PPT Slide
- SOT: Solar Optical Telescope aka Optical Telescope Assembly (OTA)
- 1/2-meter class for 0.2 arcsecond resolution in visible.
- Axisymmetric design for minimal instrumental polarization.
- OTU: Optical Transfer Unit
- Polarization modulator
- Tip/Tilt Mirror
- NFI: Narrowband Filter Imager
- Tunable Lyot filter: maximum FOV with uniform bandwidth
- BFI: Broadband Filter Imager
- Interference filters for maximal bandwidth and low optical distortion.
- SP: Spectropolarimeter
- Fe I 6302A line: fixed retardation rotating modulator for high precision Stokes polarimetry.
- CT: Correlation Tracker
- Real-time cross-correlation with updated reference image drives Tip/Tilt mirror.