Results in X-ray Astronomy 2016
Wednesday 28 September 2016
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission has now closed and the programme of talks is available here. Abstracts for talks and posters at the meeting are listed below.
- SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer): X-ray imaging of the Sun-Earth connection
Graziella Branduardi-Raymont (MSSL-UCL)
SMILE is a novel space mission, under development, dedicated to study
the dynamic coupling of the solar wind with the Earth’s magnetosphere
in a global way never attempted before. From a highly elliptical Earth
orbit SMILE will obtain X-ray images of the magnetosheath and polar
cusps simultaneously with UV images of the Northern aurora, while
making in situ solar wind/magnetosheath plasma and magnetic field
measurements. X-ray imaging of the dayside magnetosheath and cusps is
now possible thanks to the relatively recent discovery of solar wind
charge exchange X-ray emission, first observed at comets, and
subsequently found to occur in the vicinity of the Earth’s
magnetosphere. SMILE will turn this unwanted background for
astronomical observations into a diagnostic tool for the study of
solar-terrestrial interactions, enabling us to trace and link the
processes of solar wind injection in the magnetosphere with particle
precipitation into the cusps and the aurora. SMILE is the first fully
collaborative space mission from design to in-orbit operations between
ESA and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with a payload provided by
European, Canadian and Chinese institutes, and is due for launch in
2021. This presentation will cover the science that SMILE will deliver
and its impact, together with an overview of its payload and of the
mission’s development.
- Does the Solar Wind Create Jupiter’s X-ray Aurora?
Will Dunn (MSSL-UCL) Jupiter’s
soft X-ray aurora is produced by charge exchange from MeV/amu ions that
precipitate into Jupiter’s atmosphere. It remains a mystery how Jupiter
can generate the MeV energies needed to produce this aurora.
Recently, Jupiter’s soft X-ray aurora was found to show correlations
with solar wind conditions. This suggests that the driver process of
the X-ray emission may relate to the solar wind. However, the nature of
the relationship between the Jovian magnetosphere and the solar wind
remains in question. To better constrain the connection between solar
wind parameters and the spatial, spectral and temporal X-ray
signatures, we analyse Chandra and XMM-Newton campaigns from
2007. At the time of these observations, the New Horizons
spacecraft was conducting in-situ measurements upstream of Jupiter. We
are particularly interested in learning about the causes of charge
exchange and periodic X-ray emissions from non-planetary sources. Given
the opportunity to connect in-situ environments with the observed X-ray
emission at Jupiter, inter-disciplinary comparisons could help to
constrain the X-ray drivers for Jupiter and a wide-range of other
astrophysical environments.
- Modelling decretion disc interactions in Be X-ray binaries with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Rory Brown (Southampton) Be/X-ray
binaries are one of the largest populations of HMXBs that we currently
observe. They are systems that contain a compact object and a Be star,
with the latter ejecting matter into a large circumstellar disk where
it can accrete on to the compact object and produce X-ray
emission. We use smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations to
model the disk and its interactions in Be/neutron star binaries.
I will discuss our model predictions for optical spectra, in particular
Halpha profiles, which can be used to test whether the Be disk is
behaving as expected.
- Multiwavelength monitoring and X-ray brightening of Be X-ray binary PSR J2032+4127/MT91 213 on its approach to periastron
Wynn Ho (Southampton) The
radio and gamma-ray pulsar PSR J2032+4127 was recently found to be in a
decades-long orbit with the Be star MT91 213, with the pulsar moving
rapidly toward periastron. This binary shares many similar
characteristics with the previously unique binary system PSR
B1259-63/LS 2883. Therefore we launched a campaign of radio,
X-ray, and optical monitoring of PSR J2032+4127/MT91 213, and these
observations will allow us to use this system as an interesting test
case and comparison to PSR B1259-63/LS 2883. Here I describe how
our radio data, supplemented by Fermi gamma-ray data, allowed us to
update and refine the orbital period to 45-50 yr and time of periastron
passage to November 2017. I also present our analysis of archival and
recent Chandra and Swift observations and show that PSR J2032+4127/MT91
213 is now brighter in X-rays by a factor of ~70 since 2002 and ~20
since 2010. While the pulsar is still far from periastron, this
increase in X-rays is possibly due to collisions between pulsar and Be
star winds.
