pro imgrism,phafile,psname = psname,sigrange= sigr,grismspec=grismspec, $ lower=lower,upper=upper,yrange=yrange,mkwave=mkwave,centroid=centroid, $ srcwid=srcwid,png=png ;+ ; NAME: ; IMGRISM ; PURPOSE: ; Image display of the .pha spectrum files output by UVOTIMGRISM ; EXPLANATION: ; The 2-d image from the 3rd extension of the .pha file is displayed, ; with the gross and background slits overlayed, and a co-aligned count ; rate plot appended. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IMGRISM, phafile, [ psname= ,sigrange=,/grismspec, /lower, /upper ] ; REQUIRED INPUTS: ; phafile - scalar string giving name of the .pha file created by ; UVOTIMGRISM (or Including the .pha extension is ; optional ; X - numeric scalar giving X centroid of the zero order ; Y - numeric scalar giving Y centroid of the zero order ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: ; /CENTROID - Follow the trace of the spectrum by centroiding perpendicular ; to the dispersion. Implies the /grismspec option is also set. ; /PNG - if set, then create a png output file. The name will be the ; same as the input phafile but with a .png extension ; PSNAME - indicate that the image is to written to a postscript file. ; Can be either a scalar string giving the name of the postscript ; file or /PSNAME which create a file with the same name as the ; input phafile but with a .ps extension. ; SIGRANGE - two element numeric vector specifying the the minimum and ; maximum display values in units of the image sigma. Default ; is [-1,7], i.e. minimum = avg-sigma : maximum = avg + 7*sigma ; /GRISMSPEC - Indicates that the procedure should be used ; to extract the spectrum rather than the UVOTIMGRISM default. ; The main difference is the use of a robust polynomial fit to the ; background, and the option to use the /LOWER and /UPPER keywords. ; /LOWER, /UPPER - Options to use only the lower (upper) background instead ; of averaging. Ignored if /GRISMSPEC is not set. ; YRANGE - 2 element vector giving the Y range of the net counts plot. ; Useful when a spurious spike makes the default Y range too large. ; EXAMPLE: ; IDL> imgrism,'sw00054300009ugv_3.pha',/psname ; ; This example creates an output postscript file ; NOTES: ; Currently hardcoded to a first wavelength of 1700 A (U grism) or 2700 A ; (V grism) ; PROCEDURES CALLED: ; PLOTIMAGE (from ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, W. Landsman SSAI Aug 2005 ; compile_opt idl2 On_error,2 if N_params() LT 1 then begin print,'Syntax - imgrism, file, PSNAME= , Sigrange= ,/Grismspec' print,' /Lower, /Upper, /Centroid, Srcwid=' return endif fdecomp,phafile,disk,dir,fname,ext if ext EQ '' then ext = 'pha' file = disk + dir + fname + '.' + ext fits_open,file[0],fcb outfile= keyword_set(psname) or keyword_set(png) ;Write to an output file if outfile then begin sv_device = !D.Name fdecomp,file,disk,dir,fname if keyword_set(psname) then begin if size(psname,/tname) NE 'STRING' then psname = fname + '.ps' set_plot,'ps' device,/color,/isolatin,file=psname sv_font = !p.font !p.font=0 message,'Creating file ' + psname,/inf endif else begin set_plot,'Z' message,'Creating file ' + fname + '.png',/inf endelse endif else erase fits_read,fcb,tab,htab,exten=2 ;2nd extension contains spectrum fits_read,fcb,im,h,exten=3 ;3rd extension contains image fits_close,fcb ;Perform independent extraction? if keyword_set(grismspec) or keyword_set(centroid) then begin grismspec,file,tab,lower=lower,upper=upper,mkwave=mkwave,centroid=centroid,$ srcwid=srcwid w = tab.w f = yy = tab.y endif else begin w = tbget(htab,tab,'LAMBDA') f = tbget(htab,tab,'NET') endelse fdecomp,file,disk,dir,fname tabb = mrdfits(disk + dir + fname + '_back.pha',1,htabb) b = reverse(tabb.counts) dim = size(im,/dimen) wp = dim[0] - N_elements(w) sky,im[wp:*,*],avg,var,/Sil im = rebin(im,dim[0],dim[1]*2) ratio = dim[1]*2.0/dim[0] pos = [0.0,0.7,1.0,1.0] if N_elements(sigr) NE 2 then sigr = [-1,7] hh = sxpar(fcb.hmain,'HISTORY') tmp = gettok(hh,' ') keyword = gettok(hh,'=') filter = strtrim(sxpar(h,'FILTER'),2) if FILTER EQ 'UGRISM' then begin wtick = 1700 + indgen(40)*100 wtickn = replicate(' ',40) wtickn[[3,13,23,33]] = ['2000','3000','4000','5000'] endif else