13 Jan 04 AMJ, JAT Test PFM ICU with EGSE using EMC cables. ICU not connected to telescope fsrun0054 10:00 Turn on power supply Note: came on straight away so switched off button on s/c simulator switched on at s/c simulator 0.03 Amps @ 28V switch on 0.29 Amps @ 28V sent bytes 0x2b,0 went to standby mode 0.32 Amps @ 28V ICU_SW_ID = V1 R14 All appears as expected 10:35 Turn off CAM make-up heater (bytes 0x35,0) Turn off MHC make-up heater (bytes 0x36,0) Current 0.30 to 0.31A @ 28V Tested all CAM & MHC power on/off commands prior to testing harness. Switched off ICU and halted 13:40 switch on 0.29 Amps @ 28V sent bytes 0x2b,0 went to standby mode 0.32 Amps @ 28V ICU_SW_ID = V1 R14 Turn off CAM make-up heater (bytes 0x35,0) Turn off MHC make-up heater (bytes 0x36,0) Current 0.30 to 0.31A @ 28V Turn on and enable bakeout heater on CCDA (bytes 0x3a,1 and 0x3c,1) nb yellow 15 way is CNP4 switch off bakeout heater on CCDA (bytes 0x3a,0) connect cable nb red 15 way is CNP5 Jason checking pins at FPA interface: switch on CCDA bakeout heater (bytes 0x3a,1) OK switch off and disable CCDA BO heater switch on CCDB BO heater (0x3b,1 and 0x3d,1) OK switch off and disable CCDB BO heater jat shorts ccda temp sensor value changed from F5 to 01 jat shorts ccdb temp sensor value changed from F0 to 00 test CAM voltages +8V ON, JAT reads 8.2V at ROE, turn off -8V ON, JAT reads -8.2V at ROE, turn off +39V ON, JAT reads 40.0V at ROE, turn off +13V ON, JAT reads 15.3V at ROE, turn off +7V ON, JAT reads 7.1V at ROE, turn off ROE MUH ON, OK at ROE, turn off test MHC voltages MHC MUH ON, OK at MHC, turn off MHC elec ON (0x37,1), OK at MHC 27.9V, turn off MHC mech ON (0x38,1), OK at MHC 27.9V, turn off MHC htr ON (0x39,1), OK at MHC 27.9V, turn off JAT checking digital interfaces at ROE and MHC Can read 3.7V on pins one and 2 on ROE and MHC RS422 connectors. Turn off ICU at s/c simulator box Halt MDP [15:10] Attach DM mechanisms to FM harness outside structure. Use savers on DM mechs to protect FM harness. Grating put on with out saver to start with. Test harness with mechs to JAT doc nnnn. Filled out on cleanroom laptop. All OK. Connect MHC and ROE to FM harness. Run SFT "13 jan 04 no1" saved on msslqa //home/solarb/system log/short ... 13 jan 04 no1... SFT passes OK!!!!!! Turn off system. 14 Jan 04 AMJ, JAT Test FM ICU with EGSE using EMC cables. ICU connected to telescope. fsrun0057 10:05 System started. Go through SFT (see 'SFT55_14Jan04') 11:15 test finished, NB MHC thermistor values not reading correctly. Do replay of data and see that the thermistors are OK with the pfm icu in the previous data file fsrun0056. Try again with fm icu. 14:00 newrun on egse fsrun0058 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 Standby 0.53A Mode Enable Manual 0.85 peak to 1.00A Exit default Status clear Load seq 04 and 05, run 05. See heaters on 1.13A. Temps still wrong. Standby off 0.03A Pwr supply off. Compare MHC temperatures PFM ICU vs FM ICU: pfm icu fsrun0056 stdata0000 status pc1265 19 g0_th3 3e17 34.69 28 12 3de4 32.28 27 11 3c21 18.27 36 5 3c2d 18.54 29 th_0 3ff9 -7.00 30 th_ref 3eb5 -331.00 fm icu fsrun0058 stadata0002 status pc49 19 3d71 45.27 28 3d0b 45.43 27 3c99 45.62 36 3c77 45.68 29 0005 -16379.00 30 3f16 -234 Inspect harnesses, akk OK except ICU temp sensor harness to spacecraft, SHOULD not make any difference to MHC temps. Replay data. fsrun0055/st_data.0002 shows power board warm up not seen in fm icu run, fsrun58/st_data0002. 15:20 Reconnected PFM ICU. Started new run FSRUN0059 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 Standby 0.55A Mode Enable Manual 0.88 peak to 1.00A Exit default MHC monitored thermal sesnors all look OK. Standby Off 16:20 New PFM ICU run trying to recreate FM problem. Started new run FSRUN0060 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot no status MDP appeared inactive under MDP tab of scsim turn off restart the run Started new run FSRUN0061 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 Standby 0.55A Mode Enable Manual 0.88 peak to 1.03A Exit default MHC monitored thermal sesnors all look OK. short grounds of camctrl to anmon short grounds of camctrl to proc MHC i/f error noted (0x6000) but I hadn't done a status clear command after going to manual resistance measurements on front panel (JAT) short grounds of power to anmon try other grounding scenarios on front panels. Managed to reproduce the 45deg values seen with FM (but only for a short while) standby off [17:20] 18:00 FM ICU re-connected to EIS restart EGSE FSRUN0062 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 Standby 0.53A Mode Enable Manual 0.85 peak to 1.00A Exit default standby off 18/01/04 JAT, MCRW mhc mechanisms not fitted mhc c5 not connected Start EGSE FSRUN0063 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A mode enable manual 0.84, peek 0.99A exit default mhc temps ok (st_data.0001) mhc 5 plugged in mhc temps invalid (45 deg C) mhc 5 unplugged manual no comms with mhc (another connector came out - mhc 1) mhc_if_err 0x1000 standby manual standby Grating plugged in manual Some mhc temps ok (Parameters 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 28, 29, 30) Standby ICU Off Grating removed FSRUN0064 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A mode enable manual 0.84, peek 0.99A mhc temps ok (Parameters 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 28, 29, 30) Mir plugged in Manual 0.85A @ 28v Temps ok (Parameters 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30) Standby Mirror out Icu off Thermistor simulators plugged into mhc 5 with saver NOTE: To make above connection had to make and de-make mhc 10 Instrument on 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A mode enable manual 0.84, peek 0.99A 5 parameters out of range (20, 21, 23, 24, 25) 16, 17, 18, 19, 30 in range Rest all negative Short out ???? No change in hk Something Manual All temp parameters incorrect Standby Manual + cable wiggling Parameters 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 red icu off Connected 37 way bob Un-make and re-make a 25 way connector (mhc 10?) Instrument on 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.3A icu off - power connector fell out... mhc 12 Instrument on 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0005) manual manual 0.84, peek 0.99A params 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 28, 29, 30 OK rest showing 0x2000 connect each thermistor one at a time ... param 31 now in range (G2_TH0) param 32 on line (G2_TH1) 33 (G2_TH2) on 34 (G2_TH3) on 35 (G2_TH4) on 36 (G2_TH5) on 37 (G2_TH6) on 38 (G2_TH7) on 39 (G2_TH8) on 40 (G2_TH9) on 41 (G2_TH10) on param 29 (TH_0) drops from -11 towords -1 (3FFF) each time a thermistor comes on. Sometimes it flips to -16384 (0001) which makes all temps out of range (45 C, 62 C). 42 (G2_TH11) on 43 (G2_TH12) on but TH_0 shows 0 which makes all temps go to 45 C 43 out again 44 (G2_TH13) on TH_0 at 0 causing thermistor readings out of range 45 (G2_TH14) on 46 (G2_TH15) on 43 on again, TH_0 at 4 31 out, TH_0 at 3 32 out, TH_0 @ 2 then 0 33 out, TH_0 @ 0 (1) 34 out, TH_0 @ 3FFF (0) manual, 0.84A @28 v TH_0 is 0001 (-16393) TH_REF is 3f0b -245 mhc params recorded ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/01/04 JAT, MCRW survival sensors should read ~10k measure on hce sim: sus_a (sus 1) 13.58 k ~17.5 deg C finger test? ok sus_b (sus 2) 13.50 k finger test? ok sus_c (sus 3) 13.53 k finger test? ok suh_a (suh 1) 0.477 k expect 475.3 + harness resistance suh_b (suh 2) 0.525 k expect 523.3 + harness resistance suh_c (suh 3) 2.395 k expect 2394 + harness resistance* suh_c shorting test? ok * ccd a & b heaters not fitted icu 1 (icu 8) 1.071 k icu 2 (icu 9) 1.067 k str-1 open (no clam shell) shorting test? str-2 open shorting test? str-3 open shorting test? str-4 open fault find? * str-5 1.078 k str-6 1.075 k str-7 2.8 ohms (STILL TO BE FITTED) * something wrong further down harness - going to connector panel. Resistance (1k) measured in connector panel 5 into structure so fault in harness nearer to hku box. looks like emc harness is correct. Lunch Friction is the fault (rac) look at str1, 2, 3 on the clam shell: str1: pin 23 shorting to pin 14: ok str2: pin 31 & 11: ok str3: 32 & 13: ok Loose pin on the external 100-way feedthrough connector (pin 62 or 64) is probably the problem for str4. Boot egse FSRUN0065 Instrument on 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0000) manual 0.84, peek 1.00A MHC thermistor tests mit finger ets 15 t1mon15 mhc_hz_t15 g2_th15 (46) ok ets 16 t1mon0 mhc_hz_t0 g2_th0 (31) ok ets 8 t1mon8 mhc_hz_t8 g2_th8 (39) ok ets 14 t1mon14 mhc_hz_t14 g2_th14 (45) ok ets 13 t1mon13 mhc_hz_t13 g2_th13 (44) ok ets 7 t1mon7 mhc_hz_t7 g2_th7 (38) ok ets 6 t1mon6 mhc_hz_t6 g2_th6 (37) ok ets 5 t1mon5 mhc_hz_t5 g2_th5 (36) ok ets 4 t1mon4 mhc_hz_t4 g2_th4 (35) ok ets 3 t1mon3 mhc_hz_t3 g2_th3 (34) can't do ets 2 t1mon2 mhc_hz_t2 g2_th2 (33) ok ets 1 t1mon1 mhc_hz_t1 g2_th1 (32) ok ets 12 t1mon12 mhc_hz_t12 g2_th12 (43) can't do ets 11 t1mon11 mhc_hz_t11 g2_th11 (42) ok ets 10 t1mon10 mhc_hz_t10 g2_th10 (41) ok ets 9 t1mon9 mhc_hz_t9 g2_th9 (40) ok Camera testing -------------- Cam hk parameters: 29 c0 4 75 2 bb 8 95 6 82 5 75 3 bb 9 95 7 82 39 0 28 bf 20 df 18 7e 24 35 22 a1 21 a4 19 64 25 34 23 9b 36 ff 1 84 0 7a 43 20 42 db 44 df 45 c9 40 d4 27 74 17 81 16 20 47 65 46 5f 48 5d 49 37 41 61 26 65 32 99 33 99 34 77 10 b2 11 ba 12 ba 13 b1 14 bc 15 ba 35 af Load & run seq 4 & 5. Heaters on, 1.12A. MHC unresponsive for ~3 minutes (whilst trying to move shutter?). No nacks reported, 19 acks. MHC_IF_ERR reports 0x4948. Sequence 45 & ll 45 loaded and run. fsrun0065, md_data.0001. ok Run vog_max_min: 10 9a 26.36 11 a0 15.70 12 a3 8.29 13 c6 33.89 14 d4 20.81 15 ed 12.06 32 f0 33 f0 34 f0 Run vog_min_max: 10 c6 33.81 11 d2 20.61 12 ed 12.06 13 9a 26.36 14 a2 15.90 15 a3 8.92 32 0f 33 0f 34 0f Run vog_nom: 10 b2 30.47 11 ba 18.25 12 ba 9.46 13 b1 30.30 14 bc 18.45 15 ba 9.46 32 99 33 99 34 77 Load and run seq 46 & ll 46. md_data.0002, 3, 4. st_data.0000. Run seq 4 & 5. 2 nacks from mhc, error code ls 0x6000. Load and run seq & ll 20. 3 exposures: md_data.0006, 7, 8. ok. ICU off. (Current goes to 1.24A during readout with 1 heater on.) Comparison of data between FSRUN0048 and FSRUN0065: (ccdb = lhs (short wavelength), ccda = the other one) seq46 FSRUN0048 FSRUN0065 (md_data.0004) (md_data.0004) pk2pk noise ccdb 6 8 pk2pk noise ccda 10 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/01/04 JAT, RAC (clean room) AMJ, MCRW (Template removed?) Boot egse FSRUN0066 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) manual 0.84, peek 1.00A Can measure 3mV between chassis and local (clean bench) ground. Standby. Putting on a hard ground. Put a croc clip on the connector panel metal work, other end of wire touched to grounding point on optical table. Manual 0.83, peek 0.99A Mhc temps still noisy. Standby *** Note added 21/Jan/04 (day after event) - manual mode transition followed by change to standby. Test to see manual ok without hard ground? *** Connect up dm mechanisms *** Note added 21/Jan/04 (day after event) - RAC, MCRW - slit slot bag probably pushed loose heater wire ends against grounded metal framework. In the status archive should be able to see an increase in makeup heater current (ROE parameter ??). *** (CAM_P36VI_B: investigate st_data.0002) ICU crash during connection of dm mechanisms or prior to it. Removal of ground link? st_data.0003 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby - icu crash st_data.0004 Undone the Douglas connector (vacuum feed through). Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.30A (no makeup heater) (st_data.0004) Icu off st_data.0005 *** Note added 21/Jan/04 - Douglas back in **** Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0005) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A manual 0.76A no readout occurred in default mode? standby Checked connectors on front of ROE and by round connector (Douglas). manual 0.76A no readout standby manual 0.76A no readout PSU_CAM current monitors wrong standby ICU off MDP stop Valid manual mode camera psu parameters (from fsrun0066, st_data.0002): 40 PSU_CAM_P39V D4 39.77 V 42 PSU_CAM_P7V DB 6.60 V 43 PSU_CAM_N8V 20 -8.08 V 44 PSU_CAM_P8V DF 8.09 V 45 PSU_CAM_P13V C9 15.11 V 41 PSU_CAM_P39VI 63 0.020 A ??? 46 PSU_CAM_P7VI 5D 0.345 A 47 PSU_CAM_N8VI 62 0.120 A 48 PSU_CAM_P8VI 61 0.125 A 49 PSU_CAM_P13VI 39 0.116 A ----------------------------------------- 19:50 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0006) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (PSU_CAM_P39VI high) manual 0.77A send cam reset command current still 0.77A CAM_VF invalid CAM_IF_ERR 0x4084 standby manual exit default command sent no effect standby icu off st_data.0007 19:55 ------------------------------------------ 20:25 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0007) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (PSU_CAM_P39VI high) make up heaters turned off measuring +8V camera voltages using dvm 20:29 icu off - little planning session disconnected roe5, roe4, roe3, mhc1 (cmd/data), mhc12 (power) 20:33 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0009) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (PSU_CAM_P39VI high) make up heaters off 0.29A turn on cam +8V +8.28V on dvm +8V off cam -8V on -8.28V -8V off cam +39V on +40.38V +39V off cam +13V on +15.3V +13V off cam +7V on 0V on dvm *** Note added 21/Jan/04 - checked Douglas physically - not mated properly. *** +7.11V +7V off 20:43 ICU off (st_data.0010) connected roe5, roe4, roe3, mhc1 (cmd/data), mhc12 (power) (MECHANISMS STILL NOT CONNECTED) 20:55 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0010) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A PSU_CAM_P39VI high manual 0.84A, 0.99A exit default cam valid other parameters ok sequences 4 & 5 loaded and run 2 NACKs from MHC 1.12 A (H_QCM_ST) sequence 45 and line list 45 loaded and run with lights off 1.27A md_data.0001 sequence 20 and line list 20 loaded and run with lights off 1.27A md_data.0002, 3, 4 run testseq1 sequence aborted, error code 0x8 (SHUTTER) sent mhc reset command manual standby manual 0.84A, peek 0.99A cam valid standby 21:20 icu off egse off ************************************************************* 21/Jan/04 RAC - cleanroom JAT, MCRW - control room FSRUN0067 DM mechanisms plugged in (grating, slit/slot, mirror). Only the internal QCM is attached. Nothing on the 37-way clam shell connector. 10:21 Run mhc functional test Instrument on 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) manual 0.85A, 1.00A exit default all mhc temps connected 11:40 test finished ok -------------------------------------- Finish off thermistor testing - do the ones unable to do previously. ets 3 t1mon3 mhc_hz_t3 g2_th3 (34) ok ets 12 t1mon12 mhc_hz_t12 g2_th12 (43) ok 11:45 finished thermistor test -------------------------------------- 11:46 Camera testing. Camera parameters: Param Previous Current 29 c0 c0 4 75 75 2 bb bb 8 95 95 6 82 82 5 75 75 3 bb bb 9 95 95 7 82 82 39 0 0 28 bf bf 20 df e2/df 18 7e 82/7e 24 35 33 22 a1 a1 21 a4 a5 19 64 63 25 34 33 23 9b 9a 36 ff ff 1 84 84 0 7a 7a 43 20 20 42 db db 44 df df 45 c9 ca 40 d4 d4 27 74 71 17 81 83/7f 16 20 23/20 47 65 65 46 5f 60 48 5d 5c 49 37 37 41 61 60 26 65 63 32 99 99 33 99 99 34 77 77 10 b2 b2 11 ba ba 12 ba ba 13 b1 b1 14 bc bc 15 ba ba 35 af af Run seq 4 & 5 Run seq 45 / ll 45 Current 1.28A (approx) md_data.0001 Lights on, so good ramp. Start at 900 counts. Repeat with 2 lights off (closest to the entry door) md_data.0002 Less of a ramp, starts at ~750 counts Repeat with 2 lights off, light nearest the door is on md_data.0003 Less of a ramp, starts at ~550 counts All lights on Run vog_max_min: Param Previous Current 10 9a 26.36 9a 26.36 11 a0 15.70 a0 15.70 12 a3 8.29 a3 8.29 13 c6 33.89 c6 33.89 14 d4 20.81 d4 20.81 15 ed 12.06 ed 12.06 32 f0 f0 33 f0 f0 34 f0 f0 Run vog_min_max: Param Previous Current 10 c6 33.81 c6 33.81 11 d2 20.61 d2 20.61 12 ed 12.06 ed 12.06 13 9a 26.36 9a 26.36 14 a2 15.90 a2 15.90 15 a3 8.92 a3 8.92 32 0f 0f 33 0f 0f 34 0f 0f Run vog_nom: Param Previous Current 10 b2 30.47 b2 30.47 11 ba 18.25 ba 18.25 12 ba 9.46 ba 18.25 13 b1 30.30 b1 30.30 14 bc 18.45 bc 18.45 15 ba 9.46 ba 9.46 32 99 99 33 99 99 34 77 77 Run sequence 46, ll 46 1.25A peek from 0.84A md_data.0004, 5, 6 Reset ROE Exit default Run sequence 4 & 5 Run sequence 20 & ll 20 1.14A md_data.0007, 8, 9 All lights on Column plot @ column 760, counts 800 to 2600. Good slope. Repeat, light closest to the entry door is off md_data.0010, 11, 12 Column plot @ column 760, counts 780 to 2550. Good slope. Repeat, light closest to the entry door is off and the middle one is off md_data.0013, 14, 15 Column plot @ column 760, counts 750 to 2050. Good slope. Repeat, light closest to the entry door is on others off. 1.14A to 1.29A md_data.0016, 17, 18 Column plot @ column 760, counts 545 to 740. Gradual slope. Repeat, light closest to the entry door is on and middle one. md_data.0019, 20, 21 Column plot @ column 760, counts 580 to 1020. Gradual slope. 12:28 Run testseq1 all lights off md_data.0022 1.13A exposing, 1.29A read-out, 1.14A data transfer Image wrong, looks like camera not in right mode. Reset ROE, exit default. 1.29A peek Run sequence 4 & 5. Run sequence 1. 1.13A exposing, 1.27A read-out, 1.14A data transfer. md_data.0023 Image good, Jason's skid marks all over it. 12:37 Standby - 0.53A Instrument off (st_data.0004) 0.03A Power supply off Egse left on Lunch ----------------------------------------------------------- 14:37 JAT, RAC (clean room) MCRW (control room) JAT unplugged douglass connector to show giles problem for str4 and plugged it back on. jat - qcm1 unplugged - so giles can connect own equipment up. 14:49 Instrument on 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0004) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0005) manual 0.85A, 1.01A exit default run sequence 4 & 5 load sequence 44 and line list 44 for the pre-flash led flat fielding test. run sequence 44 with all lights off in clean room, 10 ms exposure, both leds. (eis_mhc_parameter_set(0xA903, 10), exp_time_10ms = 10). md_data.0024 max count 778 *** Actually 100 ms exposure) *** Repeat with 50ms exposure, both leds. (eis_mhc_parameter_set(0xA903, 50), exp_time_10ms = 50). md_data.0025 max count 984 *** Actually 500 ms exposure) *** Repeat with 100ms exposure, both leds. 1.24A max current spotted. (eis_mhc_parameter_set(0xA903, 100), exp_time_10ms = 10). md_data.0026 max count 770 Lower counts seen in this exposure compared to previous. *** Actually 100 ms exposure) *** Repeat. 100ms exposure, both leds. (eis_mhc_parameter_set(0xA903, 10), exp_time_10ms = 10). md_data.0027 max count 724 *** Actually 100 ms exposure) *** Repeat. 100ms exposure, both leds. (eis_mhc_parameter_set(0xA903, 100), exp_time_10ms = 100). md_data.0028 max count 1316 *** Actually 1000 ms exposure) *** Repeat 3 exposures, 100ms, 500ms, 1000ms with one led eis_mhc_parameter_set(0xA903, 10), exp_time_10ms = 10 (100 ms exposure). eis_flat_field(10, 2) md_data.0029 max count 728 Did not repeat - changed to next led: eis_mhc_parameter_set(0xA903, 10), exp_time_10ms = 10 (100 ms exposure). eis_flat_field(10, 1) md_data.0030 max count 726 15:23 standby instrument off (st_data.0006) egse off ------------------------------------- 15:25 Swapping over the ICUs - PFM now plugged in. All front panels of the PFM were found to be not connected to each other. Resistance between panels measured as > 100 Meg. (floating with respect to each other) 15:50 pfm icu - all cables unplugged in preparation for connecting all front panels together. With cables plugged into egse and (Douglas) connector, measurements between front panels of pfm: Row -> column Processor Camera ctl Monitor Power Processor - - - - Camera ctl 0.6 - - - Monitor > 20 G 20 G - - Power 200 k 200 k > 20 G - ---------------------------------------- 17:25 JAT, RAC - cleanroom MCRW - control room FSRUN0068 Plugging PFM in. Instrument on 28.01V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.55A (st_data.0002) Checking voltages on front panel manual 0.88A, 1.02A peek exit default Short psu board to monitor board: no change in mhc temperatures Connect camera control board to monitor board: no change Connect camera, monitor and power: some effect 29 TH_0 -> -2 3FFE (from -8, 3FF8) 30 TH_REF -> -278 3EE7 (from -327, 3EB9) All temperatures dipped by about 3 degrees and stayed there, except the board temps which of course started to rise again... Disconnect, all return to normal Connect power supply to camera only: same affect as previous test Disconnect, all return to normal Connect power supply to processor only: limited effect 29 TH_0 -> -7 (3FF9) 30 TH_REF -> -319 (3EC1) All temperatures dip by at max 0.5 degree (CHECK - st_data.0002) Add another wire to connect icu proc and gnd connection to structure: no change to 29 TH_0 30 TH_REF -> -315 (3EC5) All temperatures small dip Connect structure gnd <- (psu <- monitor <- camera <- processor): 29 TH_0 -> -1 (3FFF) 30 TH_REF -> -277 (3EEB) All temperatures dip significantly, ~ 15.5 degrees Board temps small upward spike first? (*CHECK*) Disconnect from structure gnd, others still connected: No change in temperatures or references 18:15 JAT, RAC out of clean room, into control room 18:30 ICU off (st_data.0003) EGSE off *************************************************************************** 22 Jan 04 JAT, RAC - clean room AMJ, MCRW - control room 13:50 msslfp on FSRUN0069 FM configuration of PFM with regard to front panel grounding - left as it was last thing yesterday. 14:05 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.55A (st_data.0002) manual 0.88A, 1.02A peek exit default 29 TH_0 3FFFF -1 30 TH_REF 3EF0 -272 MHC temperatures around 15 degrees Remove hard ground connection No change in mhc parameters Reconnect hard ground to structure and icu (mhc pkt no 29) Connect 0V link between icu & grounding stud on connector panel (mhc 39) param 30 -277 (3EEB) - small change? Remove the link from icu to the main ground leave main one that goes from connector panel to icu (chassis from icu not linked but is to egse) (mhc 52) Removing ground link at connector panel and putting it directly onto the roe (mhc 61) Removing ground link from roe and connecting directly to the mhc (mhc 71) Taking off directly between icu and structure and placing hard link between icu and earth (mhc 76) 30 TH_REF 3eef -273 (noise ?) 14:17 standby (mhc 82) icu off (st_data.0003) Connecting bobs bob in the icu to cam power connector (icu 5) & bob in camera hsl (icu 4) Grounding - still got hard earth on icu & structure - same as last test before power down but with bobs in place 14:24 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0003) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.55A (st_data.0003) manual 0.88A, 1.02A peek exit default mhc 88/9 29 TH_0 3fff -1 30 TH_REF 3ef2 -270 mhc temps ~ 15 deg c Remove pin 1 & 5 from hsl (icu 4) (removes screen connection for that connector) (mhc 101) 29 TH_0 3ff9 -7 30 TH_REF 3ebd -323 temps ~17.5 Pull out pin 1 (icu 5) (power lines) (mhc 122) No change Remove pin 19 (icu 5) (mhc 127) No change Replace pin 1 in icu 4 (mhc 147) 29 TH_0 3fff -1 30 TH_REF 3ef0 -272 Temps ~ 15 Remove pin 1 (icu 4) and put in pin 5 (icu 4) (mhc 152) no change Replace pin 1 (icu 5) (mhc 155) No change 14:40 Noise measurements on the earths using oscilloscope. Remove pin 5 (icu 4) (mhc 168) 29 TH_0 3ff8 -8 30 TH_REF 3ebc -324 Temps ~ 17 / 18 14:52 standby icu off (st_data.0004) 0.03A earth clip of scope going to icu other clip going to pin 1 of harness structure vs icu earth 50mv per division very low measurement noise level at 10mv with icu off got some spikes @ 10 ms intervals, ~100 mv high - egse powering qcm1? 15:05 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0004) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.55A (st_data.0005) spikes 400mv high (structure end) sniffing around for noise the screen connections expected on the icu pwr connector (icu 5) does not appear to be in the harness - reason why no change noted in previous test. **** CHECK THIS **** 15:40-ish hsl removed - see noise (sin wavy thing sort of) ~ 17us between structure ground and the icu ground. amplitude is blimey looks about 2 volts! 