Thursday 24th October 2002 | ||
08:30 | Registration | |
09:00 | Welcome and introduction | Len Culhane (UCL-MSSL) |
09:10 | Astrophysical X-Ray Spectroscopy: Then, Then Again, and Now | Steven Kahn (Columbia) |
Session 1: Plasma Modelling (Chair: Jelle Kaastra) | ||
09:40 | Current Status of Astrophysical X-ray Spectroscopy and Relevant Atomic Data | Ehud Behar (Columbia/Technion) |
10:10 | Spectroscopic Data for Modelling Highly Ionized Astrophysical Plasmas | Randall Smith (CfA) |
10:40 | CHIANTI: Applications to X-ray High Resolution Spectroscopy | Giulio del Zanna (DAMTP, Cambridge) |
10:55 | Coffee, discussions, poster viewing (and further registration) | |
Session 2: Stellar Coronae (Chair: Louise Harra, TBC) | ||
11:30 | Coronae of Cool Stars | Manuel Güdel (PSI) |
12:00 | Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray Spectroscopy of Stars at High Levels of Coronal Activity | Marc Audard (Columbia) |
12:15 | Coronal Abundance Diagnostics with the Chandra LETGS | Jürgen Schmitt (Hamburg) |
12:30 | Stellar Coronal Spectroscopy with the Chandra HETGS | David Huenemoerder (MIT) |
12:45 | Discussions, poster viewing | |
13:00 | Lunch | |
Session 3: Hot Stars (Chair: Roberto Pallavicini, TBC) | ||
14:00 | The X-ray Spectrum of Tau Sco | Ton Raassen (SRON) |
14:15 | Analysis of Doppler-broadened Emission Lines in the Chandra Spectra of OB Stars | David Cohen (Swarthmore) |
Session 4: X-ray Binaries, Pulsars, Novae (Chair: Steven Kahn) | ||
14:30 | Structure and Dynamics of Stellar Winds in High-Mass X-ray Binaries | Masao Sako (Caltech) |
15:00 | Deep XMM-Newton Observations of the X-ray Emission from PSR 1706-44 | Katherine McGowan (LANL) |
15:15 | RX J1856.5-3754: Bare Quark Star or Naked Neutron Star? | Silvia Zane (UCL-MSSL) |
15:30 | XMM-Newton RGS Spectroscopy of EXO 0748-67 | Jean Cottam (GSFC) |
15:45 | Tea, discussions, poster viewing | |
16:20 | XMM-Newton and Chandra Grating Spectroscopy of Dwarf Novae | Peter Wheatley (Leicester) |
16:35 | The Chandra LETGS and ACIS-I Spectra of Nova Velorum 1999 (V382 Vel) | Vadim Burwitz (MPE Garching) |
Session 5: Supernova Remnants (Chair: Andy Rasmussen) | ||
16:50 | The Magellanic Cloud SNRs | Kurt van der Heyden (SRON) |
17:05 | XMM-Newton RGS Spectra of SN1006 and RCW 86 | Jacco Vink (Columbia) |
17:20 | Discussions, poster viewing | |
19:30 | Workshop dinner | |
Friday 25th October 2002 | ||
Session 6: Active Galactic Nuclei and IGM (Chair: Jane Turner / Liz Puchnarewicz) | ||
09:15 | Relativistic Emission Features in the Spectra of Seyfert 1 Galaxies | Graziella Branduardi-Raymont (UCL-MSSL) |
09:45 | XSPEC model PHOTOION: Modelling Photoionized X-ray Plasmas Wherever They May Occur | Ali Kinkhabwala (Columbia) |
10:15 | Chandra and XMM-Newton Results on NGC 5548 | Katrien Steenbrugge (SRON) |
10:30 | XMM-Newton RGS Observations of Warm Absorbers in Seyfert 1 Galaxies | Alex Blustin (UCL-MSSL) |
10:45 | Coffee, discussions, poster viewing | |
11:20 | New Results from Chandra Grating Observations of AGN | Tahir Yaqoob (JHU) |
11:35 | A Comparative View of the Warm Absorbers/Emitters Observed with the Chandra High Resolution Gratings | Raquel Morales (CfA) |
11:50 | Chandra and FUSE Detection of the Local WHIM | Fabrizio Nicastro (CfA) |
12:05 | X-ray Emission Line Gas in the Liner Galaxy M81 | Mat Page (UCL-MSSL) |
12:20 | Detection of the Local Group IGM with the XMM-Newton RGS | Andy Rasmussen (Columbia) |
12:35 | Discussions, poster viewing | |
13:00 | Lunch | |
Session 7: Clusters of Galaxies (Chair: John Peterson) | ||
14:00 | XMM-Newton RGS Observations of Clusters of Galaxies | Jelle Kaastra (SRON) |
14:30 | High Resolution HETG Spectroscopy of Cooling Flow Clusters | Michael Wise (MIT) |
Session 8: Instrumentation/Data Analysis (Chair: David Huenemoerder) | ||
14:45 | Extended Source Analysis for Grating Spectrometers | Dan Dewey (MIT) |
15:00 | Monte Carlo Methods for the XMM-Newton RGS | John Peterson (Columbia) |
15:15 | Tea, discussions, poster viewing | |
15:45 | A Pile-up Correction Technique for Dispersed Spectra | John Davis (MIT) |
16:00 | XMM-Newton RGS Calibration/Performance | Jan Willem den Herder (SRON) |
16:15 | Further discussions and workshop close | |
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