begin wtick = 2700 + indgen(36)*100 wtickn = replicate(' ',36) wtickn[[3,13,23,33]] = ['3000','4000','5000','6000'] endelse do_radec =0 keyword = strtrim(keyword,2) & hh = strtrim(hh,2) g = where(keyword EQ 'sourcex') sourcex = strcompress(hh[g[0]],/remove_all) if sourcex EQ 0 then begin do_radec=1 g = where(keyword EQ 'ra') ra = strcompress(hh[g[0]],/remove_all) g = where(keyword EQ 'dec') dec = strcompress(hh[g[0]],/remove_all) endif else begin g = where(keyword EQ 'sourcey') sourcey = strcompress(hh[g[0]],/remove_all) endelse g = where(keyword EQ 'infile') finfile = strcompress(hh[g[0]],/remove_all) fdecomp,finfile,disk,dir,infile,ext infile = infile + '.' + ext g = where(keyword EQ 'ang') angle = strcompress(hh[g[0]],/remove_all) if N_elements(srcwid) EQ 0 then begin g = where(keyword EQ 'srcwid') srcwid = strcompress(hh[g[0]],/remove_all) endif g = where(keyword EQ 'bkgwid1') bkgwid1 = strcompress(hh[g[0]],/remove_all) g = where(keyword EQ 'bkgoff1') bkgoff1 = strcompress(hh[g[0]],/remove_all) object = sxpar(h,'OBJECT') dateo = sxpar(h,'DATE-OBS') expt = strtrim( string(sxpar(h,'LIVETIME'),f='(F6.1)'),2) detx = sxpar(htab,'ZERODETX')-1 dety = sxpar(htab,'ZERODETY')-1 detx = string(detx,'(F7.2)') dety = string(dety,'(F7.2)') if ! EQ 'X' then begin win = !D.window > 0 tit= object + ' ' + filter + ' ' + expt + 's' + ' ' + infile window,win,title='IDL ' + strtrim(win,2) + ' ' + tit endif plotimage,255b-bytscl(im,avg+sigr[0]*var,avg+sigr[1]*var), $ position=pos,/keep,xsty=5,/noerase,imgyrange=[0,dim[1]-1], $ yrange=[0,dim[1]-1] axis,xaxis=1,xsty=1,xtit='Pixels' pixcolor,12,'g' cen = dim[1]/2 wid2 = fix(srcwid)/2. if keyword_set(centroid) then begin windex = wp + indgen(N_elements(w) ) plots,windex, yy-wid2,/data,col=12,thick=4 plots,windex, yy+wid2,/data,col=12,thick=4 endif else begin plots,[0,dim[0]],[cen-wid2,cen-wid2],/data,col=12,thick=4 plots,[0,dim[0]],[cen+wid2,cen+wid2],/data,col=12,thick=4 endelse len = (pos[2] - pos[0])*N_elements(w)/float(dim[0]) bkgoff = fix(bkgoff1) bkgwid = fix(bkgwid1) if keyword_set(centroid) then begin b1 = (yy - srcwid/2 -bkgoff-bkgwid) > 0 b2 = b1 + bkgwid plots,windex, b1,/data,col=12,thick=4,/lines plots,windex, b2,/data,col=12,thick=4,/lines endif else begin b1 = cen - srcwid/2 -bkgoff-bkgwid b2 = b1 + bkgwid plots,[0,dim[0]],[b1,b1],/data,col=12,/lines,thick=4 plots,[0,dim[0]],[b2,b2],/data,col=12,/lines,thick=4 endelse if keyword_set(centroid) then begin b1 = yy + srcwid/2 + bkgoff b2 = (b1 + bkgwid) < dim[1]-1 plots,windex, b1,/data,col=12,thick=4,/lines plots,windex, b2,/data,col=12,thick=4,/lines endif else begin b1 = cen + srcwid/2 + bkgoff b2 = b1 + bkgwid plots,[0,dim[0]],[b1,b1],/data,col=12,/lines,thick=4 plots,[0,dim[0]],[b2,b2],/data,col=12,/lines,thick=4 endelse xyouts,0,pos[1]-0.1,infile +'!C' + object + '!C' + dateo + $ '!C' + expt + 's',chars=0.9,/norm if do_radec then line1 = 'RA = ' + ra + '!CDec = ' + dec else $ line1 = 'SourceX = ' + sourcex + '!CSourceY = ' + sourcey xyouts,0,pos[1]-0.25, line1 + $ '!CDet X = ' + detx + '!CDet Y = ' + dety + $ '!CAngle = ' + angle + '!CSrcwid = ' + strtrim(srcwid,2) + $ '!CBkgoff = ' + bkgoff1 + '!CBkgwid = ' + bkgwid1 + '!C!C' + $ strmid(systime(),4,20) , chars=0.9,/norm pos[0] = pos[2] - len xx = wp + indgen(N_elements(w)) bad =where(wtick GT max(w), Nbad) if Nbad GT 0 then remove,bad,wtick,wtickn xticks = N_elements(wtick)-1 quadterp,w,xx,wtick,xpos if not keyword_set(yrange) then yrange = [0,max(f)] plot,xx,f,xsty=5,yran=yrange,position=[pos[0],0.20,pos[2],pos[1]], $ /noerase,ytit='Net Counts',chars=0.9 oplot,!X.crange,[0,0],/lines plot,xx,b,/xsty,/ynoz,position=[pos[0],0.08,pos[2],0.20],/noerase,yticks=2, $ ytit = 'Bkg',xtit= 'Wavelength (' + string(197b) + ')',xtickv=xpos, $ xtickname=wtickn, xticks=xticks g = where(strlen(strtrim(wtickn,2)) GT 0 ,Ng) axis,xaxis=0,xtickv=xpos[g],xticks=ng-1,xticklen=-0.04, $ xtickname=replicate(' ',ng) if keyword_set(grismspec) then oplot,xx,tab.gross-f if N_elements(psname) GT 0 then begin device,/close !p.font = sv_font set_plot,sv_device endif if keyword_set(png) then begin TVLCT, r, g, b, /GET im = tvrd() Device, Z_Buffer=0 Set_Plot, sv_Device Write_PNG, fname + '.png', im, r, g, b endif return end