This directory contains the IDL procedure to simultaneously display a 2-d grism image (in a .pha file) along with the extracted spectrum. For example, imgrism can be used with sw00336489000ugu_1.pha (GRB081203) as follows: ;Display image/spectrum on the monitor IDL> imgrism,'sw00336489000ugu_1.pha' ;Create a postscript file IDL> imgrism,'sw00336489000ugu_1.pha',/ps ;Create a png file sw00336489000ugu_1.png IDL> imgrism,'sw00336489000ugu_1.pha',/png To use these procedures place them in a directory pointed to by one's !PATH (or simply place them in the same directory as the .pha file.) The IDL astronomy library is also required to be in one's !PATH. Also needed are several procedures (plotimage, mpfit, subcell) from Craig Markwardt's IDL library ( but they are included in this directory. The directory also contains IDL routines for a more customized grism extraction. The details are not discussed here, but below are some examples using imgrism. IDL> imgrism,'sw00336489000ugu_1.pha',/grismspec will show the polynomial fit to the background. IDL> imgrism,'sw00336489000ugu_1.pha',/centroid will follow the trace by fitting cross-dispersion profiles (not needed