Authors Titre Reference
Harra, L.K. & Sterling, A.C. Material Outflows from Coronal Intensity ``Dimming Regions'' During Coronal Mass Ejection Onset 2001, ApJL in press
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Schmieder B., Aulanier, G., Démoulin, P., Martens, P.C.H., Zarro, D., De Forest, C., Thompson, B., Saint Cyr, C., Kucera T., Burkepile, J.T., White, O.R., Hanaoka, Y., and Nitta, N. Filament Disparition Brusque & CME in D. Webb, D. Rust and B. Schmieder (eds.) `New Perspectives on Solar Prominences'1998, IAU Coll. 167, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 150, pp. 366-369
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Willson, R.F., Kile, J.N., Raoult, A., Mein, N., Rudawy, P., Cader, B., Rompolt, B., Schmieder, B., Mein, P., and Malherbe, J.M.X-ray Jets and Their Radio Signatures at Metric and Centimeter Wavelengths1998, in R.A. Donahue and J. A. Bookbinder (eds.) The Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, ASP Conf. Ser. 154, p. 707
Hori, K., Culhane, J.L. Trajectories of Prominence Eruptions and their Association with Other Coronal Activities2001, A&A, submitted
Initial features of an X-class flare observed with SUMER and TRACE T. J. Wang, S. K. Solanki, D. E. Innes, and W. Curdt 2002-07-04
Hot loop oscillations seen by SUMER: examples and statistics T. J. Wang, S. K. Solanki, W. Curdt, D. E. Innes, and I. E. Dammasch 2002-07-04
Damping Time Scaling of Coronal Loop Oscillations Deduced from TRACEObservations L. Ofman, M. J. Aschwanden 2002-07-02
Photospheric Motions and Coronal Mass Ejection Productivity A. Nindos, H. Zhang 2002-06-28
Spatially resolved microwave oscillations above a sunspot A. Nindos, C.E. Alissandrakis, G.B. Gelfreikh, V.M. Bogod, C. Gontikakis 2002-06-28
A magnetic reconnection scenario of the Bastille-Day 2000 flare Boris V. Somov, Takeo Kosugi, Hugh S. Hudson, Taro Sakao, and Satoshi Masuda 2002-06-26
On the Force-Freeness of Photospheric Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Regions: The Current Density Method Georgoulis, M. K., Rust, D. M., and Bernasconi, P. N. 2002-06-25
Emergence and drastic break-down of a twisted flux rope to trigger strong solar flares in the active region NOAA 9026 Hiroki Kurokawa, Tongjiang Wang, and Takako T. Ishii 2002-06-05
Doppler-shift Oscillations of Hot Solar Coronal Plasma seen by SUMER: a Signature of Loop Oscillations Tongjiang Wang, S. K. Solanki, W. Curdt, D. E. Innes, and I. E. Dammasch 2002-05-30
Evidence of EIT and Moreton Waves in Numerical Simulations Chen, P. F., Wu, S. T., Shibata, K. and Fang, C. 2002-05-17
Chromospheric Models of a Solar Flare including Velocity Fields Falchi, A. and Mauas P.J.D. 2002-05-02
Coronal mass ejections and their association to active region flaring. L.M.Green, L.K.Harra, S.A.Matthews, J.L.Culhane 2002-04-30
Statistics, Morphology, and Energetics of Ellerman Bombs M. K. Georgoulis, D. M. Rust, P. N. Bernasconi, and B. Schmieder 2002-04-08
OSCILLATING HOT LOOPS OBSERVED BY SUMER Tongjiang Wang, S.K. Solanki, W. Curdt, D.E. Innes, I.E. Dammasch 2002-04-06
Flaring Time Interval Distribution and Spatial Correlation of Major X-ray Flares Y.-J. Moon, G. S. Choe, H. S. Yun, Y. D. Park 2002-04-05
