Author: P D Thomas
SOLAR B – EIS Read Out Electronics:
Electrical Design Specification
Document Number:
MSSL/SLB-EIS/SP010.01 02 Jul 2000
G Doschek
C Korendyke
S Myers
C Brown
K Dere
J Mariska
H Hara
T Watanabe
J Lang
B Kent
C Castelli
S Mahmoud
G Simnett
Mullard Space Science Laboratory
J L Culhane
A Smith
A James
L Harra
A McCalden
C McFee
R Chaudery
P Thomas
W Oliver
P Coker
R Gowen
K Al Janabi
M Whillock
SLB-EIS Project Office
A Dibbens
Authorised By
02 July 2000
All new
The camera in the EUV imaging spectrometer (EIS) on the Solar-B
spacecraft contains two CCDs, covering wavelengths TBD and TBD. The CCDs, type
CCD42-20, are procured from Marconi Applied Technology (ex-EEV). The devices
are back-thinned, operate in full-frame mode, size 1024(Y) x 2048(X) pixels,
with readout out ports at both ends of the read out register; pixel resolution
is 13.5 x 13.5 µm. The CCDs are fabricated for Advanced Inverted Mode
Operation (AIMO), i.e. MultiPhase Pinned (MPP).
This allows the devices
to be operated at a moderately low temperature (-55C) while minimising dark
Under the control of the EIS Instrument Control Unit (ICU), the
Read Out Electronics (ROE) extracts images from the two CCDs and presents image
data in serial form to the ICU.
EIS will obtain plasma velocities to an
accuracy of <= 10 km s
-1 along with temperatures and densities in
the transition region and corona at <2 arc sec resolution. EIS consists of a
multi-layer coated single mirror telescope, and a stigmatic imaging spectrometer
incorporating a multilayer coated diffraction grating. The image produced by
the primary mirror is imaged onto an entrance slit/slot and the light which
passes through this spectrometer aperture is dispersed and re-imaged in the
focal plane of two CCDs.
Details of the requirements for the EIS
Camera unit is given in document RD1 (MSSL/SLB-EIS/SP05, Design Requirements for
the Solar-B EIS Read Out
RD1 MSSL/SLB-EIS/SP05 Design Requirements for the Solar-B EIS Read Out
RD2 MSSL/SLB-EIS/DD/004.01 CCD Camera Block Diagram
MSSL/SLB-EIS/DD/002.01 Grounding Configuration
Camera Commands and Telemetry
ADC Analogue to Digital Converter
AGND Analogue (Signal) Ground
AIMO Advanced Inverted Mode Operation
CCD Charge Coupled
CDS Correlated Double Sampler
ComGND Common Ground
CTE Charge Transfer Efficiency
DGND Digital Ground
EIS Extreme UV Imaging Spectrometer
FEE Front
End Electronics
FPA Focal Plane Assembly
FPGA Field Programmable Gate
ICU Instrument Control Unit
Iø Image (Vertical) Clock
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling
MDM Micro-D connector (with
metal shell)
MHC Mechanisms and Heaters Controller
MPP Multi-Phase
øR Reset Clock Pulse
OS CCD Output Source
PISO Parallel
In Serial Out register
Rø Read Out Register (Horizontal) Clock
ROE Read Out Electronics
SW CCD Summing Well
TBD To Be Defined
VOD CCD bias Voltage at Output Drain
VOG CCD bias Voltage at Output Gate
VRD CCD bias Voltage at Reset
VSS CCD bias Voltage at
4.1 Structure
The block diagram RD2 shows the overall architecture. Communication with
the Instrument Control Unit (ICU) is via two types of serial link. A low speed
(9.6 kbps) bi-directional asynchronous command and status link based on the EIA
RS422-A (TBD) physical specification sends commands to the camera, e.g. master
reset, integration time, CCD window origin and size, ports used for read out,
etc., and receives digitised analogue housekeeping and camera status
information. A dual high speed (16 Mbps) science link based on LVDS technology
passes the CCD image data to the ICU.
