 
    It could be run 180 times for a total of about 10.5h (610Mb). 
    For comparison, the HH_flare_raster_v2 can be run 127 times for 12.7h (600 Mb). 
    Compared to many other studies, e.g. HH_flare_raster_v2, this study includes 
    the He II and a good range of TR lines.
    It has the Fe XIV density diagnostic, and possibly O V.
    SLIT          : 2"
    STEP_SIZE     : 4"
    FOV           : 120"x120"
    DATA COMP.    : JPEG85
    DATA volume   : 3406 kBits (18.4 kBits/s)
    Point at the core of an active region observed on disc within a few days of 
    central meridian passage.
    Instructions to Planners
    Study should be run continuously for about 10 hours or more on a flare-active AR.

  10. Limb Flares::   SI_Venus_slit_v2 (study ID: #482)
    Study 000482:
    ACRONYM: SI_Venus_slit_v2
    Study will be used to clearly detect outflow or eruptive phenomena.			       
    Observe limb AR likely to flare.		            
    Aim is to study reconnection outflow including non-equilibrium plasma and 
    to measure the difference between T (ion) and T (electron).
    SLIT:		2”
    STEP SIZE:	Sit-and-Stare
    FOV:		2” x 256”
    DATA COMP:	DPCM – use e.g. JPEG85 if TLM is limited
    DURATION:	2m 9s
    DATA VOLUME:	7.5 Mbit
    Beyond the limb (~ 100 arc sec) sit-and-stare observation is required
    Instructions to Planners
    1. Obtain context image with PRY_slot_contextLITE. 
    2. Run for as long as allowed by available telemetry
    3. Avoid eclipses.

  11. Flare Kernals::   PRY_flare_1 (study ID: #498)
    Study 000498:
    ACRONYM: PRY_flare_1
    Study is intended to take spectra of flare kernels that appear during the rise phase of 
    a flare. 
    The parameters have been chosen based on lessons learnt from the data set analyzed by 
    Young et al. (2012, arXiv:1212.4388).
    EXPOSURE TIME:		10.4s									  
    SLIT:			1”
    STEP SIZE:		4”
    FOV:			40”x120”
    DATA VOLUME:		1.3 Mbit
    DATA RATE:		7.2 kb/s
    Point at flare kernel 
    Instructions to Planners                              
    1. A potential site for flare kernels should be chosen. Kernels appear near sunspots,
    but not within the umbra. A magnetically complex region close to the neutral line but near 
    sunspots is appropriate. The active region should be on the disk and preferably close to 
    the central meridian.
    2. A context raster (e.g., PRY_slot_context_v3) should be run before and after the sequence of 
    PRY_flare_1 rasters.