UK XMM Overview
X-ray Multi-Mirror (XMM) observatory is a cornerstone mission of ESA's
horizon 2000 programme. It will be by far the most powerful X-ray
observatory ever flown. The emphasis of XMM is on high-throughput
spectroscopy: The observatory includes three co-aligned X-ray
telescopes, each made up of 58 thin, closely packed grazing incidence
mirrors which will have the EPIC and RGS detectors located at their
foci. Coaligned with the three X-ray telescopes is the Optical
See this clickable XMM schematic view of how it all fits
together now linking to our new instrument pages.
The three X-ray telescopes together deliver an effective aperture
of 4650 cm-2 at 1 keV (1 keV = 2.5x1017 Hz), and
2700 cm-2 at 5 keV, and a collecting area which spans the
energy range between 0.1 keV and 15 keV (2x1016 to
4x1018 Hz). A typical exposure time of 30 to 50 ks will
reach X-ray fluxes of approximately 10-15 erg
cm-2 s-1 (0.1-10keV) - see the EPIC sensitivity plot. (Please note that the
sensitivity values quoted here and the EPIC sensitivity plot are more
optimistic than those given in the XMM Users' Handbook [UHB]. The UHB values are
intentionally conservative whilst what we quote reflects the
performance which we hope will be achieved).
The XMM observatory is equipped with three different types of scientific
EPIC CCD Camera Each telescope has a CCD camera at its focus
provided by the European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) consortium (PI:
Martin Turner, Leicester). These deliver imaging spectroscopy with a
resolution of E/delta(E)~100 at 6 keV over a 30 arc-minute diameter
field of view. Two types of CCD camera are used which have
complementary capabilities. One of the three XMM telescopes is fitted
with an array of pn CCD chips, which emphasise photon throughput and
overall energy response. The other two telescopes focus radiation onto
arrays of MOS CCDs, which have a smaller physical pixel size than the
pn CCDs and better sample the point-spread function of the
Reflection Grating Spectrometer Two of the three X-ray telescopes,
those which have EPIC-MOS CCD cameras, are also equipped with reflection
gratings that disperse approximately half the radiation collected by the
telescope onto a linear array of 9 CCD chips. This is the Reflection Grating
Spectrometer (RGS; PI: A. C. Brinkman, Utrecht with MSSL as a Co-I group)
which provides X-ray spectroscopy with a resolving power of between 100
and 600 in the energy range 0.35-2.5 keV.
Optical Monitor A novel feature of XMM is the inclusion of an optical/UV
telescope, the Optical Monitor (OM; PI Keith Mason, MSSL). This is designed
to provide multi-wavelength monitoring of variable X-ray sources. The OM
is co-aligned with the X-ray telescopes and will deliver sensitive optical
and UV imaging data in the wavelength range 1700-6000 Å on each field
that XMM observes.
Full details of the instrumentation, the groups which developed them, the
XMM Survey Science Centre (SSC), observation planning and proposal preparation
are available from this site and the links therein. In the future as observations
are made, information about data reduction and analysis techniques will
also be available here. Any queries about the site may be addressed to
the XMM Support teams at either Leicester (xmm_help@star.le.ac.uk)
or MSSL (xmm_help@mssl.ucl.ac.uk).
This site written and maintained by Tim
Roberts at the University
of Leicester XRA group and Liz
Puchnarewicz and Encarni
Romero Colmenero at MSSL
. Last updated: Tue May 18th 1999