- Polarization properties in the X-ray and optical bands of the emission from X-ray dim isolated neutron stars
Denis González-Caniulef (MSSL-UCL)
The state of the matter in
the surface of strongly magnetized neutron stars, such as XDINSs (X-ray
dim isolated neutron stars) is under debate. In particular, the strong
magnetic field may drive a phase transition, turning a gaseous
atmosphere into a condense metallic surface. We study the polarization
properties of the thermal emission from XDINSs considering both a
gaseous atmosphere and a condensed surface, as well as QED effects
induced by the magnetic field in the vacuum that surrounds the stars.
We compute the phase-averaged polarization fraction and polarization
angle in the X-ray and optical band in the case of the brightest XDINS,
RX J1856.5-3754. We found that combined X-ray and optical polarimetry
observations can allow us to determine whether this neutron star has an
atmosphere or condensed surface.
- No Evidence for a low-mass black hole in Swift J1753.5-0127
Aaran Shaw (Southampton) Recent
observations of the candidate black hole X-ray transient Swift
J1753.5-0127 have led to claims that the system contains a low-mass
black hole (< 5M⊙) from the measurement of features in its optical
spectrum that are apparently associated with the companion star. If
confirmed with a dynamical measurement of the mass this would have
serious implications for the so-called ‘mass gap’ - the apparent dearth
of compact objects in the mass range 2 − 5M⊙. The mass gap raises
questions about the supernova formation scenarios of X-ray binaries and
therefore the search for a genuine low-mass black hole is of great
impor- tance. I present here high-resolution, time-resolved optical
spectroscopy of Swift J1753.5-0127. The optical spectra do not show
features that can be associated with the companion star. However, I do
observe broad, double-peaked emission lines, typical of an accretion
disc. I instead show that the mass of the compact object is likely >
7.4 ± 1.2M⊙ , much higher than previous suggestions of a low-mass black
- Differential precession of the inner accretion flow onto black holes
Jakob van den Eijnden (Cambridge) The
X-ray emission of black hole X-ray binaries regularly shows
quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), that originate from the close
proximity of the black hole. As such, QPOs trace the behaviour of the
accreted material in the most extreme gravitational environments.
However, the physical origin of the QPO is still subject of debate: it
could either be geometric, arising from systematic changes in the
accretion geometry, or intrinsic, resulting from modulations in
intrinsic properties of the accretion flow. I will discuss two novel
approaches to understanding the QPO origin, both investigating the
observed lag between the QPO signal at different X-ray energies. First,
we have studied this lag in a sample of accreting black holes. We find
that the sign of the lag significantly depends on the binary orbit
inclination, strongly suggesting a geometric QPO origin. In addition,
we have studied the short-timescale evolution of the QPO lag in the
source GRS 1915+105. Unexpectedly, we find that the lag increases
systematically, resetting after a handful of QPO cycles. Based on these
results, we formulate a geometric toy model for the QPO: differential
vertical precession of the inner accretion flow.
- The February 2016 outburst of recurrent Nova LMC 1968
Paul Kuin (MSSL-UCL) This
recurrent nova with a recurrence time of 6 years was observed by Swift,
both by XRT and UVOT starting day 2 after its discovery. We have daily
UV grism spectra until day 9, and the Super-Soft X-ray Spectrum started
after day 5.8. There was a rapid decay in brightness just like seen in
the five earlier outbursts. An orbital period from OGLE observations
whas been used to study orbital changes in the UV and X-ray emission
also.The X-ray spectra have been modeled by a BB spectrum and we find
that the luminosity remains below the Eddington luminosity of a 1.3Msun
white dwarf.
- The 80 Ms follow up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A
Sam Oates (Warwick) GRB
130427A was the brightest gamma-ray burst detected in the last 30
years. With an isotropic energy release of 8.5×1053 erg and redshift of
0.34, it combined very high energetics with a relative proximity to
Earth in an unprecedented fashion. Sensitive X-ray observatories such
as Swift, XMM-Newton and Chandra have detected the afterglow of this
burst for a record-breaking timescale longer than 80 million seconds.
The light curve shows a simple power-law decay over more than three
decades in time. We consider the consequences of this result for a few
models proposed so far to interpret GRB 130427A and, more in general,
we investigate the repercussions of this outcome in the context of the
standard forward shock model.
