Harra, L.K. & Sterling, A.C.
Material Outflows from Coronal Intensity ``Dimming Regions'' During Coronal Mass Ejection Onset
2001, ApJL in press
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Schmieder B., Aulanier, G., Démoulin, P., Martens, P.C.H., Zarro, D., De Forest, C., Thompson, B., Saint Cyr, C., Kucera T., Burkepile, J.T., White, O.R., Hanaoka, Y., and Nitta, N. |
Filament Disparition Brusque & CME in D. Webb, D. Rust and B. Schmieder (eds.) `New Perspectives on Solar Prominences' | 1998, IAU Coll. 167, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 150, pp. 366-369
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Willson, R.F., Kile, J.N., Raoult, A., Mein, N., Rudawy, P., Cader, B., Rompolt, B., Schmieder, B., Mein, P., and Malherbe, J.M. | X-ray Jets and Their Radio Signatures at Metric and Centimeter Wavelengths | 1998, in R.A. Donahue and J. A. Bookbinder (eds.) The Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, ASP Conf. Ser. 154, p. 707
Hori, K., Culhane, J.L. |
Trajectories of Prominence Eruptions and their Association with Other Coronal Activities | 2001, A&A, submitted |
Initial features of an X-class flare observed with SUMER and TRACE |
T. J. Wang, S. K. Solanki, D. E. Innes, and W. Curdt |
2002-07-04 |
Hot loop oscillations seen by SUMER: examples and statistics |
T. J. Wang, S. K. Solanki, W. Curdt, D. E. Innes, and I. E. Dammasch |
2002-07-04 |
Damping Time Scaling of Coronal Loop Oscillations Deduced from TRACEObservations |
L. Ofman, M. J. Aschwanden |
2002-07-02 |
Photospheric Motions and Coronal Mass Ejection Productivity |
A. Nindos, H. Zhang |
2002-06-28 |
Spatially resolved microwave oscillations above a sunspot |
A. Nindos, C.E. Alissandrakis, G.B. Gelfreikh, V.M. Bogod, C. Gontikakis |
2002-06-28 |
A magnetic reconnection scenario of the Bastille-Day 2000 flare |
Boris V. Somov, Takeo Kosugi, Hugh S. Hudson, Taro Sakao, and Satoshi Masuda |
2002-06-26 |
On the Force-Freeness of Photospheric Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Regions: The Current Density Method |
Georgoulis, M. K., Rust, D. M., and Bernasconi, P. N. |
2002-06-25 |
Emergence and drastic break-down of a twisted flux rope to trigger strong solar flares in the active region NOAA 9026 |
Hiroki Kurokawa, Tongjiang Wang, and Takako T. Ishii |
2002-06-05 |
Doppler-shift Oscillations of Hot Solar Coronal Plasma seen by SUMER: a Signature of Loop Oscillations |
Tongjiang Wang, S. K. Solanki, W. Curdt, D. E. Innes, and I. E. Dammasch |
2002-05-30 |
Evidence of EIT and Moreton Waves in Numerical Simulations |
Chen, P. F., Wu, S. T., Shibata, K. and Fang, C. |
2002-05-17 |
Chromospheric Models of a Solar Flare including Velocity Fields |
Falchi, A. and Mauas P.J.D. |
2002-05-02 |
2002-04-30 |
Coronal mass ejections and their association to active region flaring. |
L.M.Green, L.K.Harra, S.A.Matthews, J.L.Culhane |
2002-04-30 |
Statistics, Morphology, and Energetics of Ellerman Bombs |
M. K. Georgoulis, D. M. Rust, P. N. Bernasconi, and B. Schmieder |
2002-04-08 |
Tongjiang Wang, S.K. Solanki, W. Curdt, D.E. Innes, I.E. Dammasch |
2002-04-06 |
Flaring Time Interval Distribution and Spatial Correlation of Major X-ray Flares |
Y.-J. Moon, G. S. Choe, H. S. Yun, Y. D. Park |
2002-04-05 |
Force-Freeness of Solar Magnetic Fields in the Photosphere |
Y.-J. Moon, G. S. Choe, H. S. Yun, Y. D. Park, D. L. Mickey |