Force-Freeness of Solar Magnetic Fields in the Photosphere Y.-J. Moon, G. S. Choe, H. S. Yun, Y. D. Park, D. L. Mickey 2002-04-05
A Revised Shock Time of Arrival (STOA) Model for Interplanetary Shock Propagation: STOA-2 Y.-J. Moon, M. Dryer, Z. Smith, Y. D. Park, K. S. Cho 2002-04-05
Boundary Structures and Changes in Long-Lived Coronal Holes S.W. Kahler and H.S. Hudson 2002-04-01
Hard X-radiation from a fast coronal ejection Hudson, H.S., Kosugi, T., Nitta, N.V., and Shimojo, M. 2002-03-31
Coronal holes as seen in soft X-rays by Yohkoh H. S. Hudson 2002-03-31
Reconciliation of the coronal heating function between Yohkoh and TRACE Markus J. Aschwanden 2002-03-27
Nuclear Deexcitation Gamma Ray Lines from Accelerated Particle Interactions Kozlovsky, B., Murphy, R. J., & Ramaty, R. 2002-03-13
Directionality of Solar Flare Accelerated Protons and Alpha Particles from Gamma-Ray Line Measurements G. H. Share, R. J. Murphy, J. Kiener and N. de Sereville 2002-03-13
Statistical Correlations Between Solar Microwave Bursts and Coronal Mass Ejections Dougherty, B.L., Zirin, H., Hsu, K. 2002-03-08
PARTICLE ACCELERATION AND KINEMATICS IN SOLAR FLARES. A Synthesis of Recent Observations and Theoretical Concepts (Invited Review) Markus J. Aschwanden 2002-03-07
Correlated dynamics of hot and cool plasmas in the main phase of a solar flare B. Kliem, I. E. Dammasch, W. Curdt, and K. Wilhelm 2002-03-04
Analytical Approximations to Hydrostatic Solutionsand Scaling Laws of Coronal Loops Markus J. Aschwanden and Carolus J. Schrijver 2002-02-14
Is the Quiet-Sun Corona Heated by Active Regions or by the Network ? Markus J. Aschwanden, Greg L. Slater, Jim R. Lemen, Tom R. Metcalf,Sam L. Freeland, Phil Shirts, and Loren W. Acton 2002-02-13
On the outer boundary of the sunspot penumbra B. Kalman 2002-02-06
Turbulent plasma model of the narrowband dm-spikes Barta, M. and Karlicky, M. 2002-02-01
Impact H-alpha line polarization and return current Karlicky, M., Henoux, J.C. 2002-02-01
Radio bursts with rapid frequency variations - lace bursts Karlicky, M.,Barta, M., Jiricka, K., Meszarosova, H., Sawant, H.S., Fernandes, F.C.R.,and Cecatto, J.R. 2002-02-01
The large-scale coronal field structure and source-region features for a halo CME Tongjiang Wang, Yihua Yan, Jialong Wang, H. Kurokawa, and K. Shibata 2002-01-30
Energy and Mass Supply in the Decay Phase of Long Duration Solar Flare Events Kiyoto Shibasaki 2002-01-29
Nanoflare Statistics from First Principles : Fractal Geometry and Temperature Synthesis Markus J. Aschwanden and Clare E. Parnell 2002-01-29
What is the source of the magnetic helicity shed by CMEs. The long-term helicity budget of AR 7978 Démoulin P., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mandrini C.H., Thompson B., Plunkett S., Kovari Zs., Aulanier, G. & Young A. 2001-12-19
The magnetic helicity injected by shearing motions Démoulin P., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mandrini C.H., Lňpez Fuentes M. & Aulanier, G. 2001-12-19
Temperature Isotropization in Solar Flare Plasmas due to the Electron Firehose Instability Peter Messmer 2001-12-18
Location of narrowband spikes in solar flares A.O. Benz, P. Saint-Hilaire and N. Vilmer 2001-12-14