- The early optical afterglow and non-thermal components of GRB 060218
Sam Emery (MSSL-UCL) A
model that provides an explanation for the multi-wavelength
observations was constructed for GRB 060218. The model is composed of a
low-luminosity jet, which penetrates through its progenitor envelope
after core-collapse. The jet later interacts with the surrounding
medium to produce the optical-UV external shock synchrotron emission,
which is observable in the initial 2000 s. Optical-UV and X-ray thermal
blackbody radiation are emitted from the optically thick photosphere at
R ~ 10^(13) cm. The model is similar to that of Toma et al. (2007) and
Irwin & Chevalier (2015) as it requires a jet penetrated through
the progenitor envelope. Furthermore, the results of the study support
the claims by Toma et al. (2007) that the early optical-UV emission is
produced by the external shock of a jet. The observed optical-UV and
X-ray emission in the initial 10^(5) s are both consistent with those
expected in this model. This model could be applied to other
low-luminosity GRBs, as the optical-UV afterglow has not been observed
before in this sub-class of GRBs.
- NuSTAR observations reveal a new heavily Compton thick AGN with strong iron fluorescence
Peter Boorman (Southampton) Modelling
the peak cosmic X-ray background flux requires a considerable
contribution from heavily obscured (Compton thick) AGN.
Identifying and classifying such sources is challenging even in the
local Universe due to photoelectric absorption and Compton scattering
that can deplete most of the direct X-ray flux, especially below ~10
keV. Hard X-ray observations are vital for robustly
characterising these sources, and their study has made a huge leap
thanks to NuSTAR - the first hard X-ray focusing space telescope.
This talk will highlight our recent work on IC 3639 - a Compton thick
candidate ‘unveiled’ through contiguous X-ray spectral fitting over two
decades in energy (0.5-30 keV) via the combination of NuSTAR, Suzaku
and Chandra data. Our analysis finds a very strong neutral iron
Kα fluorescence line, with an equivalent width of 2.9 +2.8/-1.3 keV, as
well as a very high ratio of intrinsic to observed X-ray flux, which
are unique amongst the local Compton thick AGN population. I will
further discuss the possibility of other such sources being uncovered
through future NuSTAR hard X-ray and Athena iron line studies, in
combination with multiwavelength (infrared and optical) diagnostic
tools, both in the local Universe and beyond.
The gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342
Daniel Kynoch (Durham) Narrow-line
Seyfert 1 galaxies have been identified by the Fermi Gamma-Ray
Space Telescope as a rare class of γ-ray emitting AGN. Here, we
present work in progress on the γ-NLS1 galaxy 1H 0323+342, one of only
eight such objects currently known. We estimate a BH mass of 2
10**7 solar masses from both the short timescale variability in our new
NuSTAR (X-ray) spectrum and from the broad Paschen and Balmer emission
line widths in our new NIR and optical spectra. With a reliable
BH mass estimate in hand, we use an energy-conserving accretion disc
model to fit the multiwavelength SED, incorporating archival Swift
UV/optical and X-ray data. 1H 0323+342 has been observed to have
a prominent accretion disc and its SED can be modelled with most of the
X-rays originating from the soft excess and coronal power-law; the jet
appears to make a significant contribution only at very hard X-ray
energies (above ~80 keV), observed in the Swift-BAT bandpass.
Unlike some previous studies of other NLS1s, we are unable to strongly
constrain the spin (hence the accretion efficiency).
Nevertheless, we determine the Eddington fraction to be in the range of
~0.5 for a Schwarzchild BH or ~1 for a Kerr BH (with a = 0.8).
Using the results from our SED modeling, we are able to estimate
contributions from the torus, broad emission line region, accretion
disc and corona. We are currently attempting to quantify
the properties of the jet component based on new radio
observations. The prominent accretion disc component and the
gamma-ray detection together make 1H 0323+342 a good laboratory for the
study of the disc-jet connection.
- Long-term X-Ray Spectral Variability in AGN from the Palomar sample
Sam Conolly (Southampton) We
present X-ray spectral variability of 24 local AGN from the Palomar
sample, as observed mainly by Swift. From hardness ratio measurements,
we find that 18 AGN with low accretion rates show hardening with
increasing count rate, converse to the softer-when-brighter behaviour
normally observed in AGN with higher accretion rates. Sufficient data
were available for the spectra of 13 AGN to be summed in flux-bins. In
9 of these sources, correlated luminosity-dependent changes in the
photon index of a power-law component are found to be the main cause of
hardness variability. For 6 objects, all with lower accretion rates,
the photon index is anticorrelated with the accretion rate. The
remaining 3 higher-accretion-rate objects show a positive correlation
between photon index and accretion rate. This transition from
harder-when-brighter at low accretion rate to softer-when-brighter at
high accretion rate can be explained by a change in the dominant source
of seed-photons for X-ray emission from cyclo-synchrotron emission from
the Comptonising corona itself to thermal seed-photons from the
accretion disc. This transition is also seen in the ‘hard state’ of
black hole X-ray binaries. The results support the idea that LINERs are
analogues of BHXRBs in the hard state and that Seyferts are analogues
of BHXRBs in either the high-accretion-rate end of the hard state or in
the hard-intermediate state.
