Div II WG: International Data Access  
(Solar & Heliospheric Data)

Members of the Working Group

The table shows the members of the IAU Div. II Working Group on International Data Access.

Name Representing email
Robert Bentley United Kingdom, EGSO (Chair) rdbmssl.ucl.ac.uk
André Csillaghy Switzerland, HEDC andre.csillaghyfhnw.ch
Nadége Meunier France, BASS2000 meunierbagn.obs–mip.fr
Christian Jaquey France, CDPP and CESR Christian.Jacqueycesr.fr
Chris Harvey France, CESR Chris.Harveycesr.fr
Mauro Messerotti Italy messerottioats.inaf.it
Kevin Reardon Italy kreardonarcetri.astro.it
Chris Perry UK Chris.Perrystfc.ac.uk
Luis Sanchez Duarte ESA, ESAC Luis.Sanchezsciops.esa.int
Hongqi Zhang China hzhangbao.ac.cn
Masumi Shimojo Japan shimojonro.nao.ac.jp
Alexander Stepanov Russia stepanovgao.spb.ru
Frank Hill USA, NSO & VSO hillnoao.edu
Helen E. Coffey - retired! USA, NOAA Helen.E.Coffeynoaa.gov
Neal Hurlburt USA, CoSEC hurlburtlmsal.com
Peter Fox USA, VSTO pfoxcs.rpi.edu
Aaron Roberts USA, VSPO aaron.robertsgsfc.nasa.gov
Dominic Zarro USA, SOHO zarrosmmdac.nascom.nasa.gov
Adam Szabo USA, VHO and LWS Adam.Szabogsfc.nasa.gov
Dave Webb Div. II, IAU David.Webbhanscom.af.mil
Franciose Genova/
Bob Hanisch
Partner in HELIO
Institution involved

Note that the remit of the Working Group was expanded to include heliospheric as well as solar data and the group may be enlarged if needed.