Looptop Hard X-Ray Emission In Solar Flares: Images And Statistics Vahe' Petrosian, Timothy Q. Donaghy & James M. McTiernan 2001-12-13
LASCO and EIT Observations of the Bastille Day 2000 Solar Storm Micahel D. Andrews 2001-11-30
Effects of Temperature Bias on Nanoflare Statistics Markus J. Aschwanden and Paul Charbonneau 2001-11-21
Interaction of EIT Waves with Coronal Active Regions L. Ofman, B.J. Thompson 2001-11-12
Chromospheric Leakage of Alfven Waves in Coronal Loops L. Ofman 2001-11-12
Coronal Heating by Resonant Absorption: the Effects of Chromospheric Coupling A.J.C. Belien, P.C.H. Martens, and R. Keppens 2001-10-24
Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emissions from Astrophysical Plasmas P.C.H. Martens, S. Tsuruta, and M.A. Weber (eds.) 2001-10-24
Chromospheric Damping of Alfven Waves B. De Pontieu, P.C.H. Martens, and H.S. Hudson 2001-10-24
Size Distributions of the >10 MeV Solar Proton Events L.I. Miroshnichenko, B. Mendoza, and R. Perez Enriquez 2001-10-24
Periodic Acceleration of Electrons in the 1998 November 10 Solar Flare A. Asai, M. Shimojo, H. Isobe, T. Morimoto, T. Yokoyama, K. Shibasaki, and H. Nakajima 2001-10-16
Measurement of coronal magnetic twist during loops emergence of NOAA 8069 F.Portier-Fozzani, M.Aschwanden, P.Demoulin, and W.Neupert 2001-10-10
Evolution of Magnetic Flux Rope in NOAA 9077 Active Region on 14 July 2000 Yihua Yan, Markus J. Aschwanden, Shujuan Wang, and Yuanyong Deng 2001-10-10
A Weakly Nonlinear Alfv'enic Pulse in a Transversely InhomogeneousMedium D. Tsiklauri, T.D. Arber and V.M. Nakariakov 2001-10-04
Wide-Spectrum Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in Coronal Loops D. Tsiklauri and V.M. Nakariakov 2001-10-04
Astrophysics in 2000 (Invited Review) Virginia Trimble and Markus J. Aschwanden 2001-10-03
The Magnetic Topological Structure and Energy of the 2B/X2 Flare in NOAA 8100 Yihua Yan, Yang Liu, Maki Akioka, Fengsi Wei 2001-09-24
Transverse Oscillations in Coronal Loops Observed with TRACE: II. Measurements of Geometric and Physical Parameters Aschwanden,M.J., DePontieu,B., Schrijver,C.J., and Title,A. 2001-09-13
Transverse oscillations in coronal loops observed with TRACE: I. An overview of events, movies, and a discussion of common properties and required conditions Carolus J. Schrijver, Markus J. Aschwanden, and Alan T. Title 2001-09-13
Observational Determination of Rate of Magnetic Helicity Transport through the Solar Surface via Horizontal Motion of Field Line Footpoints Chae, J. 2001-09-10
Reconciliation of the Coronal Heating Function between Yohkoh and TRACE Markus J. Aschwanden 2001-09-10
Constraining the properties of non-radiative heating of the coronae of cool stars and the Sun Carolus J. Schrijver and Markus J. Aschwanden 2001-09-05
Energy Distribution of Micro-events in the Quiet Solar Corona Arnold O. Benz and Sam Krucker 2001-09-03
Recurrent flare/CME events from an emerging flux region Nitta, N. V., Hudson, H. S. 2001-08-28
Observing CMEs without coronagraphs Hudson, H. S., and Cliver, E. W. 2001-08-25
Plasma Beta above a Solar Active Region G. Allen Gary 2001-08-01