- Ultraviolet and X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei with Swift
Douglas Buisson (Cambridge) We
study Swift data of 21 AGN to investigate their variability from
optical to X-ray energies. The variable part of the optical/UV spectrum
is consistent with a powerlaw. The average index of 2.21+-0.13 matches
that expected from central illumination of a thin disc (index of -7/3).
In 9 of the 21 sources, correlations between X-ray and UV
variability are significantly detected. These correlations are always
consistent with the UV lagging the X-rays, as expected for reprocessing
of X-ray emission. The average duration of the UV lag is consistent
with a standard thin disc or a longer lag. The non-detection of
correlations in the remaining sources may often be attributed to a lack
of data but there are some well-observed sources in which we do not
detect a correlation, perhaps due to a more complicated geometry.
- X-ray selected BAL QSOs
Mat Page (MSSL-UCL)
- General relativistic echoes in the power spectral density functions of AGN
Dimitris Emmanoulopoulos (Southampton) I
will present the results of a detailed study of the X-ray power spectra
density (PSD) functions of twelve X-ray bright AGN, using all the
archival XMM-Newton data. In a physical scenario in which X-ray
reflection occurs in the inner part of the accretion disc of AGN, the
X-ray reflection component should be a filtered echo of the X-ray
continuum signal and should be equal to the convolution of the primary
emission with the response function of the disc. My study focuses on
the reflection features in the 0.5-1 and 5-7 keV energy bands, where
the X-ray reflection fraction is expected to be dominant. I fit to the
observed periodograms with two models: a simple bending power-law model
(BPL) and a BPL model convolved with the transfer function of the
accretion disc assuming the lamp-post geometry and X-ray reflection
from a homogeneous disc. I do not find any significant indication of
the expected X-ray reflection echo signatures in the observed PSDs.
- Hitomi’s first light on Perseus cluster of galaxies
Ciro Pinto (Cambridge)
- The XMM Cluster Survey: Its not just clusters! (X-ray flashes, dark matter lines, black hole masses)
Julian Mayers (Sussex) The
XMM Cluster Survey has developed pipelines for image processing and
spectral analysis that have X-ray astronomy applications beyond
clusters of galaxies. In this talk I review our work related to
searches for X-ray flashes, to constraining the strength of dark matter
annihilation emission lines, and to the proposed correlation between
X-ray variability and black hole mass.
- Cosmology from DES Clusters: towards mass calibration via optical to X-ray scaling relations
Alberto Bermeo (Sussex) Clusters
are one of the corner stones of cosmological parameter estimation from
the Dark Energy Survey (DES). As shown by Rykoff et al. 2016, DES will
detect thousands of clusters with well-measured redshifts and galaxy
memberships. In order to realize the potential of these DES clusters
for cosmology, it is essential that the scaling between galaxy
membership and underlying halo mass is measured. This includes not only
the slope of the scaling, but its normalization, scatter, and the
evolution of those parameters. Halo mass is not a directly observable
parameter, so DES is using proxies such as weak lensing, the Sunyaev
Zeldovich effect, X-ray luminosity and X-ray temperature. In Rykoff et
al. (2016) we presented an X-ray to optical scaling analysis presented
in based on 200 sq.degrees of Science Verification observations, which
overlapped ~30 XMM observations of clusters. In this talk , we will
present results from more than 10x that area/number.
- Testing chameleon gravity models using DES weak lensing and XCS X-ray profiles
Carlos Vergara (Sussex) If
it exists, a fifth force would influence the hot X-ray emitting gas
filling the potential wells of galaxy clusters. However, it would not
influence the clusters weak lensing signal. Therefore, by comparing
X-ray and weak lensing profiles, one can place upper limits on the
strength of a fifth force. Here we extend the techniques developed in
Wilcox et al. 2015 & 2016 by applying them to the stacked profiles
of hundreds of clusters detected by both the Dark Energy Survey and the
XMM Cluster Survey.
