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Solar-B project acronyms

Below is a list of acroyms used in the Solar-B project groups.

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AD Applicable Document
Bfn Baffles
BU Birmingham University
CAM Camera
CCD Charge Coupled Device
CLM Clamshell
CUB Alignment Cube
EEPROM Electrically Erasable PROM
EIS E-UV Imaging Spectrometer
ENC Enclosure
EUV Extreme Ultra-Violet
EW East West
FFA Front Filter Assembly
FOV Field Of View
FPA Focal Plane Assembly
FPF Focal Plane Filter assembly
GRA Grating assembly
GSE Ground Support Equipment
ICD Interface Control Document
ICU Instrument Control Unit
ISAS Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (Japan)
LOK Launch Lock
MHC Mechanisms and Heater Controller
MIR Mirror assembly
MLI Multilayer Insulation
MSSL Mullard Space Science Laboratory
NAOJ National Astronomy Observatory, Japan
NRL National Research Laboratory, USA
NS North South
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PUR Instrument Purge harness
QCM Quartz Control Monitor
RAD Radiator
RAL Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, U.K.
RAM Random Access Memory
RD Reference Document
RMS Root Mean Square
ROE Readout Electronics
SHT Shutter assembly
SLA Slit assembly
SLB Solar-B
STR Spectrometer
S-PUR Spacecraft purge harness
S-VAC Spacecraft vacuum harness
S-WIR Spacecraft wiring harness
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBD To Be Defined
VAC Instrument Vacuum harness
WIR Instrument Wiring harness
XRT X-Ray Telescope (instrument on Solar-B)