The three IDL procedures in this directory assist in the reduction of UVOT grism spectra. The UVOT FTOOLS and CALDB must be installed ( and the environment variable CALDB defined to point to the main CALDB directory. 1. dogrism - A wrapper for UVOTIMGRISM that keeps track of the best default values 2. imgrism - Make an image display of the .pha spectrum files output by UVOTIMGRISM showing the source and background extraction regions, and a co-aligned count plot. 3. grismspec - Extract a spectrum from a .pha file. Unlike the default extraction uses a robust smoothing of the background, allows for use of either the upper or lower background, and allows a manual pixel shift of the (nonlinear) wavelength scale. Also, included in this directory is a supporting procedure, and a needed procedure from Craig Markwardt's library ( The IDL Astronomy Library ( ) must be installed.