2002-04-05 |
A Revised Shock Time of Arrival (STOA) Model for Interplanetary Shock Propagation: STOA-2 |
Y.-J. Moon, M. Dryer, Z. Smith, Y. D. Park, K. S. Cho |
2002-04-05 |
2002-04-04 |
2002-04-04 |
Boundary Structures and Changes in Long-Lived Coronal Holes |
S.W. Kahler and H.S. Hudson |
2002-04-01 |
Hard X-radiation from a fast coronal ejection |
Hudson, H.S., Kosugi, T., Nitta, N.V., and Shimojo, M. |
2002-03-31 |
Coronal holes as seen in soft X-rays by Yohkoh |
H. S. Hudson |
2002-03-31 |
Reconciliation of the coronal heating function between Yohkoh and TRACE |
Markus J. Aschwanden |
2002-03-27 |
Nuclear Deexcitation Gamma Ray Lines from Accelerated Particle Interactions |
Kozlovsky, B., Murphy, R. J., & Ramaty, R. |
2002-03-13 |
Directionality of Solar Flare Accelerated Protons and Alpha Particles from Gamma-Ray Line Measurements |
G. H. Share, R. J. Murphy, J. Kiener and N. de Sereville |
2002-03-13 |
Statistical Correlations Between Solar Microwave Bursts and Coronal Mass Ejections |
Dougherty, B.L., Zirin, H., Hsu, K. |
2002-03-08 |
PARTICLE ACCELERATION AND KINEMATICS IN SOLAR FLARES. A Synthesis of Recent Observations and Theoretical Concepts (Invited Review) |
Markus J. Aschwanden |
2002-03-07 |
Correlated dynamics of hot and cool plasmas in the main phase of a solar
flare |
B. Kliem, I. E. Dammasch, W. Curdt, and K. Wilhelm |
2002-03-04 |
Analytical Approximations to Hydrostatic Solutionsand Scaling Laws of Coronal Loops |
Markus J. Aschwanden and Carolus J. Schrijver |
2002-02-14 |
Is the Quiet-Sun Corona Heated by Active Regions or by the Network ? |
Markus J. Aschwanden, Greg L. Slater, Jim R. Lemen, Tom R. Metcalf,Sam L. Freeland, Phil Shirts, and Loren W. Acton |
2002-02-13 |
On the outer boundary of the sunspot penumbra |
B. Kalman |
2002-02-06 |
Turbulent plasma model of the narrowband dm-spikes |
Barta, M. and Karlicky, M. |
2002-02-01 |
Impact H-alpha line polarization and return current |
Karlicky, M., Henoux, J.C. |
2002-02-01 |
Radio bursts with rapid frequency variations - lace bursts |
Karlicky, M.,Barta, M., Jiricka, K., Meszarosova, H., Sawant, H.S., Fernandes, F.C.R.,and Cecatto, J.R. |
2002-02-01 |
The large-scale coronal field structure and source-region features for a halo CME |
Tongjiang Wang, Yihua Yan, Jialong Wang, H. Kurokawa, and K. Shibata |
2002-01-30 |
Energy and Mass Supply in the Decay Phase of Long Duration Solar Flare Events |
Kiyoto Shibasaki |
2002-01-29 |
Nanoflare Statistics from First Principles : Fractal Geometry and Temperature Synthesis |
Markus J. Aschwanden and Clare E. Parnell |
2002-01-29 |
What is the source of the magnetic helicity shed by CMEs. The long-term helicity budget of AR 7978 |
Démoulin P., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mandrini C.H., Thompson B., Plunkett S., Kovari Zs., Aulanier, G. & Young A. |
2001-12-19 |
The magnetic helicity injected by shearing motions |
Démoulin P., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mandrini C.H., Lňpez Fuentes M. & Aulanier, G. |
2001-12-19 |
Temperature Isotropization in Solar Flare Plasmas due to the Electron Firehose Instability |
Peter Messmer |
2001-12-18 |
Location of narrowband spikes in solar flares |
A.O. Benz, P. Saint-Hilaire and N. Vilmer |
2001-12-14 |
Looptop Hard X-Ray Emission In Solar Flares: Images And Statistics |
Vahe' Petrosian, Timothy Q.
