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Next 2-4 years:
collect data from 12 sightlines towards blazars in
outburst: up to z = 0.5: dNWHIM/dz, b, TWHIM(z<0.5), dTWHIM/dz,
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Long Term:
mapping the WHIM up to z=2: needs high throughput
and spextral
resolution in X-ray: Constellation-X
(R > 1000, A = 2000
cm2), and XEUS (R > 400, A = 30 m2)
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Pharos: (Elvis, Fiore & the CWE team, 2002 SPIE, astro-ph/0303444), Midex
concept (CfA,
Obs. Rome, JHU): R > 5000, A = 1000 cm2, Coverage:
12-150 Å. Slew
on source in < 2-3 min.: about 20 Soft-GRB per year
with F = 10-5 erg cm-2 (> 10 Ms on the brightest QSOs at z =