1.1 Getting SUMER Software
1.2 Getting SUMER Data
1.3 Updating SUMER Software
SUMER IDL software is now SolarSoft (SSW) compliant. This
means that many useful SUMER display and analysis programs are
maintained and distributed as part of a general package that incorporates
software from other SOHO instruments (e.g. CDS, EIT, MDI
), other solar missions ( Yohkoh, TRACE ), and many
ground-based observatories.
The SSW software is already installed on most
EOF and EAF UNIX systems at GSFC. To check, type:
At this site, you will complete a form to request the SUMER
software package, and (optionally) software for additional instruments.
The SUMER SSW package is currently optimized for running on
a UNIX system.
Once you have successfully installed the package, it will be useful
to make
the following definitions in your
.login file:
If you are at Goddard Space Flight Center, then you will find SUMER FITS files stored
locally on the SOHO_ARCHIVE disks.
To check whether this is the case, type:
to download FITS files to a local directory.
The master (and, hence, most current) versions of
SUMER software and accompanying database and catalog files are maintained at
the SOHO Archive at GSFC. In order to obtain the latest versions
of these files, it is recommended that you frequently update
your local software copy with the master version.
The slow way to do this is to reinstall the software over the
network as described in section 1.1.
A faster, more efficient method is to use the PERL mirror program
that comes installed with the SUMER SSW package. This program will
update only newer versions of files. To run it, type the following:
The /spawn keyword is necessary to actually "spawn" the
mirror command. Note that PERL version 5 needs to be installed on your system for
the mirror upgrade to work.
1.1 Getting SUMER Software
which should return the "top" or root directory in which SSW is
installed. If $SSW is not defined, check with your systems administrator
for the root directory (usually /solarsoft) in which SSW may
have been installed.
If you don't already have SSW installed at your
site, then you can download it from
the Lockheed mirror site at:
printenv SSW
where top is the directory name in which SSW is installed.
The definition sidl is an alias that you can use to run IDL
without conflicting with existing IDL setups on your system.
In addition, there is a useful WWW
interface for
searching all the software (including SUMER) contained within
setenv SSW top
alias sidl $SSW/gen/ssw_load
1.2 Getting SUMER Data
which should return the top directory containing SUMER FITS files.
You can access the files on these disks
using IDL procedures described in
section 2.. If the SOHO-ARCHIVE disks are not
available locally then you can use
the SOHO main catalog interface at:
1.3 Updating SUMER Software
IDL> ssw_upgrade,/spawn
where tstart and tend are the search times. This routine will return FITS filenames between the input search times (inclusive). If an end time is not entered, then all the files for the day corresponding to start time will be returned. The optional keyword /nearest can be used to locate the filename that is nearest to the start time. The optional keyword /flat can be used to locate only flatfield files. |
If the input filename does not contain a directory pathname, then the rd_sumer will search your local directory first and then the SOHO-ARCHIVE for the file. |
where index and data are structures returned by rd_sumer. The keyword flatfield_filename is the (optional) name of the SUMER flatfield file to be used. If the latter is not entered, sumer_flatfield will search for the flatfield file that is nearest in time to the input data. |
Note that flatfielding must be performed before destretching. |
![]() Reading, flatfielding, and destretching are combined in the program sumer_calib:
If you have already read the data file, then you can input the index and data structures directly:
A user-specified flatfield file can be entered via the flat keyword. |
![]() The data structures produced by the above processing routines can be saved into machine portable XDR-format file via:
where file and dir are optional names for the output file and directory location, respectively. By default, the output file will be written to the current directory with the same original FITS file name but with a .genx extension. For example, an original file named sum_960516_052729.fits would become sum_960516_052729.genx. The latter file can be read back using rd_sumer. |
The output variable is a map structure that contains a SUMER image created by summing over wavelength. Setting the keyword /peak creates an image based on the peak intensity of the selected line. The image can be plotted by using the procedure plot_map:
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