Issue1 (draft)
Document IDEIS-sys-eng-userneed-1
Document FileZ:\mwt\Projects\Solar-B\EIS\docs\sys\eng\userneed1d.doc
AuthorsMatthew Whyndham, MSSL
Véronique Gorel, UCL/MSSL


Introduction 2User Needs 3Introduction

This document is part of the framework for systems engineering for EIS. This is described fully in the Management Plan (ref). In this framework, the development of the system (the EIS instrument) is controlled at the highest level by three documents, namely the User Needs document, the System Requirements document and the System Specifications document.

The User Needs document (this document) expresses the goals which the system's operation will achieve.

The System Requirements document (ref) is a Functional Requirements Document. It reflects a subset of the needs by stating the functional requirements of the system and measurable terms (what the system must do).

The System Specification document describes how the system will meet the requirements. This will refer to the technology to be employed (whereas the Requirements do not).

User Needs

For the purposes of this document the PI plus the Science Team are regarded as the Users of EIS.

The stated needs are as follows :