SUMMARY OF FALSE FLARES ON 13-JAN-99 ------------------------------------ We had some false flare events on 13-jan. They appear to be attributable to (1) enhanced levels of energetic particles and (2) South Atlantic Anomaly. The falsely triggered flare modes captured many fast-cadence images of apparently empty patches of Sun, although some good images were also acquired. One of the false flare triggers appears to be due to action by RBM. The first flare mode was triggered at 18:48, when Yohkoh was over the mid-Pacific. There was a slow rise in SXS signal due to the presence of energetic particles and/or auroral X-rays. The flare mode images are pointed at disk center, presumably because there was no flaring region in the patrol image. At the same time RBM signal was increasing. Very soon after 18:48, RBM reached its threshold to shut down the high voltages, taking WBS and HXT down. WBS/HXT would remain off until 19:00 UT. A real flare occurred during this time, but because WBS was off there was no flare flag. When SXS was turned on again by RBM at 19:00, flare mode was triggered immediately. Apparently RBM signal dropped below its critical threshold while SXS signal was still high enough to sound the flare alarm. Images caught the declining phase of a flare on the NE limb. The next false flare was at 20:48, and is due to SAA. Due to enhanced level of activity, the SAA apparently extended halfway out into the Pacific. The images were pointed at region on the northeast limb again, until 21:10. From 21:10 to 21:20 the images were pointed just north of disk center. Next false flare was at 22:36, and again is due to SAA. Images were pointed at northeast limb region.