This example programme is suitable for GIS rastered observations and combines a series of exposures and plots the total spectrum for GIS observations . The count rates within a section of the spectra are then plotted as an image.

pro example1, study, detno, lam1, lam2
; study:           study filename (string)
; detno:           detector number, from 1 to 4
; lam1, lam2:    wavelength range to intergrate over (in Angstroms)
; e.g. to pick the 277A line in detector 2 in study s7060r00 type:
;      IDL> example, 's7060r00', 2, 276, 278

print, 'Reading ' + study, + ', detector number', +detno
print, 'Plotting between wavelengths ', lam1, + ' and ', lam2


qlds = readcdsfits (study)       ; read in the qlds
gis_smooth, qlds            ;correct for fixed patterning
ghost_buster, qlds            ;remove ghosted regions
gis_calib, qlds, /arcsec2_cm2       ;calibrate

; plot an average spectrum

window, 0
ghost_plot_one, qlds, detno, /angstroms

; take a slice of the data

int_spec = gt_bimage(qlds, lam1, lam2, xsolar=xsolar, ysolar=ysolar)


spec_id = 'GIS' + trim(detno)
print, 'Pixels chosen:', wave2pix(spec_id, [lam1, lam2])
print, 'Bottom left position on the Sun:', min(xsolar), min(ysolar)

; plot the image

window, 1
loadct, 0
tvscl, congrid(int_spec, 512, 512)