15:47 manual 0.88A - 1.02A peek exit default (mhc 512) 29 TH_0 3ff9 -7 30 TH_REF 3ec4 -316 Temps ~ 17 / 18 15:52 standby icu off (st_data.0006) egse off -------------------------------------------------- Disconnect pfm icu Connect fm icu with 9-way bob, pin 1 & 5 icu4 removed 16:07 egse on FSRUN0070 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0000) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0001) manual 0.85A, 1.01A peek exit default (mhc 8/9) 29 TH_0 3ffc -4 30 TH_REF 3ee3 -285 temps ~ 16 pin 1 & 5 connected icu 4 (hsl) (mhc 27) 29 th_0 7 -8 30 th_ref 3f17 -233 temps ~ 13 pin 5 left in, pin 1 removed and remove hard ground from structure (mhc 37) no change in hk hard ground to structure back on, remove pin 5 icu4 (mhc 45) 29 th_0 3ffb -5 30 th_ref 3ed9 -295 temps ~ 17 16:24 Standby Plug qcm1 in Plug qcm2 in qcm2 is resting on the baffle extension thingy because unable to fit it from the front (baffle gets in way) 16:32 JAT, RAC salsas in to control room. 16:40 manual 0.85 - 1.01A peek exit default load seq 31 load & run seq 4 & 5 1.13A in auto Ack count = 23 run seq 31 Ack count n+3 = 26 (QCM 1) Record parameter 58 = 0x1010 Record parameter 59 = 0x002e Record parameter 60 = 0xafcc Ack count +1 = 28 (QCM 2) Record parameter 58 = 2002 Record parameter 59 = 0x0037 Record parameter 60 = 0xa2a8 Ack count +1 = 29 Record parameter 58 = 0x0080 Go back to Manual when stopped Repeat test 1.13 -> 1.14A 28V current Ack count = 29 run seq 31 Ack count n+3 = 32 (QCM 1) Record parameter 58 = 0x1010 Record parameter 59 = 0x002e Record parameter 60 = 0xaf7e Ack count +1 = 34 (QCM 2) Record parameter 58 = 0x2400 Record parameter 59 = 0x0037 Record parameter 60 = 0xa669 Ack count +1 = 35 Record parameter 58 = 0x0020 Go back to Manual when stopped Repeat test 1.13 -> 1.14A 28V current (thresholding) Ack count = 35 run seq 31 Ack count n+3 = 38 (QCM 1) Record parameter 58 = 0x1004 Record parameter 59 = 0x002e Record parameter 60 = 0xaf2d Ack count +1 = 40 (QCM 2) Record parameter 58 = 0x2400 Record parameter 59 = 0x0037 Record parameter 60 = 0xb2b5 Ack count +1 = 41 Record parameter 58 = 0x0020 Go back to Manual when stopped Repeat test - eis_mhc_qcm_control(0x0001,50000) which is 30 seconds load seq31 1.13 -> 1.16A 28V current up and downy 0.85A - heaters off for a measurable time Ack count = 41 run seq 31 Ack count 1 so mhc reset mhc_if_err = 0x4908 manual Repeat test - time set to 6 seconds (10000 cycles) 0.85A -> 0.86A (no heaters) Ack count = 4 run seq 31 Ack count n+3 = 7 (QCM 1) Record parameter 58 = 0x1000 Record parameter 59 = 0x005d Record parameter 60 = 0x5d50 Ack count +1 = 9 (QCM 2) Record parameter 58 = 0x2000 Record parameter 59 = 0x006f Record parameter 60 = 0x8ff2 Ack count +1 = 10 Record parameter 58 = 0x0000 Go back to Manual when stopped 17:15 QCM heater test Act count = 10 Nack count = 0 Type œôòørun mhc_qcm_htr_testœôòù and hit enter Verify Act count = n+1 11 Record parameter 58 s/be 0x0000 0x0000 Record initial values, heater off Record parameter 61 0x1271 Record parameter 62 0x1265 0.93A Verify Act count = +1 12 Record parameter 58 s/be 0x4000 0x4000 Wait 60 seconds, heater 1 on Record parameter 61 0x12f9 Record parameter 62 0x1265 Verify 61 has gone up, 62 about the same 0.93A Verify Act count = +2 14 Record parameter 58 s/be 0x8000 0x8000 Wait 60 seconds, heater 2 on Record parameter 61 0x12d8 Record parameter 62 0x12d5 Verify 62 has gone up, 61 has dropped back down 0.85A Verify Act count = +1 15 Record parameter 58 s/be 0x0000 0x0000 Wait 60 seconds, heaters off Record parameter 61 0x1291 Record parameter 62 0x12ad Verify 61 and 62 have gone down Test pass 17:31 Standby icu off (st_data.0002) mdp stop ---------------------------------------------------- 18:47 JAT, RAC cleanroom MCRW control room Camera voltages vd Attaching bob to roe5 18:50 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0002) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) manual 0.85A, 1.01A peek exit default standby cam_vf not seen to change to valid saver on front of roe beginning to come out - pushed back in manual 0.85A, 1.01A peek exit default measure 5 voltages: +8 +8.03V -8 -8.06V +39 +39.8V +13 +15.0V +7 +6.4V 19:03 icu off (st_data.0003) egse off ***************************************************************** Friday 23 Jan 2004 JAT, RAC cleanroom MCRW control room 10:02 egse on FSRUN0071 10:11 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0000) Measurements of waveforms (noise) taken with oscilloscope. (1) Saving channel 1 to refa. This is scope gnd to pin 1 on 15-way connector (hsl, icu4). Scope itself is in pin 1, structure side. (RAC) (Strange wavy sine wave - this is square wave-ish (rac).) (2) Same measurement from same pins but removing hard ground from the structure. channel 1 saved to refb. (3) Attaching structure hard ground again and attach icu hard gnding wire to a bus bar. Slight reduction in sine wave amplitude seen. 10:20 icu off (st_data.0001) Disconnect Douglas connector 10:21 icu on 0.29A (st_data.0001) (4) Hard ground on structure back on, scope gnd lead to pin3 and scope lead on pin 1 of icu4 (hsl). See same trace as first measurement (1) but larger amplitude. (5) Scope gnd to pin 1, scope lead to pin 3 of icu4. See a less defined square wave as (1) with smaller amplitude. Capturing wave forms with digital camera: gnd 3, scope 1 (test 4) - ref 30 gnd 1, scope 3 (test 5) - ref 31 (?) 10:36 icu off (st_data.0002) Reconnect Douglas connector Pin 3 back in bob 10:39 icu on 0.29A boot (st_data.0002) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0003) manual 0.85A, 1.01A peek exit default 29 th_0 3ffa -6 30 th_ref 3ed3 -301 temps ~ 16 10:40 RAC to control room JAT out 11:10 MCRW - weak bladder (woose) and a breath of fresh air 11:35 RAC - metal tools moved to changing area 13:04 standby 0.53A icu off (st_data.0005) msslfp off Lunch ---------------------------------------------- JAT cleanroom AMJ, MCRW control room RAC visitor room 16:08 Flight sla installed and has been plugged in egse on FSRUN0072 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0000) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0001) manual 0.85A, 1.01A peek exit default slit_slot_test Ack count = 0 Nack count = 0 Type œôòørun slit_slot_testœôòù and hit enter Verify Ack count = n+4 (find 0) 4 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x0032 < 0x0072 0x0048 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.99 (1.09 peek) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 5 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC02C < 0xC06C 0xC039 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 (1.03) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 6 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x8040 < 0x8080 0x8034 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 7 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x407F < 0x40BF 0x4082 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 (1.07) Verify Ack count = +1 (-180°) 8 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC02C < 0xC06C 0xC034 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 (1.01) Verify Ack count = +1 (-90°) 9 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xFFF0 < 0x0030 0x0047 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 (1.04) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 10 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC05E < 0xC09E 0xC03A Repeat slit_slot_test Ack count = 10 Nack count = 0 Type œôòørun slit_slot_testœôòù and hit enter fwd 270 0.98 Verify Ack count = n+4 (find 0) 14 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x0032 < 0x0072 0x0040 fwd 90 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 ( peek) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 14 / 1 (0x4000) Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC02C < 0xC06C 0xc05f FWD 90 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 15 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x8040 < 0x8080 0x8043 fwd 90 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 (1.00) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 15 / 2 (0x4000) Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x407F < 0x40BF 0x40A0 back 180 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 (1.02) Verify Ack count = +1 (-180°) 16 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC02C < 0xC06C 0xC02E reverse 90 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 (1.01) Verify Ack count = +1 (-90°) 17 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xFFF0 < 0x0030 0x003C forward 90 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.98 (1.07?) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 18 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC05E < 0xC09E 0xC02E 16:30 trace_dump run (FSRUN0072, mem_dump.0000 - 0007) (ss trace mem_data.0004) 16:34 Run dequences 4 & 5 (htrs come on) shutter_test Act count = 206 (?)/ 2 Load sequence #32 Select sequence #32 and go to Auto (Ten shutter movements) ok Ack count = n+20 249 Go back to Manual when stopped Current, expect FM=1.08 œôòó 1.09A FM=1.11 œôòó 1.13A 1.12 - 1.19 (0.85 htrs off) Repeat shutter test Act count = 249/ 2 Load sequence #32 Select sequence #32 and go to Auto (Ten shutter movements) Ack count = n+20 269 Go back to Manual when stopped 53 SHUT_OPT_MS 1 54 SHUT_OPT_LS 0x26D4 Current, expect FM=1.08 œôòó 1.09A FM=1.11 œôòó 1.13A 1.12 - 1.18 (0.85 htrs off) 16:42 Thermistor testing (sla) G0_TH4 rises (on sla motor - got warm during sla test) & falls G0_TH5 rises (shutter motor) & falls 16:46 Standby icu off (0.03) (st_data.0002) mdp halt More mechanical stuff 4 screws into the connector bracket - seem fine the pedestal the sla sits on doesnt seem to have a very good venting path -------------------------------------------- JAT, AMJ (?), RAC - cleanroom MCRW - control room 17:48 Egse off icu3 bob put in place no mechanisms connected 18:25 Egse on FSRUN0073 18:30 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0000) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0000) bob in icu3 (25 way) pin 1 (chassis connection) out same noise as before manual 0.84A, 1.00A peek exit default pin 1 in on icu3 bob no change in noise 18:36 pin 1 out for 5 minutes until temperatures stabilize. (mhc 38/39) 29 th_0 3ffa -6 30 th_ref 3ec9 -311 mhc temps ~ 17 / 18 18:40 standby icu off (st_data.0001) egse off ---------------------------------------------------- 18:44 bob removed ***************************************************** 28 Jan 04 RAC - cleanroom MCRW - control room 12:11 egse on - FSRUN0074 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0000) scope gnd pin 1 icu side, scope probe pin 1 structure side, waveform is the strange sine wave square wave thing. bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0000) This waveform is as before but not same measurement as made at lab (between pins 1 & 3) - (27/1/04) manual 0.84A, peek 1.00A exit default 29 TH_0 3ffb -5 (mhc 21) 30 3ede -301 temps ~ 15 - 16 run seq 4 & 5 28 acks, no nacks 12:26 shutter open for 10 mins (commanded) ... 12:31 slit slot auto to 40 arcsec slot - no effect 12:38 shutter closed slit slot auto to 40 arcsec slot - no effect 1 nack 12:35 slit_slot_test - single stepping Ack count = 30 Nack count = 0 Type œôòørun slit_slot_testœôòù and hit enter Verify Ack count = n+4 (find 0) ? Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x0032 < 0x0072 0x? NACKED expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A (1.25 peek) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 35 / 2 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC02C < 0xC06C 0xc050 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A (1.25) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 35 / 3 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x8040 < 0x8080 0x8061 NACKED expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A (1.25) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 35 / 4 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x407F < 0x40BF 0x4086 NACKED 12:47 RAC trying to find square wave ... when structure & icu gnded signal between scope gnd pin 1 icu side scope probe on structure side - sine wave, amplitude of 4v & scope probe lead at times 1 disconnect structure gnd - signal turns to square wave with sine wave overtones - 6 volts peak to peak - 17 us wavelength grounded a wire between pin 1 icu side and ground pin 3 - reduces waveform to 3v peak to peak and changed to sine wave (square wave component goes) reconnected structure hard gnd & pin 1 still connected to pin 3 - waveform drops by about a volt so only 2 volts peak to peak 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 (mhc 131) 30 th_ref 3ec2 -318 12:56 icu off (st_data.0001) egse off lunch ------------------------------------- 15:14 Egse on - FSRUN0075 16:15 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0000) bytes 0x2b,0 (1) standby 0.53A (st_data.0001) 16:38 (2) manual 0.84A (1.00A peek) exit default 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 (mhc 143) 30 th_ref 3ed0 -304 temps ~ 16 (49 ss_pos 0x4080) 16:45 (3) icu pin 1 connected to pin 3 (ground) 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 (mhc 181) 30 th_ref 3ec4 -316 temps ~ 17 16:53 standby (4) remove pin 3. connect structure pin 1 and structure pin 3. RAC drawing waveforms. 17:10 (5) manual 0.84A, peek 1.00A (5.1) probe pin 1 icu to ground, pin 3 icu to probe - square-ish waveform centered about zero volts (5.2) gnd is pin 1 structure, probe is pin 1 icu - 1.5 v peak to peak sinusoidal noisy (5.3) pin 1 structure ground, pin 3 icu probe - noisy sinusoidal flat square (!) (5.4) gnd pin 1 structure, probe pin 3 structure - 1/2 v peak to peak, spikey. wire from pin 1 structure to pin 3 structure. 29 th_0 0007 -8 (mhc 334) 30 th_ref 3f0c -244 temps ~ 13 RAC drawing more waveforms 17:35 standby icu off (st_data.0002) mdp halt tea break --------------------------------------- 19:30 RAC - cleanroom MCRW - control room Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0003) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0003) (6) pin 1 icu wire goes to pin 3 icu. also wire goes from pin 1 structure to pin 3 structure. capture waveforms. noisy sinusoidal, amplitude 4 v peak to peak. 19:47 manual 0.84A, peek 0.99A. exit default 29 th_0 3 -4 30 th_ref 3ef9 -263 temps ~ 15.5 (7) pin 3 - pin 3 link back in. 29 th_0 3ffb -5 30 th_ref 3edf -289 temps ~ 16 (8) Remove pin 7 of hsl 29 th_0 3ffb -5 30 th_ref 3ed4 -300 temps ~ 16 (9) connect pin 1 structure wire to pin 3 structure and remove wire link 29 th_0 5 -6 30 th_ref 3f07 -249 temps ~ 13 - 14 (10) add wire pin 1 icu to pin 3 icu 29 th_0 8 -9 30 th_ref 3f15 -235 temps ~ 13 - 14 (11) remove wire pin 1 structure to pin 3 structure 29 th_0 4 -5 30 th_ref 3f09 -247 temps ~ 14 - 15 (12) pin 1 link is in, pin 3 link is in 29 th_0 5 -6 30 th_ref 3f0f -241 temps ~ 13 - 14 smoother plots on statusmon (13) pin 1 link in, pin 3 link removed 29 th_0 4 -4 30 th_ref 3f0b -345 temps ~ 13 - 14 wavy plots back (14) added wire from pin 5 icu to pin 3 icu - pretty good sinusoidal, probe on pin 3 on icu side, ground on icu side 29 th_0 0 -1 30 th_ref 3eff -257 temps ~ 15 smoothish trace on statusmon 5 us period sinusoid amplitude pk to pk is 4 v Next test choice between: bob between mdp/icu bob roe/mhc 20:11 standby 0.53A (15) bob in hsl connector at the roe. - cant do - no savers 20:45 (16) 15-way bob into cnp1 - cant do - saver already there, might contaminate savers. icu off (st_data.0004) egse off -------------------------- bob between mdp and icu 20:54 Egse on - FSRUN0076 20:57 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) bytes 0x2b,0 (1) standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) (17) links 1 & 13 of bob removed. wire link from mdm/icu connector pin 1 to pin 3 of hsl (gnd). scope signal reduced, probe leads on pin 1 and pin 3 of icu. manual 0.84A, peak 1.00A 29 th_0 3 -4 30 th_ref 3f07 -249 temps ~ 13 - 14 plot on statusmon wavy as usual 21:10 link hsl pin 3 put in 29 th_0 3ffc -4 30 th_ref 3edb -293 temps ~ 15 - 16 plot on statusmon much smoother (so: mdp 1 & 13 out, hsl 1 & 3 in. mdp 1 to pin 3 hsl connected with wire link.) (18) mdp 1 to mdp 25 (gnd) 29 th_0 3ffd -3 30 th_ref 3ee1 -287 temps ~ 15 - 16 plot on statusmon still smooth (19) mdp 1 & 13 in, mdp 25 out 29 th_0 3ffc -4 30 th_ref 3edf -289 temps ~ 15 - 16 plot on statusmon smooth (20) hsl screen out 29 th_0 3ff1 -1 30 th_ref 3ee1 -287 temps ~ 15 - 16 plot on statusmon not quite as smooth - small waves appearing (21) remove wire from icu 1 & pin 3 and put between hsl 1 & 3 29 th_0 3ffd -3 30 th_ref 3ee4 -284 temps ~ 15 - 16 plot on statusmon smoother 21:31 run seq 4 & 5 run testseq1 1.28A max seen md_data.0001 - saturated - 2/3rds lights off in clean room repeat testseq1 - 1.27A max md_data.0002 - nice and dark image 21:40 standby 0.53A icu off egse off **************************************************** 29 Jan 2004 RAC, MCRW - control room 10:48 (1) Power supply ground to earth wire link removed. EGSE on FSRUN0077 10:50 Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0000) mbus28i showing 00 - 0xff (raw) bytes 0x2b,0 (2) standby 0.53A (st_data.0000) (3) manual 0.84A (1.00A peek) exit default 29 th_0 3ffe -2 30 th_ref 3eeb -277 temps ~ 14.5 plot on statusmon smooth-ish 11:02 standby icu off (st_data.0001) (4) Remove earth from dist and tci-b sim (5) icu on 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) mbus_28i 0x9, 0.117 bytes 0x2b,0 standby (st_data.0001) 0.53A (6) manual 084A, peak 1.00A exit default 29 th_0 3ffd -3 30 th_ref 3ee7 -281 temps ~ 14.75 average plot on statusmon smooth-ish 11:15 Rac - cleanroom 11:31 run sequences 4 & 5 (7) run slit_slot_test Ack count = 28 Nack count = 0 Type œôòørun slit_slot_testœôòù and hit enter 1.12A heaters on 1.25A Verify Ack count = n+4 (find 0) 32 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x0032 < 0x0072 0x0042 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A (1.25 peak) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 33 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC02C < 0xC06C 0xC05b expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A (1.25 peak) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 34 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x8040 < 0x8080 0x8037 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A (1.33 peak) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 35 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x407F < 0x40BF 0x407f expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.97 (1.12 peak) Verify Ack count = +1 (-180°) 35 / 1 (0x4000 ec) Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC02C < 0xC06C 0xC024 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 1.12 (1.25) Verify Ack count = +1 (-90°) 36 / 1 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xFFF0 < 0x0030 0x003c expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 1.14 (1.25) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 37 / 1 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC05E < 0xC09E 0xC02A run trace_dump mem_data.0000 param table 0001 cmd trace 0002 fmir trace 0003 cmir trace 0004 ss trace 0005 gra trace 0006 shutter trace 0007 power trace run trace_enable (not really necessary as done in dump script) run mhcclear (nack_ec_ls now 0) 11:43 standby 0.53A icu off (st_data.0002) mdp halt (8) removing structure ground and making it a bit thicker Size of ground cable doubled and re-attached 11:56 (9) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0002) mbus28i showing 0x9 (raw) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) manual 0.84A (1.00A peek) exit default 29 th_0 3ffe -2 30 th_ref 3eeb -277 temps ~ 14.5 - 15 plot on statusmon fairly smooth (10) standby connection from pin 1 to 3 on hsl is coiled up (6 inch) wire. (trying to reduce impedance) same done to mdp connector pins 1,25 sinusoidal waveform amplitude peak to peak 300 millivolts (11) manual 0.84, 1.00 peak 29 th_0 3ffc -4 30 th_ref 3ee3 -285 temps ~ 15 - 16 plot on statusmon very smooth (for a while) then just smooth 12:13 (12) disconnect structure link and moving it around a bit statusmon traces a bit more wobbly re-attached icu structure gnd (after twisting it abit), noise on scope looks cleaner (just 2v peak to peak now). (13) removing roe hsl and connector panel link - no difference to hk 12:27 (14) standby 0.53A icu off (st_data.0003) disconnecting 9-way bob on hsl & icu reconnecting cable straight into icu *************************** mate/demate roe 1 and roe 4 *************************** bob between roe 4 (hsl) again putting savers on bob bob on roe 4 has probe ground on pin 1 (structure gnd) to probe on pin 3 (gnd) 13:35 (15) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0003) mbus28i showing 0xC (raw) 200 mv sinusoidal waveform and period is 6 us bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0003) 200 mv sinusoidal waveform and period is 6 us manual 0.84A (1.00A peek) exit default 29 th_0 8 -9 30 th_ref 3f18 -232 temps ~ 12 - 13 plot on statusmon maybe as smooth as before waveform 800 mv, 100 ns, rest noise 200 mv, spikes 800 mv @ 1 ms (16) remove screen connection pin 1 (and therefore pin 5) 29 th_0 3 -4 temps up a bit (17) pin 1 & 5 out, 3 is in, wire link pin 1 structure to pin 3 29 th_0 0 -1 temps ~ 15 (18) take 1 & 3 out, wire link pin 1 structure to pin 3 30 th_ref 3f0b -245 temps down 1/2 degree (19) remove wire link no change in hk 12:46 standby 0.53A icu off (st_data.0004) mdp halt (20) lunch --------------------------------------------- 16:15 RAC - cleanroom MCRW - control room icu 3, 4, 5 on bobs - 3 is mdp, 4 is hsl, 5 is power disconnected the screens - icu 3, pins 1 &13 - icu 4 is pins 1, 5, & 7 icu 5 is pins 1 & 19. 16:55 (21) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0004) mbus28i showing 00 - 0xff (raw) bytes 0x2b,0 (22) standby 0.53A (st_data.0005) (23) manual 0.84A (1.00A peek) exit default 29 th_0 3ffb -5 30 th_ref 3edf -289 temps ~ 14.5 > 15.5 plot on statusmon smooth-ish big noisy signal peak to peak ~6v situation on fm should be mimicking no connections on front panel (24) wire link on hsl now on pin 1 icu to pin 3 peak to peak now ~ 3v 29 th_0 3ffc -4 30 th_ref 3ed7 -297 temps ~ 15.5 > 16 plot on statusmon smooth-ish (25) disconnected hsl 3 & put in wire link from hsl 1 icu to pin 3 structure 29 th_0 3 -4 30 th_ref 3f0b -245 temps ~ 13 plot on statusmon smooth-ish (26) put in link 3 & link 1 29 th_0 5 -6 30 th_ref 3f11 -239 temps ~ 13.5 plot on statusmon smooth (27) link 3 in, remove link 1 on hsl 29 th_0 3ffc -4 30 th_ref 3ed9 -295 temps ~ 15.5 - 16 plot on statusmon not smooth (28) now added wire link for icu 3 (mdp) pin 1 (scr) to pin 25 (gnd) icu 3 29 th_0 3ffd -3 30 th_ref 3ed7 -297 temps ~ 15.5 plot on statusmon not smooth (29) moving wire link to other side on icu 3 (?????) - (pin1 mdp -> pin 25) 29 th_0 3ffc -4 30 th_ref 3ee3 -285 temps ~ 15.5 plot on statusmon not smooth 17:13 (30) run seq 4, 5 and then testseq1 - peak 1.27A md_data.0001 saturated (31) remove gnd pin 25 of icu 3. connect pin 1 to pin 25. pins 1 & 13 are in. 29 th_0 3ffc -4 30 th_ref 3ed1 -303 temps ~ 16 > 17 plot on statusmon not smooth (32) remove icu hard gnd 29 th_0 3ffa -6 30 th_ref 3ecc -308 temps ~ 16.5 plot on statusmon not smooth-ish (33) leave icu gnding out, put back in icu 3 pin 25. wire link between 1 & 25 icu 3removed. 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ecb -309 temps ~ 16 > 17 plot on statusmon smooth (34) make link from pin 1 to pin 25 icu 3 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ec9 -311 temps ~ 16 > 17 plot on statusmon smooth-ish - bit more wobbly (35) icu hard gnd going into icu 5 (pwr) pin 1. 29 th_0 3ffa -6 30 th_ref 3ec9 -311 temps ~ 16 > 17 plot on statusmon smooth-ish (36) going to the other side of pin 1. 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ecd -307 temps ~ 17 plot on statusmon smooth (37) move from pin 1 to pin 19 of icu 5 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ec9 -310 temps ~ 17 plot on statusmon smooth-ish (30) Other side of pin 19 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ec5 -315 temps ~ 17 > 17.5 plot on statusmon smooth-ish 17:35 RAC out of cleanroom 17:55 RAC in cleanroom (31) standby 0.53A icu off (st_data.0006) egse off (32) removing the bobs icu structure gnd is connected back again egse on - FSRUN0078 bob roe 3 at the structure on the bob removed link 1, 5 & 7 18:14 (33) icu on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) mbus28i showing 0xc5 (raw) bytes 0x2b,0 (34) standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) (35) manual 0.84A (1.00A peek) exit default 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ece -306 temps ~ 17 > 17.5 plot on statusmon smooth-ish (36) add wire link from pin 1 (structure side) to pin 3 on bob 29 th_0 3ffa -6 30 th_ref 3ecb -309 temps ~ 17 > 17.5 plot on statusmon smooth-ish same as (35) (37) pin 1 on icu side going to pin 3 29 th_0 0000 -1 30 th_ref 3f03 -253 temps ~ 15.5 > 16 plot on statusmon not smooth-ish (38) back to how it was in (36) parameters back to (36) (39) put link 1 in, remove pin 3 29 th_0 3 -4 30 th_ref 3f02 -254 temps ~ 14 (40) adding wire link from pin 1 to pin 3 (structure side) no improvement (41) pin 3 in, link 1 out 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ecb -309 temps ~ 17 > 17.5 after big dive and jump back up plot on statusmon smooth-ish (42) remove icu hard ground 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ec5 -315 temps ~ 17 > 17.5 plot on statusmon smooth-ish seems to be a slight upward trend (43) structure ground back in 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ec5 -315 temps ~ 17 > 17.5 plot on statusmon smooth-ish slight downwards trend (44) remove gnd strap from structure 29 th_0 3ff7 -9 30 th_ref 3ebb -325 temps ~ 17.5 > 18 plot on statusmon smooth-ish about the same as pfm? 18:32 (45) standby 0.53A icu off (st_data.0003) mdp halt more food ------------------------------ RAC, Charlie - cleanroom Clarence, MCRW - control room SLA and alignment grating fitted. 