The ROE consists of a Mothercard,
and three daughter boards: Power Card, Digital Card and Analogue Card. The
Mothercard supports a simple pin-to-pin bus structure based around the Hypertac
HPF120 (3 row, 120 way) connector. The simple design enables adaptation of the
design to other possible projects, with a goal of around 15% spare capacity.
The functions of each card are listed in section
5.1 Specifications with reference to Requirements
Document RD1
The ROE design meets the operational requirements listed in RD1. The
following references relate to RD1:-
5.1.1 Master Reset (4.1.1) and Power on Reset
A Master Reset command from the ICU reboots the ROE, initialising registers
to default values and returns the ROE to the default mode. A power cycle forces
the ROE into a Master Reset cycle. Both actions result in the CCD continuously
clocking out a new image every
10 s.
5.1.2 Programmability
Provided that the command link is operative, the ICU can take control of
the ROE and over-ride the default mode (4.2.3b). Any new register values in the
clock sequencer are updated during the CCD integration period
5.1.3 Clock speed (4.1.2)
The baseline is 16MHz, to meet the requirement of the science data link and
CCD clocking requirements. Possibly 32 MHz divided by
5.1.4 ADC Resolution (4.1.3a)
14 bits. The baseline ADC is the LTC1419
5.1.5 Amplifier gain in analogue chain
This is set to an overall factor of 12 (including CDS and ADC driver
circuitry), given an ADC input dynamic range of 5 V. For 16,384 quantisation
steps (14 bits), this is equivalent to 5.644 e-/DN, giving a signal of 4.86V at
the ADC for a CCD full well of 90k e- (CCD output sensitivity 4.5 µV/e-).
The full dynamic range of the ADC corresponds to ~92.5
5.1.6 CDS specifications (4.1.4a)
Read out electronic noise is set at approx half the minimum photon shot
noise (12 e-) in the long wavelength range, i.e. 6 e-. To achieve this the
Marconi CCD spec requires a read out rate of around 2 µs. A corresponding
anti-alias single pole (TBC) low pass filter with time constant 100 ns (TBC) is
5.1.7 Dump/flush CCD (4.1.5, 4.2.3c)
This is performed by commanding the CCD dump gate (DG) high (+12 V±2
V) for at least 10µs while holding the vertical clock phases in the
appropriate states. In order fully flush the CCD, several (~5) successive dump
operations are required. Single lines, multiple lines, or the entire CCD may be
dumped. Some dump operations are inherent in the clock sequences programmed in
the clock sequencer (on the Digital Card). Others are commanded by separate ICU
commands. The clock sequencer also allows the CCD to start a new integration
without a dump beforehand.
5.1.8 Read out direction (4.1.6)
The clock sequencer defines whether the CCD is read out from the left or
right ports of the CCD, or both
5.1.9 CCD horizontal clocking rate (4.1.7a)
In addition to the 2 µs pixel clock rate, the clock sequencer can
clock out unwanted pixels within a row at a 1 µs rate. In this case, the
reset gate øR is operated normally to disperse unwanted
5.1.10 Vertical clock phases held high during
Programmable (TBC): Iø1 only, or Iø1 and
5.1.11 CCD bias voltages (4.1.7c)
Programmable bias(separate for CCD A and CCD B):
VOD +26.5 to +34 V, 16
steps, 0.5V per step.
VRD +17.25 to +21 V, 16 steps, 0.25 V per step.
+8.25 to +12 V, 16 steps, 0.25 V per step.
VOG2 2 levels, +4V (high
responsivity, 4.5 µV/e-), or +20V (low responsivity, 1.5 µV/e-).
Fixed bias:
VOG1 +3V.
5.1.12 Window definition (4.2.1a)
Programmable, select window of interest to read out, dump superfluous
5.1.13 Number of windows (4.2.1b)
A maximum of four, one per read out
5.1.14 Window width and height (4.2.1c)
Programmable to any width within one half of a CCD.
