Mullard Space Science Laboratory
01 June 2005MSSL advises industry on technology planning
Members of MSSL's newly formed Technology Management Group presented papers and a workshop at the International Council on Systems Engineering UK spring conference. Michael Emes, Steve Welch and Matt Whyndham presented papers and a workshop based around the theme of improving technology planning and systems engineering in a range of industries.
Michael presented a day-long workshop at the start of the conference, with contributions from Steve and Matt. This workshop drew upon several years' experience running technology planning exercises in space, pharmaceuticals, and farming sectors. Drawing on ideas from technology management, marketing and business strategy, the workshop gave participants a recipe for running their own technology planning workshops.
The papers discussed how lessons learnt from systems engineering in the space sector at MSSL can be applied to industry, and how new technologies can be introduced smoothly and efficiently into business. The latter followed a 3 year project run by UCL which studied the introduction of new technologies in pharmaceuticals and farming.
The event was attended by industry, academia and government sector workers.
Michael said, "This is the first time that MSSL has presented a full day professional tutorial at a conference, and our workshop was well received. Over the last few years we have developed considerable expertise in technology management, a capability that we plan to exploit both for MSSL space missions and externally. Tomorrow, Steve and I are running a technology planning exercise for the Geomatic Engineering department at UCL."
Michael EmesLMG.
Notes to Editors:
Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL
MSSL is situated in Holmbury St Mary between Dorking and Guildford, and is the Space and Climate Physics Department of University College London. The Group moved from London to Holmbury St Mary in 1965 after Holmbury House was purchased with funds donated by the Mullard electronics company. 150 scientists work at MSSL across 5 groups; solar and stellar physics, planetary and plasma physics, astrophysics, detector physics and climate physics. The laboratory houses world-class facilities to design, build and test instrumentation as well as analyse the data taken by the instruments in space.
Dr Lucie Green
Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Tel: 01483 204100 (Switchboard)