20:12 (46) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0003) mbus28i showing 0xc9 (raw) bytes 0x2b,0 (47) standby 0.53A (st_data.0003) 20:16 Cover coming off roe 3 saver got pulled out taking cover off Plugged in again ***************** mate/demate roe 3 ***************** Covers removed. 20:22 sheet of lumalloy covering holes on top of structure. holding lamp in position 20:25 (48) manual 0.84A (1.00A peak) exit default Clean room lights off Run sequences 4 & 5 ok Load seq 00, ll 47 (2 second, both ccds) Run seq 00 1.27A peak fsrun0078/md_data.0001 Manual 20:37 Repeat exposure with mercury lamp at sef position md_data.0002 Dipped our toes in the water and found it not bad at all (Clarence). 20:39 standby 0.53A icu off (st_data.0004) mdp halt breakeout box removed. 20:44 egse off ************************************************************** 30/Jan/2004 RAC - cleanroom MCRW - control room 11:08 EGSE on - FSRUN0079 bob on cnp1 - the structure ground strap is removed 11:14 (1) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0000) mbus28i showing 0xff (raw) bytes 0x2b,0 (2) standby 0.53A (st_data.0001) (3) manual 0.84A, peak 0.99A 29 th_0 5 -6 30 th_ref 3f21 -223 temps ~ 11 > 12 plot on statusmon noisy (4) connect the mhc ground to structure - pin 14, pin 11 on cnp1 29 th_0 3ffc -4 30 th_ref 3ed3 -301 temps ~ 15.5 > 16 plot on statusmon noisy (5) removed pin 14 (ground) and added wire link between 11 & 14 structure side 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3eb8 -328 temps ~ 17 plot on statusmon smooth good one (6) attach hard ground back to the structure Parameters as in 5 plot still smooth good one (7) put pin 14 in (gnd) and remove pin 11 (scn). Wire link also removed. 29 th_0 5 -6 30 th_ref 3f1e -226 temps ~ 11 > 12 plot on statusmon noisy (8) wire link between 11 & 13 structure. 29 th_0 5 -6 30 th_ref 3f1c -228 temps ~ 12 plot on statusmon noisy no change from 7 (9) wire link between 11 & 14 structure side 29 th_0 5 -6 30 th_ref 3f19 -221 temps ~ 11.5 plot on statusmon smoother (10) link in 11, remove 14 and wire link between 11 & 14 structure side 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3eb7 -329 temps ~ 17 plot on statusmon smooth good one 11:31 (11) standby 0.53A (12) wire link between pin 1 structure side & pin 3 . bob roe 3 in. The hard ground is on (13) manual 0.84A, peak 0.99A exit default 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3eb7 -329 temps ~ 17 > 17.5 plot on statusmon smooth good one (14) removing structure hard ground 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3ec1 -319 temps ~ 16.5 plot on statusmon not quite as smooth as (10) good one tho (15) structure hard ground back on 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3eb7 -329 temps ~ 17 plot on statusmon smooth good one (16) wire link on cnp1, take structure side connection and put it onto the hard ground 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3eb8 -328 temps ~ 17 > plot on statusmon smooth good one (17) wire link now structure to pin 14 icu side (structure stud) 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3ec1 -319 temps ~ 16.5 > 17 plot on statusmon not as smooth as 16 good one (18) cnp1 pin 11 to pin 14 (same as 16) 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3eb7 -329 temps ~ 17 plot on statusmon smooth good one (19) holding on structure strap of mhc onto the mhc box 29 th_0 3ff7 -9 30 th_ref 3eb8 -328 temps ~ 17 > plot on statusmon smooth good one 11:55 Operational heater tests Single step commands from script mhc_heaters (20) Turn off all heaters ack/nack 1 / 0 (21) turn on heater 11 1.12A 2 / 0 No change in any thermistor readings Turn all heaters off 0.84A 3 / 0 12:09 (22) turn on heater 10 [ets 10 -> g2_th10 (41)] 1.12A 4 / 0 mhc parameter 42 rises (g2_th11) == ets 11 0.84A 12:10 heaters off 5 / 0 12:20 (23) turn on heater 9 ets 9 t1mon9 mhc_hz_t9 g2_th9 (40) 1.12 6 / 0 turn off heaters 7 / 0 0.83A parameter 45 g2_th14 rises and falls (ets 14) 12:25 (24) turn on heater 8 ets 8 t1mon8 mhc_hz_t8 g2_th8 (39) 1.12A 8 / 0 heaters off 0.84A 9 / 0 40 g2_th9 rises? (ets 9) 12:30 (25) turn on heater 7 ets 7 t1mon7 mhc_hz_t7 g2_th7 (38) 1.12A 10 / 0 heater off 11 / 0 no rise in thermistors 12:35 (26) turn on heater 6 1.12A 12 / 0 0.84A 13 / 0 g2_th6 up a bit? 12:40 (25) standby 0.53A icu off (st_data.0002) mdp halt Lunch ---------------------------------------------------------- RAC - cleanroom MCRW - control room 14:56 (1) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0002) mbus28i showing 0x3 (raw) bytes 0x2b,0 (2) standby 0.53A (st_data.0003) 15:05 Cover off (3) manual 0.84A, peak 1.00A (4) all heaters off ack/nack 1 / 0 (5) finger on ets 9 - g2_th9 goes up 15:14 turn on heater 9 (which is heater 8 in John's document) 2 / 0 on for 1 minute ets 9 (g2_th9) goes up turn off 3 / 0 finger on ets 8 (g2_th8) - goes up turn on heater 8 (johns heater 7) 4 / 0 1.12A heater off (on for 1.5 mins) 5 / 0 ets 8 - g2_th8 rises finger on ets 7 - g2_th7 up heater 7 (johns htr 6) on 6 / 0 1.12A g2_th7 up heater off 7 / 0 finger on ets 10 - g2_th10 up heater 10 (john's 9) on 1.12A 8 / 0 heater off after 1.5 minutes 9 / 0 g2_th10 up a little 15:30 finger on ets 6 - g2_th 6 - rises heater 6 (johns 5) on 1.12A 10 / 0 heater off after 2 minutes 11 / 0 no response from ets 6 due to distance from heater finger on ets 1 - g2_th1 - rises heater 1 (john's 0) on 1.12A 12 / 0 heater off after 2 minutes 13 / 0 g2_th1 slowly rose finger on ets 5 - g2_th5 - rises heater 5 (john's 4) on 1.11A 14 / 0 heater off after 2 minutes 0.84A 15 / 0 g2_th5 slowly rises 15:45 finger on ets 11 - g2_th11 - (ets 2 goes up) - working with ets 2 then heater 2 (john's 1) on 1.12A 16 / 0 ets 2 maintaining temperature ets 2 slowly rising heater off after 2 minutes 0.83A 17 / 0 hand near ets 4 - g2_th4 - rising heater 4 (john's 3) on 1.12A 18 / 0 heater off after 2 minutes 19 / 0 perhaps a very small rise in ets 4. Maybe lengthened time of ets 4 to reduce in temperature. finger on ets 11 - g2_th11 - big rise heater 11 (john's 10) on 1.11A 20 / 0 ets 11 goes up heater off after 1 minute 0.84A 21 / 0 finger on (????) ets 12 - g2_th12 - rising heater 12 (john's 11) on 1.12A 22 / 0 heater off after 2 minutes 0.84 23 / 0 ets 12 cooling delayed by heater finger on ets 3 - g2_th3 - ets 2 went up checking drawing cant get to sensor heater 3 (john's 2) on 1.11A 24 / 0 g2_th3 rising nicely heater off after 1.5 minutes 0.84 25 / 0 16:15 has been tested looks ok. Turn off EIS. Shut down msslfp Leave msslqa on standby 0.53A icu off (st_data.0004) egse off ***************************************************** 02 Feb 2004 JAT, MCRW - control room 08:56 egse on FSRUN0080 (1) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0000) mbus28i showing 0x0 (raw) bytes 0x2b,0 (2) standby 0.53A (st_data.0000) (3) manual 0.84A, peak 0.99A 09:05 (4) Run seq 4 & 5 1.12A - heaters on (5) select & run seq 0, ll47. Zero second dark exposure. Max 1.27A. md_data.0001 - this has 2 faint vertical lines at positions 275 and 3425. (6) repeat exposure - 1.27A during readout md_data.0002 - faint vertical lines in same place as above. 09:20 (7) standby (8) icu off (st_data.0001) (9) Coffee break ------------------------------- 11:10 (10) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) mbus28i showing 0x2 (raw) bytes 0x2b,0 (11) standby 0.53A (st_data.0000) (12) manual 0.84A, peak 0.99A (13) run seq 4 & 5 1.12A heaters on Clean room lights out (14) Run seq 0 (1s exposure), ll47 - 1.27A at readout md_data.0003 (15) seq 0, 0s exposure, ll47 - 1.27A readout md_data.0004 (16) seq 0, 2s exposure, ll47 - 1.27A readout md_data.0005 (17) seq 0, 5s exposure, ll47 - 1.27A readout md_data.0006 (18) seq 0, 10s exposure, ll47 - 1.27A readout md_data.0007 (19) seq 0, 20s exposure, ll47 - 1.27A readout md_data.0008 cam_if_err 0x08 (flush sequence timeout) Lines getting harder to see with longer exposures 12:00 standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0002 mdp halt ---------------- JAT - cleanroom MCRW - control room 13:54 (20) Remove the 2 bobs and restore original configuration. (21) mdp go (st_data.0002) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0002) mbus28i showing 0x4 (raw) (0.072A) bytes 0x2b,0 (22) standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) (23) manual 0.84A, peak 1.00A 29 th_0 5 -6 30 th_ref 3f1e -226 temps ~ 12.5 - 13 record mhc in fsrun0080 BAD (24) standby 0.53A icu off (st_data.0003) (25) added a thick strap main bus bar to structure connector panel (26) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0003) mbus28i showing 0x4 (raw) (0.072A) bytes 0x2b,0 (27) standby 0.53A (st_data.0003) (28) manual 0.84A, peak 1.00A 29 th_0 5 -6 30 th_ref 3f27 -217 temps ~ 12.5 - 13 record mhc in fsrun0080 BAD but perhaps a little smoother statusmon plot (29) removed the croc clip from the connector panel which goes to the optical bench. (30) standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0004 (31) replace existing icu ground with big copper braid to bus bar (32) Instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0004) mbus28i showing 0x7 (raw) (0.099A) bytes 0x2b,0 (33) standby 0.53A (st_data.0005) (34) manual 0.84A, peak 1.00A 29 th_0 8 -9 30 th_ref 3f25 -219 temps ~ 12.5 - 13 record mhc in fsrun0080 BAD but perhaps as smooth as in (28) no improvement (35) standby 0.53 icu off st_data.0006 (36) bob into connector panel 1 (rs422 line) connecting mhc 0 volts to chassis locally at the instrument the way it was set up implied to jat that mhc 0 volt was floating - so connecting pin14 to the end that goes to the mhc (pin 11, chassis) [stopping mhc 0 volts going back to icu and connecting it locally to the structure] 14:36 (37) instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0006) mbus28i showing 0x7 (raw) (0.099A) bytes 0x2b,0 (38) standby 0.53A (st_data.0006) (39) manual 0.84A, peak 1.00A 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3eb5 -331 temps ~ 18.8 - 19.2 record mhc in fsrun0080 VERY GOOD - smooth curves (40) standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0007 mdp halt ----------------- 16:07 (41) instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0007) mbus28i showing 0x4 (raw) (0.072A) bytes 0x2b,0 (42) standby 0.53A (st_data.0008) (43) manual 0.84A, peak 0.99A (44) load and run seq 4 & 5 1.12A (45) run testseq1 1.13A during readout md_data.0009 looks ok 16:16 (46) perform last part of roe tests: seq20, ll20, repeat 3 times md_data.0010 md_data.0011 md_data.0012 lights turned on during test (47) repeat seq20, ll20 tests in the dark md_data.0013 md_data.0014 md_data.0015 mhc parameters recorded to file (48) standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0009 (49) reconnected the icu & structure using thinner wires and removed thich coppper wires (50) instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0009) mbus28i showing 0x9 (raw) (0.117A) bytes 0x2b,0 (51) standby 0.53A (st_data.0009) (52) manual 0.84A, peak 1.00A 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ec1 -319 temps 18.5 (slightly lower than at previous switch off) traces look smooth-ish (53) touch the copper braid onto bus bar no difference from (52) mhc parameters recorded different orders in traces gp2 (0-7) & (8-15)? more separation in gp2 (8-15) group? not so smooth? *instrument cover is off* - may not have been off previously (54) braid attached more firmly to bus bar 16:44 (55) standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0010 mdp halt (56) fit check of the lid Leave grounding as it is for the time being. (57) cover on 16:57 (58) instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0010) mbus28i showing 0x9 (raw) (0.117A) bytes 0x2b,0 (59) standby 0.53A (st_data.0011) (60) manual 0.84A, peak 0.99A 29 th_0 3ff9 -7 30 th_ref 3ec1 -319 temps 18.5 traces look smooth-ish mhc parameters recorded to file (61) standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0012 mdp halt 17:41 mdp start (st_data.0012) (62) instrument on 28.0V 2.91A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0012) mbus28i showing 0xd (raw) (0.153A) bytes 0x2b,0 (63) standby 0.53A (st_data.0013) (64) manual 0.84A, peak 0.99A 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3ec1 -319 temps 18.5 traces look smooth-ish mhc parameters recorded to file (65) standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0014 mdp stop ------------------------------------- 19:26 egse off ************************************************ 03/Feb/2004 JAT, MCRW - control room 09:16 Egse on fsrun0081 mdp start (st_data.0000) (62) instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) mbus28i showing 0x02 (raw) (0.054A) bytes 0x2b,0 (63) standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) mbus28i showing 0x20 (raw) 0.324A (64) manual 0.84A, peak 1.00A mbus28i showing 0x44 raw 0.648A 29 th_0 3ff8 -8 30 th_ref 3ec0 -320 (noise 3ebd - 3ec3) temps 17.5 09:37 run sequences 4 & 5 1.12 amps mbus28i showing 0x66 0.954A run slit_slot_test Ack count = 28 Nack count = 0 Type œôòørun slit_slot_testœôòù and hit enter (monitor mhc parm 20 in top half of status monitor, see temp increase with running motor. 17 -> 23C, and decrease after test) 1.12A heaters on previous now 1.25A 1.25A Verify Ack count = n+4 (find 0) 32 32 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x0032 < 0x0072 0x0042 0x003e expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A (1.25 peak) 1.26A Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 33 33 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC02C < 0xC06C 0xC05b 0xc04e expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A (1.25 peak) 1.25A Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 34 33 / 1 nack Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x8040 < 0x8080 0x8037 0x805f ec 0x4000 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A (1.33 peak) Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 35 34 / 1 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x407F < 0x40BF 0x407f 0x406e expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 0.97 (1.12 peak) 1.25A Verify Ack count = +1 (-180°) 35 / 1 (0x4000 ec) 35 / 1 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC02C < 0xC06C 0xC024 0xc049 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 1.12 (1.25) 1.25A Verify Ack count = +1 (-90°) 36 / 1 36 / 1 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xFFF0 < 0x0030 0x003c 0x0036 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 1.14 (1.25) 1.25A Verify Ack count = +1 (+90°) 37 / 1 37 / 1 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0xC05E < 0xC09E 0xC02A 0xc04d run trace_dump mem_data.0000 param table 0001 cmd trace 0002 fmir trace 0003 cmir trace 0004 ss trace 0005 gra trace 0006 shutter trace 0007 power trace run mhcclear (nack_ec_ls now 0) 10:33 standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0003 mdp halt coffee break ----------------------------------- JAT, SH - cleanroom MCRW - control room 11:41 Simon disconecting all the roe connectors. Will put on the roe flange (blade, lightshield). (jat) pumping out the flight mirror harness, results entered into nrl log. After that jat will plug flight mirror into the harness. 11:50 (jat) Buzzed through harness ok (sh) installing roe blades 11:53 (jat) jat buzzing through fm ccd heaters harness (if he can find a croc clip) pin pin Description Value (ohms) ccd A ccd B 1 6 thermistor 12.12k 12.08k 3 8 bake out htr (40 ohms) 38.0 38.0 4 9 survival htr (310.8 o) 328 325 5 screen 0 0 roe flange fitted and torqued, but not staked. 12:03 All out for lunch ------------------------------------------- 14:49 RAC - cleanroom JAT, MCRW - control room (rac) checked roe connections after flange fitting - the 3 connectors correctly plugged in.has been tested looks ok. Turn off EIS. Shut down msslfp Leave msslqa on Taking the cover off Mirror shims being fitted the 2 halves of the harness of the mirrors need to be connected to the strucutre 16:41 attached harness to the mirror 16:52 mdp start (st_data.0003) (62) instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0003) mbus28i showing 0x06 (raw) (0.090A) bytes 0x2b,0 (63) standby 0.53A (st_data.0003) mbus28i showing 0x22 (raw) 0.342A manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default MHC parameters 23 G0_TH7, 24 G0_TH8, 25 G0_TH9 on line. *** MUST WRITE DOWN PRESENT VALUES OF RESOLVER ETC BEFORE MOVING ANYTHING *** mhc parameters recorded (maybe twice) MHC 48 CM_POS AAC0 (43712) CAM 38 CMIR_POS 0xC7 (199 arc seconds) *********** 17:15 load and run seq04 and seq05 MHC parameter 48 CM_POS did not change CAM parameter 38 CMIR_POS 0x37F (895) CAM parameter 54 CMIR_SLOPE 0x80FC (33020) [previously 0] CAM parameter 55 CMIR_RES_PX 0x40CF (16591) [previously 0] CAM parameter 56 CMIR_RES_NX 0x14D0 (5328) [previously 0] 17:21 Taking lid off to set what is happening coarse mirror test previous now Run mir_test script. Ran script trace_enable to enable the trace buffers Action Value OK? / Comment Act count = 28 Nack count = 0 Type œôòørun mir_testœôòù and hit enter Verify Act count = n+4 32 Find middle movement 1.38A 1.30A? Record parameter 48 and verify >=0xFE94 <0xFEA8 0xFE99 0xFE9D CAM CMIR_POS 0xs644 (1604) Verify Act count = +1 33 Move 300 steps forward 1.39A 1.15A? Record parameter 48 and verify >=0x09AE <0x09C2 0x09AD 0x09CA CAM CMIR_POS 0xs6A2 (1698) (mhc param 13 P28V_H_I on line) Verify Act count = +1 34 Move 600 steps reverse 1.39A 1.38A Record parameter 48 and verify >=0xF382 <0xF396 0xF386 0xF384 CAM CMIR_POS 0x05E6 (1510) mhc parameters recorded *** NOTE: 05/Feb/2004 MHC parameter 25 G0_TH9 rose during coarse mirror testing *** 17:28 17:45 standby 0.53A icu off 0.03A st_data.0004 mdp halt --------------------------------------------- Charlie, RAC - cleanroom Clarence, MCRW - control room 20:02 mdp start st_data.0004 instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0004) mbus28i showing 0x06 (raw) (0.090A) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0004) mbus28i showing 0x21 (raw) 0.333A 20:12 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default MHC parameters recorded load and run seq.04 and seq.05 28 acks, 48 CM_POS 0xF341 (62273) CAM 38 CMIR_POS 0x5E4 (1508) 20:16 # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 ack = 29 MHC 9 SGV 0x1428 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0078 (120) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 48 10 20:20 # mir_f_auto 900 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x84 ack = 30 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0257 (599) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 49 37 (?) # mir_f_auto 1200 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x4, 0xB0 ack = 31 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0434 (1076) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 49 01 # mir_f_auto 1500 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x5, 0xDC ack = 32 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0611 (1553) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 48 24 # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 ack = 33 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x07F1 (2033) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 47 46 # mir_f_auto 2100 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x8, 0x34 ack = 34 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x09CF (2511) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 47 11 # mir_f_auto 2400 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x9, 0x60 ack = 35 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0BAD (2989) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 46 34 # mir_f_auto 2700 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xA, 0x8C ack = 36 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0D8C (3468) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 45 53 # mir_f_auto 3000 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xB, 0xB8 ack = 37 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0F6B (3947) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 45 13 Repeat in other direction # mir_f_auto 2700 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xA, 0x8C ack = 38 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0D8D (3469) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 45 50 # mir_f_auto 2400 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x9, 0x60 ack = 39 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0BAD (2989) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 46 27 # mir_f_auto 2100 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x8, 0x34 ack = 40 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x09D0 (2512) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 47 04 # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 ack = 41 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x07F1 (2033) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 47 41 # mir_f_auto 1500 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x5, 0xDC ack = 42 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0611 (1553) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 48 18 # mir_f_auto 1200 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x4, 0xB0 ack = 43 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0435 (1077) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 48 56 # mir_f_auto 900 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x84 ack = 44 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0255 (597) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 49 31 # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 ack = 45 MHC 1 PZT_SGO 0x0078 (120) Azimuth reading on the theodolite is: 238 50 10 20:45 Record mhc parameters standby wait 2 minutes and then take a reading of azimuth 20:48 Azimuth reading: 238 49 43 TCM 520 C01545/P0037 20:54 Azimuth reading: 238 49 46 Icu off st_data.0005 Egse off ******************************************************************* 04/Feb/2004 Fire alarm - late start Clarence, Charlie, RAC - cleanroom MCRW - control room 10:35 Egse on FSRUN0082 10:40 instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) mbus28i showing 0x06 (raw) (0.090A) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) mbus28i showing 0x1f (raw) 0.315A manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default load and run sequences 4 & 5 record mhc parameters load sequence 00 (5 minute exposure) and ll 47 Clean room lights on 10:46 run sequence 0 md_data.0001 periscope tubing removed and blank cover put in its place 10:51 setting up for next exposure - covering holes in structure. Lights on 10:56 run seq 0 - abort - change to 1 s exposure load & run seq 0 md_data.0002 10:59 Clean room lights off run seq 0 md_data.0003 Dark current only 11:01 light source - mercury lamp run seq 0 md_data.0004 ***INTERESTING *** 11:04 move to 1 arcsec slit using slit_slot_auto bytes 0x73, 0x60, 0x9f, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0 run seq 0 (1s exposure) md_data.0005 1300 max count, 2 narrow lines on right half of both ccds mercury lamp off run seq 0 (1s exposure) md_data.0006 dark change sequence 0 to 10s exposure - mercury lamp on load and run sequence 0 md_data.0007 repeat sequence with mercury lamp off md_data.0008 change seq 0 to 1s exposure load and run seq 0 - mercury lamp on md_data.0009 block off half of mirror (short wavelength path) repeat seq 0 (1s exposure) md_data.0010 block off half of mirror (long wavelength path) repeat seq 0 (1s exposure) md_data.0011 really block off half of mirror (long wavelength path) using sheet of red metal repeat seq 0 (1s exposure) md_data.0012 repeat sequence 0, 3s exposure, lamp on, no block of light path md_data.0013 repeat sequence 0, 6s exposure, lamp on, no block of light path md_data.0014 line on ccdb starts at 1450, ends at 1530, average position is 1490 centre of the detector is 1075 pixels line on ccda starts at 3705, ends at 3780, average position is ~3742 