(TBC: “both
windows on the CCD may be the same
5.1.15 Window height (4.2.1d)
Programmable to a maximum of 512
5.1.16 Hardware binning in spatial (V) and spectral
(H)directions (4.2.2a)
Vertical binning is achieved by performing multiple row shifts into the
read out register prior to clocking out. Horizontal binning is performed by
suppression of the øR clock pulse between
5.1.17 Low responsivity horizontal binning
Setting VOG2 to +20V allows up to 540 ke- to be horizontally binned before
non-linearity appears in the CCD output amplifier. However the amplifier gain
in the analogue chain is fixed at a factor 12,so the maximum charge which can
be binned and measured is ~275 ke-.
5.1.18 End of frame marker on science data link
This is indicated within the science data by the dead time between each
frame of data (i.e. implied by a time-out period). The start and end of data
associated with each row is indicated by the enable signal becoming
5.1.19 Overclocking – Horizontal
In order to assess CTE in the horizontal direction, the ROE can measure the
quantity of charge left behind after the last pixel of each row of a specified
5.1.20 Horizontal coordinate register and pixel counter
size (4.2.4a)
5.1.21 Overclocking – Vertical (4.2.4b)
In order to assess CTE in the vertical direction, the ROE can measure the
quantity of charge left behind after the last row of a specified
5.1.22 Vertical coordinate register and pixel counter
size (4.2.4b)
5.1.23 Charge injection (4.2.5)
(TBC) Charge may be injected into the CCD read out register by applying a
voltage pulse to the reset drain RD (a few volts less than VRD) clocking the
output register CCD backwards. See application note from Tim Eaton of Marconi,
email dated dd/mm/00.
5.1.24 Test ports (4.2.6)
Four analogue signal test ports are provided on the outside of the ROE, via
coaxing connectors on the Analogue Card. The signals are the amplified CCD
signals, after low pass filtering, just prior to the CDS circuitry. Multiple
test points are fitted to the Analogue Card to enable voltages to be set up and
monitored during development and testing. In addition, a test connector is
provided on the Digital Card.
5.1.25 FEE stim pattern generator(4.2.7a)
The clock sequencer can generate a stim pattern (digital 0 or 1) which is
switched to a stimulus source which injects a small signal into the FEE,
equivalent to 0.25 and 0.75 of full scale intensity respectively. This is used
to check the entire analogue and digital
5.1.26 Test image simulator (4.2.7b)
The Digital Card can generate a data set which simulates an image. The
data is sent directly to the science data
5.1.27 Thermal control (4.3.1)
5.2 Other
5.2.1 Vertical clock period – 12 µs
The AIMO version of the CCD42-20 has vertical electrode capacitances which
are factor ~2.5 times those in the non-pinned version. Compare this with the
CCD47-20 used in the INTEGRAL OMC camera (frame transfer style, image area
1024(V) x 1024(H)), the capacitances of the vertical electrodes are 5 times
greater. The electrical model of the CCD42-20 provided by Marconi gives
capacitances at each node of a 7 lumped element model as follows:
to substrate 4.6 nF
Interelectrode 1 nF
Since all three electrodes are
driven from a low impedance source which is decoupled to the substrate, we may
estimate a combined capacitance of each electrode to substrate of
Ctot = (7 x
4.6 nF) + (2 x 7 x 1 nF) = 46.2 nF.
Now in order to minimise dissipation
within the CCD, an external resistance is employed to fix the source impedance.
From the CCD electrode model we see that the lump resistance elements are in the
range 22 to 30 ? for an 8 element model, driven from both ends simultaneously.
Total series resistance is of the order of 120 ? in the worst case, being
Iø3. At the centre of the lumped model, the capacitance is of the order
of 4.6nF + (2 x 1nF) = 6.6 nF. Therefore to a first approximation , the time
constant seen at the centre of the Iø3 electrode will be of the order of
120 x 6.6 x 10
-9 = 792 ns. The actual figure will be closer to 1
µs due to the effect of the other elements. If we allow 6 time constants
for settling, then the minimum vertical clock period will be 2 x 6 x 1 µs =
12 µs. A full vertical dump will take 1024 x 12 µs = ~12 ms. The
overhead in reading out a full image 512(V) x 1024(H) will be ~6 ms in a total
read out time of ~550 ms, i.e. ~2%.