Group of type III bursts and its associated spikes Shujuan Wang, Yihua Yan, Qijun Fu 2001-07-24
Solar Disappearing Filament Inside a Coronal Hole Chertok, I.M., Mogilevsky, E.I., Obridko, V.N., Shilova, N.S., and Hudson, H.S. 2001-07-18
The Magnetic Free Energy and a CME in Active Region 8299 Thomas R. Metcalf, Donald L. Mickey, Barry J. LaBonte, and Leigh Ann Ryder 2001-07-17
CME acceleration in the low solar corona D. Alexander, T. R. Metcalf and N. V. Nitta 2001-07-03
Revisiting the Determination of the Coronal Heating Function from Yohkoh Data Markus J. Aschwanden 2001-06-29
The Source Regions of Impulsive Solar Electron Events Arnold O. Benz, Robert P. Lin, Olga A. Sheiner, Sam Krucker and Joe Fainberg 2001-06-28
On the reliability of peak-flux distributions, with an application to solar flares H. Isliker and A.O. Benz 2001-06-28
On the reliability of peak-flux distributions, with an application to solar flares H. Isliker and A.O. Benz 2001-06-28
Steps Towards a Virtual Solar Observatory Csillaghy, A, Zarro, D.M, & Freeland, S.L. 2001-05-30
Sharp Decreases of Solar Metric Radio Storm Chertok, I.M., Kahler, S., Aurass, H., Gnezdilov, A.A. 2001-05-27
Multi-Scale Temporal Features of the 14 July 2000 Meter-Wavelength Dynamic Radio Spectrum Compared with the TRACE Data Chertok, I.M., Fomichev, V.V., Gnezdilov, A.A.,Gorgutsa,R.V.,Grechnev, V.V., Markeev, A.K., Nightingale, R.W., and Sobolev,D.E. 2001-05-24
Origin and Evolution of Filament-Prominence Systems Petrus C. Martens & Cornelis Zwaan 2001-05-23
Gamma-Ray Line Observations of the 2000 July 14 Flare and SEP Impact on the Earth G.H. Share, R.J. Murphy, A.J. Tylka, R.A. Schwartz, M., Yoshimori, K. Suga, S. Nakayama, H. Takeda 2001-05-17
High-beta Disruption in the Solar Atmosphere Kiyoto Shibasaki 2001-05-10
Drifting radio bursts and fine structures in the 0.8-7.6 GHz frequency range observed in the NOAA 9077 AR (July 10-14, 2000) solar flares Karlicky, M.; Yan, Y.; Fu, Q.; Wang, S.; Jiricka, K.; Meszarosova, H.; Liu, Y. 2001-04-15
An Evaluation of Coronal Heating Models based on Yohkoh, SoHO, and TRACE Observations Markus J. Aschwanden 2001-04-13
A nanoflare heating model for the quiet solar corona U. Mitra Kraev, A. O. Benz 2001-04-12
On-the-disk Development of the Halo Coronal Mass Ejection on May 2, 1998 S. Pohjolainen, D. Maia, M. Pick, N. Vilmer, J.I. Khan, W. Otruba, A. Warmuth, A. Benz, C. Alissandrakis, and B.J. Thompson 2001-04-09
Flare Plasma Cooling from 30 MK down to 1 MK modeled from Yohkoh, GOES, and TRACE observations during the Bastille-Day Event (2000 July 14) Markus J. Aschwanden and David Alexander 2001-04-03
Extended radio emission after the soft X-ray maximum of the NOAA 9077 AR solar flare on July 10, 2000 Shujuan Wang, Yihua Yan, and Qijun Fu 2001-04-02
The magnetic rope structure and associated energetic processes in the 2000 July 14 solar flare Yihua Yan, Yuanyong Deng, Marian Karlicky, Qijun Fu, Shujuan Wang, Yuying Liu 2001-03-26
Spatial analysis of solar type III events associated with narrow band spikes at metric wavelengths G. Paesold, A.O. Benz, K.-L. Klein, N. Vilmer 2001-03-16
MHD Properties of Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Solar Photosphere Kleimann, J. & Hornig, G. 2001-03-05