centre of the detector at 3240 pixels 12:15 standby 0.53A charlie: lid off grating, loosen, move anti-clockwise by hand, tighten screws, lid on. 12:22 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default lights off in clean room run seq 04 & 05 run seq 00 (6s exposure) md_data.0015 ccdb start 1280, end 1370, average 1325 ccda start 3540, end 3620, average 3580 motion of 165 pixels in shorter wavelength direction for ccdb motion of ~162 pixels in same direction for ccda so, another 150 pixels to go. 12:35 standby 0.53A grating lid off. current reading of the focus micrometer: 10.63 (13.63 actually) focus micrometer reading now: 7.00 lid on lights off 12:44 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run seq 4 & 5 run seq 0 md_data.0016 ccdb start 1260, end 1305, average 1282 ccda start 3490, end 3530, average 3510 12:51 standby 0.53A lid off focus micrometer reading: 7.00 reached end of travel on micrometer focus micrometer reading now: 2.60 tighten screws, cover back on lights out 12:58 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) mbus28i showing 0x06 (raw) (0.090A) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) mbus28i showing 0x1f (raw) 0.315A manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default load and run sequences 4 & 5 record mhc parameters run seq 0 md_data.0017 ccdb start 1152, end 1168, average 1160 ccda start 3363, end 3378, average 3370 13:05 icu off st_data.0004 mdp halt lunch -------------------------------------- 15:43 instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0004) mbus28i showing 0x05 (raw) (0.081A) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0005) mbus28i showing 0x1f (raw) 0.315A manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default load and run sequences 4 & 5 record mhc parameters run original seq 0, ll 47 md_data.0018 change seq 0 to read upper half of ccds re-run seq 0, ll 47 md_data.0019 top of slit on ccdb appears around 938 pixels up top of slit on ccda around 935 peak of line is within 1 column along 512 vertical pixels - which is good 16:07 standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0006 16:14 The screw has yielded its grip. 16:27 SLA taken off its mounting to inspect the screw holes the tang of the helix coil is in the way. Tangs broken off, but they all fell down into the mounting hole. 17:04 mdp halt Motor micrometer fixed into position Supper ----------------------------------------- Charlie, RAC - cleanroom Clarence, MCRW - control room 19:51 instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0006) mbus28i showing 0x04 (raw) (0.072A) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0007) mbus28i showing 0x20 (raw) 0.324A manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default load and run sequences 4 & 5 record mhc parameters 1 nack, perform trace_dump, error code 0x4000 mem_data.0000 param table 0001 cmd trace 0002 fmir trace 0003 cmir trace 0004 ss trace 0005 gra trace 0006 shutter trace 0007 power trace record mhc parameters load sequence 0, ll 47 (6s exposure, top of ccd) run seq 0 md_data.0020 20:01 standby lid off release grating back screw a quarter turn lid on 20:03 manual 0.85A, peak 1.00A exit default load and run sequences 4 & 5 record mhc parameters load seq 0, ll 47 run seq 0 md_data.0021 top of the lines have moved downwards (top at ~701) 20:07 standby lids off tightening up grating back screw front lid on back lid on 20:11 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default load & run seq 4, 5 record mhc parameters load seq 0, ll 47 run seq 0 md_data.0022 top of lines at ~936 20:15 standby lid off manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default load and run seq 4 & 5 record mhc parameters move coarse mirror to where it was on power up (AAC0) 2.9 mm on -x, 14.39 mm on +x mhc parameter 48 CM_POS 0xF341 bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xAA, 0xC0 moving in +x direction 4.65 mm -x, 12.56 mm +x ack/nack 29 / 1 error code 0x0400 (time out?) 48 CM_POS 0xDD64 record mhc parameters perform trace_dump mem_data.0008 param table 0009 cmd trace 0010 fmir trace 0011 cmir trace 0012 ss trace 0013 gra trace 0014 shutter trace 0015 power trace 20:28 try mirror again bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xAA, 0xC0 24 g0_th8 up to ~23.8C (> 25C) no conclusive moves by other thermistors another nack, same error code CM_POS 0xC717 6.3 mm -x, 10.8 mm +x no trace dump done 20:31 another mirror move bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xAA, 0xC0 8.29 mm -x, 9.12 mm +x another nack (3) record mhc parameters CM_POS 0xB0C8 another mirror move bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xAA, 0xC0 8.70 mm -x, 8.68 mm +x nack error code 0x4400 CM_POS 0xAAC5 run trace_dump mem_data.0016 param table 0017 cmd trace 0018 fmir trace 0019 cmir trace 0020 ss trace 0021 gra trace 0022 shutter trace 0023 power trace 20:40 fine mirror testing bob still connected # mir_f_auto 900 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x84 1 PZT_SGO 0x0255 record mhc parameters # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 1 PZT_SGO 0x07F1 record mhc parameters # mir_f_auto 900 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x84 1 PZT_SGO 0x0255 record mhc parameters 20:44 standby icu off st_data.0008 remove bob 20:4 instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0008) mbus28i showing 0x12 (raw) (0.198A) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0009) mbus28i showing 0x2D (raw) 0.441A manual 0.85A, peak 1.00A exit default record mhc parameters 29 TH_0 3ff7 -9 30 3eb4 -332 mhc temps 19C and up load and run sequences 4 & 5 1 PZT_SGO 0x0029 record mhc parameters fine mirror testing without bob # mir_f_auto 900 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x84 1 PZT_SGO 0x0257 # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 1 PZT_SGO 0x07F1 record mhc parameters 29 TH_0 3ff7 -9 30 3eb5 -331 # mir_f_auto 2700 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xA, 0x8C 1 PZT_SGO 0xD8C # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 1 PZT_SGO 0x07F1 No noticeable extra noise viewing through the theodolite # mir_f_auto 900 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x84 1 PZT_SGO 0x0255 20:59 finger test on pzt thermistor 24 G0_TH8 rises 21:05 finger on pzt thermistor 24 G0_TH8 rises 21:09 looking at particulate stuff inside the flex pivot lid on 21:10 record mhc parameters slit slot auto move to position 3, 250 arcsec slot bytes 0x73, 0x60, 0x9F, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 3 nack, error code 0x4000 20 G0_TH4 thermistor rise 49 SS_POS 0x4085 run trace_dump mem_data.0024 param table 0025 cmd trace 0026 fmir trace 0027 cmir trace 0028 ss trace 0029 gra trace 0030 shutter trace 0031 power trace Charlie says this is the 40, not the 250 record mhc parameters try position 1 (doc says this is 40 arcsec slot) bytes 0x73, 0x60, 0x9F, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 1 Charlie says that is the big one no nack 49 SS_POS 0xC03D 20 G0_TH4 thermistor rise record mhc parameters 21:16 standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0010 mdp halt egse off bob put back in line cover back on ***************************************************** 05/Feb/2004 Clarence, Charlie, RAC - cleanroom MCRW - control room 10:00 Alignment grating re-schimmed. 10:15 Egse on FSRUN0083 10:20 Front section of lid on instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) mbus28i showing 0x01 (raw) (0.045A) bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) mbus28i showing 0x1d (raw) 0.297A 10:22 Clarence to control room 10:26 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default load seq 4 & 5 load seq 0, ll 47 run seq 4 & 5 record mhc parameters 10:39 lights off lamp on move slit slot to position 0 (1" slit) bytes 0x73, 0x60, 0x9F, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0 record parameters (20 G0_TH4 rises) 1 nack, 49 SS_POS 0x004E, error code 0x4000 run seq 0 md_data.0001 edited seq 0 and ll 47 to readout the bottom of the ccd make seq99, ll47 load and run seq 0 & ll 47 md_data.0002 ccdb start 1478, end 1496, average 1487 ccda start 3690, end 3706, average 3698 10:53 standby 0.53A adjust grating position slightly 10:57 lid back on, mercury lamp on manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run seq 4 & 5 record mhc parameters when finished run seq 0 md_data.0003 ccdb line ~1000, ccda line ~3200 11:05 line theodolite to middle of the slit and take an exposure (of a cross hair)... 11:08 lid coming off to help align theodolite whiskers (cat hairs) noticed on the side of the structure where the lid fits on 11:14 lid back on run seq 0 md_data.0004 Couldnt see nothing! Further analysis shows dark band across middle of ccda. edit seq 0 & ll 47 to readout top half of ccd reload seq 0, ll 47 run seq 0 md_data.0005 nothing again 11:18 move to 250" slot move slit slot to position 1 (250" slot) bytes 0x73, 0x60, 0x9F, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 1 record mhc parameters (maybe 2x) repeat seq 0 md_data.0006 bright horizontal band across ccda, around 700 to 780 pixels up the slit. Much fainter band on ccdb, slightly higher. edit seq 0, ll 47 to readout bottom half of ccds load & run seq 0 md_data.0007 Dark band seen across ccda 11:33 Realigned theodolite run seq 0 md_data.0008 edit seq 0, ll 47 to readout top half of ccds load & run seq 0 md_data.0009 centre of the slit is at pixel 575 11:41 standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0003 mdp halt ---------------------------- Friday, 06/Feb/2004 Charlie, JAT - cleanroom Clarence, AMJ, MCRW - control room 15:55 msslfp on egse booted FSRUN0084 instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) mbus28i showing 0x7 (raw) (0.099A) Ensure busy is low by pressing BUSY LOW in the mdp tab of the commshell bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) mbus28i showing 0x22 (raw) 0.342A press mode enbl button in icu tab of commshell manual 0.86A, peak 1.01A exit default record mhc parameters run script mhc_init run align_seqs run ro_lower_ccd failed - ll checksum error run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0001 overexposed (no lid on) lower half! remade sequences, line lists re-run align_seqs run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0002 250" slot image lower half again run ss_to_slit1 1 nack, error code = 0x4000 49 SS_POS = 0x044 record mhc parameters run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0003 lines in approximately the correct position on the ccd, about 30 - 35 pixels wide 16:19 manual standby Taking lid off and moving the grating for better focus 16:23 lights off manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run align_seqs run mhc_init record mhc parameters run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0004 width of ccdb line is 1009 - 1031 standby lid of, grating adjustment micrometer moved to 2.5 (from ~ 7) lid on 16:31 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run mhc_init record mhc params manual run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0005 manual standy micrometer moved to 2.25 lids on, lights off 16:45 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run mhc_init manual run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0006 manual standby micrometer moved to 2.0 lids on, lights off 16:53 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run mhc_init manual run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0007 manual run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0008 manual standby micrometer moved to 1.75 lids on, lights off 17:07 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run mhc_init manual run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0009 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A --------------------------- Charlie, AMJ - cleanroom Clarence, MCRW - control room instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0004) mbus28i showing 0x4 (raw) (0.072A) Ensure busy is low by pressing BUSY LOW in the mdp tab of the commshell bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.53A (st_data.0004) mbus28i showing 0x20 (raw) 0.324A press mode enbl button in icu tab of commshell manual 0.86A, peak 1.00A exit default run script mhc_init - done individually run align_seqs run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0010 line 5 pixels wide on long ccd (ccda) side - micrometer to 1.25 standby 0.53A manual 0.86A, peak 1.01A exit default status clear run script mhc_init - individually AGAIN run align_seqs run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0011 ccda line 7 pixels wide - micrometer going to 2.25 standby 0.53A manual 0.85A, peak 1.00A exit default run mhc_init not working - done individually run align_seqs run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0012 ccda line 4 pixels broad - micrometer to 2.75 20:04 standby manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default load seq 04 & 05 - select and run 04 run align_seqs run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0013 line on ccda 5 or 6 pixels wide - micrometer to 2.5 standby 0.53A 20:11 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run mhc_init not working - done individually manual run init_seqs run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0014 line on ccda 5 pixels wide - micrometer to 2.0 standby 0.53A 20:17 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run mhc_init not working - done individually manual run align_seqs run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0015 line on ccda 4 pixels wide standby 0.53A micrometer to 2.125 20:25 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run mhc_init not working - done individually ## is working now says Matt - rac 7/2/04 ## manual run init_seqs run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0016 line on ccda 3 - 4 pixels wide. Doublet is 4 pixels wide. 20:30 run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0017 line on ccda 4 pixels wide. Doublet is 4 pixels wide. 20:34 Move theodolite to the other band 20:41 run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0018 line on ccdb is 4 pixels wide. Doublet the same. 20:45 run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0019 ccdb line is 4 pixels wide. Doublet seems slightly larger. 20:51 Mercury lamp off. run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0020 run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0021 20:56 standby 0.53A 21:01 icu off st_data.0005 mdp halt egse off ***************************************************** SATURDAY 7th FEB 12:40 EGSE on msslfp on egse booted FSRUN0085 instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) Select ICU tab, enter "0" for EEPROM select standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) press mode enbl button in icu tab of commshell press RED button PSU off MDP tab - HALT 19:10 Connected FM-GRA to harness 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) standby 0.53A (st_data.0002) press mode enbl button in icu tab of commshell Select ICU tab, enter "0" for EEPROM select mhc_init 28 ACKS - so good MHC params recorded run fm_gra_test - I=1.13A _> 0.85A I=1.13A -> 0.85A I=1.13A -> 0.85A OK # Issue gra_manual, reverse, 200 steps bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0xC8 HK #52 = FF3A, ACK - ok - 33 # Issue gra_manual, forward, 200 steps bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0xC8 HK #52 = 0, ACK ok - 34 HK #52 = 03E8, ACK ok - 3 # Issue gra_manual, forward, 200 steps bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0xC8 HK #52 = 00C8, ACK ok - 35 # Issue gra_manual, forward, 200 steps bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0xC8 HK #52 = 0190, ACK ok - 36 # Issue gra_manual, forward, 200 steps bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0xC8 HK #52 = 0258, ACK ok - 37 # Issue gra_manual, forward, 200 steps bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0xC8 HK #52 = 0320, ACK ok - 38 # Issue gra_manual, forward, 200 steps bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0xC8 HK #52 = 03E8, ACK ok - 39 # Issue gra_manual, reverse, 30 steps bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0x1e HK #52 = 003CA, ACK ok - 40 From AUTO -> MANUAL -> STANDBY I=0.53A ICU HALT Power off - RED button PSU off 19:45 ********************************************** Monday 09/Feb/2004 12:20 RAC - clean room MCRW - control room Installed Oivind's new xdisplay.pro in the pmql directory. Everything OK except the Full CCD Display toggle - gives following error message: IDL> % Tag name VALUE is undefined for structure WIDGET_BUTTON. % Execution halted at: XDISPLAY_REALSIZE 392 /home/solarb/eis/idl/pmql/xdisplay.pro % WIDGET_PROCESS_EVENTS % $MAIN$ 12:50 EGSE on FSRUN0086 instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) MBUS-28I shows 0xFE, 2.31A Select ICU tab, enter "0" for EEPROM select standby 0.53A (st_data.0001) press mode enbl button in icu tab of commshell manual 0.86A, 1.01A peak record mhc parameters 73 RV_GAUGE 0000 Enable vacuum gauge (which is not currently connected) bytes 0x75, 0x60, 0xA3, 0, 2, 0, 1 1 ACK 73 RV_GAUGE 0x3FF8 record mhc parameters Disable vac gauge bytes 0x75, 0x60, 0xA3, 0, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF ACKed 73 RV_GAUGE 0000 (0x3FFF) record mhc parameters standby 0.53A icu off st_data.0002 13:05 Connecting vacuum gauge - unable to - something wrong - same sex connectors? Vacuum gauge left in clean room mdp halt 13:05 lunch ----------------------------------- 14:20 RAC, GW, AMJ - cleanroom MCRW - control room RAC Beaking Douglas connector GW looking at it nothing to do here (no str4 testing today) 14:31 egse off MCRW leave control room ********************************************* Thursday 12/February/2004 JAT, RAC - clean room MCRW - control room 13:25 Harness checks. checking pinouts on cnp4: Checking pins: 2,3 37.7 5,6 12.92k 10,11 38.1 13,14 12.91k 8,str 0.2 13:35 Connecting harness back to connector panel (nb yellow 15 way is CNP4, red 15 way is CNP5) yellow cable into cnp4, red cable into cnp5 13:40 Connecting douglas together again Connecting harness for icu 13:45 Cover back on Egse on FSRUN0087 instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0000) MBUS_28I showing 0x3 (0.063A) Select ICU tab, enter "2" for EEPROM select (icu code version 14?) TC FAILED, error code 0xB (BAD MNT) This indicates there is no code in eeprom 2 Try eeprom 4 OK standby 0.70A (st_data.0000) run script reset_icu Back in boot 0.29A 13:50 So, 0.70A because we have ROE make up heaters connected. Select eeprom 6 BAD MNT error code Select eeprom 0 Standby 0.70A mode enable Manual 0.85A, peak 1.00A exit default Perform short functional test 14:27 Perform ROE tests Select eeprom 0 Standby 0.70A st_data.0000 Manual 0.85A, peak 1.00A exit default 14:29 Cam hk parameters: fsrun0065 fsrun0087 29 c0 c0 4 75 75 2 bb bb 8 95 95 6 82 82 5 75 75 3 bb bb 9 95 95 7 82 82 39 0 0 28 bf c0 20 df df 18 7e 7f 24 35 34 22 a1 a7 21 a4 a5 19 64 63 25 34 34 23 9b a1 36 ff ff 1 84 84 0 7a 7a 43 20 20 42 db db 44 df df 45 c9 ca 40 d4 d4 27 74 7a 17 81 7f 16 20 22 47 65 64 46 5f 5f 48 5d 5d 49 37 37 41 61 64 26 65 6e 32 99 99 33 99 99 34 77 77 10 b2 b1 11 ba ba 12 ba ba 13 b1 b1 14 bc bc 15 ba ba 35 af af Load & run seq 4 & 5. Heaters on, 0.85A, 1.13A. Sequence 45 & ll 45 loaded and run. fsrun0087, md_data.0002. *** Thin vertical lines in middle of image - seen before? *** *** Column plot - needs analysis *** Run vog_max_min: 10 9a 26.36 10 9a 26.36 11 a0 15.70 11 a0 15.7 12 a3 8.29 12 a3 8.29 13 c6 33.89 13 c6 33.89 14 d4 20.81 14 d4 20.81 15 ed 12.06 15 ed 12.06 32 f0 32 f0 33 f0 33 f0 34 f0 34 f0 Run vog_min_max: 10 c6 33.81 10 c6 33.89 11 d2 20.61 11 d2 20.61 12 ed 12.06 12 ed 12.06 13 9a 26.36 13 9a 26.36 14 a2 15.90 14 a2 15.9 15 a3 8.92 15 a3 8.29 32 0f 32 0f 33 0f 33 0f 34 0f 34 0f Run vog_nom: 10 b2 30.47 10 b1 30.3 11 ba 18.25 11 ba 18.25 12 ba 9.46 12 ba 9.46 13 b1 30.30 13 b1 30.3 14 bc 18.45 14 bc 18.45 15 ba 9.46 15 ba 9.46 32 99 32 99 33 99 33 99 34 77 34 77 Load and run seq 46 & ll 46. md_data.0003, 3, 4. st_data.0000. Reset camera, 0.85A, peak 0.99A exit default Run seq 4 & 5. 1.13A Load and run seq & ll 20. 3 exposures: md_data.0004, 5, 6. ok. Vertical lines seen. Standby 15:00 qcm1 connector attached Perform MHC functional test No nacks during slit/slot test. Re-run sla test Ack count = 181 Nack count = 0 Type œôòørun slit_slot_testœôòù and hit enter SS_POS = 0xC044 Verify Ack count = n+4 (find 0) 184/1 ec = 0x4000 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x0032 < 0x0072 0x004B 1.26A, 1.13A abort script run trace_dump fsrun0087 mem_data.0000 param table 0001 cmd trace 0002 fmir trace 0003 cmir trace 0004 ss trace 0005 gra trace 0006 shutter trace 0007 power trace standby 0.7A icu off st_data.0002, 0.03A mdp halt ----------------------------- 16:59 mdp go st_data.0002 instrument on 28.0V 2.53A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0002) MBUS_28I showing 0xB (0.135A) select eeprom 0 standby 0.70A st_data.0003 enable mode change manual 0.85A, peak 1.00A run sequences 4 & 5 run mhc_revr3_1a_cmds to upload new mhc code run trace_enable slit_slot_test SS_POS = 0x0040 Ack count = 188 Nack count = 0 Type œôòørun slit_slot_testœôòù and hit enter 1.27A Verify Ack count = n+4 (find 0) 192 Record parameter 49 and verify >= 0x0032 < 0x0072 0x0042 expect around FM=0.93A PFM=0.96A 1.26A Verify Ack count = +1 (+90) 192 / 1 error code 0x4000 Parameter 49 0xC061 abort script run trace_dump fsrun0087 mem_data.0008 param table 0009 cmd trace 0010 fmir trace 0011 cmir trace 0012 ss trace 0013 gra trace 0014 shutter trace 0015 power trace 17:24 Select mhc ram mode: bytes 0x6B, 0x88, 0x11, 0, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF mhc_vf invalid - 0x100 mhc_reset command sent mhc_if_err 0x110 mbus28i 1.24A standby 0.70A icu_error_f 1 int_failed_cmd_id 0x50 mhc_if_err 0x110 Second attempt manual 0.85A, peak 1.00A exit default run sequences 4 & 5 run mhc_revr3_1a_cmds to upload new mhc code Select mhc ram mode: bytes 0x6B, 0x88, 0x11, 0, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF mhc parameter 75 STATUS_CODE 0xA302 nack_ec_ls 0x0100 1 nack no change to 72 STATUS_CODE sent mhc abort command acked, no change to 72 status_code Select mhc ram mode: bytes 0x6B, 0x88, 0x11, 0, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF wait 10 seconds send mhc abort mbus28i rising slowly 1.24A max seen standby 0.70A icu_error_f 1 int_failed_cmd_id 0x50 mhc_if_err 0x110 Appears that there is something wrong with the binary -> ascii upload file translation. 18:18 icu off st_data.0004 0.03A mdp halt supper ----------------------------------------- 19:40 egse off pfm icu plugged in 20:00 egse on fsrun0088 Perform icu short functional test 20:30 icu off egse off ****************************************************** Friday 13th February 11:35 STR is still connected to PFM ICU ADY measured resistance of survival circuits sensors: SUS_C = 13.53 +- 0.01 kohm measured resistance of survival circuits heaters: SUH_C = 0.513 +- 0.001 kohm ICU taken to MSSL by Ady *********************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/02/04 JAT, MCRW Show Matt TCI-B checks. sus_a (sus 1) 13.54 k sus_b (sus 2) 13.41 k sus_c (sus 3) 13.48 k suh_a (suh 1) 0.477 k suh_b (suh 2) 0.525 k suh_c (suh 3) 0.514 k icu 1 (icu 8) PFM ICU no sensor icu 2 (icu 9) as above str-1 open (no clam shell) str-2 open (no clam shell) str-3 open (no clam shell) str-4 open (Graham to fix) str-5 1.078 k str-6 1.075 k str-7 2.8 ohms (STILL TO BE FITTED) DIST/TCI-B ICU-1 ------------------ 13:45 Pfm icu into control room clean room. Connect up. Egse on FSRUN0089 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) MBUS_28I showing 0x7 (0.273A) select eeprom 0 standby 0.32A st_data.0001 enable mode change manual 0.35A (no mhc, camera, structure) 13:50 standby icu off egse off --------------------------------- **** 37-way connector at structure - measure voltages ***** 23 Feb 2004 Morning - structure moved to blue chamber. 