The UK Solar Missions Forum will take place on 7th January 2015 at the RAS starting at 10:00 and finishing at 16:00.
The UK Solar Missions Forum will change the format this year in order to
focus more on the science questions from the Solar System Advisory board
and how different facilities will address these.
SSAP background
At the presentation of the updated Solar System Roadmap to STFC’s
Science Board during the summer, the chair of SSAP was encouraged to
provide a greater level of prioritisation within the next revision. This
applies primarily, but not exclusively, to continued operation of
current missions and facilities, as well as to future opportunities.
SSAP recognise that the nature of mission and facility opportunities is
such that it is impractical for the community to prioritise one
opportunity above all others, but encourage the individual communities
within the solar system area to come up with a level of mission and
facility priorities that reflects their ability to contribute to
answering the most important science questions, and the perceived
likelihood that they will be realised. As part of this exercise
consideration should be given to likely funding timescales. The SSAP
roadmap is on:
The agenda this year will be:
Chair: Philippa Browning
SSAP science goals: Sarah Matthews
Summary of status of current facilities: Louise Harra
UK funded (5 mins each)
Hinode (Louise)
STEREO (Richard)
BiSON (Yvonne)
ROSA-DST (Mihalis)
Other facilities used are LOFAR (Mario), ALMA (Eamon), Thor (Robertus).
The contact points will be asked to provide me with a 2 sentence summary
of status and funding.
In build phase – UK funded:
Each of these should last ~ 5 mins to allow time for discussion.
They should be described in the context of the science questions from
the solar system roadmap to highlight for the mission meets those
Solar Orbiter - general and EUI - Louise Harra
Solar Orbiter - SPICE - A. Fludra
DKIST - Mihalis Mathioudakis
Other facilities that will be used. (no slides – brief verbal summary)
SKA – Eduard, GOES-R EUV Imager (Richard)
Potential future missions/facilities
5 min pitches to describe how these fit in with the solar system
roadmap, the timeline and potential funding source.
Solar-C - Louise Harra
EST - Sarah Matthews
HiRISE - Robertus
Space weather/Carrington: Richard Harrison/Lucie Green
Space weather from a modelling perspective - Duncan MacKay
Hi-C2 - Robert Walsh
HPC - Tony Arber?
Wrap up discussion: led by Philippa with input from Sarah/Alan/Richard
- priorities for the solar community related to SSAP and the Science
Board view.