Athena update
Mike Watson (Leicester)
XIPE the X-ray Imaging Polarimetry Explorer
Silvia Zane (MSSL-UCL)
XIPE, the X-ray
Imaging Polarimetry Explorer, is a mission dedicated to X-ray
Astronomy. At the time of writing XIPE is in a competitive phase A as
fourth medium size mission of ESA (M4). It promises to reopen the
polarimetry window in high energy Astrophysics after more than 4
decades thanks to a detector that efficiently exploits the
photoelectric effect and to X-ray optics with large effective area.
XIPE uniqueness is time-spectrally- spatially-resolved X-ray
polarimetry as a breakthrough in high energy astrophysics and
fundamental physics. The payload consists of three Gas Pixel Detectors
at the focus of three X-ray optics with a total effective area larger
than one XMM mirror but with a low weight. XIPE is designed as an
observatory for X-ray astronomers with 75% of the time dedicated to a
Guest Observer competitive program and it is organized as a consortium
across Europe with main contributions from Italy, Germany, Spain,
United Kingdom, Poland, Sweden. MSSL scientists and engineers have a
large involvment in the mission, leading the thermal study and the
design and provision of the system of filter wheels that will host the
calibration system and filters.
The nature of faint INTEGRAL GRBs using Swift
Adam Higgins (Leicester)
We investigate the properties of the INTEGRAL IBAS Gamma-ray Burst
(GRB) sample and the nature of WEAK INTEGRAL triggers, when the
gamma-ray instruments record intensity spikes that are below the usual
STRONG significance thresholds. We have additionally utilised Swift
observations of the INTEGRAL GRBs for multi-band analysis and requested
rapid follow-up observations of a small sample of these WEAK triggers.
We also investigate the properties of the INTEGRAL IBAS sample making
comparisons with the Swift GRB sample to determine if they lie within
the same GRB population. Fifteen WEAK alerts were then observed with
Swift to determine their nature. The main aim is to determine if
INTEGRAL has the capability of exploring the low fluence regime for
explosive transients such as GRBs.
Ionisation interface and the charge exchange X-ray emission galactic outflows
Kinwah Wu (MSSL-UCL)
Charge exchange processes occur
in astrophysical environments where ionised material interfaces with
the cooler neutral material. Charge exchange lines, such as the OVIII
X-ray emission, have been identified in solar planetary systems (e.g.
Jupiter) and also in external galaxies with strong wind outflows (e.g.
the nearby starburst galaxy M82). The wind outflows from starburst
galaxies are highly inhomogeneous, with hot ionised bubbles, and cold
dense clumps/filaments entrenching with the underlying flow. The
efficiency of charge exchange processes in the interfaces of these
components depends on a web of interactions and on the geometrical
properties interior in the multi-component and multi-phase galactic
wind. In this work we show how the charge exchange emission depend on
the global and microscopic geometrical properties of the flow, with the
aid of a two-phase flow model. We demonstrate the dependence on the
surface to volume ratio of the ionised material to the neutral
material. We estimate the strengths of of the charge exchange OVIII
X-ray lines, and the collisional ionised emission lines, using the
simple inhomogeneous two-phase wind outflow model.
Quenching Star Formation by X-Ray and Cosmic Ray baking in Protogalaxy Pairs
Ellis Owen (MSSL-UCL)
phases of merging and active star formation, galaxies have been
observed to emit in ultraviolet (UV), X-Rays and 𝛄-rays. At high
redshifts (z=7) and above, where it is thought that merger and star
formation rates in young galaxies may be even higher than those
observed in the current Universe, this energetic emission could be even
more intense and have even more impacts than those observed today.
Additionally, if these early galaxies are yet to develop a strong
galactic magnetic field, high-energy particle emission may accompany
the X-Ray and 𝛄-ray emission. In cases of groups of galaxies arising
in clusters, the impact of the emitted energetic photons and particles
from a galaxy may strongly influence the development and the
environment of nearby neighbouring galaxies by heating their
interstellar medium via scattering and hadronic interactions. We
investigate three simple models of groups of galaxies where three
different merger processes are occurring and triggering star formation,
thus irradiating the neighbouring galaxies with high-energy particles
and radiation. We asses the heating effect derived from this emission,
and determine the degree to which the baking of the neighbour can
quench its subsequent star formation.