Donaghy & James M. McTiernan |
2001-12-13 |
LASCO and EIT Observations of the Bastille Day 2000 Solar Storm |
Micahel D. Andrews |
2001-11-30 |
Effects of Temperature Bias on Nanoflare Statistics |
Markus J. Aschwanden and Paul Charbonneau |
2001-11-21 |
Interaction of EIT Waves with Coronal Active Regions |
L. Ofman, B.J. Thompson |
2001-11-12 |
Chromospheric Leakage of Alfven Waves in Coronal Loops |
L. Ofman |
2001-11-12 |
Coronal Heating by Resonant Absorption: the Effects of Chromospheric Coupling |
A.J.C. Belien, P.C.H. Martens, and R. Keppens |
2001-10-24 |
Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emissions from Astrophysical Plasmas |
P.C.H. Martens, S. Tsuruta, and M.A. Weber (eds.) |
2001-10-24 |
Chromospheric Damping of Alfven Waves |
B. De Pontieu, P.C.H. Martens, and H.S. Hudson |
2001-10-24 |
Size Distributions of the >10 MeV Solar Proton Events |
L.I. Miroshnichenko, B. Mendoza, and R. Perez Enriquez |
2001-10-24 |
Periodic Acceleration of Electrons in the 1998 November 10 Solar Flare |
A. Asai, M. Shimojo, H. Isobe, T. Morimoto, T. Yokoyama, K. Shibasaki, and H. Nakajima |
2001-10-16 |
Measurement of coronal magnetic twist during loops emergence of NOAA 8069 |
F.Portier-Fozzani, M.Aschwanden, P.Demoulin, and W.Neupert |
2001-10-10 |
Evolution of Magnetic Flux Rope in NOAA 9077 Active Region on 14 July 2000 |
Yihua Yan, Markus J. Aschwanden, Shujuan Wang, and Yuanyong Deng |
2001-10-10 |
A Weakly Nonlinear Alfv'enic Pulse in a Transversely InhomogeneousMedium |
D. Tsiklauri, T.D. Arber and V.M. Nakariakov |
2001-10-04 |
Wide-Spectrum Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in Coronal Loops |
D. Tsiklauri and V.M. Nakariakov |
2001-10-04 |
Astrophysics in 2000 (Invited Review) |
Virginia Trimble and Markus J. Aschwanden |
2001-10-03 |
The Magnetic Topological Structure and Energy of the 2B/X2 Flare in NOAA 8100 |
Yihua Yan, Yang Liu, Maki Akioka, Fengsi Wei |
2001-09-24 |
Transverse Oscillations in Coronal Loops Observed with TRACE: II. Measurements of Geometric and Physical Parameters |
Aschwanden,M.J., DePontieu,B., Schrijver,C.J., and Title,A. |
2001-09-13 |
Transverse oscillations in coronal loops observed with TRACE: I. An overview of events, movies, and a discussion of common properties and required conditions |
Carolus J. Schrijver, Markus J. Aschwanden, and Alan T. Title |
2001-09-13 |
Observational Determination of Rate of Magnetic Helicity Transport through the Solar Surface via Horizontal Motion of Field Line Footpoints |
Chae, J. |
2001-09-10 |
Reconciliation of the Coronal Heating Function between Yohkoh and TRACE |
Markus J. Aschwanden |
2001-09-10 |
Constraining the properties of non-radiative heating of the
coronae of cool stars and the Sun |
Carolus J. Schrijver and Markus J. Aschwanden |
2001-09-05 |
Energy Distribution of Micro-events in the Quiet Solar Corona |
Arnold O. Benz and Sam Krucker |
2001-09-03 |
Recurrent flare/CME events from an emerging flux region |
Nitta, N. V., Hudson, H. S. |
2001-08-28 |
Observing CMEs without coronagraphs |
Hudson, H. S., and Cliver, E. W. |
2001-08-25 |
Plasma Beta above a Solar Active Region |
G. Allen Gary |
2001-08-01 |
Group of type III bursts and its associated spikes |
Shujuan Wang, Yihua Yan, Qijun Fu |
2001-07-24 |
