Astrophysics Journal Club 2007
2007 organiser: Alex Blustin
Current year's journal club schedule
Calendar May to December 2007 |
Date |
Title |
Speaker |
9 May Ariel House |
(1) A clumping independent diagnostic of stellar mass-loss rates: rapid clump destruction in adiabatic colliding winds (Pittard, astro-ph/0703617v1), and Radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray emission models of the colliding-wind binary WR140 (Pittard and Dougherty, 2006) (2) Pair production with neutrinos in an intense background magnetic field (Dicus et al., arXiv:0704.1695) |
Kinwah Wu Alex Blustin |
23 May Ariel House |
Models of Neutrino Mass and Neutrino Interactions with the Planck Satellite (Friedland, Zurek, Bashinsky; arXiv:0704.3271) |
Houri Ziaeepour |
6 Jun Ariel House |
The core binary fractions of star clusters from realistic simulations (Hurley, Aarseth, Shara; arXiv:0704.0290v1) |
Curtis Saxton |
20 Jun Ariel House |
Search for Tidal Dwarf Galaxy Candidates in a Sample of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (A. Monreal-Ibrero et al. astro-ph/0706.1145)
Patricia Schady
4 July (3:30 pm, note time) |
AGN dust tori at low and high luminosities (Hoenig and Beckert
Graziella Branduardi-Raymont |
18 July
No journal club
1 Aug
Incompatibility of long-period neutron star precession with creeping neutron vortices (B. Link, astro-ph/0608319)
Silvia Zane
15 Aug
Cosmological Magnetic Field: A Fossil of Density Perturbation in the Early Universe (Ichiki K. et al., 2006, Science, 311, 827)
Kinwah Wu
29 Aug Library |
Retaining black holes with very large recoil velocities (J.D. Schnittman,
Astro-ph 0706.1548v1)
Dave Vande Putte
12 Sep Ariel House (3 pm, note time) |
Ram pressure stripping of disc galaxies orbiting in clusters: I mass and radius of the remaining gas disc (E. Roediger and M. Brueggen, arXiv:0707.2698v1)
Kinwah Wu
26 Sep
Cosmic shear measurements
Houri Ziaeepour
Thursday 11 Oct (Note change of day) |
Bursty stellar populations and obscured AGN in galaxy bulges (Wild et al. arXiv:0706.3113)
Ignacio Ferreras
24 Oct
Formation, Survival, and Destruction of Vortices in Accretion Disks (Yoram Lithwick arXiv:0710.3868)
Curtis Saxton
7 Nov Library |
Our Search for an H-R Diagram of Quasars (Sulentic, J. W. et al. arXiv:0709.2499v1)
Kinwah Wu
21 Nov Ariel House |
Sustainability: A Tedious Path to Galactic Colonization (Y. Dutil and S. Dumas arXiv:0711.1777))
Alex Blustin
6 Dec (Thursday) Ariel House |
The distance to the Orion nebula (K. M. Menten et al., astro-ph 0709.0485v1)
Dave Vande Putte
19 Dec Library |
The observational legacy of preon stars-probing new physics beyond the LHC (F. Sandin, J. Hansson; astro-ph 0701768)
Vladimir Yershov
Journal club schedules in other years: