Jet-X at MSSL

Jet-X - Galactic sources

Many different galactic objects are strong emitters of X-rays. These range from interacting binary stars (both magnetic and non-magnetic) to active stars. In the case of interacting binary systems (or cataclysmic variables), material flows from a late type secondary star to a compact binary. Often, the material forms an accretion disk and X-ray are emitted both from the inner edge of this disk and from a hot coronae around the disk. In the case of magnetic systems, a magnetic field disrupts the flow of the accretion stream and channels the material onto a small accretion spot on the primaries surface (normally a white dwarf). Jet-X will provide valuable data both by have good time resolution (2 seconds) and high spectral resolution, enabling a detailed study of the X-ray emitting processes in these systems. For more information about galactic research at MSSL go here.

An Interacting Binary Star

Mark Garlick's impression of a cataclysmic variable © [1996] by Mark A. Garlick

Figure 1. An artists impression of a non-magnetic cataclysmic variable.

Stars also emit X-rays. The sun is our nearest example (see Figure 2), but many stars are much stronger emitters of X-rays than our sun. Again, Jet-X's time resolution and spectral capability will enabled detailed studies of stars to be made.

Yohkoh image of the Sun

Figure 2. Yohkoh image of the sun in X-rays.

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