Solar Disappearing Filament Inside a Coronal Hole |
Chertok, I.M., Mogilevsky, E.I., Obridko, V.N., Shilova, N.S., and Hudson, H.S. |
2001-07-18 |
The Magnetic Free Energy and a CME in Active Region 8299 |
Thomas R. Metcalf, Donald L. Mickey, Barry J. LaBonte, and Leigh Ann Ryder |
2001-07-17 |
CME acceleration in the low solar corona |
D. Alexander, T. R. Metcalf and N. V. Nitta |
2001-07-03 |
Revisiting the Determination of the Coronal Heating Function from Yohkoh Data |
Markus J. Aschwanden |
2001-06-29 |
The Source Regions of Impulsive Solar Electron Events |
Arnold O. Benz, Robert P. Lin, Olga A. Sheiner, Sam Krucker and Joe Fainberg |
2001-06-28 |
On the reliability of peak-flux distributions, with an application to solar flares |
H. Isliker and A.O. Benz |
2001-06-28 |
On the reliability of peak-flux distributions, with an application to solar flares |
H. Isliker and A.O. Benz |
2001-06-28 |
Steps Towards a Virtual Solar Observatory |
Csillaghy, A, Zarro, D.M, & Freeland, S.L. |
2001-05-30 |
Sharp Decreases of Solar Metric Radio Storm |
Chertok, I.M., Kahler, S., Aurass, H., Gnezdilov, A.A. |
2001-05-27 |
Multi-Scale Temporal Features of the 14 July 2000 Meter-Wavelength Dynamic Radio Spectrum Compared with the TRACE Data |
Chertok, I.M., Fomichev, V.V., Gnezdilov, A.A.,Gorgutsa,R.V.,Grechnev, V.V., Markeev, A.K., Nightingale, R.W., and Sobolev,D.E. |
2001-05-24 |
Origin and Evolution of Filament-Prominence Systems |
Petrus C. Martens & Cornelis Zwaan |
2001-05-23 |
Gamma-Ray Line Observations of the 2000 July 14 Flare and SEP Impact on the Earth |
G.H. Share, R.J. Murphy, A.J. Tylka, R.A. Schwartz, M., Yoshimori, K. Suga, S. Nakayama, H. Takeda |
2001-05-17 |
High-beta Disruption in the Solar Atmosphere |
Kiyoto Shibasaki |
2001-05-10 |
Drifting radio bursts and fine structures in the 0.8-7.6 GHz frequency range observed in the NOAA 9077 AR (July 10-14, 2000) solar flares |
Karlicky, M.; Yan, Y.; Fu, Q.; Wang, S.; Jiricka, K.; Meszarosova, H.; Liu, Y. |
2001-04-15 |
An Evaluation of Coronal Heating Models based on Yohkoh, SoHO, and TRACE Observations |
Markus J. Aschwanden |
2001-04-13 |
A nanoflare heating model for the quiet solar corona |
U. Mitra Kraev, A. O. Benz |
2001-04-12 |
On-the-disk Development of the Halo Coronal Mass Ejection on
May 2, 1998 |
S. Pohjolainen, D. Maia, M. Pick, N. Vilmer, J.I. Khan, W. Otruba, A. Warmuth, A. Benz, C. Alissandrakis, and B.J. Thompson |
2001-04-09 |
Flare Plasma Cooling from 30 MK down to 1 MK modeled from Yohkoh, GOES, and TRACE observations during the Bastille-Day Event (2000 July 14) |
Markus J. Aschwanden and David Alexander |
2001-04-03 |
Extended radio emission after the soft X-ray maximum of the NOAA 9077 AR solar flare on July 10, 2000 |
Shujuan Wang, Yihua Yan, and Qijun Fu |
2001-04-02 |
The magnetic rope structure and associated energetic processes in the 2000 July 14 solar flare |
Yihua Yan, Yuanyong Deng, Marian Karlicky, Qijun Fu, Shujuan Wang, Yuying Liu |
2001-03-26 |
Spatial analysis of solar type III events associated with narrow band spikes at metric wavelengths |
G. Paesold, A.O. Benz, K.-L. Klein, N. Vilmer |
2001-03-16 |
MHD Properties of Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Solar Photosphere |
Kleimann, J. & Hornig, G. |
2001-03-05 |