5.3 Commands and telemetry
Camera commands and telemetry are defined in
6.1 Power Card
Power input connector (15F D TBD).
Unregulated Inputs (TBD) from
converter in ICU – approx voltages: +7V, +15V, -8V.
Low drop-out
regulators for secondary power:-
Regulated outputs (TBD): +5VD, +5VADC,
-5VADC, +12VA, -7VA
Boost converter output: +36V for CCD VOD and VRD bias
Analogue voltage and current monitors for camera
CCD temperature monitors
6.2 Digital Card
Command and status link (TBD connector ) – low speed 9.6 kbps
bi-directional asynchronous.
Command registers and boot circuitry.
data links (TBD connector) – dual high speed 16 Mbps
CCD clock
sequencer electronics for all CCD operations: vertical shift, row dump, readout
from 4 CCD ports, readout register charge injection, summing well
Test pattern generation: stimulus for front end electronics (FEE),
science data link test pattern.
Correlated Double Sampler (CDS) control,
Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) control, Parallel to Serial (PISO) and data
bus control.
CCD bias voltage control: VOD, VRD, VSS, VOG2.
management, including control of ADC ‘nap mode’ power
General status and housekeeping functions.
6.3 Analogue Card
Video input connectors (25F MDM x2)
Video signal input filtering
video signal preamplifiers
CDS electronics: low pass filter, clamp
Clamp buffer/ADC driver circuitry.
Sample circuitry and
digitisation to 14 bits (ADCs).
PISOs and serial data switching.
CCD Clock
drivers: vertical, row dump, horizontal, summing wells.
Charge injection
(TBC) and FEE stimulus circuitry.
CCD bias voltage generation.
‘nap mode’ power switching.
CCD temperature monitor inputs
Test connectors- video signals at CDS
7.1 Mothercard
Interconnections between the three PCBs of the ROE are via three Hypertac
3-row female connectors with polarised guides, part no. HPF119NFXEO000. Simple
pin-to-pin interconnection is used across all three connectors, making the
design simple and adaptable to developing requirements. At least one group of
ground points is provided to enable the various grounds to be connected together
and also connected to a structure bond point via a removable coaxial connector
through the wall of the box adjacent to the
7.2 Digital Card
(TBD) The baseline design incorpoates a number of FPGAs and RAM ICs to
perform the functions listed in section 4.2.2.
A counter-timer is
provided for the default mode, i.e. continuously running with an integration
time of 10 s followed by immediate read out. In normal operation, readout out
is initiated by a command from the ICU.
7.3 Power Card
7.4 Analogue Card
The block diagram figure xx shows the architecture of the Analogue Card.
The two CCDs are labeled A and B, with image segments numbered 00, 01, 10, 11,
in order of ascending wavelength. There are four analogue chains within the
ROE, with ADC data paths which combine such that the right channels of CCDs A
and B are multiplexed prior to being converted into serial data and presented to
the Digital Card. The left channels are similarly combined.
The flexible
PCB style cables which connect the CCD to the ROE are constructed to minimise
crosstalk between sensitive signals from the CCD, to minimise capacitance to
AGND, and are shielded from RFI. They are designed to be as short as is
practicable so as to minimise degradation of electrode clock signals and video
output signals, and to maintain a low impedance bias decoupling points on the
Analogue Card.
MDM 25-way connectors with flying leads soldered into the
Analogue Card connect to the flexible cables. They are mounted to the ROE
housing from the inside. The connectors are specified as having stainless steel
shells for robustness and RFI shielding.
