Royal Astronomical Society
Mullard Space Science Laboratory

University College of London
Department of Physics

University of Padova


Isolated Neutron Stars:

from the  Interior to the Surface


April 24-28, 2006, London, UK

    First announcement

    Welcome to the homepage of the meeting  ISOLATED NEUTRON STARS: FROM THE INTERIOR   TO THE SURFACE, which will be held in LONDON, UK, in April 2006.

    Please access "calendar" in the above menu to learn about the deadlines.

    Click on "participants" if you want information about the registered participants, and on "info"  to learn about venue, transport, hotels, social events and links of interest.  The section "proceedings" will inform you about the rules for publishing your contributed paper in the Proceedings of the Conference.

                                                                 IMPORTANT  COMMUNICATIONS:

    NEW:  Informations about proceedings are now available ! DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 30th JUNE

    NEW:  For  instructions about how to prepare your Talks and Posters, click here

    NEW:   Presentations are available as PDF files under "participants".  If you don't see yours, please e-mail us the file.

    Looking forward to seeing you in London

    The SOC  and the LOC

    SOC Conference e-mail (for science-related questions) :

          LOC Conference e-mail (for non science-related questions):

poster in A2 format (pdf file,  2MB)
poster in A4 format (pdf file, 612 KB)


Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)