Space weather:
a dialogue between scientists and forecasters
Space weather:
a dialogue between scientists and forecasters
Space weather:
a dialogue between scientists and forecasters
The inclusion of space weather in the National Risk Assessment in 2012 means that there is now an urgent need for dialogue between those doing the science of space weather and those using the data to forecast, understand and mitigate the risks.
Since the Sun is currently at the peak of its cycle - a time when space weather events become more frequent - we have a timely opportunity to study how a range of solar activity ultimately lead to magnetospheric, ionospheric and ground level disturbances.
The goal of this meeting is to bring together those working across the broad range of space weather activities in the UK to discuss the current status of observations and recent new advances in the theories and models of the phenomena of space weather.
Meeting date: Friday 13th December, 2013.
Meeting organisers:
•Dr. Deb Baker, UCL/Mullard Space Science Laboratory
•Dr. Lucie Green, UCL/Mullard Space Science Laboratory
•Prof. Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi, UCL/Mullard Space Science Laboratory
•Prof. Steve Milan, University of Leicester