16:40 GW - air flow MCRW - control room Egse on FSRUN0090 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) MBUS_28I showing 0xA (0.108A) select eeprom 0 standby 0.32A st_data.0002 37 way connector: pins value 3 - 4 0 5 - 6 0 10 - 11 0 12 - 13 0 16 - 17 0 28 - 29 0 30 - 31 0 32 - 33 0 34 - 31 0 35 - 31 0 enable mode change manual 0.35A (no mhc, camera, structure) 37 way connector: pins value 3 - 4 0 5 - 6 0 10 - 11 0 12 - 13 0 16 - 17 0 28 - 29 0 30 - 31 0 32 - 33 0 34 - 31 0 35 - 31 0 emergency standby manual standby icu off Some connectors loose on icu - plugged in icu on eeprom 0 standby 0.32A st_data.0004 pins value 3 - 4 0 5 - 6 0 10 - 11 24V decaying to 0 12 - 13 28V 16 - 17 27.9V 28 - 29 0 30 - 31 0 32 - 33 0 34 - 31 0 35 - 31 0 manual pins value 3 - 4 27.8V 5 - 6 27.8 10 - 11 27.8 12 - 13 0 16 - 17 0 28 - 29 15.3 30 - 31 8.2 32 - 33 7.0 34 - 31 8.2 35 - 31 40 standby 0.32A 17:10 icu off egse off Connectors attached to connector panel. Clean room Blue chamber sus_a (sus 1) 13.54 k 10.76k sus_b (sus 2) 13.41 k 10.88k sus_c (sus 3) 13.48 k 10.74k suh_a (suh 1) 0.477 k 0.477k suh_b (suh 2) 0.525 k 0.525k suh_c (suh 3) 0.514 k 0.514k icu 1 (icu 8) PFM ICU no sensor open icu 2 (icu 9) as above open str-1 open (no clam shell) open str-2 open (no clam shell) open str-3 open (no clam shell) open str-4 open (Graham to fix) open str-5 1.078 k 1.099 k str-6 1.075 k 1.096 k str-7 2.7 ohms (STILL TO BE FITTED) 2.7 ohms 0.3 ohms measured between ground strap and inside wall of chamber. 17:27 Structure pushed into chamber. 18:15 Egse on FSRUN009 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) run sft ok 18:41 icu off egse left on ----------------------- 18:55 mhc functional test 19:48 mhc functional test finished ok roe testing Cam hk parameters: fsrun0065 fsrun0087 fsrun0091 (st_data.0002) 29 c0 c0 c0 4 75 75 75 2 bb bb bb 8 95 95 95 6 82 82 82 5 75 75 75 3 bb bb bb 9 95 95 95 7 82 82 82 39 0 0 0 28 bf c0 bf 20 df df e1 18 7e 7f 80 24 35 34 33 22 a1 a7 a2 21 a4 a5 a5 19 64 63 63 25 34 34 34 23 9b a1 9d 36 ff ff ff 1 84 84 84 0 7a 7a 7a 43 20 20 1a 42 db db e8 (+7V) 44 df df e8 (+8V) 45 c9 ca cb 40 d4 d4 e7 27 74 7a 68 17 81 7f 7f 16 20 22 20 47 65 64 8f (-8VI) 46 5f 5f 4b (+7VI) 48 5d 5d 82 (+8VI) 49 37 37 46 (+13VI) 41 61 64 96 (+39VI) 26 65 6e 5a 32 99 99 99 33 99 99 99 34 77 77 99 10 b2 b1 b2 11 ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba 13 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba 35 af af af Load & run seq 4 & 5. Heaters on, 0.87A, 1.15A. Sequence 45 & ll 45 loaded and run. fsrun0091, md_data.0002. ok Run vog_max_min: 10 9a 26.36 10 9a 26.36 10 9a 26.36 11 a0 15.70 11 a0 15.7 11 a0 15.7 12 a3 8.29 12 a3 8.29 12 a3 8.29 13 c6 33.89 13 c6 33.89 13 c6 33.89 14 d4 20.81 14 d4 20.81 14 d4 20.81 15 ed 12.06 15 ed 12.06 15 ed 12.06 32 f0 32 f0 32 f0 33 f0 33 f0 33 f0 34 f0 34 f0 34 f0 Run vog_min_max: 10 c6 33.81 10 c6 33.89 10 c6 33.89 11 d2 20.61 11 d2 20.61 11 d2 20.61 12 ed 12.06 12 ed 12.06 12 ed 12.06 13 9a 26.36 13 9a 26.36 13 9a 26.36 14 a2 15.90 14 a2 15.9 14 a2 15.9 15 a3 8.92 15 a3 8.29 15 a3 8.29 32 0f 32 0f 32 0f 33 0f 33 0f 33 0f 34 0f 34 0f 34 0f Run vog_nom: 10 b2 30.47 10 b1 30.3 10 b1 30.3 11 ba 18.25 11 ba 18.25 11 ba 18.25 12 ba 9.46 12 ba 9.46 12 ba 9.46 13 b1 30.30 13 b1 30.3 13 b1 30.3 14 bc 18.45 14 bc 18.45 14 bc 18.45 15 ba 9.46 15 ba 9.46 15 ba 9.46 32 99 32 99 32 99 33 99 33 99 33 99 34 77 34 77 34 77 Load and run seq 46 & ll 46. md_data.0003, 4, 5. Reset camera, 0.88A, peak 1.01A exit default Run seq 4 & 5. 1.16A Load and run seq & ll 20. 3 exposures: md_data.0006, 7, 8. ok. Vertical lines seen, but not as bad as before. Standby 0.72A 20:05 icu off 0.03A egse off *********************************************** 26 Feb 2004 11:02 In blue chamber, vacuum, room temperature (~22C) Egse on - fsrun0092 (st_data.0000) instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.71A, (st_data.0002) manual, 0.88A, peak 1.03A exit default, 0.88A steady, cam_vf & mhc_vf valid 11:10 QCM readings ------------ Turn qcm1 on for maximum length of time (~40s, cycle parameter 0xffff): bytes 0x70, 0x00, 0x96, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff mbus current 0.91A ack = 1 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x0265 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xcad7 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f3 62 QCM2_T = 0x1290 63 QCM_INT = 0xffff Turn off qcm: bytes 0x70, 0x00, 0x96, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 ack = 2 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x0000 11:16 Turn qcm2 on for maximum length of time (~40s, cycle parameter 0xffff): bytes 0x70, 0x00, 0x96, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xff mbus current 0.89A - 0.91A ack = 3 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x02CE 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x0781 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f3 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0xffff Turn off qcm: bytes 0x70, 0x00, 0x96, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 ack = 4 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x0000 From before: 3 seconds Record parameter 58 = 0x1010 Record parameter 59 = 0x002e Record parameter 60 = 0xafcc Ack count +1 = 28 (QCM 2) Record parameter 58 = 2002 Record parameter 59 = 0x0037 Record parameter 60 = 0xa2a8 6 seconds Record parameter 58 = 0x1000 Record parameter 59 = 0x005d Record parameter 60 = 0x5d50 Ack count +1 = 9 (QCM 2) Record parameter 58 = 0x2000 Record parameter 59 = 0x006f Record parameter 60 = 0x8ff2 11:35 Load seq.31 - qcms on for 6 seconds each, qcm1 first Select seq31 Auto qcm1 ack = 7 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005d 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xf257 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f5 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0x2710 qcm2 ack = 9 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006d 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x6ff1 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f5 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0x2710 sequence runs ok, manual 11:40 Run sequence 31 auto qcm1 ack = 13 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005d 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xee92 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f5 62 QCM2_T = 0x1290 63 QCM_INT = 0x2710 qcm2 ack = 15 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006d 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x6dfb 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f5 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0x2710 manual after sequence stops 11:50 Run sequence 31 auto qcm1 ack = 19 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005d 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xee9b 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f5 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0x2710 qcm2 ack = 21 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006d 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x5d3a 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f5 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0x2710 manual after sequence stops 12:00 Run sequence 31 auto qcm1 ack = 25 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005d 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xefbb 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f5 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0x2710 qcm2 ack = 27 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006d 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x5685 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f7 62 QCM2_T = 0x1290 63 QCM_INT = 0x2710 manual after sequence stops Change sequence to use maximum qcm cycle time (0xffff, ~40s) 12:10 Load sequence 31 Run sequence 31 auto qcm1 ack = 32 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x0267 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xa89e 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f7 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0xffff qcm2 ack = 34 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x02cc 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xc20a 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f7 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0xffff manual after sequence stops 12:20 Run sequence 31 auto qcm1 0.97A max ack = 39 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x0267 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xac46 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f7 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0xffff qcm2 0.99A max ack = 41 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x02cc 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xc674 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f7 62 QCM2_T = 0x1290 63 QCM_INT = 0xffff manual after sequence stops 12:30 Run sequence 31 auto qcm1 0.95A max ack = 46 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x0267 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xb5b1 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f7 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0xffff qcm2 0.96A max ack = 48 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x02cc 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xbae2 61 QCM1_T = 0x13f9 62 QCM2_T = 0x1291 63 QCM_INT = 0xffff manual after sequence stops (0.88A) standby (0.71A) icu off (0.03A) (st_data.0003) mdp halt egse left on lunch ------------------------------ 15:14 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0003) eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.71A, (st_data.0004) load sequences 0, 4, 5, 9 load line lists 9, 47 manual, 0.88A, peak 1.02A exit default, 0.88A steady, cam_vf & mhc_vf valid sel seq4 auto 0.93A shutter rotating 1.15A heaters on 15:28 run ro_lower_ccd (6 second exposure) run0092, md_data.0001 (first light) nothing run ss_to_slot250 49 ss_pos 0xc059 run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0002 still nothing mir_f_auto 1800 1 pzt_sgo 0x0078 1 pzt_sgo 0x07f1 run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0003 still nothing visible using wider beam run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0004 run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0005 move coarse mirror to 0xAAc0 48 cm_pos = 0xf341 bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xAA, 0xC0 1 nack (error code 0x400), so repeat (48 cm_pos 0xdd64) 2 nacks 48 cm_pos 0xc717 repeat move 3 nacks 48 cm_pos 0xb0c9 repeat move 4 nacks 48 cm_pos 0xaac8 ss_pos 0xc059 repeat upper ccd exposure md_data.0006 nothing seen repeat lower ccd exposure md_data.0007 nothing edit sequences 0 & 9 for 60 second exposure repeat ro_lower_ccd md_data.0008 nothing seen run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0009 nothing seen change sequences 0 & 9: mip now 900 run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0010 1 pzt_sgo = 0x0613 icu parameter fine_m_pos = 0x85dc nothing seen on image run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0011 nothing seen changed mip to 1800 run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0012 1 pzt_sgo = 0x0baf icu parameter fine_m_pos = 0x8960 nothing seen run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0013 went to manual before all data was transferred repeat ro_lower_ccd md_data.0014 nothing seen changed mip to 3000 run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0015 1 pzt_sgo = 0x10c0 icu parameter fine_m_pos = 0x8e10 nothing seen run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0016 nothing seen 48 cm_pos now 0xaac8 move coarse mirror fully to the +x stop bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0x41, 0x95 nacked, 48 cm_pos now 0x9485 repeat 48 cm_pos now 0x7e1c repeat 48 cm_pos now 0x67d9 repeat 48 cm_pos now 0x5164 repeat 48 cm_pos now 0x41a1 changed mip to 0 run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0017 icu parameter fine_m_pos 0x8258 nothing run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0018 nothing move coarse mirror in -x direction bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0x47, 0x51 (0x41a1 + 0x5b0) 48 cm_pos now 0x4749 run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0019 nothing run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0020 nothing move coarse mirror in -x direction bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0x52, 0xa9 (0x4749 + 0xb60) 48 cm_pos now 0x529f run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0021 nothing 17:25 source wound down 17:30 standby 0.72A icu off 0.03A, st_data.0006 mdp halt *********************************************** 27 Feb 2004 09:53 Egse on fsrun0093 09:55 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot no status received - smoke (?) seen on tci-b, 28v current link hot earth strap touching 28v current link - strap very hot psu off 10:01 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0002) eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.72A (st_data.0002) manual, 0.88A, peak 1.02A exit default run mhc_init 0.92A shutter, 1.16A heaters on run align_seqs move coarse mirror to centre position (current =0x52C0): bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xAA, 0xC0 1.39A during movement Nacked, position 0x6907 repeat move 1.42A during movement Nacked, position 0x7f57 repeat move 1.43A during move Nacked, position 0x95b7 repeat move 1.42A during move Acked, position 0xaab6 slit/slot at 0xc040 (slot 250) remake sequences 00 and 09 for mip = 1800 and reload run mhcclear 10:30 run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0001 1 pzt_sgo = 0x0bad run ss_to_slot40 (initial position 0xc040) nacked, position 0x4089 (error code 0x4000) 10:51 standby 0.72A icu off 0.03A, st_data.0003 mdp halt ----------------------------------------- 11:45 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0003) eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.71A (st_data.0004) manual, 0.88A, peak 1.02A exit default 0.88A run mhc_init 0.92A shutter, 1.16A heaters on run align_seqs 48 cm_pos = 0xaac0 49 ss_pos = 0x4080 1 pzt_sgo = 0x0021 11:55 run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0002 (60s exposure, mip = 1800) 1 pzt_sgo now = 0x0bad nothing seen on image run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0003 (60s, mip 1800) nothing in image run ss_to_slot250 ss_pos 0x4080 -> 0xc04f, acked run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0004 nothing in image run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0005 move coarse mirror fully to the +x stop bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0x41, 0x95 nacked, 48 cm_pos now 0x9471 move coarse mirror back to middle bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xaa, 0xc0 nacked, 48 cm_pos now 0xaaac, error code 0x0400 run mhcclear run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0006 altered mip to 0 in seq.09, seq.00 run ro_lower_ccd md_data.0007 1 pzt_sgo now = 0x79 run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0008 nothing in image standby 0.72A icu off 0.03A, st_data.0005 mdp halt ------------------------------------------ 13:46 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0005) eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.71A (st_data.0006) manual, 0.88A, peak 1.02A exit default 0.88A run mhc_init 0.92A shutter, 1.16A heaters on run align_seqs load seq.36, ll.35, calibration leds run seq36 md_data.0009 crap 6 second dark exposure md_data.0010 load seq 35, ll 34 run seq35 md_data.0011 change to 60s flatfield md_data.0012 rerun seq35 md_data.0013 remake seq35 and run md_data.0014 (60s flat field) change to 30s flat field md_data.0015 change to 5s flat field md_data.0016 change to 1s flat field md_data.0017 change to 10ms flat field md_data.0018 run mhcclear --------------------- coarse mirror 0xaac0 250 slot run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 0 md_data.0019 1 pzt_sgo = 0x0077 run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 0 md_data.0020 run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 600 md_data.0021 1 pzt_sgo = 0x0434 run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 600 md_data.0022 Possible smudge??? run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 1200 md_data.0023 1 pzt_sgo = 0x07f2 run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 1200 md_data.0024 Possible smudge??? run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 1800 md_data.0025 1 pzt_sgo = 0x0baf run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 1800 md_data.0026 run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 2400 md_data.0027 1 pzt_sgo = 0x0f6c run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 2400 md_data.0028 run ss_to_slot40 (ss_pos 0xc040 -> 0x4076) run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 600 md_data.0029 1 pzt_sgo = 0x436 run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 600 md_data.0030 Smudge? source off run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 600 md_data.0031 No smudge? run ss_to_slot250 (ss_pos 0x4076 -> 0xc066, nack, error code 0x4000) run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 600 md_data.0032 No smudge 16:12 standby 0.72A icu off 0.03A, st_data.0008 mdp halt egse off ------------------------------------- 1 March 2004 09:50 Cooling started egse on FSRUN0094 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.71A (st_data.0001) manual, 0.88A, peak 1.02A exit default 0.88A 154 start position 09:56 ccda_temp 0x88 19.76C ccdb_temp 0x84 17.12C 10:00 ccda_temp 0x8a 19.24C ccdb_temp 0x85 17.82C run align_seqs run mhc_init 1.15A, heaters on ccda_temp 0x8c 17.69C ccdb_temp 0x88 15.74C run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 600, 250 slot, md_data.0001 (small smudge) 10:05 Calibration aperture put in (Note: mhc param 31 G2_TH0 plummeting 16.71C, others ~21C) 10:10 ccda_temp 0x90 15.67C ccdb_temp 0x8c 13.07C 31 G2_TH0 3bb9 16.15C run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 600, 250 slot, md_data.0002 (no smudge) 10:15 ccda_temp 0x96 12.78C ccdb_temp 0x91 8.78C 31 G2_TH0 3b90 15.35C run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 600, 250 slot, md_data.0003 (smudge) 10:20 ccda_temp 0x98 11.85C ccdb_temp 0x97 6.61C 31 G2_TH0 3b6e 14.69C 45 G2_TH14 3c5b 19.68C (others ~21, 22) Aperture back in Scan with fine mirror from 0 -> 2400 run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 1200, 250 slot, md_data.0004 (no smudge) run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 1800, 250 slot, md_data.0005 (no smudge) run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 2400, 250 slot, md_data.0006 (no smudge) 10:30 ccda_temp 0xa6 6.05C ccdb_temp 0xa2 1.87C 31 G2_TH0 3b31 13.59C 45 G2_TH14 3c4c 19.25C (others ~21, 22) run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 0, 250 slot, md_data.0007 (no smudge) 10:34 run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 600, 250 slot, md_data.0008 (nothing) 10:35 ccda_temp 0xac 3.92C ccdb_temp 0xa8 0.08C 31 G2_TH0 3b18 13.19C 45 G2_TH14 3c44 19.22C (others ~21, 22) run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 1200, 250 slot, md_data.0009 (nothing) 10:40 ccda_temp 0xb0 2.6C ccdb_temp 0xad -1.00C 31 G2_TH0 3b04 12.85C 45 G2_TH14 3c3e 19.00C (others ~21, 22) run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 1800, 250 slot, md_data.0010 (nothing) run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 2400, 250 slot, md_data.0011 (nothing) 10:45 ccda_temp 0xb5 1.02C ccdb_temp 0xb0 -1.49C 31 G2_TH0 3af3 12.57C 45 G2_TH14 3c38 18.77C (others ~21, 22) run ro_lower_ccd, mip = 0, 250 slot, md_data.0012 (nothing) 10:46 run ro_upper_ccd, mip = 600, 250 slot, md_data.0013 (smudge) 0x435 pzt_sgo 10:50 source off 10:55 run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 300, 250 slot, md_data.0014 (smudge) ccda_temp 0xbe -1.79C ccdb_temp 0xbd -2.73C 31 G2_TH0 3ac5 11.83C 45 G2_TH14 3c2a 18.52C (others ~21, 22) run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 900, 250 slot, md_data.0015 (smudge) 0x611 pzt_sgo 11:10 ccda_temp 0xc8 -5.35C ccdb_temp 0xc4 -3.91C 31 G2_TH0 3aa4 11.51C 45 G2_TH14 3c1e 18.23C (43 g2_th12 following) run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0xc040 ->408B) nack, error code 0x4000 11:15 ccda_temp 0xcd -7.59C ccdb_temp 0xc8 -4.85C 31 G2_TH0 3a91 10.97C 45 G2_TH14 3c19 18.23C (43 g2_th12 following) run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 600, 40 slot, md_data.0016 (smudge) source off run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 600, 40 slot, md_data.0017 11:25 ccda_temp 0xd2 -10.33C ccdb_temp 0xcc -6.24C source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 450, 40 slot, md_data.0018 (good) 11:35 ccda_temp 0xd6 -13.01C ccdb_temp 0xd1 -8.91C source off run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 450, 40 slot, md_data.0019 11:40 run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 300, 40 slot, md_data.0020 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 300, 40 slot, md_data.0021 (worse) 11:45 ccda_temp 0xda -16.24C ccdb_temp 0xd5 -12.02C 11:46 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 40 slot, md_data.0022 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 40 slot, md_data.0023 run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 560, 40 slot, md_data.0024 11:52 ccda_temp 0xdc -18.09C ccdb_temp 0xd7 -13.98C source off run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 560, 40 slot, md_data.0025 11:56 ccda_temp 0xde -20.13C ccdb_temp 0xd9 -16.25C run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 490, 40 slot, md_data.0026 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 490, 40 slot, md_data.0027 12:06 run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x408B -> 0x8044) 12:09 ccda_temp 0xe0 -22.37C ccdb_temp 0xdb -18.87C source off run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0028 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0029 12:18 run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x8044 -> 0x0023) run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0030 ccda_temp 0xe3 -26.14C ccdb_temp 0xdd -21.87C source off run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0031 1 pzt_sgo 0x03bd on ccda, peaks at: 1404 1407 1429 1438 1445 12:36 Lunch - instrument left on 13:13 ccda_temp 0xea -37.20C ccdb_temp 0xe4 -35.91C 13:25 ccda_temp 0xea -37.20C ccdb_temp 0xe4 -35.91C 13:35 ccda_temp 0xea -37.20C ccdb_temp 0xe6 -41.10C 14:01 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0032 1 pzt_sgo 0x03bd ccda_temp 0xed -43.09C ccdb_temp 0xe5 -38.43C source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0033 14:07 shifted 10 mm towards the centre line (144.06) run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0034 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0035 14:16 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0036 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0037 14:45 run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x0023 -> 0x8064) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0038 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0039 shifting 10mm towards the center line (134.17) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0040 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0041 15:05 run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos = 0x8064 -> 0x0046) nacked, ec = 0x4000 run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0042 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0043 run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0x0046 -> 0x408a, nack) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slit, md_data.0044 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slit, md_data.0045 Note. IDL> v4=diff4[2048:4095,80:130] IDL> y=total(v4,2) IDL> plot,y plot,smooth(y,10) Ady's mobile 07951 931 503 15:29 run ss_to_slot250 (49 ss_postion 0x408a -> 0xc046) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slit, md_data.0046 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slit, md_data.0047 shifting to 153.97 source fell over and was restarted by Barry. 