Correlation of Upper-Atmospheric 7Be with Solar Energetic Particle Events |
Phillips, G. W. ; Share, G. H. ; King, S. E. ; August, R. A. ; Tylka, A. J. ; Adams, J. H., Jr. ; Panasyuk, M. I. ; Nymmik, R. A. ; Kuzhevskij, B. M. ; |
2001-02-26 |
The New Solar Corona (Invited Review) |
Aschwanden,M.J., Poland,A.I., and Rabin,D. |
2001-02-22 |
Atmospheric gamma rays from solar energetic particles and cosmic rays penetrating the magnetosphere |
Gerald H. Share and Ronald J. Murphy |
2001-02-21 |
Limits on Radiative Capture Gamma-Ray Lines and Implications for Energy Content in Flare-Accelerated Protons |
Share, G.H., Murphy, R.J.,and Newton, E. K. |
2001-02-20 |
Evidence for the flare trigger site and 3-D reconnection in multi-wavelength observations of a solar flare |
L. Fletcher, T. R. Metcalf, D. Alexander, L. A. Ryder and D. S. Brown |
2001-02-06 |
Chromospheric Heating in the Late Phase of Two-ribbon Flares |
A. Czaykowska, D. Alexander and B. De Pontieu |
2001-02-05 |
A Comparison Between Statistical Properties of Solar X-Ray Flares and Avalanche Predictions in Cellular Automata Statistical Flare Models |
Georgoulis, M. K., Vilmer, N. & Crosby, N. B. |
2001-01-15 |
Hemispheric Helicity Trend for Solar Cycle 23 |
Alexei A. Pevtsov, Richard C. Canfield, Sergei M. Latushko |
2001-01-05 |
Plasmoid-Induced-Reconnection and Fractal Reconnection |
Kazunari Shibata and Syuniti Tanuma |
2001-01-04 |
On the Temporal Relationship Between Coronal Mass Ejections and Flares |
Zhang, J., Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A., Kundu, M.R, White, S.M. |
2000-12-21 |
High-sensitivity observations of solar flare decimeter radiation |
Arnold O. Benz, Peter Messmer and Christian Monstein |
2000-12-05 |
Heating the Quiet Corona by Nanoflares: Evidence and Problems |
Arnold O. Benz and Sam Krucker |
2000-12-05 |
Magnetic connectivity of coronal
fields: geometrical versus topological description |
V.S. Titov and G. Hornig |
2000-11-12 |
The Magnetic Helicity Sign of Filament Chirality |
Chae, J. |
2000-10-13 |
The Origin and Development of the May 1997 Magnetic Cloud |
D.F. Webb, R.P. Lepping, L. Burlaga, C. DeForest, D. Larson, S. Martin, S.P. Plunkett, and D.M. Rust. |
2000-08-28 |
Modeling of Coronal EUV Loops Observed with TRACE : I. Hydrostatic Steady-State Solutions with Nonuniform Heating
Markus J. Aschwanden, Carolus J. Schrijver, and David Alexander
2000-08-18 |
Evolution and decay of an active region: Magnetic shear, flare and CME activity
Mandrini, C.H., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Thompson, B., Plunkett, S., Demoulin, P., Aulanier, G.
2000-08-09 |
Observation and analysis of a 3B/X3 solar flare
M.C. Lopez Fuentes, C.H. Mandrini, M.G. Rovira, P. Demoulin
2000-07-13 |
Initiation of CMEs: the role of magnetic twist
L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, C.H. Mandrini, P.K. Manoharan, P. Demoulin, M. Lopez Fuentes, G. Aulanier, B. Thompson, S. Plunkett, S. Orlando, B. Schmieder, C. DeForest
2000-07-13 |
The Counter-kink Rotation of a Non-Hale Active Region
M. Lopez Fuentes, P. Demoulin, C.H. Mandrini, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi
2000-07-13 |
Solar flare radio pulsations as a signature of dynamic magnetic reconnection
Kliem, B., Karlicky, M., Benz, A. O.