The first element in each
analogue chain is a low pass element which filters any susceptibility of the CCD
or flexible cable to RFI, and which reduces the amplitude of clock spikes from
the CCD so that the video amplifier not driven into a non-linear or saturated
The baseline video amplifier is the AD859 (TBC). This has
excellent input noise voltage performance of the order of 1.5 nV/Hz
To 10 kHz. Other noise sources (Johnson and shot noise) in the design are made
less significant by careful choice of components in the input circuitry. The
AD859 is a current feedaback amplifier with wide bandwidth (xx at a gain of 12)
and correspondingly fast slew rate (xx V/µs) as required for the
The CDS circuits are preceded by a single pole anti-alias
low pass filter with time constant ~100 ns (TBC). This may need
The CDS circuitry is a dual clamp and sample arrangement with
FET buffer stages to prevent signal droop.
The ADC driver amplifier
operates at unity gain and may be offset by a reference voltage of +2.5V applied
to its inverting input, to produce a signal at the ADC input in the range
–2.5 V to +2.5V. The +2.5 V reference is derived from the ADC in each
chain. An alternative approach is to feed the –A
in of the
differential analogue input of the ADC from the +2.5 V ADC reference via a unity
gain buffer.
The baseline ADC is the LT1419 (TBC). High reliability
parts and radiation tolerance are being investigated with the manufacturer. In
June 2000 no such parts are readily available. A low pass filter is required
at the input to the ADC. The small signal bandwidth of the ADC sample-and hold
circuit is 20 MHz. Any noise or distortion products which are present at the
analogue inputs will be summed over the entire bandwidth. The baseline is a
simple single-pole RC filter, e.g. 100 ? plus 1 nF provides a pole at 1.6 MHz.
The 1 nF capacitor also acts as a recommended charge reservoir for the input
sample-and-hold and isolates the ADC input from sampling glitch-sensitive
circuitry. A high quality resistor and capacitor are recommended, e.g. metal
film and NPO dielectric respectively.
When normally powered from ±5
V supplies the LTC1419 dissipates 150 mW. For 4 ADCs the total power is 600 mW,
a significant proportion of the power budget. To ameliorate this the power
shutdown feature of the LT1419 is be used (TBC), under control from the Digital
Card. The ‘nap’ mode reduces the power by 95% and leaves only the
digital logic and reference powered up.
8.1 System compatibility
The CCDs and ROE complies with the requirements of the spacecraft and
instrument EMC requirements in respect of susceptibility and emissions, both
conducted and radiated.
8.2 Grounding scheme
Complies with the requirements specified in RD3. A single point ground for
connection to the instrument structure ground is provided within the ROE unit.
This is made via a coaxial connector on the rear (TBD) of the unit to enable
secondary isolation measurements to be made.
Within the ROE, two possible
grounding schemes are proposed. See figures xx and xx. It is proposed that the
PCBs are laid out to cater for both possibilities.
AGND from the read out
electronics connects to the screen of the flexible cables and to the CCD mount.
The CCD mounts are electrically separate from the support structure, with an
easily breakable link to connect the two.
8.3 Isolation
To comply with the overall secondary isolation requirements of the
instrument, the impedances measured at the ROE with CCDs and harnesses connected
shall not be outside the following limits:-
A capacitance greater than TBD
A resistance less than TBD M?.
To meet this overall requirement in the
presence of the ICU, MHC and interconnecting harnesses, a design goal for the
ROE is a capacitance of one tenth, and a resistance of ten times
The above
values respectively.
8.4 Shielding
The ROE is packaged in a conductive aluminium alloy housing with no
significant apertures so as to provide RFI shielding for up to ten times the RF
link frequencies (~2.3 GHz). All connectors and cables shielded appropriately.
The flexible cables to the CCDs are shielded with a cross hatch mesh spaced at
approx 10 mm, i.e. less than 0.1 of a wavelength of the downlink carrier
signal. The shields are connected to AGND on the Analogue Card and to the CCD
mounts which are electrically isolated from the structure.
9.1 Command and status
9.2 Science data
9.3 Power
9.4 CCD
9.5 Test connectors
Fig. 1 Analogue Card Block Diagram
Fig. 2 Grounding Scheme 1
Fig.3. Grounding Scheme 2