The internal background is dominated mainly by -rays generated
within the spacecraft in response to the cosmic ray flux. An industry
study indicates that for a nominal particle flux, and a best estimate
of the spacecraft mass distribution, the event rate in EPIC MOS would
be of order
counts cm-2 s-1 keV-1. The
spectrum is expected to be virtually flat. No detailed model was performed
for the EPIC pn camera, but it was estimated that with an active layer
some 4-5 times thicker than the MOS CCDs, the rate might be typically a
factor of 2 higher. The uncertainty due to variation of the cosmic ray
rates around the orbit and with time is probably also a factor 2 at best.
For some basic assumptions on the pulse height invariant channel widths and other factors, the following estimates for the PHA file characteristics of the particle background component in the XMM cameras were estimated by us:
where the units are counts mm-2 s-1 channel-1 and B is the channel number, giving the weak energy dependence.
If it proves possible to correlate a particle-induced background component with the event rates measured in the EPIC Radiation Monitor (ERMS, § 3.6.2), then it should also be possible to include this as part of a background correction calibration file.
The dark currents of both types of EPIC CCDs are negligible sources of background noise under nominal operating conditions.