Heating by High-Energy Particles in High-Redshift Protogalactic Environments irradiated by X-Rays
Ellis Owen (MSSL-UCL)
galaxies with strong star formation activity are likely sources of
energetic hadronic particles. These particles interact with the baryon
and radiation fields of the galactic environment via hadronuclear,
photo-pair and photo-pion processes to produce charged and neutral
pions, neutrons and protons. Charged pions decay to produce leptons and
neutrinos via a weak interaction, and these leptons can cool rapidly in
high-redshift rapidly star-forming environments, predominantly via
inverse Compton and synchrotron losses, injecting a sea of leptons into
the protogalactic interstellar medium (ISM). These can act as a
scattering target for X-rays emitted by the protogalaxy, perhaps
driving an enhanced heating effect. We construct a simple model to
estimate the protogalactic X-ray emission due to Inverse Compton
scattering on the Cosmological Microwave Background, accreting X-Ray
sources and Supernovae. We then estimate the production rate of leptons
resulting from charged pion decays in the ISM and use this to compute
the development of irradiative X-Ray heating in the galaxy.
Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray spectra of the black hole candidate IGR J17091-3624 in quiescence
Margarita Pereyra (Southampton)
analyze the quiescent X-ray spectrum of the black hole candidate IGR
J17091-3624 using five observations from Chandra and XMM-Newton
archive, all of which are presented here for the first time. By
analyzing the different components found in the spectrum of this kind
of objects it is possible to infer the nature of the source. In the
quiescent state, a soft thermal component has been observed in many
neutron stars systems while for black hole transients such component is
always absent (Rutledge et al. 1999, McClintock et al. 2004). The data
from the XMM-Newton observations can be well fitted using a simple
absorbed power-law model with a column density of 1.122 x 10^22 cm^−2
and a photon index of 1.8±0.2 . These results are very consistent with
the values found for accreting black holes in quiescent state (Reynolds
et al. 2014). Since each of the four Chandra observations were taken
within one month apart, the analysis of these spectra will allows to
study the changes, if there is any, of the residual accretion occurring
on to the black hole and the advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF)
which is frequently associated to the X- ray emission of black holes in
the quiescent state.
Pulse Phase Dependence of Low Energy Emission Lines in an X-ray pulsar 4U 1626-67 during its spin-up and spin-down phase
Aru Beri (Southampton)
will present the results obtained from the new observation of an
ultra-compact X-ray binary pulsar 4U 1626-67, carried out with the
XMM-Newton observatory. 4U 1626-67, a unique accretion powered pulsar
underwent two torque reversals since its discovery in 1977. Pulse phase
resolved spectroscopy of this source performed using the data from the
XMM-Newton observatory during its spin-down phase revealed the
dependence of the emission lines on the pulse phase. O VII emission
line at 0.569 keV showed the maximum variation by factor of 4. These
variations were interpreted due to warps in the accretion disk (Beri et
al. 2015). Radiation pressure induced warping is also believed to be
the cause for spin-down. In light of this possible explanation for
spin-down torque reversal we expect different line variability during
the spin-up phase. We will discuss the implications of the results
obtained after performing pulse phase resolved spectroscopy using data
from the EPIC-pn during the current spin-up phase. Detailed study of
the prominent Neon and Oxygen line complexes with the high resolution
Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) on-board XMM-Newton will also be
Multi-temperature structure of the intracluster medium close to the Bondi radius in M87
Joanna Piotrowska (Cambridge IoA)
present new Chandra observations of the hot gas atmosphere close to the
Bondi accretion radius of the supermassive black hole at the centre of
M87. It is the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) of the closest cluster,
Virgo, and the second brightest extragalactic soft X-ray source. Due to
its brightness, the direct vicinity of the nucleus was subject to
significant pileup in previous data sets, while these 9 short
frame-time observations of total 300 ks exposure time successfully
reduce it to only 5%. Proximity of M87 allows resolution of complex
structure such as X-ray cavities, which can deliver important
information on active galactic nucleus (AGN) interaction with the
intracluster medium (ICM). Analysis of the temperature and density
structure of the ICM X-ray gas in direct vicinity of the AGN can also
set constraints on the fuelling mechanism of the SMBH. In this
work we produce temperature and metallicity maps, which reflect the
cavity structure and exhibit a metallicity drop within approximately
10’' from the nucleus, which could not be detected in earlier piled up
datasets. We then construct temperature and density radial profiles for
three different segmentsaround the AGN, to find that the gas
distribution is not uniform close to the Bondi radius in M87.