Weekly Notes from the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope (Week 45)

07-Nov-97 06:00 UT

Instrument Status

The Soft X-ray Telescope remains in fine working order. This week saw a marked increase in activity, with region AR8100 growing and flaring. This region raised the X-ray background from B to mid-C level, and produced numerous M flares, and even two large X flares.

A more detailed report of this week's activities is available here.

Observation of the Week

The big event this week was the tremendous activity from region AR8100. As seen in the graph below, which shows the X-ray level over the last several days, this energetic region raised the background level from the low-B to the mid-C level, and produced many large flares. (Click on the graph to see a larger, more visible, version.)

The largest flare is the one seen at 11:55 UT on 06-Nov. This very sharp impulsive flare was well observed by SXT; a movie of full Sun images around the time of the flares is viewable at URL:


Analysis of SXT and HXT images, light curves, and temperature maps is now ongoing.

D. McKenzie 07-Nov-97 (email mckenzie@isass0.solar.isas.ac.jp)