Correlation of Upper-Atmospheric 7Be with Solar Energetic Particle Events Phillips, G. W. ; Share, G. H. ; King, S. E. ; August, R. A. ; Tylka, A. J. ; Adams, J. H., Jr. ; Panasyuk, M. I. ; Nymmik, R. A. ; Kuzhevskij, B. M. ; 2001-02-26
The New Solar Corona (Invited Review) Aschwanden,M.J., Poland,A.I., and Rabin,D. 2001-02-22
Atmospheric gamma rays from solar energetic particles and cosmic rays penetrating the magnetosphere Gerald H. Share and Ronald J. Murphy 2001-02-21
Limits on Radiative Capture Gamma-Ray Lines and Implications for Energy Content in Flare-Accelerated Protons Share, G.H., Murphy, R.J.,and Newton, E. K. 2001-02-20
Evidence for the flare trigger site and 3-D reconnection in multi-wavelength observations of a solar flare L. Fletcher, T. R. Metcalf, D. Alexander, L. A. Ryder and D. S. Brown 2001-02-06
Chromospheric Heating in the Late Phase of Two-ribbon Flares A. Czaykowska, D. Alexander and B. De Pontieu 2001-02-05
A Comparison Between Statistical Properties of Solar X-Ray Flares and Avalanche Predictions in Cellular Automata Statistical Flare Models Georgoulis, M. K., Vilmer, N. & Crosby, N. B. 2001-01-15
Hemispheric Helicity Trend for Solar Cycle 23 Alexei A. Pevtsov, Richard C. Canfield, Sergei M. Latushko 2001-01-05
Plasmoid-Induced-Reconnection and Fractal Reconnection Kazunari Shibata and Syuniti Tanuma 2001-01-04
On the Temporal Relationship Between Coronal Mass Ejections and Flares Zhang, J., Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A., Kundu, M.R, White, S.M. 2000-12-21
High-sensitivity observations of solar flare decimeter radiation Arnold O. Benz, Peter Messmer and Christian Monstein 2000-12-05
Heating the Quiet Corona by Nanoflares: Evidence and Problems Arnold O. Benz and Sam Krucker 2000-12-05
Magnetic connectivity of coronal fields: geometrical versus topological description V.S. Titov and G. Hornig 2000-11-12
The Magnetic Helicity Sign of Filament Chirality Chae, J. 2000-10-13
The Origin and Development of the May 1997 Magnetic Cloud D.F. Webb, R.P. Lepping, L. Burlaga, C. DeForest, D. Larson, S. Martin, S.P. Plunkett, and D.M. Rust. 2000-08-28
Modeling of Coronal EUV Loops Observed with TRACE : I. Hydrostatic Steady-State Solutions with Nonuniform Heating Markus J. Aschwanden, Carolus J. Schrijver, and David Alexander 2000-08-18
Evolution and decay of an active region: Magnetic shear, flare and CME activity Mandrini, C.H., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Thompson, B., Plunkett, S., Demoulin, P., Aulanier, G. 2000-08-09
Observation and analysis of a 3B/X3 solar flare M.C. Lopez Fuentes, C.H. Mandrini, M.G. Rovira, P. Demoulin 2000-07-13
Initiation of CMEs: the role of magnetic twist L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, C.H. Mandrini, P.K. Manoharan, P. Demoulin, M. Lopez Fuentes, G. Aulanier, B. Thompson, S. Plunkett, S. Orlando, B. Schmieder, C. DeForest 2000-07-13
The Counter-kink Rotation of a Non-Hale Active Region M. Lopez Fuentes, P. Demoulin, C.H. Mandrini, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi 2000-07-13
Solar flare radio pulsations as a signature of dynamic magnetic reconnection Kliem, B., Karlicky, M., Benz, A. O. 2000-06-22
