Solar Orbiter
The Solar Orbiter is a spacecraft which will follow an elliptic orbit very close to the Sun allowing an unprecedented view of the polar regions. It will carry two instrument packages.
These include Solar remote sensing instruments to directly view the Sun from close, high latitudes making observations of the solar atmosphere at high temporal and spatial resolutions, with the Heliospheric in-situ instruments making measurements of the currently unexplored inner heliosphere.
Results from solar missions like Helios, SOHO, Trace, Ulysees and Yohkoh have helped to develop our understanding of the Solar Wind, Corona and Heliosphere. In order to increase this understanding of solar and heliospheric physics, in-situ measurements, high-resolution imagery and spectroscopy much closer to the Sun, from both near-Sun and out-of-ecliptic perspectives are needed.
The Solar Orbiter will provide the medium through which such information can be obtained.
We are currently working on a design to be put forward as the High Resolution Imager on board SO. Details of which are given here. Please contact us if you are interested in joining the consortium.
If you would like to see further information on both the wavelength selection for the proposed High resolution Imager and details on the data deconvolution required, please follow this link.Wavelength selection & Data Deconvolution.
This page last modified 6 July 2009 by