- We have used the polarimetric observations of the polar RE J1844-74 taken
from Ramsay et. al. (1996) (Figure 2, blue error bars)
- This system has linear and circular polarized flux. The presence of both
negative and positive circular polarization suggests two emission regions.
- The red smooth curve in figure 2 is the optimised model fit.
- Figure 3 is the predicated shape of the emission regions.
- There appears to be a main extended emission region responsible for the
negative circularly polarised flux and a point like region responsible for the
positive circularly polarised flux.
- The location of the emission regions are similar to that estimated by
Ramsay et al. (1996). However, our optimisation technique predicts regions that
are more extended rather than long and thin.

Stephen Potter
Thu Jul 31 14:44:15 BST 1997