2000-06-22 |
Three-dimensional spontaneous magnetic reconnection in neutral current sheets
Schumacher, J., Kliem, B., Seehafer, N.
2000-06-22 |
Origin of helical coronal disturbances from the Sun
K. Hori
2000-06-12 |
Topology is Destiny: Reconnection energetics in the corona
D. W. Longcope and C. C. Kankelborg
2000-06-05 |
The Origin of the Solar Flare Waiting-time Distribution
Wheatland, M.S.
2000-06-05 |
Evidence for Nonuniform Heating of Coronal Loops Inferred from Multi-Thread Modeling of TRACE Data |
Markus J. Aschwanden, Richard W. Nightingale, and David Alexander |
2000-05-26 |
Solar Magnetic Fields and Geomagnetic Events
Pevtsov, A. A. and Canfield, R. C.
2000-05-25 |
Vector Magnetic Fields, Sub-surface Stresses, and Evolution of Magnetic Helicity
Canfield, R. C. and Pevtsov, A. A.
2000-05-25 |
Coronal Structures as Tracers of Sub-Surface Processes
Pevtsov, A. A. and Canfield, R. C
2000-05-25 |
Harold Zirin and Robert Cameron ;;Solar Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
2000-05-17 |
Tomography of the Soft X-Ray Corona: Measurements of Electron Densities, Temperatures, and Differential Emission Measure Distributions above the Limb |
Markus J. Aschwanden and Loren W. Acton |
2000-05-04 |
Quasi-separatrix layers: refined theory and its application to solar flares
Titov, V. S., Démoulin, P., Hornig, G.
2000-04-13 |
Basic topology of twisted magnetic configurations in solar flares
Titov, V. S., Démoulin, P.
2000-04-13 |
The Effect of Hydrostatic Weighting on the Vertical Temperature Structure of the Solar Corona |
Aschwanden,M.J. and Nitta,N. |
2000-04-07 |
Lithium-6 from Solar Flares
R. Ramaty, V. Tatischeff, J. P. Thibaud, B. Kozlovsky, N. Mandzhavidze
2000-03-27 |
Sigmoids as Precursors of Solar Eruptions
Canfield, R. C., Hudson, H. S., and Pevtsov, A. A.
2000-03-22 |
Self-organized criticality from separator reconnection in
D. W. Longcope and E. J. Noonan
2000-03-13 |
The Spectral Evolution of Solar Flare Hard X-ray Emission Observed with BATSE
Newton, Elizabeth K. & Giblin, Timothy
2000-02-22 |
Anticipating HESSI's Spatially Resolved View of Spectral Evolution
Newton, E.K., Giblin, T., & Metcalf, T.
2000-02-22 |
Supra-arcade Downflows in Long-Duration Solar Flare Events
McKenzie, D. E.
2000-02-15 |
X-Ray Observations of Motions and Structure above a Solar Flare Arcade
McKenzie, D. E.; Hudson, H. S.
2000-02-15 |
Gamma Ray Spectroscopy in the Pre-HESSI Era
G. H. Share and R. J. Murphy
2000-02-04 |
Simultaneous Observations of Solar Flares with CGRO/OSSE and Yohkoh/WBS
R. J. Murphy, G. H. Share and M. Yoshimori
2000-02-04 |
Evolution of Solar Magnetic Arcades. II. Effect of Resistivity and Solar Eruptive Processes
G. S. Choe and L. C. Lee
2000-02-03 |
A Model of Solar Flares and Their Homologous Behavior
G. S. Choe and C. Z. Cheng
2000-02-03 |
Small-scale Magnetic Reconnection in the Quiet Sun
Chae, J.
2000-02-02 |
Active Region Loops Observed with SUMER on board SOHO
Chae, J., Wang, H., Qiu, J., Goode, P. R., and Wilhelm, K.
2000-02-02 |
Extreme-Ultraviolet Jets and H alpha Surges in Solar Microflares
Chae, J., Qiu, J., Wang, H., and Goode, P. R.
