Steering committee 1

6 November 98.


Those present:

The committee:

PJC Imperial - Chair



IM Ian Mann (st. Andrews -> York)

MJT Thompson, QMW

REC Leicester








Science summary ( jlc)

data rights: should follow a pattern of Yohkoh, principal investigators will have immediate access to all data, followed by public access one year after that.

Instrument break down - Len described the baseline responsibilities.

Programmatic - A Meeting of the entire team is expected in possibly February. The PDR is still expected around 1 April.

Status reports.

RAL: nothing to add to submitted report.

MSSL: report given as prepared, see reports.doc.
Effort will be shared with GOES-SXI.

BU: Ready to move.

Wish to work towards common understanding of J-side interfaces, e.g. MDP.

Committee comments

Please provide materials on time!!!

Must link schedule and WBS.

The financial statement should refer only to the agreed WBS codes.


Assume discussions begin with a US partner on the 1st January. We have to understand the scientific requirements. Review schedule, 14th Feb. cost profile: preliminary version 1st April, more realistic version end April.

Analyse the spending in this financial year.

The committee recognised as the difficult situation vis-a-vis the NASA selection process. However, assume that the US funding start will be April 1 1999.

The minutes of the "PMC" was were asked to be made available to the committee. MWT notes: this could refer either to the management group meetings or to those of the system design team.The following are required prior to the next meeting:

15 December Preliminary version of the management plan.
15 January Revised set of milestones to launch
14 February a 3-country version of the management plan.
14 February Preliminary re-profiling
14 February Revised risk analysis
30 April final re-profiling

Next Meeting 25th Feb. Location TBD (likely to be central London).