16.04 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0048 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0049 16:05 run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0xc046 -> 0x4076) source off run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0050 ccda_temp 0xf0 -49.78C ccdb_temp 0xea -53.34C source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0051 source off run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x4076 -> 0x8036) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0052 ccda_temp 0xf1 -52.20C ccdb_temp 0xea -53.34C source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0053 16:22 source off run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x8036 -> 0x0044) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0054 16:27 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0055 - not written aborted, operator error ccda_temp 0xf1 -52.20C ccdb_temp 0xeb -56.83C change mode to auto, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0055 16:30 source off run ss_to_slot250 (49 ss_pos 0x0044 -> 0xc064, nack 6) shifting to 94.000 this is the low wavelength channel (30 mm off from the centre) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0056 16:37 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0057 ccda_temp 0xf0 -49.78C ccdb_temp 0xeb -56.83C source off run ss_to_slot40 ((49 ss_pos 0xc064 -> 0x4071) 16:45 run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0058 16:48 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0059 16:55 cooling turned off source off run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x4071 -> 0x4091, nack 7) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0060 (aborted) abort, ss in wrong position run ss_to_slit2 (0x4091 -> 0x803b) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0060 17:03 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0061 run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x803b -> 0x003e) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0062 17:10 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0063 standby 0.72A bakeout 0.31A run bakeout_htra_on for 5 seconds ccda 0xf1 -52.2C 0.96A run bakeout_htra_off 0.31A ccda -47C run bakeout_htrb_on for 10 seconds ccdb 0xeb -56.83C 0.96A run bakeout_htrb_off 0.31A ccdb 0xe9 -46C run bakeout_htra_on for 10 seconds ccda 0xef -47.2C 0.96A run bakeout_htra_off 0.31A ccda -43C run bakeout_htrb_on for 10 seconds ccdb 0xeb -56.83C 0.96A run bakeout_htrb_off 0.31A ccdb 0xe8 -46.89C 17:28 run bakeout_htra_on for 10 seconds ccda 0xed -43.2C 0.96A run bakeout_htra_off 0.31A ccda 0xec -41C 17:30 run bakeout_htrb_on for 10 seconds ccdb 0xe8 -46.89C 0.96A run bakeout_htrb_off 0.31A ccdb 0xe6 -41.1C 17:32 run bakeout_htra_on for 10 seconds ccda 0xed -43.09C 0.96A run bakeout_htra_off 0.31A ccda 0xee -45.22C 17:34 run bakeout_htrb_on for 10 seconds ccdb 0xe7 -43.92C 0.96A run bakeout_htrb_off 0.31A ccdb 0xe5 -38.43C 17:36 run bakeout_htra_on for 15 seconds ccda 0xee -45.22C 0.96A run bakeout_htra_off 0.31A ccda 0xe6 -41.10C 17:41 run ccd_htrs a -43C b -46C 17:45 a 0xe9 -35.4C b 0xe3 -33.53 17:47 run ccd_htrs 17:50 a 0xe6 -30.46C b 0xe1 -29.16C run ccd_htrs 17:52 a -28C b -27C 17:55 a 0xe9 -35.4C b 0xee3 -33.53C 17:56 run ccd_htrs a -37.2 b -38.43 18:01 ccd_htrs finished a -28.95 b -27.16 18:02 run ccd_htrs a -30.46 b -29.16 18:05 ccd_htrs finished a -24.82 b -21.87 18:06 run ccd_htrs a -26.14 b -23.53 18:10 ccd_htrs finished a -20.13 b -17.52 18:12 run ccd_htrs a -23.56 b -20.32 18:16 ccd_htrs finished a -18.09 b -18.87 standby 0.72A manual 0.88A, peak 1.02A a -20.13 b -15.08 18:19 a -26.14 b -21.87 18:22 a -30.46 b -31.28 18:27 a -37.2 b -38.43 18:33 a -41.04 b -43.92 18:37 a -43.09 b -43.92 18:45 a -47.45 b -46.89 18:50 a -43.09 b -46.89 18:57 a -47.45 b -46.89 19:01 a - 49.78 b -53.34 standby 0.72A icu off 0.03A, st_data.0008 egse off ==================================================================== = TUESDAY 2nd March 2004 =========================================== ==================================================================== 08:46 Egse pc on FSRUN0095 08:52 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) ccda_temp 0xb3 1.64 ccdb_temp 0xaf -1.34 eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.71A (st_data.0001) 08:55 bakeout 0.30A run ccd_htrs 08:58 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x9d 9.65 ccdb_temp 0x9b 4.67 09:05 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0xa5 6.43 ccdb_temp 0xa2 1.87 09:20 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0xa4 6.81 ccdb_temp 0xa0 2.59 09:24 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x91 15.18 ccdb_temp 0x8c 13.07 09:25 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x8f 16.17 ccdb_temp 0x90 10.55 09:28 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x85 21.34 ccdb_temp 0x80 21.37 09:30 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x88 19.76 ccdb_temp 0x83 19.23 09:33 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x7c 26.16 ccdb_temp 0x78 27.13 09:35 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x81 23.48 ccdb_temp 0x7d 23.54 09:38 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x77 28.82 ccdb_temp 0x72 31.33 Try to hold ccds at ~30C 09:40 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x7b 26.69 ccdb_temp 0x77 27.84 09:44 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x72 31.44 ccdb_temp 0x6e 33.99 09:47 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x7d 25.62 ccdb_temp 0x7a 25.70 09:50 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x74 30.40 ccdb_temp 0x71 32.01 09:53.5 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x7d 25.62 ccdb_temp 0x78 27.13 09:57 cooling starts 09:57 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x73 30.92 ccdb_temp 0x6e 33.99 09:59.5 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x7a 27.22 ccdb_temp 0x77 27.84 10:03 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x70 32.47 ccdb_temp 0x6c 35.27 10:06.5 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x7c 26.16 ccdb_temp 0x78 27.13 10:10 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x70 32.47 ccdb_temp 0x70 32.68 10:13 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x7a 27.22 ccdb_temp 0x76 28.55 10:16 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x70 32.47 ccdb_temp 0x6d 34.64 10:20 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x7c 26.16 ccdb_temp 0x77 27.84 10:24 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x74 30.40 ccdb_temp 0x70 32.68 10:26.5 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x7d 25.62 ccdb_temp 0x79 26.42 10:28 Pulse regime on cooling 10:30 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x74 30.40 ccdb_temp 0x72 31.33 10:32.5 run ccd_htrs (0.93A htr on, 0.30A htr off) ccda_temp 0x7d 25.62 ccdb_temp 0x79 26.42 10:36 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x75 29.87 ccdb_temp 0x71 32.01 10:37 ccda_temp 0x7a 27.22 ccdb_temp 0x75 29.25 10:38 ccda_temp 0x7d 25.62 ccdb_temp 0x79 26.42 10:39 ccda_temp 0x82 22.94 ccdb_temp 0x7d 23.54 10:40 ccda_temp 0x87 20.29 ccdb_temp 0x82 19.94 10:41 ccda_temp 0x89 19.24 ccdb_temp 0x84 17.82 10:42 ccda_temp 0x8d 17.17 ccdb_temp 0x88 15.74 10:43 ccda_temp 0x90 15.67 ccdb_temp 0x8a 14.39 10:44 ccda_temp 0x92 14.69 ccdb_temp 0x90 10.55 10:45 ccda_temp 0x94 13.72 ccdb_temp 0x93 8.78 10:46 ccda_temp 0x99 11.4 ccdb_temp 0x93 8.78 10:47 ccda_temp 0x9b 10.51 ccdb_temp 0x97 6.61 10:48 ccda_temp 0x9e 9.22 ccdb_temp 0x99 5.61 10:49 ccda_temp 0xa0 8.39 ccdb_temp 0x9c 4.22 10:50 ccda_temp 0xa4 6.81 ccdb_temp 0x9e 3.37 10:51 ccda_temp 0xa5 6.43 ccdb_temp 0xa1 2.22 10:52 ccda_temp 0xa6 6.05 ccdb_temp 0xa2 1.87 10:53 ccda_temp 0xa9 4.96 ccdb_temp 0xa5 0.90 10:54 ccda_temp 0xaa 4.61 ccdb_temp 0xa7 0.34 10:55 ccda_temp 0xac 3.92 ccdb_temp 0xa9 -0.16 10:56 ccda_temp 0xaf 2.92 ccdb_temp 0xaa -0.39 10:57 ccda_temp 0xaf 2.92 ccdb_temp 0xac -0.81 10:58 ccda_temp 0xbd 2.60 ccdb_temp 0xad -1.00 10:59 ccda_temp 0xb3 1.64 ccdb_temp 0xae -1.17 11:00 ccda_temp 0xb3 1.64 ccdb_temp 0xb2 -1.64 11:01 ccda_temp 0xb7 0.71 ccdb_temp 0xb2 -1.77 11:05 ccda_temp 0xbb -0.84 ccdb_temp 0xb8 -2.44 11:10 ccda_temp 0xbf -2.11 ccdb_temp 0xbc -2.83 11:15 ccda_temp 0xc5 -4.18 ccdb_temp 0xc2 -3.57 11:18 standby 0.72A manual 0.88A, peak 1.02A exit default run mhc_init 0.92A shutter, 1.16A heaters on run align_seqs run ss_to_slot250 (49 ss_pos 0x0040 -> 0xc04e) 11:23 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0001 1 pzt_sgo 0x03bd source off run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0002 11:32 run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0xc04e -> 0x4077) background exposure run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0003 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0004 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0005 ccda -15.37 ccdb -11.14 11:48 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0006 ccda -15.37 ccdb -10.34 realigned source with colimater source off 11:53 run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x4077 -> 0x803c) background exposure run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0007 11:58 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0008 ccda -19.09 ccdb -13.98 12:03 source off run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x803c -> 0x0045, nack 1, ec 0x4000) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0009 ccda -21.22 ccdb -18.87 12:09 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0010 ccda -22.37 ccdb -18.87 translator 93.986 12:12 source off run ss_to_slot250 (49 ss_pos 0x0045 -> 0xc03e) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0011 ccda -26.14 ccdb -20.32 12:18 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0012 ccda -24.82 ccdb -21.87 12:22 source off translator 114.019 run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0013 ccda -28.95 ccdb -25.53 12:27 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0014 ccda -28.95 ccdb -25.29 12:30 source off run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0xc03e -> 0x4071) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0015 ccda -28.95 ccdb -23.53 12:34 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0016 ccda -27.51 ccdb -27.16 12:38 source off run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x4071 -> 0x8065, nack 2, ec 0x4000) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0017 ccda -32.03 ccdb -27.16 12:42 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0018 ccda -33.68 ccdb -29.16 12:47 source off run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x8065 -> 0x0045, nack 3, ec 0x4000) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0019 ccda -32.03 ccdb -33.53 12:51 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0020 ccda -33.68 ccdb -29.16 12:55 source off leave in manual Source to chamber valve closed lunch ---------------------------- 13:35 Source to chamber valve opened Alter seq.00 to 10 minute exposures load seq00 run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0021 ccda -39.08 ccdb -43.92 13:49 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0022 ccda -43.09 ccdb -43.92 source off run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x0044 -> 0x8038) 14:01 run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0023 ccda -43.09 ccdb -43.92 14:12 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0024 ccda -43.09 ccdb -43.92 14:24 source off run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0x8038 -> 0x408A) run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0025 14:36 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0026 ccda -43.09 ccdb -43.92 14:48 run ss_to_slot250 (49 ss_pos 0x0045 -> 0xc046) run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0027 ccda -43.09 ccdb -43.92 14:59 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0028 ccda -43.09 ccdb -43.92 go to manual translate to 134.007 15:22 run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0029 ccda -49.78 ccdb -50.03 15:34 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0030 ccda -49.78 ccdb -50.03 source off run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0xc046 -> 0x4076) 15:47 run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0031 ccda -52.20 ccdb -50.03 16:00 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0032 ccda -47.45 ccdb -53.34 16:10 source off run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x4076 -> 0x8037) 16:11 run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0033 ccda -49.78 ccdb -53.34 manual source on 16:22:48 run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0034 ccda -49.78 ccdb -56.83 16:32:54 source off manual run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x8037 -> 0x0043) 16:33 run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0035 ccda -49.78 ccdb -53.34 16:44 53 shut_opt_ms 0x23c3 54 shut_opt_ls 0x576b manual source on 16:45:16 run ro_upper_ccd, 600s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0036 ccda -49.78 ccdb -56.83 16:55:21 manual ******* source moved to Helium ************************* **************************************************************** 17:20 run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0037 ccda -49.78 ccdb -56.83 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0038 17:27 source off run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x0043 -> 0x8046) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0039 ccda -49.78 ccdb -56.83 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0040 17:34 source off run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0x8046 -> 0x4071) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0041 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 40" slot, md_data.0042 17:43 source off run ss_to_slot250 (49 ss_pos 0x4071 -> 0xc054) run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0043 ccda -49.78 ccdb -56.83 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0044 source off 17:49 run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0xc054 -> 0x8065) 17:51 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0045 source off line at 904 Barry moved +8 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0046 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0047 source off Barry moved +16 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0048 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0049 source off Barry moved +24 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0050 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0051 source off Barry moved +32 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0052 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0053 source off i = 690 18:12 Barry moved +40 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0054 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0055 source off i = 690 Barry moved +48 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0056 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0057 source off i = 680 Barry moved +64 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0058 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0059 source off i = 665 Barry moved +80 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0060 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0061 source off i = 635 Barry moved +96 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0062 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0063 source off i = 610 Barry moved +112 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0064 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0065 source off i = 584 Barry moved +128 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0066 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0067 source off i = 570 Barry moved +144 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0068 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0069 source off i = 557 Barry moved +160 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0070 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0071 source off i ~ 550 (noise) Barry moved 0 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0072 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0073 source off i = 645 Barry moved -16 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0074 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0075 source off i = 615 Barry moved -32 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0076 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0077 source off i = 598 Barry moved -48 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0078 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0079 source off i = 574 Barry moved -64 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0080 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0081 source off i = 557 Barry moved -80 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0082 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0083 source off i = 555 Barry moved -96 on auto-collimator run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0084 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0085 source off i = 552 (noise) 19:23 standby 0.72A 19:28 manual 0.88A, 1.02A peak exit default 19:29 run qcm1_on mhc param 59 & 60 = 0 59 0x0268 60 0x0ba0 run qcm_off mhc param 58 = 0 run qcm2_on 59 0x02c5 60 0x87e8 run qcm_off 19:33 standby 0.72A 19:36 icu off st_data.0009 egse off ==================================================================== = WEDNESDAY 3rd March 2004 ========================================= ==================================================================== 09:06 Egse pc on FSRUN0096 09:10 instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) ccda_temp 0xc3 -3.46 ccdb_temp 0xbd -2.93 eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.72A (st_data.0002) 09:11 bakeout 0.31A run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on 09:15:44 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0xae 3.25 ccdb_temp 0xab -0.61 09:16:30 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0xac 3.92 ccdb_temp 0xab -0.61 09:20 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0xa0 8.93 ccdb_temp 0x9c 4.22 09:21 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0xa2 7.59 ccdb_temp 0x9e 3.37 09:24:35 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x95 13.25 ccdb_temp 0x92 9.36 09:25:30 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x96 12.78 ccdb_temp 0x93 8.78 09:29:04 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x8b 18.20 ccdb_temp 0x89 15.74 09:30 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x8e 16.67 ccdb_temp 0x8b 13.72 09:35 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x8b 18.20 ccdb_temp 0x85 17.82 09:35:45 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x8d 17.18 ccdb_temp 0x89 15.06 09:39:23 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x84 21.88 ccdb_temp 0x80 21.37 09:40 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x86 20.82 ccdb_temp 0x7f 22.09 09:43:33 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x7e 25.08 ccdb_temp 0x7a 25.70 09:44:11 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x7f 24.55 ccdb_temp 0x7a 25.70 09:47:45 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x79 27.76 ccdb_temp 0x75 29.25 09:48:30 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x7b 26.69 ccdb_temp 0x76 28.55 09:52:06 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x75 29.87 ccdb_temp 0x71 32.01 09:53:55 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x7c 26.16 ccdb_temp 0x77 27.84 09:57:28 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x75 29.87 ccdb_temp 0x72 31.33 09:58:56 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x7c 26.16 ccdb_temp 0x76 28.55 10:04 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x7b 26.69 ccdb_temp 0x76 28.55 10:05 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x7f 24.55 ccdb_temp 0x7b 24.98 10:08 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x77 28.82 ccdb_temp 0x73 30.64 10:10 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x7c 26.16 ccdb_temp 0x76 28.55 10:13:30 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 0x75 29.87 ccdb_temp 0x74 29.95 10:15:32 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 0x7b 26.69 ccdb_temp 0x77 27.84 10:19:06 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.92 ccdb_temp 32.68 10:21 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 26.69 ccdb_temp 27.84 10:24 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.92 ccdb_temp 32.01 10:27 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 26.16 ccdb_temp 27.13 10:30 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.40 ccdb_temp 33.34 10:32 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 26.16 ccdb_temp 28.55 10:36 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.40 ccdb_temp 32.01 10:38 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 25.62 ccdb_temp 26.42 10:42 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.30 ccdb_temp 33.34 10:44 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 25.62 ccdb_temp 27.13 10:48 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.30 ccdb_temp 33.34 10:50 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 25.62 ccdb_temp 27.84 10:54 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.40 ccdb_temp 32.01 10:56 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 25.62 ccdb_temp 27.84 11:00 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.40 ccdb_temp 32.68 11:03 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 25.62 ccdb_temp 26.42 11:06 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.92 ccdb_temp 32.01 11:09 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 25.62 ccdb_temp 26.42 11:13 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.40 ccdb_temp 33.34 11:16 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 25.08 ccdb_temp 26.42 11:19 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.40 ccdb_temp 31.33 11:22 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 25.62 ccdb_temp 27.13 11:25 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.92 ccdb_temp 33.34 11:29 run ccd_htrs 0.94A htr on ccda_temp 25.08 ccdb_temp 27.13 11:32 ccd_htrs finished ccda_temp 30.92 ccdb_temp 32.01 11:33 standby 0.71 manual 0.88A, peak 1.02A exit default 11:34 run qcm1_on parameter 0xffff (40s) 58 = 0 59 = 0 60 = 0 58 = 0x1000 59 = 0x0267 60 = 0xfcaf run qcm_off 58 -> 0 11:36 run qcm2_on parameter 0xffff (40s) 58 = 0x2000 59 = 0x02c4 60 = 0xc1c0 run qcm_off 58 -> 0 11:38 ccda_temp = 21.88 ccdb_temp = 20.66 11:40 run qcm1_on parameter 0xffff (40s) 58 = 0 58 = 0x1000 59 = 0x0267 60 = 0xf9e1 run qcm_off 58 -> 0 11:42 run qcm2_on parameter 0xffff (40s) 58 = 0x2000 59 = 0x02c4 60 = 0xbc7e run qcm_off 58 -> 0 11:44 ccda_temp = 14.69 ccdb_temp = 12.42 12:00 ccda_temp 8.81 ccdb_temp 3.79 12:02 run mhc_init 1.15A heaters on 12:03 load sequence 31 (qcm sequence, 6 seconds) select and run seq 31 qcm1 58 = 0x1100 59 = 0x005e 60 = 0x01d2 qcm2 58 = 0x2008 59 = 0x006c 60 = 0x1ea8 manual when sequence stops 12:06 run sequence 31 qcm1 58 = 0x1020 59 = 0x005e 60 = 0x0336 qcm2 58 = 0x2002 59 = 0x006c 60 = 0x201c manual when sequence stops 12:11 ccda_temp 6.81 ccdb_temp 2.59 12:30 lunch ------------------------------------ 17:21 standby 0.71A icu off 0.03A st_data.0008 egse off --------------------------------- Swap PFMICU for FMICU ---------------------------------- 19:12 statusmon re-started. Cal button, select fm model, select psu & cam files. Press load, press close. EGSE PC ON 19:19 fsrun0097 MDP GO set BUSY low instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) ccda_temp 14.35 ccdb_temp 14.35 eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.70A (st_data.0002) Manual, 0.85A, pk 1.00A exit_default stat_clr standby, bakeout, I=0.29A run ccd_htrs, 0.91A with CCD htr ON ->standby, -> manual, 0.88A, pk 1.00A exit default, CAM=valid :0) run mhc_init, wait til SEQ_STOP = stopped, I=1.13A -> manual run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 *** get to here before doing exposures or grating moves, etc **** -> standby, ICU OFF (red button), PSU OFF MDP HALT EGSE off ### HELP ME NOTES ##################################### *** Note added by MCRW - burn procedure in ~/burn.txt *** To read QCM's do: load seq 31, slct 31, -> AUTO **** SEQUENCES in : /data/eis/fm/icu/sequences To alter fine mirror start position, edit mip (PZT) in sequence To alter exposure duration edit exposure time seq-00 & ll-47 - expose upper half of ccd seq-09 & ll-09 - expose lower half of ccd **** slit/slot table: |-----------------|----------------------| | MHC 49 SS_POS | script | ---------|-----------------|----------------------| slit1 | 0x0045 | run ss_to_slit1 | slit2 | 0x8060 | run ss_to_slit2 | slot40 | 0x4070 | run ss_to_slot40 | slot250 | 0xC050 | run ss_to_slot250 | ---------|-----------------|----------------------| ****************** GRATING: (MHC parameter 52 GRA_S_POS) to move 100 (0x64) steps forward, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0x64 to move 1000 (0x3E8) steps backwards, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3, 0xE8 ******************* Coarse mirror: MHC 48 CM_POS usually boots up as 0xAAC0 To move, use bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xAA, 0xC0 where last 2 bytes is the position required *************** To move PZT (mip) to 1500 # mir_f_auto 1500 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x5, 0xDC *************** For example: source off run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0034 source off run ro_upper_ccd, 60s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0035 14:16 source on run ro_upper_ccd, 120s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0036 ==================================================================== = THURSDAY 4th March 2004 ========================================== ==================================================================== 9:40 EGSE ON, PSU ON fsrun0098 set BUSY low instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) ccda_temp 18.47 deg C ccdb_temp 18.47 deg C eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.70A (st_data.0001) Mode enable Manual, 0.85A, pk 1.00A exit_default 10:02 set date/time on msslfp - note msslqa was 10 mins slow!! so re-synching 10:26 Load Seq 31, Sel Seq 31 Auto qcm1 ack = 19 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005e 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x033d qcm2 ack = 21 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006c 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x1754 manual after sequence stops MHC_IF_ERR: 0x100 - stat_clr 10:30 run mhc_init, wait til SEQ_STOP = stopped, I=1.13A -> manual run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 try an exposure with 1" slit Source is OFF run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x8080 -> 0x004A) 66 NACK_CNT = 1 69 NACK_EC_LS = 4000 stat_clr ; has no effect on 66 NACK_CNT run ss_to_slit1 , again, (49 ss_pos: 0x004a -> 0x003e) 11:03 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0001 noticed CAM_IF_ERR = 0x8, MHC_IF_ERR = 0x100 in ICU tab seq_stat = stopped -> manual stat_clr ; MHC, CAM IF_ERR reset to 0x00 ccda +19.54 ccdb +19.54 images looks ok 11:13 Source is OFF run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x003e -> 0x805f) 66 NACK_CNT = 2 69 NACK_EC_LS = 4000 stat_clr run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0x805f -> 0x806c) 66 NACK_CNT = 3 69 NACK_EC_LS = 4000 stat_clr 11:21 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 525, 2" slit, md_data.0002 seq_stopped = stopped -> manual ccda +20.08 ccdb +20.08 11:30 -> standby, I= 0.70A 13:14 lunch 19:42 -> Manual, I= 0.85A, pk 1.00A exit default stat_clr QCM check: Load Seq 31, Sel Seq 31 Auto initial error on MHC_VF , which cleared qcm1 ack = 9 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005e 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x01bx ; missed last digit so repeated QCM check qcm2 ack = 10 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006c 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x0fbc -> Manual after sequence stopsAuto 19:47 initial error on MHC_VF , which cleared qcm1 ack = 11 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005e 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x0080 qcm2 ack = 12 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006c 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x12b1 -> Manual after sequence stops 22:03 EGSE, ICU OFF ==================================================================== = FRIDAY 5th March 2004 ============================================ ==================================================================== 11:50 EGSE ON, PSU ON set date/time on msslfp fsrun0099 set BUSY low instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) ccda_temp +19.54 deg C ccdb_temp +19.54 deg C eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.70A (st_data.0001) Mode enable Manual, 0.85A, pk 1.00A exit_default 12:09 Load Seq 31, Sel Seq 31 Auto qcm1 ack = 19 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005e 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x0130 qcm2 ack = 21 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006c 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x0d97 when SEQ_STAT = stopped -> manual MHC_IF_ERR: 0x100 - stat_clr 12:15 run mhc_init, wait til SEQ_STOP = stopped, I=1.13A -> manual run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 try an exposure with 1" slitSource is OFF run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x8080 -> 0x0043) 66 NACK_CNT = 1 ; but ok - within limits 69 NACK_EC_LS = 4000 stat_clr 12:17 Source OFF run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0001 noticed CAM_IF_ERR = 0x1000 when SEQ_STAT = stopped -> manual -> stat_clr image looks like a high contrast pic ?????? 