
Name Tue Wed Affiliation
Castelli, Chris (cmc) Birmingham University
Simnett, George (gms) Birmingham University
Mason, Helen (hem) Cambridge University
Cargill, Peter (pjc) Imperial College
Bentley, Bob (rdb) MSSL
Breeveld, Eddie (erb) MSSL
Culhane, Len (jlc) MSSL
Gorel, Veronique (vg) MSSL
Gowen, Rob (rag) MSSL
Harra-Murnion, Louise (lkhm) MSSL
McCalden, Alec (ajm) MSSL
Matthews, Sarah (sam) MSSL
Oliver, Wilf (wto) MSSL
Smith, Alan (as) MSSL
Welch, Steve (sjw) MSSL
Whyndham, Matthew (MTW) MSSL
Kano, Ryouhei (rk) NAOJ
Harrison, Richard (rah) RAL
Lang, Jim (jl) RAL


Project Organisation at MSSL

Spacecraft and EIS Schedules etc.

(dd/mm/yy or mm/yy)
NASA AO milestone Solar-B activities Notes
15/06/98 Phase A model contract
3/08/98 Proposal Deadline
10/98 Selection of Investigators
12/98 Phase A (concept study) seven months duration
Dec 99 PDR Preliminary Design Freeze
July 1 2002 SOT FPP delivery Solar Optical Telescope Focal Plane Package
Aug-Oct 02 FM MIC/EIC MIC = Mechanical Interface Checks
EIC = Electrical Interface Checks
March 1 2003 Other Instrument Delivery i.e. EIS
Feb 04 Launch

Spacecraft Design

EIS Science

Network Dynamics Richard Harrison
Active Region Cool Loop Dynamics Louise Harra-Murnion
Coronal Holes Len Culhane
Particle Acceleration Issues George Simnett
Flares - Mass Motions in Coronal Lines Peter Cargill
Flares - Reconnection inflow/outflow Peter Cargill/Saku Tsuneta
Flares - Plasma Dynamics/evaporation Len Culhane
Flares - Non-thermal Line Broadening Louise Harra-Murnion
Abundance Anomalies Helen Mason
CMEs - Role of Reconnection in the Onset Richard Harrison
Diffuse Corona - Streamer Dynamics Len Culhane
Loop Heating [Eric Priest] [Suggestion for Eric by JLC]

EIS Design

Baseline Design

Cassegrain Option

Optical and Mechanical Design of Structure

Contamination Control

Spectrometer Thermal Design


Filters and Shutters

Instrument Electronics

Alignment Methods


EIS Interfaces and Functionality

Mechanical Interfaces

Instrument / Spacecraft data interfaces

Effect of Data compression on EIS


    1. straightforward use of EGSE modules at various times during instrument Development, Test and Integration with spacecraft.
    2. portability of EGSE blocks
    3. possibility of other groups' effort being devoted to EGSE preparation
    4. evolution of the EGSE toward use as QL/operations software base

    A further meeting to assess the main requirements for EIS EGSE and to review recent practice will be convened in the near future.

    Action (MTW) convene an EGSE meeting within MSSL.

Summary of Actions

# Initiated by/on Who Title Description Need Date
UK Science and Technical Meeting
UK June98
2-3 June 98 MSSL
1 UK June98 consortium Revisit science and EIS response Summarises Actions 4, 5, 10-13, 16-22, 25-28 28/7/98
2 UK June98 consortium Prepare to assess US proposals Actions 4, 5, 16, 17, 20-22 28/7/98
3 UK June98 consortium Compare EIS w/ others Actions 4, 5 28/7/98
4 UK June98 RAH, HEM Wavelength ranges Assess the scientific strengths and weaknesses of several wavelength ranges namely 170 - 210 Å, 240 - 300 Å (EIS baseline), 308 - 380 Å, 517 - 633 Å and 1330 - 1428 Å. Drafts by Early July. 28/7/98
5 UK June98 Science Team Summary EIS uses in various topics One page science summaries of EIS's utility in various applications. Drafts by Early July. Final vers 28/7/98. 28/7/98
6 UK June98 MTW Management Plan Update and Circulate the Project Management Plan 19/6/98
7 UK June98 MTW SDT meeting Convene initial meeting of the System Design Team 19/6/98
8 UK June98 MTW Contact List Distribute a project contact list 19/6/98
9 UK June98 MTW Re-Issue EIS schedule Re-issue EIS schedule with NASA-AO dates etc 19/6/98
10 UK June98 System Design Team attitude disturbance limit The appropriate limits of generated attitude disturbance need to be included in the EIS system requirement. The limits may be achieved by including balance motions or other compensations in the mechanisms of EIS. 26/6/98
11 UK June98 GMS SMEI radiation environment comment on the radiation environment expected for SMEI 17/6798
12 UK June98 RAH, RDB, MTW, JLC compression options Study options for compression of images and spectra, e.g. summing of spectra, windows, etc. 28/7/98
13 UK June98 consortium JPEG ramifications Study the effects of JPEG compression on images, including the appearance of spikes. 28/7/98
14 UK June98 MTW, RDB image pre-processing options Study options for in-line CCD image pre-processing strategies. 17/7/98
15 UK June98 MTW EGSE meeting convene an EGSE meeting within MSSL 19/6/98
16 UK June98 AS, +RH, MTW Zemax model develop a Zemax model of the baseline and others. Parameters which must emerge from this model include
- What are the required tolerances of the optics? Position? Alignment?
- What is the allowed envelope for the camera head?
- Where is the direct (zero order) image?
17 UK June98 MTW +DMW CCD temperature requirement Determine ideal CCD temperature. Consider: Dark Current, CTE, Radiation Damage 17/7/98
18 UK June98 MTW +DMW CCD baking requirement Determine need for CCD baking cycles 17/7/98
19 UK June98 WTO, +MSC JET-X radiator coupling Examine JET-X use of thermo-mechanical elements for radiator coupling 17/7/98
20 UK June98 WTO, +SM radiator options Examine options for radiator - angle, shielding, deployment 17/7/98
21 UK June98 +SM, WTO thermal control requirement study need for active thermal control of structure
need to have more detailed information about the thermal properties of the spacecraft
22 UK June98 JLC, MTW dynamic range study dynamic range issues and likely exposure times 17/7/98
23 UK June98 AJM, +PRG electrical interface architecture Need to develop a posture concerning the [interface] architecture, from science and engineering points of view, for Baseline and, later, Proposals 17/7/98
24 UK June98 AJM, +PDT camera style tradeoffs to study tradeoffs, for example between "analogue" and "digital" styles of camera, with regard to complexity, thermal, power, contamination, mass, EMC, etc. propertiesjlc 17/7/98
26 UK June98 JLC limb sensor design investigate existing (e.g. Lockheed/TRACE) [limb sensor] designs of this type 24/7/98
27 UK June98 RDB, +TW, +HH two slots rationale Consider rationale behind two identical slots 17/7/98
28 UK June98 JL alignment through baseline slot Consider feasibility of obtaining pointing information from existing slot, in baseline wavelength ranges. Do the lines present have useful intensity and spatial distribution? 17/7/98
29 UK June98 MTW, WTO Pointing/scanning reproducibility Need to consider accuracy/reproducibility of 1) instrument scanning mechanism, 2) spacecraft pointing 17/7/98
30 UK June98 MTW +Sys. Des. Team Assess debris damage study MSFC data, assess need for "snout" 31/7/98