Who is Jamie Jasiński?

Right: The Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL) where I am currently studying for a PhD.

Photo taken by ME!


I have now graduated and left UCL,

and I am now a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the

University of Michigan.

Please visit my new website at:




My PhD research focuses on Saturn’s Magnetosphere.  This involves analysing particle spectra and magnetic field data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft which is currently orbiting Saturn . I am focusing on investigating the structure and dynamics of the cusps; the region in the magnetosphere where solar wind plasma has direct entry into Saturn’s Magnetosphere. I am a part of the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) Investigation Operations Team. My supervisors are Prof. Andrew Coates, Dr. Geraint Jones and Dr. Chris Arridge.


Above: The 1.93m Telescope at the Haute-Provence Observatory in France where I observed RR-Lyrae Stars in my 3rd year as an undergraduate at UCL.

In 2011, I completed my Master’s degree (MSci) in Astrophysics at UCL. My undergraduate research focused on determining the eccentricities of extra-solar  planets using  photometric data.

I was supervised by Dr. David Kipping from Harvard University and Prof. Giovanna Tinetti (link) from UCL. The project involved using data from NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope.


Cassini Spacecraft

The Cassini spacecraft, that can be seen in the above picture (Credit: NASA/JPL), is one of the most ambitious spacecraft ever launched. It is currently orbiting Saturn armed with a host of instruments to investigate the Saturnian system. For more information see the Cassini website.

I am a planetary scientist at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL), which is the Department of Space and Climate Physics at University College London (UCL).  I am currently studying for a PhD.