12:25 Source OFF run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s, mip = 525, 1" slit, md_data.0002 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low Charlie covered up a small window on EIS chamber. Pic looks normal now -> manual -> standby I=0.70Arun ro_lower_ccd 12:30 lunch 14:21 -> manual -> exit_default I=0.85A -> stat_clr 14:41 opened source chamber to EIS chamber ******************* HELIUM SOURCE *************************** 14:48 run mhc_init , SEQ_STAT = stopped, I=1.13A run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 run ss_to_slot250 opps!! forgot to go to manual first -> manual run ss_to_slot250 (=> c040) ; now ok run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0003 seq_stat = stopped busy = low images looks like a "dark" image try bottom half.... -> manual run ro_lower_ccd ; 60s, mip = 0, 250" slot, md_data.0004 seq_stat= stopped busy = low -> manual image still looks like background image edit seq00, exp_time = 5min run align_seqs 15:12 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5min, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0005 ccda +21.7 deg C ccdb +21.7 deg C seq_stat=stopped 15:17 busy=low just looks like an over exposed background image trying lower half of CCD -> manual 15:20 run ro_lower_ccd ; 1min, mip = 0, 250" slot, md_data.0006 OPPS!!! seq_stat=stopped 15:21 busy=low -> manual edit seq09 for exposure time = 5min 15:24 run align_seqs 15:24 run ro_lower_ccd ; 5min, mip = 0, 250" slot, md_data.0007 OPPS!! seq_stat=stopped 15:25 busy=low -> manual forgot to make seq09 [/data/eis/fm/icu/sequences]$>make nseq09 run align_seqs 15:28 run ro_lower_ccd ; 5min, mip = 0, 250" slot, md_data.0008 seq_stat=stopped 15:33 busy=low -> manual still nothing in image changing aperture on Helium source - one position CCW 15:44 run ro_lower_ccd ; 5min, mip = 0, 250" slot, md_data.0009 seq_stat=stopped 15:49 busy=low -> manual image is a little darker , but no source visible 15:53 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5min, mip = 525, 250" slot, md_data.0010 seq_stat=stopped 15:58 busy=low -> manual still no source visible ================================================================ = first box = CCD B, short wavelength = = 2nd = CCD A, long = ================================================================ 16:30 moved aperture on Helium source - one position CW - back to original position # mir_f_auto 1200 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x4, 0xB0 PZT_SGO = 0x3be => 0x0436 (1078) -> auto ; md_data.0011 edit seq.00, seq.09 to move PZT (MIP) to 1200 0x4b0 then take CCD upper/lower exposures 17:15 run mhc_init, wait til SEQ_STOP = stopped, I=1.13A -> manual run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 17:19 Source OFF run ro_upper_ccd ; 5min, mip = 1200, 250" slot, md_data.0012 PZT_SGO = 0x07f2 (2034) 17:24 busy=low -> manual still nothing! 17:25 Source OFF run ro_lower_ccd ; 5min, mip = 1200, 250" slot, md_data.0013 PZT_SGO = 0x07f2 (2034) 17:30 busy=low -> manual 17:42 Source ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 5min, mip = 1200, 250" slot, md_data.0014 PZT_SGO = 0x07f2 (2034) 17:51 busy=low -> manual still nothing! run ro_lower_ccd ; 5min, mip = 1200, 250" slot, md_data.0015 PZT_SGO = 0x07f2 (2034) 17:56 busy=low -> manual edit seq.00, seq.09 to move PZT (MIP) to 1800 then take CCD upper/lower exposures 18:03 run mhc_init, wait til SEQ_STOP = stopped, I=1.13A -> manual run ss_to_slot250 ; => 0xc041 run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 18:07 Source ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 5min, mip = 1800, 250" slot, md_data.0015 PZT_SGO = 0x0baf (2991.00) 18:13 busy=low -> manual still nothing! 18:16 Source ON run ro_lower_ccd ; 5min, mip = 1800, 250" slot, md_data.0016 PZT_SGO = 0x0baf (2991.00) did stat_clr here as CAM_IF_ERR = 0x8 18:19 source turned OFF - getting sick 18:21 busy=low -> manual no image! 18:35 taken cover near side portal run ro_lower_ccd ; 5min, mip = 1800, 250" slot, md_data.0017 PZT_SGO = 0x0baf (2991.00) 18:40 busy=low -> manual 18:42 ->standby 21:11 -> manual run ss_to_slit40 error reading script so.... run mhc_init 21:22 -> manual run ss_to_slot40 ;49 SS_POS => 4070 # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO => 07f2 (2034) 22:24 EGSE, ICU OFF ==================================================================== = SATURDAY 6th March 2004 ========================================== ==================================================================== 11:08 EGSE ON, PSU ON set date/time on msslfp fsrun0100 set BUSY low instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) ccda_temp +20.62 deg C ccdb_temp +20.62 deg C icu_proc_temp +24.44 deg C eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.70A (st_data.0001) Mode enable Manual, 0.85A, pk 1.00A exit_default 11:11 Load Seq 31, Sel Seq 31 Auto qcm1 ack = 19 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005e 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x00e1 qcm2 ack = 21 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006b 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0xf1e5 when SEQ_STAT = stopped -> manual MHC_IF_ERR: 0x100 - stat_clr 11:17 run mhc_init, wait til SEQ_STOP = stopped, I=1.13A -> manual run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 1 PZT_SGO = 0x0f (15) 49 SS_POS = 0x4080 (16512) ; 40" slot selected 11:15 started cooling EIS chamber 11:28 -> standby I=0.70A 11:43 ccda_temp +15.36 deg C ccdb_temp +15.36 deg C icu_proc_temp +30.43 deg C 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11.719k SUS_B = 11.325K SUS_C = 11.685K HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL ; no clamshell STR2 = OL ; no clamshell STR3 = OL ; no clamshell STR4 = 1k03 STR5 = 1k06 STR6 = 1k11 STR7 = 2R95 ; still not fitted ?? icu: STR8 = 1k1 STR9 = 1k09 11:50 ccda_temp +12.41 deg C ccdb_temp +12.41 deg C icu_proc_temp +30.96 deg C 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11.84k SUS_B = 11.37K SUS_C = 11.80K 12:00 ccda_temp +8.38 deg C ccdb_temp +8.38 deg C icu_proc_temp +30.96 deg C 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11.95k SUS_B = 11.40K SUS_C = 11.90K HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL ; no clamshell STR2 = OL ; no clamshell STR3 = OL ; no clamshell STR4 = 997R STR5 = 1k05 STR6 = 1k1 STR7 = 2R93 ; still not fitted ?? icu: STR8 = 1k1 STR9 = 1k09 12:10 ccda_temp +4.54 deg C ccdb_temp +4.54 deg C icu_proc_temp +32.49 deg C 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 12.70k SUS_B = 11.46K SUS_C = 12.00K HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL ; no clamshell STR2 = OL ; no clamshell STR3 = OL ; no clamshell STR4 = 76R STR5 = 1k04 STR6 = 1k1 STR7 = 2R85 ; still not fitted ?? icu: STR8 = 1k1 STR9 = 1k09 12:15 lunch 13:55 ccda_temp -13.91 deg C ccdb_temp -13.91 deg C icu_proc_temp +34.08 deg C 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 12k69 ; approx 19-20 deg C SUS_B = 11k79 ; approx 20-21 deg C SUS_C = 12k62 ; approx 19-20 deg C HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL ; no clamshell STR2 = OL ; no clamshell STR3 = OL ; no clamshell STR4 = 876R STR5 = 1k04 STR6 = 1k09 STR7 = 2R93 ; still not fitted ?? icu: STR8 = 1k11 ; approx 25-26 deg C STR9 = 1k10 ; approx 25-26 deg C 14:03 -> manual exit_default stat_clr run mhc_init SEQ_STOP = stopped, I=1.13A -> manual run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 run ss_to_slot250 ; 4080 => c048 stat_clr 14:09 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 5mins, mip = 1800, 250" slot, md_data.0001 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 14:14 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual :0) light visible on top edge of CCD, at top-left edge of 250" slot at approx 800 pixels edit seq00 to give 2min exposure time run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 14:29 adjust colimator mirror 100deg turn CCW Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 2mins, mip = 1800, 250" slot, md_data.0002 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) ccda_temp -16.43 deg C ccdb_temp -17.36 deg C icu_proc_temp +35.09 deg C 14:32 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual 14:36:44 adjust colimator mirror 200deg turn CW - moves image UP in detector Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 2mins, mip = 1800, 250" slot, md_data.0003 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 14:38:46 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual 14:44:14 adjust colimator mirror 300deg turn CCW - moves image DOWN in detector Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 2mins, mip = 1800, 250" slot, md_data.0004 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 14:46:18 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual 14:49:25 adjust colimator mirror 100deg turn CCW - moves image DOWN in detector Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 2mins, mip = 1800, 250" slot, md_data.0005 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 14:51:25 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual good image on left hand side of 250" slot edit seq00 to give 1 min exposure time run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 14:56:42 adjust colimator mirror 200deg turn CCW - moves image DOWN in detector Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 1800, 250" slot, md_data.0006 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 14:58:14 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual edit seq00 to move mip to 1200 run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 15:02:34 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 1200, 250" slot, md_data.0007 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 15:03: SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual image good - moved source left more into view edit seq00 to move mip to 800 run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 15:07:57 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 800, 250" slot, md_data.0008 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 15:09:30 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual image moved too far to the right, so..... edit seq00 to move mip to 1000 run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 15:12:20 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 1000, 250" slot, md_data.0009 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 15:13:50 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual image move too far to the left, so... edit seq00 to move mip to 1100 run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 15:22:30 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 1100, 250" slot, md_data.0010 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 15:24:00 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual slight over shoot, so... edit seq00 to move mip to 900 run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 15:26:45 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 250" slot, md_data.0011 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 15:28:24 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual change to 2" slit run ss_to_slit2 (49 ss_pos 0xc064 -> 0x8064) got a NAK=1 on MHC, stat_clr 15:31:41 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 2" slit, md_data.0012 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 15:33:10 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual looks good :0) change to 1" slit run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x8064 -> 0x0045) got a NAK=2 on MHC, stat_clr 15:37:30 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0013 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 15:39:02 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move GRA: old: 52 GRA_S_POS = 0 from 0x00: move 600 (0x0258) steps forward, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 02, 0x58 new: 52 GRA_S_POS = 258 15:55:32 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0014 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 15:57:00 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move addtional 600 (0x0258) steps forward, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 02, 0x58 new: GRA_S_POS = 0x04b0 (1200) 16:01:26 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0015 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 16:02:59 SEQ_STAT= stopped run ss_to_slot40 ; 49 SS_POS 0x0040 (64) => BUSY = low -> manual move 400 (0x0190) steps backwards: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x1, 0x90 new: GRA_S_POS = 0x320 (800) 16:07:45 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0016 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 16:09:18 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move another 400 (0x0190) steps backwards: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x1, 0x90 new: GRA_S_POS = 0x190 (400) 16:12:24 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0017 PZT_SGO = 0x0bad (2989) 16:13:59 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move 100 (0x64) steps backwards: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0, 0x64 new GRA_S_POS = 012c (300) MHC_IF and CAM_VF error, stat_clr 16:17:24 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0018 PZT_SGO = 0x614 (1556) 16:18:59 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move 200 (0x0c8) steps forward, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 00, 0xc8 new GRA_S_POS = 01f4 (500) 16:22:55 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0019 PZT_SGO = 0x614 (1556) 16:24:28 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move 50 (0x32) steps backwards: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0, 0x32 new GRA_S_POS = 01c2 (450) 16:27:16 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0020 PZT_SGO = 0x614 (1556) 16:28:43 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual ccda_temp -26.64 deg C ccdb_temp -26.64 deg C icu_proc_temp +37.06 deg C stat_clr due to MHC_IF_ERR = 0x100 move 25 (0x16) steps backwards: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0, 0x16 new GRA_S_POS = 01ac (428) 16:33:00 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0021 PZT_SGO = 0x614 (1556) 16:34:26 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move 8 (0x8) steps forward, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 00, 0x8 new GRA_S_POS = 01b4 (436) 16:39:00 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0022 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 16:40:31 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move 25 (0x16) steps backwards: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0, 0x16 new GRA_S_POS = 019e (414) 16:47:43 Source Helium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0023 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 16:40:31 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual 16:56 Load Seq 31, Sel Seq 31 Auto qcm1 ack = 19 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1010 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005e 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x00ee qcm2 ack = 21 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006c 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x0623 -> manual stat_clr 17:05 ccda_temp -29.57 deg C ccdb_temp -29.57 deg C icu_proc_temp +37.54 deg C 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 12k62 SUS_B = 11K62 SUS_C = 12k66 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL ; no clamshell STR2 = OL ; no clamshell STR3 = OL ; no clamshell STR4 = 809R STR5 = 1k03 STR6 = 1k09 STR7 = 2R76 ; still not fitted ?? icu: STR8 = 1k12 STR9 = 1k11 ->standby 18:54 changed source gas to Neon (still using Magnesium electrodes) -> manual I=0.85, pk 1.0A exit_default ccda_temp -36.30 deg C ccdb_temp -36.30 deg C icu_proc_temp +36.58 deg C 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 13k43 SUS_B = 12K15 SUS_C = 13k37 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL ; no clamshell STR2 = OL ; no clamshell STR3 = OL ; no clamshell STR4 = 786R STR5 = 1k01 STR6 = 1k08 STR7 = 2R83 ; still not fitted ?? icu: STR8 = 1k12 STR9 = 1k11 run mhc_init SEQ_STOP = stopped, I=1.14A -> manual run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 1 PZT_SGO = 0x59 (89) run ss_to_slot40 ; 49 SS_POS 0x0040 (64) => 0x4088 (16520) 19:09 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 40" slit, md_data.0024 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 52 GRA_SS_POS = 0x0000 19:09:31 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual image good in short wavelength CCD run ss_to_slit1 ; 49 SS_POS 0x4088 (16520) => 0x0042 (66) stat_clr 19:14 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0025 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 52 GRA_SS_POS = 0x0000 19:15 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual good image move 414 (0x019e) steps forward, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0x1, 0x9e new GRA_SS_POs = 414 (0x19e) 19:20:53 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0026 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 52 GRA_SS_POS = 0x19e 19:22:20 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual stat_clr move 414 (0x19e) steps backwards: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x9e new GRA_S_POS = 0 (0) move 200 (0x0c8) steps backwards: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xc8 new GRA_S_POS = 0xff38 (65336) 19:28:10 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0027 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 52 GRA_SS_POS = 0xff38 19:29:33 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual stat_clr to clar MHC_IF_ERR move 100 (0x64) steps forward, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0x0, 0x64 new GRA_SS_POS = 0xff9c 19:34:00 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0028 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 19:34:33 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move 50 (0x32) steps forward, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0x0, 0x32 new GRA_SS_POS = 0xffce (65486) 19:38:50 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0029 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 19:40:15 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual 19:45:33 Dark image run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0030 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 19:47:07 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual trouble with IDL - no control of windows. Restarted IDL -seems ok now. Source opened to EIS again. Edit seq00 to take 5min exposure run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 19:59:58 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0031 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 20:05:30 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual good Edit seq00 to take 10min exposure run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 20:07:37 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON run ro_upper_ccd ; 10 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0032 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 20:18:06 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = lowMode enable -> manual a little brighter Shutting down source 20:22:44 Source = DARK run ro_upper_ccd ; 10 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0033 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) ccda_temp -42.20 deg C ccdb_temp -42.20 deg C icu_proc_temp +37.54 deg C 20:33:18 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual Edit seq00 to take 5min exposure run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 20:34:33 Source = DARK, near side portal open run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0034 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 20:40:06 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual 20:42:10 Source = DARK, near side portal open run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0035 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 20:47:44 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual -> standby 0.70A -> bakeout, I=0.29A run ccd_htrs ; 0.96A with CCD htr ON ccda_temp -38.18 deg C ccdb_temp -40.15 deg C run ccd_htrs run ccd_htrs 22:27 -> standby -> manual stat_clr run mhc_init SEQ_STOP = stopped, I=1.14A -> manual run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0036 PZT_SGO = 0x0614 (1556) 52 GRA_S_POS = 0 -> manual **** Neon SWB spectra doesn't look right so trying again **** edit seq00 for exp_time = 2 min run align_seqs 1 PZT_SGO = 0x0611 (1553) run ss_to_slot40 ; 49 SS_POS 0x0040 (64) => 0x4075 (16501) MHC_IF_ERR = 0x100 stat_clr 00:10 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON, current increased 350mA (was approx 200mA before) run ro_upper_ccd ; 2 mins, mip = 900, 40" slit, md_data.0037 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 52 GRA_SS_POS = 0x0 ; this is from "focused" (He) GRA_S_POS=414 as origin ; to -50 (Neon), which =0x0 now 00:12 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual can see some smudges in SWB (1st CCD screen) 00:10 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON, current