Three-dimensional spontaneous magnetic reconnection in neutral current sheets Schumacher, J., Kliem, B., Seehafer, N. 2000-06-22
Origin of helical coronal disturbances from the Sun K. Hori 2000-06-12
Topology is Destiny: Reconnection energetics in the corona D. W. Longcope and C. C. Kankelborg 2000-06-05
The Origin of the Solar Flare Waiting-time Distribution Wheatland, M.S. 2000-06-05
Evidence for Nonuniform Heating of Coronal Loops Inferred from Multi-Thread Modeling of TRACE Data Markus J. Aschwanden, Richard W. Nightingale, and David Alexander 2000-05-26
Solar Magnetic Fields and Geomagnetic Events Pevtsov, A. A. and Canfield, R. C. 2000-05-25
Vector Magnetic Fields, Sub-surface Stresses, and Evolution of Magnetic Helicity Canfield, R. C. and Pevtsov, A. A. 2000-05-25
Coronal Structures as Tracers of Sub-Surface Processes Pevtsov, A. A. and Canfield, R. C 2000-05-25
THE SPECTROVIDEOMAGNETOGRAPH REVEALS THE TRUE STRENGTH OF WEAK SOLAR FIELDS Harold Zirin and Robert Cameron ;;Solar Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 2000-05-17
Tomography of the Soft X-Ray Corona: Measurements of Electron Densities, Temperatures, and Differential Emission Measure Distributions above the Limb Markus J. Aschwanden and Loren W. Acton 2000-05-04
Quasi-separatrix layers: refined theory and its application to solar flares Titov, V. S., Démoulin, P., Hornig, G. 2000-04-13
Basic topology of twisted magnetic configurations in solar flares Titov, V. S., Démoulin, P. 2000-04-13
The Effect of Hydrostatic Weighting on the Vertical Temperature Structure of the Solar Corona Aschwanden,M.J. and Nitta,N. 2000-04-07
Lithium-6 from Solar Flares R. Ramaty, V. Tatischeff, J. P. Thibaud, B. Kozlovsky, N. Mandzhavidze 2000-03-27
Sigmoids as Precursors of Solar Eruptions Canfield, R. C., Hudson, H. S., and Pevtsov, A. A. 2000-03-22
Self-organized criticality from separator reconnection in D. W. Longcope and E. J. Noonan 2000-03-13
The Spectral Evolution of Solar Flare Hard X-ray Emission Observed with BATSE Newton, Elizabeth K. & Giblin, Timothy 2000-02-22
Anticipating HESSI's Spatially Resolved View of Spectral Evolution Newton, E.K., Giblin, T., & Metcalf, T. 2000-02-22
Supra-arcade Downflows in Long-Duration Solar Flare Events McKenzie, D. E. 2000-02-15
X-Ray Observations of Motions and Structure above a Solar Flare Arcade McKenzie, D. E.; Hudson, H. S. 2000-02-15
Gamma Ray Spectroscopy in the Pre-HESSI Era G. H. Share and R. J. Murphy 2000-02-04
Simultaneous Observations of Solar Flares with CGRO/OSSE and Yohkoh/WBS R. J. Murphy, G. H. Share and M. Yoshimori 2000-02-04
Evolution of Solar Magnetic Arcades. II. Effect of Resistivity and Solar Eruptive Processes G. S. Choe and L. C. Lee 2000-02-03
A Model of Solar Flares and Their Homologous Behavior G. S. Choe and C. Z. Cheng 2000-02-03
Small-scale Magnetic Reconnection in the Quiet Sun Chae, J. 2000-02-02
Active Region Loops Observed with SUMER on board SOHO Chae, J., Wang, H., Qiu, J., Goode, P. R., and Wilhelm, K. 2000-02-02
Extreme-Ultraviolet Jets and H alpha Surges in Solar Microflares Chae, J., Qiu, J., Wang, H., and Goode, P. R. 2000-02-02
Non-Coplanar Magnetic Reconnection as a Magnetic Twist Origin Chae, J. 2000-02-02
