References for Coordinate Transformations
This page lists some references that give useful information on methods for
transforming vectors and tensors between different space physics coordinate
General papers
- C.T. Russell, (1971) "Geophysical Coordinate
Cosmic. Electrodyn. 2, 184-196
- M.A. Hapgood, (1992) "Space Physics Coordinate
Transformations: A User Guide", Planet. Space Sci. 40,
711-717 (but see correction note in
Hapgood (1997)).
- M.A. Hapgood, (1995) "Space physics coordinate
transformations: the role of precession", Annales Geophysicae, 13,
- M.A. Hapgood, (1997) "Corrigendum to
Space Physics Coordinate Transformations: A User Guide",
Planet. Space Sci. 45, 1047.
Reference works
- The Almanac for Computers published each
year by the US Naval Observatory
contains many useful formulae for calculating many of the rotation angles used
in space physics coordinate transformations.
- The Astronomical Almanac jointly published each
year by the US Naval Observatory and the UK
Nautical Almanac Office contains
much useful information on formulae used in coordinate transformations.
- The Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical
Almanac published in 1992 contains more detailed information. The old 1961
edition, which was published as the Explanatory Supplement to the
Astronomical Emphemeris, is still widely available and remains a useful
- Practical Astronomy with your Calculator by
Peter Duffett-Smith, first published in 1979 by Cambridge University Press,
gives an excellent short introduction to some of the astronomical calculations
underlying space physics coordinate transformations. A version of this book for
personal computers is also available.
Geomagnetic models
- International Association of Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy (IAGA) Division V - Working Group 8, (1996) "International
Geomagnetic Reference Field, 1995 revision", Geophys, J. Int. 125,
- Thompson, R. and Barraclough, D.R., (1982) "Geomagnetic
secular variation based on spherical harmonic and cross validation analyses of
historical and archaeomagnetic data", J. Geomag. Geoelectr. 34,
Boundary normal systems
- Russell, C.T. and Elphic R.C., (1978) "Initial
ISEE magnetometer results: magnetopause observations", Space Sci. Rev.
22, 681-715.
- Sonnerup, B.U.Ö., (1976) "Magnetopause and
boundary layer", in Physics of Solar-Planetary Environments (ed.
D.J. Williams, pub. American Geophysical Union), 541-557.
- Sonnerup, B.U.Ö. and Cahill, L.J. Jr., (1967) "Magnetopause
structure and attitude from Explorer 12 observations", J.
Geophys. Res. 72, 171-183. (See pages 173-175 for a discussion of
boundary normal determination by minimum variance.)
Other reports
- Bhavnani, K.H. and Vancour, R.P. (1991) Coordinate Systems for
Space and Geophysical Applications, Report PL-TR-91-2296, Phillips
Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731-5000, USA. This report gives a
comprehensive review of a large number of coordinate systems. It also has an
extensive glossary of terms.
This page was last updated on 4 February 2002 by
Mike Hapgood (Email: