This is a newly created part of the MSSL website that is still very much in its infancy. I hope that this will grow into an on-line library of documents and photographs relating to the history of MSSL, the projects, and the people who have worked here over the years.
The first contribution to these pages was made by John Raymont, who sadly passed away in November 2004. John was part of the 'Rocket Group' at UCL, who relocated to Holmbury St. Mary in 1965, so it is quite fitting that his memoirs become the first cornerstone of this project.
MdN, January 2005
• John's Retirement Speech
• John's Memoirs
• 1966 - Plans for a new building at Holmbury
If you feel that you would like to make a contribution to these pages, or if you have any suggestions or corrections, please contact me.
This page last modified
17 April, 2008
by Martin de la Nougerede