2000-02-02 |
Non-Coplanar Magnetic Reconnection as a Magnetic Twist Origin
Chae, J.
2000-02-02 |
Comparison of Transient Network Brightenings and Explosive Events in the Solar Transition Region
Chae, J., Wang, H., Goode, P. R., Fludra, A., and Schuehle, U.
2000-02-02 |
Global coronal waves: implications for HESSI
Hudson, H., and Karlicky, M.
2000-01-31 |
Hard X-rays from Slow LDEs |
Hudson, H.S., and McKenzie, D.E. |
2000-01-31 |
Quadrupolar Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares: I. 3D Geometry inferred from Yohkoh Observations
Aschwanden,M.J., Kosugi,T., Hanaoka,Y., Nishio,M., and Melrose,D.B.
2000-01-25 |
3D-Stereoscopic Analysis of Solar Active Region Loops: |
Aschwanden,M.J., Alexander,D., Hurlburt,N., Newmark,J.S.,Neupert,W.M., Klimchuk,J.A., and G.A.Gary |
2000-01-25 |
Exact Solutions for Reconnective Magnetic Annihilation
E.R. Priest, V.S. Titov, R.E. Grundy and A.W.
2000-01-11 |
The Heating of the Solar Corona
E. R. Priest, C. R. Foley, J. Heyvaerts, T.D. Arber$^{*}$, D. Mackay$^{*}$,
J. L. Culhane$^{+}$ and L.W. Acton
2000-01-11 |
Aspects of 3D Magnetic Reconnection
Priest, ER and Schrijver, CJ
2000-01-11 |
Solar Flare Theory and the Status of Flare Understanding
Priest, ER
2000-01-11 |
3-d and twisted: an MHD interpretation of on-disk observational characteristics of CMEs
S. E. Gibson and B. C. Low
2000-01-07 |
Ion Cyclotron Wave Dissipation in the Solar Corona: The Summed Effect of More than 2000 Ion Species
Cranmer, S. R.
2000-01-05 |
High Energy Processes in Solar Flares
Reuven Ramaty and Natalie Mandzhavidze
1999-12-24 |
The minimum bandwidth of narrowband spikes in solar flare decimetric radio
Messmer, P., Benz, A.O.
1999-12-10 |
The Relationship of Coronal Mass Ejections to Streamers
Subramanian, P., Dere, K. P., Rich, N. B., and Howard, R. A.
1999-12-03 |
LASCO Measurements of the Energetics of Coronal Mass Ejections
Vourlidas, A., Subramanian, P, Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A.
1999-12-03 |
Review of RF15-I X-ray photometer observations
Siarkowski, M., Sylwester, J., Gburek, S. and Kordylewski, Z.
1999-11-26 |
Do solar flares exhibit an interval-size relationship?
Wheatland, M.S.
1999-11-24 |
On the Spatial Distributioin of Hard X-rays from Solar Flares
Petrosian, Vahe', & Donaghy, T. Q.
1999-11-19 |
Plasma Turbulence and Stochastic Acceleration in Solar Flares
Petrosian, Vahe'
1999-11-19 |
Frequency-energy distributions of flares and active region transient brightenings
Wheatland, M.S. and Uchida, Y.
1999-11-17 |
Are electric currents in solar active regions neutralized?
Wheatland, M.S.
1999-11-17 |
Flare frequency-size distributions for individual active regions
Wheatland, M.S.
1999-11-17 |
Can Streamer Blobs Prevent the Buildup of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field?
M.K. van Aalst, P.C.H. Martens, and A.J.C. Belien
1999-11-16 |
The Preflare Phase |
P.C.H. Martens |
1999-11-16 |
The Scaling of Solar Flare Hard X-ray Emission to Other Flaring Objects in the Universe |
Martens, P.C.H. |
1999-11-16 |
PHOENIX-2: A New Broadband Spectrometer for Decimetric and Microwave Radio Bursts: Acoustic Spectrum Representation
Messmer, P., Benz, A.O., Monstein, C.
