The Extragalactic Jigsaw

X-ray and IR/sub-mm jigsaw puzzle
Background radiation from quasars and galaxies in X-rays and the IR/submm
Evolution of Universe - missing piece

The extragalactic background in the X-ray band has been the subject of intense study for over 30 years and is now almost completely resolved into distant galaxies and quasars. Recently a submm background has also been detected by COBE. SCUBA on the JCMT is currently making the first detailed surveys aiming to identify the sources making up this background.

The imminent launch of XMM, and the approval of the FIRST and Planck missions, will have a major impact on these studies, and have inspired us to organise a specialised workshop on the Extragalactic background and its implications for our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies and AGN.

Jigsaw logo Workshop information

The workshop will be held on the 10th and 11th of September 1998 at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, which is near Dorking in the Surrey Hills. There will be no registration fee for the workshop but we do ask that you advise us if you wish to attend, using the registration form. Refreshments will be available during tea and coffee breaks; lunches may be bought at the Lab. Further information about the workshop and MSSL may be found from the links below.

Missing piece logo Invited speakers and prelimary programme

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This page written by Liz Puchnarewicz (
Last modified 12th May 1998