Comparison of Transient Network Brightenings and Explosive Events in the Solar Transition Region Chae, J., Wang, H., Goode, P. R., Fludra, A., and Schuehle, U. 2000-02-02
Global coronal waves: implications for HESSI Hudson, H., and Karlicky, M. 2000-01-31
Hard X-rays from Slow LDEs Hudson, H.S., and McKenzie, D.E. 2000-01-31
Quadrupolar Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares: I. 3D Geometry inferred from Yohkoh Observations Aschwanden,M.J., Kosugi,T., Hanaoka,Y., Nishio,M., and Melrose,D.B. 2000-01-25
3D-Stereoscopic Analysis of Solar Active Region Loops: Aschwanden,M.J., Alexander,D., Hurlburt,N., Newmark,J.S.,Neupert,W.M., Klimchuk,J.A., and G.A.Gary 2000-01-25
Exact Solutions for Reconnective Magnetic Annihilation Annihilation E.R. Priest, V.S. Titov, R.E. Grundy and A.W. Hood 2000-01-11
The Heating of the Solar Corona E. R. Priest, C. R. Foley, J. Heyvaerts, T.D. Arber$^{*}$, D. Mackay$^{*}$, J. L. Culhane$^{+}$ and L.W. Acton 2000-01-11
Aspects of 3D Magnetic Reconnection Priest, ER and Schrijver, CJ 2000-01-11
Solar Flare Theory and the Status of Flare Understanding Priest, ER 2000-01-11
3-d and twisted: an MHD interpretation of on-disk observational characteristics of CMEs S. E. Gibson and B. C. Low 2000-01-07
Ion Cyclotron Wave Dissipation in the Solar Corona: The Summed Effect of More than 2000 Ion Species Cranmer, S. R. 2000-01-05
High Energy Processes in Solar Flares Reuven Ramaty and Natalie Mandzhavidze 1999-12-24
The minimum bandwidth of narrowband spikes in solar flare decimetric radio Messmer, P., Benz, A.O. 1999-12-10
The Relationship of Coronal Mass Ejections to Streamers Subramanian, P., Dere, K. P., Rich, N. B., and Howard, R. A. 1999-12-03
LASCO Measurements of the Energetics of Coronal Mass Ejections Vourlidas, A., Subramanian, P, Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A. 1999-12-03
Review of RF15-I X-ray photometer observations Siarkowski, M., Sylwester, J., Gburek, S. and Kordylewski, Z. 1999-11-26
Do solar flares exhibit an interval-size relationship? Wheatland, M.S. 1999-11-24
On the Spatial Distributioin of Hard X-rays from Solar Flares Petrosian, Vahe', & Donaghy, T. Q. 1999-11-19
Plasma Turbulence and Stochastic Acceleration in Solar Flares Petrosian, Vahe' 1999-11-19
Frequency-energy distributions of flares and active region transient brightenings Wheatland, M.S. and Uchida, Y. 1999-11-17
Are electric currents in solar active regions neutralized? Wheatland, M.S. 1999-11-17
Flare frequency-size distributions for individual active regions Wheatland, M.S. 1999-11-17
Can Streamer Blobs Prevent the Buildup of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field? M.K. van Aalst, P.C.H. Martens, and A.J.C. Belien 1999-11-16
The Preflare Phase P.C.H. Martens 1999-11-16
The Scaling of Solar Flare Hard X-ray Emission to Other Flaring Objects in the Universe Martens, P.C.H. 1999-11-16
PHOENIX-2: A New Broadband Spectrometer for Decimetric and Microwave Radio Bursts: Acoustic Spectrum Representation Messmer, P., Benz, A.O., Monstein, C. 1999-11-15
PHOENIX-2: A New Broadband Spectrometer for Decimetric and Microwave Radio Bursts: First Results Messmer, P., Benz, A.O., Monstein, C. 1999-11-13
