Solar-B EIS
Author: A M James |
MTM/TTM build specification
Version 2.0
Document Number:
20th June 2001
G Doschek |
C Korendyke |
3 |
S Myers |
C Brown |
3 |
K Dere |
J Mariska |
H Hara |
3 |
T Watanabe |
J Lang |
3 |
B Kent |
3 |
D Pike |
BU |
C Castelli |
3 |
S Mahmoud |
3 |
H Mapson |
C Goodall |
3 |
Mullard Space Science Laboratory |
J L Culhane |
A Smith |
A Dibbens |
3 |
L Harra |
A McCalden |
3 |
C McFee |
3 |
R Chaudery |
P Thomas |
R Card |
B Winter |
3 |
P Coker |
3 |
R Gowen |
K Al Janabi |
K Rees |
J Tandy |
G Willis |
3 |
M Whillock |
SLB-EIS Project Office |
A James |
Orig |
Author: |
Date: |
Authorised By |
Date: |
Distributed: |
Date: |
01 |
13 Mar 2001 |
All New |
1 |
29 May 2001 |
Update taking comments from telecons and RAL meetings over the last 2 months |
1 |
Distribution changed to include Helen Mapson, Jason Tandy and Graham Willis |
2 |
This table and Scope section shortened Applicable documents updated |
3 |
‘Responsible’ column added to table Table changes: Operational heaters set at 12 for FM. Thermal sensors set at 25 for MTM/TTM. Internal Accelerometers and Microphones in MTM will be removed for TTM. Table notes updated |
2 |
20 June 2001 |
3 |
Note 5 under table – change of survival heater positions and heater channels used. Added note on sensor positions. |
5 |
Updated things to consider page (removed previously resolved issues and added new issues) |
6 |
Added MLI fit check and EGSE to flow diagram |
Record.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Scope..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Applicable Documents....................................................................................................................................................... 2
3. MTM/TTM model description.......................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Build Procedures.................................................................................................................................................................. 5
MTM Build Procedure............................................................................................................................................................. 6
FM Build Procedure................................................................................................................................................................. 7
[1] MSSL/SLB-EIS/SP011 EIS System Definition
[2] MSSL/SLB-EIS/PA003.01 Cleanliness Control Plan
[3] MSSL/SLB-EIS/PA002.01 Solar B – EIS Product Assurance Plan
[4] MSSL/SLB-EIS/SP008.01 Model Philosophy and Test Plan
(this document needs a full revision based on Saad/Swales analysis and recommendations)
[5] Test Plan: High Intensity Testing (Acoustic), Issue 1, 26 March 2001 by Saad Mahmoud.
[6] Test Plan: Modal Survey Test and FE Model Correlation, Issue 1, 23 March 2001, Saad Mahmoud
The following is a list of components that will be included in the MTM and TTM configurations of the MTM/TTM model. This list is taken from the ‘EIS system definition’ document [1] (this document will be updated to include minor changes which are introduced here):
