The Electronic Workshop
The Electronic Workshop (EWS) undertakes the construction of flight electronic assemblies including wiring harnesses. Most of the assemblies are based on high density PCBs with an increasing amount of surface mount components.
Due to the relatively low volume and very high standards of work required, assembly is carried out using a mixture of proven manual techniques and surface mount assembly machines. The staff have all undertaken training courses run by the European Space Agency (ESA) for hand soldering (and rework), surface mount assembly, inspection and crimp wiring construction.
Surface Mount Assembly Equipment

Essemtec FLX2010V pick and place machine
Key Features:
1. COGNEX Vision system
2. Place components from 0201 to 50mm square
3. Laser and vision centering for accurate placement down to 0.3mm 12thou pitch
4. Recognition of PCB reference marks to align the PCB
5. Max Board size 450mm x 350mm |

IBL SLC504 Vapour Phase reflow oven
Key features:
1. IR pre heat for high mass PCBs
2. Rapid cooling system to shorten time from soldering to solidification of the solder joint
3. PC control of temperature profile
4. Four thermocouples to monitor different temperatures around the PCB
5. Max Board size 540mm x 340mm |

Essemtec SP003 Semi-automatic Stencil printer
Specific equipment for bending and cropping the leads of surface mount IC packages has been procured. Other specialist equipment includes Metcal soldering irons, with very good tip temperature stability, a de-golding pot, solder bath and a stereo microscope with a 360 degree rotating turret that allows solder joints to be inspected from every viewing angle, without moving the assembly.
Elite Engineering Pneumatic
Flat pack lead forming system |
Vision Engineering TS4 Inspection System |


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This page last modified
18 September, 2007
by Martin de la Nougerede