Besides the data types listed above, the XMM Data Archive contains the files created by the Pipeline Processing System (PPS) operated at the SSC (see Appendix B). As described in § 6, calibration of XMM science data is performed by applying the appropriate CCF. The PPS produces calibrated science data (e.g., X-ray event lists) and from these data products, such as, e.g., images, spectra, and time series (§ 6.1.2).
PPS data products are produced for every XMM observation and fed into the data archive. They form part of the standard delivery to PIs. After expiration of the proprietary period, if any, the pipeline data products will be retrievable from the archive.
A complete description of which kind of files/data the PPS produces will be provided in the XMM Data Files Handbook (in preparation).
The archival retrieval procedures are described in § 7.3 (below).