Microwave Observation of Eruptive Solar Events with and without Flare Activity K. Hori, T. Kosugi, K. Fujiki, H. Koshiishi, and K. Shibasaki 1999-11-11
Accelerated Particle Composition and Energetics and Ambient Abundances from Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of the 1991 June 4 Solar Flare R.J. Murphy, G.H. Share, J.E. Grove, W.N. Johnson, R.L. Kinzer, J.D. Kurfess, M.S. Strickman, and G.V. Jung 1999-11-08
Gamma-Ray Measurement of Energetic Heavy Ions at the Sun G.H. Share and R.J. Murphy 1999-11-08
Atmospheric Gamma-Ray Lines Produced by Cosmic Rays and Solar Energetic Particles G.H. Share, R.J. Murphy and E. Rieger 1999-11-08
Accelerated-Particle Spectral Variability in the 1991 June 11 Solar Flare R.J. Murphy and G.H. Share 1999-11-08
Surprisingly Intense Neutron Emission from a Flare Behind the Limb of the Sun R.J. Murphy, G.H. Share, K. W. DelSignore, X.-M. Hua 1999-11-08
Yohkoh and non-thermality in flares H. S. Hudson 1999-11-05
Implosions in Coronal Transients H. S. Hudson 1999-11-05
Heating the atmosphere above sunspots Alexander, D., Hurlburt, N. E. and Rucklidge, A. M. 1999-11-04
High-resolution Observations of Plasma Jets in the Solar Corona Alexander, D. and Fletcher, L. 1999-11-04
Hard X-Ray Timing Experiments with HESSI Markus J. Aschwanden 1999-11-04
Determination of the Abundances of Subcoronal He and of Solar Flare Accelerated He-3 and He-4 from Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy N. Mandzhavidze, R. Ramaty, B. Kozlovsky 1999-11-04
Gamma Rays from Solar Flares Reuven Ramaty and Natalie Mandzhavidze 1999-11-04
Particle Acceleration at the Sun and in the Heliosphere Reames, D. V. 1999-11-04
Electron Firehose instability and acceleration of electrons in Paesold, G. and Benz, A.O. 1999-11-04
Bidirectional Type III Solar Radio Bursts P. A. Robinson and A. O. Benz 1999-11-04
Heating Events Observed in the Quiet Corona Arnold O. Benz and Sam Krucker 1999-11-04
Are Heating Events in the Quiet Solar Corona Small Flares? -- Multiwavelength Observations of Individual Events Sam Krucker and Arnold O. Benz 1999-11-04
Coronal Mass Ejections at High Temperatures Hugh Hudson 1999-11-04
The Global Dynamics of the High-Temperature Corona Hugh Hudson 1999-11-04
Tangential field changes in the great flare of May 24, 1990 Cameron, R. and Sammis, I. 1999-10-27
Do EUV Nanoflares Account for Coronal Heating? Aschwanden,M.J. 1999-10-06
Radio and Hard X-Ray Observations of Flares and their Physical Interpretation'', (Invited Review) Aschwanden,M.J. 1999-10-06
Particle Acceleration and Kinematics in Solar Flares and the Solar Corona'' (Invited Review) Aschwanden,M.J. 1999-10-06
Solar Flares: Energetic Particles Aschwanden,M.J. 1999-10-06
Time Variability of the Quiet Sun Observed with TRACE. I. Instrumental Effects, Event Detection, and Discrimination of EUV Nanoflares Aschwanden,M.J., Nightingale,R., Tarbell,T. S., and Wolfson,C.J. 1999-10-06
Time Variability of the Quiet Sun Observed with TRACE. II. Physical Parameters, Temperature Evolution, and Energetics of EUV Nanoflares Aschwanden,M.J., Tarbell,T.D., Nightingale,R.W., Schrijver,C.J., Title,A., 1999-10-06