Component of EIS |
Acronym |
FM |
Responsible |
Enclosure |
4 |
As flight |
As flight |
BU |
Baffles |
BFn |
4 |
As flight |
As flight |
BU |
Launch Lock |
4 |
As flight |
As flight |
BU |
Clamshell |
4 |
As flight |
As fight |
BU |
HOPs |
HOPn |
HOP1, HOP2, HOP30 |
Dummy mass |
As MTM |
BU |
Front Filter Assembly |
4 |
Only 1 of 4 filters1 |
As MTM |
Mirror Assembly |
4 |
Dummy mass |
As MTM |
Slit Assembly |
4 |
Dummy mass |
As MTM |
Focal Plane Filter Assembly |
4 |
Shutter Assembly |
4 |
Grating Assembly |
4 |
Dummy mass |
As MTM |
Alignment Cube |
4 |
As flight |
As flight |
CCDs (long l (A) and short l (B)) |
4 (CCDA & CCDB) |
Dummy masses |
As MTM |
Focal Plane Assembly |
4 |
As flight |
As flight |
Readout Electronics |
4 |
Dummy mass |
As MTM |
Quartz Crystal Monitors |
QCMn |
QCM1 and QCM2 |
QCM12 |
As MTM |
Mechs. & Heater
Controller |
4 |
Dummy mass |
As MTM |
Instrument Wiring Harness |
4 |
MTM/TTM vers.3 |
As MTM |
Instrument Purge Harness |
4 |
As flight |
As flight |
BU |
Instrument Vacuum Harness |
4 |
As flight |
As flight |
Multilayer Insulation |
4 |
As flight |
As flight |
BU |
Operational Heaters |
OPHn |
12 |
12 (+ use as survival) |
As MTM |
BU |
Survival Heaters |
SUHn |
5 (ENC)5 |
0 (see op. Heaters) |
As MTM |
BU |
Bakeout heaters |
BKHn |
2 (ENC on CCDs) |
0 |
As MTM |
EIS Thermal Sensors |
ETSn |
24(ENC) + 8(MHC)4
25 |
As MTM |
S/C Thermal Sensors |
STSn |
7 (ENC) + 2 (ICU) |
As MTM |
Survival Thermal Sensors |
SUSn |
3 (ENC) |
0 |
As MTM |
CCD Temperature Sensors |
CTSn |
2 (ENC on CCDs)6 |
0 |
As MTM |
Additional items |
Accelerometers |
ACCn |
6 |
7 int. + 7 ext.7 |
6 |
BU |
Microphones |
MICn |
6 |
28 |
6 |
BU |
Witness Plates |
WIPn |
6 |
TBD9 |
6 |
Distortion Monitors |
DISn |
6 |
6 |
TBD10 |
BU |
0. HOP1 is launch lock, HOP2 is front clamshell (external) door, HOP3 is rear clamshell (internal) door.
1. Only one of the 90° sector filters will be used for MTM/TTM testing. It will also be present for qualification tests of the Engineering Model Clamshell which will be used in the MTM/TTM testing.
2. QCM1 is that which mounts to the –X surface of the spectrometer enclosure (designation and choice).
3. The MTM/TTM harness has yet to be defined but will try to allow for the additional items without the need for extra enclosure feed-throughs. Position and size of feedthroughs on the structure itself will be the same as FM.
4. The 8 thermal sensors available to the MHC have yet to be assigned.
5. These operate off 3 s/c heater ports: #1 – Mirror Ass. & Grating Ass (sensor on mirror), #2 – Grating (sensor on grating) and #3 – Mirror and CCD (sensor on mirror). See ICD. The positions for these and the operational heaters are yet to be defined.
6. Controlled via the ICU (as are the Bakeout heaters)
7. Type as supplied by MSFC. Internal sensors to be removed for TTM. See [6]
8. Type B&K 4938 mounted inside the enclosure. To be removed for TTM. See [5]
9. This depends on whether it is necessary for cleanliness control.
10. No., type and position to be defined by BU.
In the following 2 diagrams the procedures for the FM build and the MTM/TTM build are outlined. Where possible target dates that fit in with the schedule at Birmingham have been shown. Also shown is where delivered items will be considered clean and should have documentation to show this. To avoid unnecessary bureaucracy on the part of the providers it is hoped that the ‘cleanliness working group’ will be able to oversee this aspect and provide the necessary documentation for external agencies. In both of these diagrams I have concentrated on the EIS instrument itself. It is assumed that the test facilities are adequately equipped and to the desired standard. Where extra effort is needed in terms of facilities this will be highlighted in the more detailed test procedures. In light of this it should be explicitly said that it is expected that a TQCM will be available during all thermal vacuum tests.
At present there is no explicit links between this document and other documents pertaining to MTM/TTM or FM build schedules, i.e. the handling plan, the cleanliness control plan, etc. I hope that this will come out of the comments received.
I will try to review this document at the teleconferences between now and the 28th March and in detail
Things to still consider: (completed tasks
are crossed out)
1. Position of MTM/TTM heater pads – still need detailed info for harnessing
2. Position of MTM/TTM thermal sensors – still need details for harnessing
Position of microphone for acoustic test - detailed positioning up to BU.
4. Position of internal accelerometers for acoustic test - detailed positioning up to BU.
5. Harnessing for all of above (NB although not in procedures it is assumed that much of this happens near the beginning of the assembly process so that any glue used goes through a bakeout. This may not be feasible for all items. The harnessing itself is done after the electronics boxes/dummy masses are in place at present, the bosses/harness clamps are likely to be glued so will have to be added before the final assembly bake)
6. Discussion on how we monitor cleanliness (it is important to test cleanliness between all steps in the procedure to identify potential contaminating stages), this is marked as ‘to be verified’ in section 6.2.4 of the ‘cleanliness plan’ [2]. Ideally this will be a very short test that can be carried out at short notice so not to interrupt the process (i.e. taking the QCM recording device to the instrument, is it portable?). Monitoring of cleanliness will be the responsibility of RAL.
7. Detailed handling procedures (especially within UK, i.e. movement from BU to RAL to test houses etc.)
8. MTM/TTM EGSE. In the mechanical tests it is assumed that the test houses will provide any EGSE requirement. It is believed that the RAL thermal vacuum facility has a monitoring system comparable with the Thermal Sensors used in EIS (there is an Action on BU to confirm this). For any other testing, i.e. distortion monitors BU will provide the necessary test equipment. Cleanliness monitoring will be the responsibility of RAL. Review requirements of MTM/TTM EGSE at RAL meeting.
9. Mounting template: this should be checked for alignment against the FM model during the FM phase. I haven’t updated the flow diagram as a comprehensive FM plan will be produced nearer the time and the idea behind this exercise was to mimic the FM plan during the initial phases of the integration to proove the cleanliness and handling plan. The question then arises as to whether there is a need to do an alignment check of this type during MTM/TMM?