Steering committee 1
6 November 98.
Those present:
The committee:
PJC Imperial - Chair
IM Ian Mann (st. Andrews -> York)
MJT Thompson, QMW
REC Leicester
Science summary ( jlc)
data rights: should follow a pattern of Yohkoh, principal investigators will have immediate access to all data, followed by public access one year after that.
Instrument break down - Len described the baseline responsibilities.
Programmatic - A Meeting of the entire team is expected in possibly February. The PDR is still expected around 1 April.
Status reports.
RAL: nothing to add to submitted report.
MSSL: report given as prepared, see reports.doc.
Effort will be shared with GOES-SXI.
BU: Ready to move.
Wish to work towards common understanding of J-side interfaces, e.g. MDP.
Committee comments
Please provide materials on time!!!
The financial statement should refer only to the agreed WBS codes.
Assume discussions begin with a US partner on the 1st January. We have to understand the scientific requirements. Review schedule, 14th Feb. cost profile: preliminary version 1st April, more realistic version end April.
Analyse the spending in this financial year.
The committee recognised as the difficult situation vis-a-vis the NASA selection process. However, assume that the US funding start will be April 1 1999.
The minutes of the "PMC" was were asked to be made available to the committee. MWT notes: this could refer either to the management group meetings or to those of the system design team.The following are required prior to the next meeting:
15 December | Preliminary version of the management plan. |
15 January | Revised set of milestones to launch |
14 February | a 3-country version of the management plan. |
14 February | Preliminary re-profiling |
14 February | Revised risk analysis |
30 April | final re-profiling |
Next Meeting 25th Feb. Location TBD (likely to be central London).