Production of Li-7 and Be-7 in Solar Flares

Posted:  27-Jan-97
Events specified:  Flares of 27-Oct-91 05:40 UT and 15-Nov-91 22:37 UT

M.Yoshimori(, S,V.Bogovalov, O.V.Endalova and Yu.D.Kotov

Production of Li, Be and B is one of unresolved problems in astrophysics. These elements are not produced through chains of nuclear reactions in stellar interiors. Two mechanisms of Li, Be and B production has been proposed so far. One is spallation of interstellar matter by cosmic rays and the other is creation in big bang. We investigate the possiblility of Li and Be element production from nonthermal nuclear reactions during solar flares. Yohkoh observed two events which revealed Li and Be lines at 429 and 478 keV, respectively. These lines are produced from He + He reactions. We estimate the Li and Be abundances from these two line fluxes and discuss the origin of these elements on the sun.

Required observations:WBS