Step #3            Configuring the IDL Startup File

1.)    Start IDL by using the "Start" menu at the lower left corner of your screen.

2.)    In IDL, from the "File" pull down menu select "Preferences...".

3.)    Open the "Startup" tab and delete the "Startup file:" entry.  Do not delete the "IDL Main directory:" entry.

4.)    Click "Apply" and "OK" then exit from IDL.

5.)    In the ssw directory locate the file named sswidl.bat  and open it for editing in Notepad.  If you have installed SSW on your c: drive, you will find it here:        c:\ssw\site\setup\sswidl.bat

6.)    If you have your own IDL startup file which you would  prefer to use, locate the following line below, delete the "rem " in front of it and modify the path to point to the location of your personal IDL startup file:
rem set SSW_PERSONAL_STARTUP=c:\idl_ssw\

7.)    (Optional)   Users can also add additional instruments to the following line:
set SSW_INSTR=hessi xray spex

8.)    Save the changes and exit Notepad.

Create a shortcut on your desktop to the sswidl.bat file located in the ssw directory (refer again to step #5 above).

10.)  Right click on the newly created desktop shortcut and click "Properties".

11.) Click the "Memory" tab at the top of the "Shortcut" panel.

12.) Change the "Initial Environment" setting to 2560.

13.) Click "Apply" then click "OK".

More information is available.

Important:  In order to use the SSW software, these changes require that you always start an IDL session by double clicking on the desktop shortcut to the sswidl.bat file.


Continue to Step #4                    Return to the main Page

Responsible government official:    Brian Dennis

                 Web design:    Merrick Berg 
This site last updated: September/29th/2000