1999-11-15 |
PHOENIX-2: A New Broadband Spectrometer for Decimetric and Microwave Radio Bursts: First Results
Messmer, P., Benz, A.O., Monstein, C.
1999-11-13 |
Microwave Observation of Eruptive Solar Events with and without Flare Activity
K. Hori, T. Kosugi, K. Fujiki, H. Koshiishi, and K. Shibasaki
1999-11-11 |
Accelerated Particle Composition and Energetics and Ambient Abundances from Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of the 1991 June 4 Solar Flare
R.J. Murphy, G.H. Share, J.E. Grove, W.N. Johnson, R.L. Kinzer, J.D. Kurfess, M.S. Strickman, and G.V. Jung
1999-11-08 |
Gamma-Ray Measurement of Energetic Heavy Ions at the Sun
G.H. Share and R.J. Murphy
1999-11-08 |
Atmospheric Gamma-Ray Lines Produced by Cosmic Rays and Solar Energetic Particles
G.H. Share, R.J. Murphy and E. Rieger
1999-11-08 |
Accelerated-Particle Spectral Variability in the 1991 June 11 Solar
R.J. Murphy and G.H. Share
1999-11-08 |
Surprisingly Intense Neutron Emission from a Flare Behind the Limb of the Sun
R.J. Murphy, G.H. Share, K. W. DelSignore, X.-M. Hua
1999-11-08 |
Yohkoh and non-thermality in flares
H. S. Hudson
1999-11-05 |
Implosions in Coronal Transients
H. S. Hudson
1999-11-05 |
Heating the atmosphere above sunspots
Alexander, D., Hurlburt, N. E. and Rucklidge, A. M.
1999-11-04 |
High-resolution Observations of Plasma Jets in the Solar Corona
Alexander, D. and Fletcher, L.
1999-11-04 |
Hard X-Ray Timing Experiments with HESSI
Markus J. Aschwanden
1999-11-04 |
Determination of the Abundances of Subcoronal He and of Solar Flare Accelerated He-3 and He-4 from Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
N. Mandzhavidze, R. Ramaty, B. Kozlovsky
1999-11-04 |
Gamma Rays from Solar Flares
Reuven Ramaty and Natalie Mandzhavidze
1999-11-04 |
Particle Acceleration at the Sun and in the Heliosphere
Reames, D. V.
1999-11-04 |
Electron Firehose instability and acceleration of electrons in
Paesold, G. and Benz, A.O.
1999-11-04 |
Bidirectional Type III Solar Radio Bursts
P. A. Robinson and A. O. Benz
1999-11-04 |
Heating Events Observed in the Quiet Corona
Arnold O. Benz and Sam Krucker
1999-11-04 |
Are Heating Events in the Quiet Solar Corona Small Flares? -- Multiwavelength Observations of Individual Events
Sam Krucker and Arnold O. Benz
1999-11-04 |
Coronal Mass Ejections at High Temperatures
Hugh Hudson
1999-11-04 |
The Global Dynamics of the High-Temperature Corona
Hugh Hudson
1999-11-04 |
1999-10-27 |
Tangential field changes in the great flare of May 24, 1990
Cameron, R. and Sammis, I.
1999-10-27 |
Do EUV Nanoflares Account for Coronal Heating?
1999-10-06 |
Radio and Hard X-Ray Observations of Flares and their Physical Interpretation'', (Invited Review)
1999-10-06 |
Particle Acceleration and Kinematics in Solar Flares and the Solar Corona'' (Invited Review)
1999-10-06 |
Solar Flares: Energetic Particles |
Aschwanden,M.J. |
1999-10-06 |
Time Variability of the Quiet Sun Observed with TRACE. I. Instrumental Effects, Event Detection, and Discrimination of EUV Nanoflares |
Aschwanden,M.J., Nightingale,R., Tarbell,T. S., and Wolfson,C.J. |
1999-10-06 |
Time Variability of the Quiet Sun Observed with TRACE. II. Physical Parameters, Temperature Evolution, and Energetics of EUV Nanoflares |
Aschwanden,M.J., Tarbell,T.D., Nightingale,R.W., Schrijver,C.J., Title,A., |
1999-10-06 |