increased 400mA edit seq.00 to give exp_time=5min run align_seqs run ss_to_slit1 ; 49 SS_POS 0x4075 (16501) => 0x004c (76) stat_clr 00:18:43 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0038 1 PZT_SGO = 0x611 (1553) 00:24:18 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual could not see any lines run ss_to_slit2 ; 49 SS_POS 0x004c (76)=> 0x8035 (32821) stat_clr 00:30:43 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 2" slit, md_data.0039 00:36:18 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual could not open md_data.0039 00:42:19 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 2" slit, md_data.0040 00:47 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual md_data.0040 has no data in file. Deleted cdrom.img - trying again 00:57:57 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 2" slit, md_data.0041 00:62 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual looks like we can see some lines on r-h-s of SWB (CCD-B) 1:15 Source Neon & Magnesium = ON, current increased 500mA 01:16:00 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 2" slit, md_data.0042 01:21 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual run ss_to_slit1 ; 49 SS_POS 0x8035 (32821)=> 0x0042 01:31:00 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0043 01:36 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual close off source to EIS. Source = DARK 01:42:12 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0044 spectra seen using IDL in direct mode 01:47 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move 100 (0x64) steps forward, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0x0, 0x64 new GRA_SS_POS = 0x64 (100) 01:59:30 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0045 02:05 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move 200 (0x0c8) steps backwards: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xc8 NAK_CNT=1 new GRA_SS_POS = 0xff9c (65436) 02:08 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0046 02:13 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual move 150 (0x96) steps forward, use: bytes 0x68, 0xA0, 0x0A, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0x0, 0x96 new GRA_SS_POS = 0x64 (50) Source Neon & Magnesium = ON, current increased 590mA 02:35 run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0047 02:41 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual 02:43 Source = DARK run ro_upper_ccd ; 5 mins, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0048 02:48 SEQ_STAT= stopped BUSY = low -> manual -> standby 03:33 cooling to EIS chamber turned OFF EGSE, ICU OFF ==================================================================== = MONDAY 8th March 2004 ============================================ ==================================================================== 10:35 EGSE ON, PSU ON set date/time on msslfp fsrun0101 set BUSY low instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) ccda_temp +17.18 deg C ccdb_temp +12.42 deg C icu_proc_temp +22.27 deg C eeprom 0 selected standby, 0.70A (st_data.0002) 10:41 Mode enable -> bakeout run ccd_htrs 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 12k25 SUS_B = 12K37 SUS_C = 12K21 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL ; no clamshell STR2 = OL ; no clamshell STR3 = OL ; no clamshell STR4 = 1k08 STR5 = 1k09 STR6 = 1k09 STR7 = 2R76 ; still not fitted ?? icu: STR8 = 1k08 STR9 = 1k08 10:48 ccda_temp +27.29 deg C ccdb_temp +27.13 deg C icu_proc_temp +24.48 deg C -> standby -> manual, 0.85A, pk 1.00A exit_default 10:50 Load Seq 31, Sel Seq 31 Auto qcm1 ack_cnt = 3 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x1000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x005e 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x01ef qcm2 ack_cnt = 5 record mhc parameters to file 58 H_QCM_STAT = 0x2000 59 QCM_RD_MS = 0x006c 60 QCM_RD_LS = 0x07b7 SEQ_STAT = stopped -> manual -> standby -> bakeout ccda_temp +24.01 deg C ccdb_temp +21.37 deg C icu_proc_temp +24.85 deg C 10:54 run ccd_htrs 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 12k25 ; approx 20 deg C SUS_B = 12K37 ; approx 20 deg C SUS_C = 12K20 ; approx 20 deg C HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL ; no clamshell STR2 = OL ; no clamshell STR3 = OL ; no clamshell STR4 = 1k08 STR5 = 1k09 STR6 = 1k09 STR7 = 2R78 ; still not fitted ?? icu: STR8 = 1k09 STR9 = 1k08 10:58 ; start ccda_temp +24.55 deg C ccdb_temp +22.09 deg C icu_proc_temp +25.97 deg C 11:23 ; end run ccd_htrs ccda_temp +27.22 deg C ccdb_temp +25.7 deg C icu_proc_temp +26.34 deg C 11:44 ; start ccda_temp +20.82 deg C ccdb_temp +17.12 deg C icu_proc_temp +27.47 deg C run ccd_htrs 11:48 ; end run ccd_htrs ccda_temp +30.92 deg C ccdb_temp +30.64 deg C icu_proc_temp +27.47 deg C -> standby 11:49 EGSE, ICU => OFF start vent of EIS chamber 13:09 lunch 10-11 Mar EIS back in clean room tunnel. Modification to ROE carried out. GW GPD SH ==================================================================== = FRIDAY 12th March 2004 =========================================== ==================================================================== Set up EGSE and ICU to test STR in clean room tunnel. MSSLFP shut down. 13:13 EGSE ON, PSU ON set date/time on msslfp fsrun0102 set BUSY low instrument on 28.0V 2.97A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot (st_data.0001) 13:14 ccda_temp +21.34 deg C ccdb_temp +17.82 deg C icu_proc_temp +21.90 deg C CAL: select FM PSU, CAM and load ccda_temp +20.08 deg C ccdb_temp +20.08 deg C icu_proc_temp +23.34 deg C 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 SUS_B = 11K62 SUS_C = 11K69 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL ; no clamshell STR2 = OL ; no clamshell STR3 = 1k088 ; no clamshell STR4 = OL STR5 = 1k093 STR6 = 1k090 STR7 = 3R2 ; still not fitted ?? icu: STR8 = 1k084 STR9 = 1k080 SUH_A = 477R SUH_B = 525R SUH_C = 515R eeprom 0 selected -> standby, 0.70A (st_data.0002) -> mode enable -> manual I=0.85A => 0.99A exit_default I=0.85A 13:33 run mhc_init ; SEQ_STOP = stopped, I=1.13A -> manual run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 edit seq00 to give 6 sec exposure time. Still using 1" slit. run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 13:37 source = lid over ROE section is open, but lights ON in clean room run ro_upper_ccd ; 6 sec, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0001 got CAM_IF_ERR = 0x18, during r/o I=1.27A SEQ_STAT = stopped BUSY => low -> manual -> stat_clr image is high contrast edit seq00 to give 1 sec exposure time. Still using 1" slit. run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 13:37 source = lid over ROE section is open, and light OFF in clean room run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 sec, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0002 got CAM_IF_ERR = 0x18, during r/o I=1.27A SEQ_STAT = stopped BUSY => low -> manual -> stat_clr image is high contrast change to 1" slit run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x0040 -> 0x0041) >run testseq1 ; SFT 30 sec exposure 13:59 -> AUTO ; md_data.0003 SEQ_STAT = stopped BUSY => low -> manual got CAM_IF_ERR = 0x18, during r/o I=1.27A -> stat_clr image is high contrast -> standby I= 0.70A ICU OFF check ICU harnessing Check harnessing, HSL loose on ICU Boot 0.29 Standby 0.70 Manual 0.85 - 1.00 Exit default CAM and MHC valid 0.85 load seq 04 and 05 sel seq04 auto 1.13A run testseq1 Auto 1.13-1.29 1.14 during data xfer md0004 level = 16383 in all pixels, rather than "noise" standby off boot 0.29A eeprom0 standby 0.70A mode enable manual 0.85 > 1.00A exit default run align_seqs run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 sec, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0004 seq stat aborted seq abort SHUTTER load seq 04 05 sel 05 Auto 1.13A -> manual closed lid over ROE completely, and covered radiator hole run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 sec, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0005 one ccd 3500 other 8000 load and run seq45 ll45 stims with 0sec exp 1.13 - 1.29 md_data.0006 Looks OK considering using different QL programme. Find typo in seq0 6 sec and 1sec not commented out try again with 1sec manual run align_seqs run ro_upper_ccd ; 1 sec, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0007 one 2000 two 1800 LOOKS REALLY GOOD!!!!! Try 0sec manual run align_seqs run ro_upper_ccd ; 0 sec, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0008 edit seq00 to give 60 sec exposure time. Still using 1" slit. -> manual run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 15:37 source = lids on, and light OFF in clean room run ro_upper_ccd ; 60 sec, mip = 900, 1" slit, md_data.0009 SEQ_STAT = stopped BUSY => low -> manual -> stat_clr run ss_to_slot40 ; 0x0041 => 0x406e ->standby .70A ICU red button OFF I=0.03A 15:59 EGSE off showed Steve how to boot up the system - last run was: fsrun0104 17:00 EGSE off **************************************************************** Sat 13 March 2004 AMJ (Charlie & Steve with EIS) 11:05 msslfp still on in the morning? started egse fsrun 105 Instrument on 28.0V 3.00A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.70 manula (fotgot to do mode ena) mode ena status clear manual 0.85 to 1.02 (readout) exit default run mhc_init run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x4080 -> 0x004F) standby moe ena manual standby 0.70A 11;40 manual run mhc_init run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0x004F -> 0x408e) manual standby 11;57 manual (0.85A to 1.01A) exit default run mhc_init run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x4080 -> 0x0045) manual standby (0.7A) NB changed to FM Calibrations and CCD temps are now exactly the same. status clear break for lunch (left in standby) 13:07 still in standby (0.70A) 13:29 manual (0.85A to 1.01A) exit default run mhc_init run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0x0040 -> 0x4087) manual standby (0.70A) 13:39 manual (0.85A to 1.01A) exit default run mhc_init run ss_to_slit1 (49 ss_pos 0x4080 -> 0x003B) manual (1.13A) standby (0.70A) FIRE ALARM!!!!! switch off instrument switch off PSU 15:36 Instrument on 28.0V 3.00A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby (0.70) 15:45 manual status clear mode enable (one day I'll remember this step) manual (0.85A to 1.01A) exit default run mhc_init run ss_to_slot40 (49 ss_pos 0x0040 -> 0x4073) manual standby (0.70A) MHC IF ERROR 0x110 noticed status clear 16:35 manual (0.85A to 1.01A) exit default run mhc_init manual standby (0.70A) ICU off PSU off EGSE off MSSLFP off ************************ 17 March 2004 SH, GW - Cleanroom MCRW - Control room 11:06 Egse pc on started egse fsrun0106 11:14 Instrument on 28.0V 3.00A On 0.03A Green button 0.29A Boot bytes 0x2b,0 standby 0.70 mode enable manual mode ena manual 0.85 to 1.02 (readout) exit default run mhc_init 1.13 heaters on 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 11k66 SUS_B = 11K62 11k58 SUS_C = 11K69 11k61 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.092k STR2 = OL 1.090k STR3 = 1k088 1.089k STR4 = OL 0L STR5 = 1k093 1k093 STR6 = 1k090 1k092 STR7 = 3R2 2r9 ; still not fitted ?? icu: STR8 = 1k084 1k087 STR9 = 1k080 1k082 SUH_A = 477R 477r SUH_B = 525R 525r SUH_C = 515R 514r 11:24 instrument appears to be off - not noticed when it happened current 0.03A turn instrument back on boot 0.29A select eeprom 0 standby 0.70A mode enable manual 0.85A, peak 1.02A exit default run mhc_init 0.90A shutter rotates, 1.13A heaters on 11:27 record mhc parameters 11:39 standby 0.70A 11:56 instrument off 0.03A Lunch ------------------- 13:11 turn instrument on boot 0.29A select eeprom 0 standby 0.70A mode enable manual 0.85A, peak 1.02A exit default standby 0.70A 14:27 manual 0.85A, peak 1.02A exit default run mhc_init 0.90A shutter rotates, 1.13A heaters on Clam shell testing - single step commands from actuator_test script 20 minute wait after opening a door before closing it again and putting the plunger back in Standby 0.70A CNP7 - cable removed Arming plug inserted manual 0.85A, peak 1.02A exit default run mhc_init 0.90A shutter rotates, 1.13A heaters on 14:35 # Parameter set - actuator arm timeout bytes 0x6F, 0xC0, 0x95, 0, 4, 0x69, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF Acked ok # Parameter set - actuator fire timeout bytes 0x6F, 0xC0, 0x95, 0, 4, 0x81, 0x81, 0xFF, 0xFF Acked ok (ack count 30) Record mhc parameters # Issue actuator arm prime number 1 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x8E, 0x81 Acked ok 56 ACT_ST = 0x0100 Small increase in 10 P5V_I # Issue actuator fire prime number 1 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0x18, 0x81 14:37:51 fired 1.31A 28v 56 ACT_ST = 0x0101 record mhc parameters 14:40 Inner door opened 14:41:55 # Issue actuator arm prime number 2 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x2E, 0x84 56 ACT_ST = 0x0401 1.31A 28V record mhc parameters # Issue actuator disarm bytes 0x56, 0x48, 0x84 act_st = 0 Screwing back the shroud # Issue actuator arm prime number 2 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x2E, 0x84 ack 35 act_st = 0x0400 Removing baffle as clam shell in the way Pushing plunger back in and locking it Inner door back in place 14:57:54 # Issue actuator fire prime number 2 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0xB8, 0x84 56 ACT_ST = 0x0404 28V current 1.14A small increase in 10 P5V_I 0x0591 record mhc parameters # Issue actuator disarm bytes 0x56, 0x48, 0x84 ACT_ST = 0 # Issue actuator arm prime number 3 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x06, 0x90 ack 38 15:07:53 # Issue actuator fire prime number 3 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0x90, 0x90 ack 39 act_st = 0x1010 28V current 1.31A small increase in 10 P5V_I record mhc parameters 15:10:48 Outer (sun side) door opened # Issue actuator disarm bytes 0x56, 0x48, 0x84 ACT_ST = 0 # Issue actuator arm backup number 1 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x4E, 0x82 ack 41 act_st 0x0200 15:15:53 # Issue actuator fire backup number 1 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0xD8, 0x82 act_st 0x0202 28v current = 1.31A 15:17:35 Inner door open # Issue actuator disarm bytes 0x56, 0x48, 0x84 ACT_ST = 0 ack 43 28v current 1.13A baffle removed to close outer door 15:27:03 Noted rise in 41 G2_TH10 thermistor reading and 40 G2_TH9 sometime in the past - maybe when doors opening 986 - 1068 status 3 packets (ie 1068 - 986) * 10 seconds ago 15:29 baffle off 15:33 baffle on, closing outer door 15:36 Closing inner door 15:37:18 # Issue actuator arm backup number 3 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0xC6, 0xA0 ACT_ST = 0x2000 15:37:53 # Issue actuator fire backup number 3 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0x50, 0xA0 ack 45 28v current = 1.31A act_st = 0x2020 2:50 outer opened # Issue actuator disarm bytes 0x56, 0x48, 0x84 ACT_ST = 0 ack 46 28v current 1.13A 15:44:15 standby 0.70A st_data.0004 Tea break ------------------------------------- 16:25 manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A run mhc_init 1.13A, heaters on 16:29:25 Open inner door - outer door already open from previous test # Issue actuator arm prime number 1 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x8E, 0x81 Ack 29 56 ACT_ST = 0x0100 Small increase in 10 P5V_I 16:30:45 # Issue actuator fire prime number 1 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0x18, 0x81 nack 1, error code 0x2100 28v current 1.13A 16:34:43 # Issue actuator disarm bytes 0x56, 0x48, 0x84 ACT_ST = 0 ack 30 28v current 1.13A Set timeouts ********* # Parameter set - actuator arm timeout bytes 0x6F, 0xC0, 0x95, 0, 4, 0x69, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF ack 31 # Parameter set - actuator fire timeout bytes 0x6F, 0xC0, 0x95, 0, 4, 0x81, 0x81, 0xFF, 0xFF ack 32 # Issue actuator arm prime number 1 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x8E, 0x81 Ack 33 56 ACT_ST = 0x0100 16:37:30 # Issue actuator fire prime number 1 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0x18, 0x81 act_st = 0x0101 28v current 1.31A 16:40:10 door opened no change in encoder status (51 AOPT_ENC_ST [=0]) # Issue actuator disarm bytes 0x56, 0x48, 0x84 ACT_ST = 0 ack 30 28v current 1.13A Have to send a parameter set command: PAR_ENC_ENA (enable paraffin actuator read) bytes 0x6F, 0xC0, 0x95, 0x00, 0x04, 0x69, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x01 16:57 send enable actuator read bytes 0x6F, 0xC0, 0x95, 0x00, 0x04, 0x69, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x01 ack 37 no change in 51 AOPT_ENC_ST (=0) holding door closed but not latched - no change in param 51 run trace_enable run dump_ptable_trace (mem_data.0000) trace reports encoders enabled check signals with dvm (rac) outer pinouts leds: pin 16: led+ pin 34: led ret phototransistor: pin 35: ret pin 18: open pin 36: closed nothing measured on phototransistor 17:18 closing outer door no change in hk (51 AOPT_ENC_ST = 0) pin 34 -> 35 +5v pin 35 -> 36 +5v pin 18 -> 35 +5v 17:24 # Issue actuator arm prime number 3 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x06, 0x90 ack 17:24:55 # Issue actuator fire prime number 3 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0x90, 0x90 act_st = 0x1010 28v current = 1.31A inner door pinouts phototransistor 29 ret 7 open 28 closed 17:27:50 door open # Issue actuator disarm bytes 0x56, 0x48, 0x84 ACT_ST = 0 current = 1.13A 35 -> 18 +5v (gnd - open +5v) inner gnd - closed +5v gnd - open +5v 17:36 -> standby -------------- 18:54 manual 0.86A, peak 1.02A exit default run mhc_init run trace_enable run dump_ptable_trace (mem_data.0001) trace reports encoders enabled send enable actuator read bytes 0x6F, 0xC0, 0x95, 0x00, 0x04, 0x69, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x01 enable encoders run trace_disable run trace_enable run dump_ptable_trace (mem_data.0002) mhc parameter 51 still showing 0 all dumps show encoders enabled lights off in clean room no change in encoder status short out pins 35 and 36 no change in encoder status standby 0.70A short 35,36 manual 0.85A, peak 1.02A exit default run mhc_init run trace_enable run dump_ptable_trace (mem_data.0001) trace reports encoders enabled send enable actuator read bytes 0x6F, 0xC0, 0x95, 0x00, 0x04, 0x69, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x01 parameter 51 still 0 short 35,18 nothing reported in status short 28,29 (inner door) no change in status 29,7 shorted no change in status 19:18 send disable actuator read bytes 0x6F, 0xC0, 0x95, 0x00, 0x04, 0x69, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x00 19:38 run trace_enable run enc_test no change in parameter 51 parameter set command sent no change to status parameter 19:43 standby 0.70A arming plug removed manual 0.85A, peak 1. connector not in standby 19:48 manual 0.85A, peak 1.02A exit default run mhc_init set timeouts # arm prime 3 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x06, 0x90 19:51:15 # Issue actuator fire prime number 3 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0x90, 0x90 main bus current 1.14A small increase in 10 P5V_I parameter 51 showing 0 19:54:15 door not open disarm # Issue actuator arm prime number 1 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x8E, 0x81 56 ACT_ST = 0x0100 19:56:15 # Issue actuator fire prime number 1 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0x18, 0x81 act_st = 0x0101 28v current 1.14A small increase in 10 P5V_I parameter 51 showing 0 19:59:15 door not open disarm # Issue actuator arm backup number 3 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0xC6, 0xA0 ACT_ST = 0x2000 20:00:35 # Issue actuator fire backup number 3 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0x50, 0xA0 28v current = 1.14A act_st = 0x2020 20:03:35 door not open disarm # Issue actuator arm backup number 1 bytes 0x5D, 0x28, 0x82, 0, 2, 0x4E, 0x82 act_st 0x0200 20:04:40 # Issue actuator fire backup number 1 bytes 0x5E, 0xA0, 0x05, 0, 2, 0xD8, 0x82 act_st 0x0202 28v current = 1.14A 20:07:40 door not open disarm standby 0.70A icu off egse off savers removed sometime after this and before 22/03/04 ********************************************** Actuator Door ----------------- Prime 1 Inner Prime 2 X Prime 3 Outer (sun-side) Prime 4 Backup 1 Inner Backup 2 Backup 3 Outer Backup 4 *********************************************** 22 March 2004 GW, JAT - cleanroom MCRW - controlrrom 08:56 icu connected up, cnp 1 - 6 arming plug in (cnp 7) Ground strap conne3cted to connector panel stud 09:03 egse computer on 09:07 egse on fsrun0107 09.12 running sft number ???? boot 0.29A select eeprom 0 standby 0.70A mode enable manual 0.85A, peak 1.02A exit default standby 0.70A 09:35 sft finished ok start mhc functional test 10:32 end of mhc functional test - ok ROE test procedure Seuence 45, ll 45 (stims, 0 second exp) 1.28A fsrun0107/md_data.0002 ok (dark current slope less than before) run vog_max_min cam parameters: 13 c6 14 d4 15 ed 10 9a 11 a0 12 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 14 a2 15 a3 10 c6 11 d2 12 ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 14 bc 15 ba 10 b1 11 ba 12 ba run sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure fsrun0107/md_data.0003, 4, 5 reset roe exit default run sequence 4 & 5 load seq 20, ll 20 fsrun0107/md_data.0006, 7, 8 10:49 standby 0.7A icu off egse off 17/3 22/3 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 11k66 11k24 SUS_B = 11K62 11k58 11k13 SUS_C = 11K69 11k61 11k21 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.092k 1.093k STR2 = OL 1.090k 1.092k STR3 = 1k088 1.089k 1.090k STR4 = OL 0L 0L STR5 = 1k093 1k093 1k110 STR6 = 1k090 1k092 1k115 STR7 = 3R2 2r9 1k109 icu: STR8 = 1k084 1k087 1k05 STR9 = 1k080 1k082 1k099 SUH_A = 477R 477r 477r SUH_B = 525R 525r 525r SUH_C = 515R 514r 514r ---------------------------------------- 13:39 GW - cleanroom JAT, MCRW - control room Harness cnp1 - cnp6 plugged in again 13:41 egse pc on egse started fsrun0108 13:45 instrument on 0.03A green button boot 0.29A select eeprom 0 standby 0.70A mode enable manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run mhc_init 1.13A, heaters on mhc parameter 73 RV_GAUGE reads 0x3ffc 1.19V (don't believe the engineering value at the moment - mcrw) Clam shell encoder testing 51 AOPT_ENC_ST showing 0 Update parameter table to enable encoders to be always on bytes 0x6f, 0xc0, 0x95, 0, 4, 0x69, 0xc3, 0, 0xff then send act_test_cmd bytes 0x55, 0xc0, 3 then test_cmd_enc bytes 0x77, 0, 0xaa, 0, 2, 0, 4 51 AOPT_ENC_ST showing: 0x0080 (which decodes to CLM_SUN closed) Parameter stays set Nothing about the other encoders 3.610e-1 run dump_ptable_trace (mem_data.0000) send act_test_cmd bytes 0x55, 0xc0, 3 test_cmd_enc bytes 0x77, 0, 0xaa, 0, 2, 0, 4 parameter 51 did not change Update parameter table to enable encoders to be always off bytes 0x6f, 0xc0, 0x95, 0, 4, 0x69, 0xc3, 0, 0 14:08 Turn on vacuum gauge bytes 0x75, 0x60, 0xA3, 0, 2, 0, 1 parameter 73 0x3095, 0.90V mbus 1.16A parameter 11 P15V_I goes up 0x01dd (0.28A) 14:14 parameter 73 0x30A8, 0.91V 14:22 Turn off vacuum gauge bytes 0x75, 0x60, 0xA3, 0, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF mbus current 1.16A parameter 73 0x3ffb (1.19V) 14:24 send act_test_cmd bytes 0x55, 0xc0, 3 test_cmd_enc bytes 0x77, 0, 0xaa, 0, 2, 0, 0 parameter 51 AOPT_ENC_ST still showing 0x0080 10 P5V_I drops slightly mbus showing 1.14A 14:26 turn on vacuum gauge bytes 0x75, 0x60, 0xA3, 0, 2, 0, 1 mbus 1.14A parameter 73 RV_GAUGE shows: 0x69D (0.12V) [AT AIR] 11 P15V_I increase (0x1DD 0.28A) 14:28 Pumping started (of clm shell vac) parameter 73 goes to 39E0 (1.08V) parameter 73 goes to 325C 0.94V slowly decays, becomes steady at 0x30a8, 0.91V 14:30 1.6e10-1 0x30a8 (0.91V) 14:32 6.8e10-2 0x30a9 (0.91V) 14:43 3.3e10-2 0x30a5 (0.91V) 14:47 1.26e10-1 0x30a5 (0.91V) 14:51 2.27e10-1 0x30a5 (0.91V) 2.79e10-1 0x30a5 (0.91V) 14:53 air 0x06a1 (0.12V) standby 0.70A icu off 0.003A mdp halt egse off pc off cnp 1 - 6 disconnected *************************************************** 29 March 2004 08:00 Instrument upacked at 3C 09:00 Clam shell vacuum 4.77E+1 (measured at 9 o'clock) Savers back in the connector panel 11:34 17/3 22/3 29/3 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 11k66 11k24 13k89 SUS_B = 11K62 11k58 11k13 13k83 SUS_C = 11K69 11k61 11k21 13k90 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.092k 1.093k 1.072k STR2 = OL 1.090k 1.092k 1.070k STR3 = 1k088 1.089k 1.090k 1.070k STR4 = OL 0L 0L 1.072k STR5 = 1k093 1k093 1k110 1.069k STR6 = 1k090 1k092 1k115 1.065k STR7 = 3R2 2r9 1k109 1.066k icu: STR8 = 1k084 1k087 1k05 1.069k STR9 = 1k080 1k082 1k099 1.065k SUH_A = 477R 477r 477r 476r SUH_B = 525R 525r 525r 524r SUH_C = 515R 514r 514r 513r 11:45 SFT test (fmsft_29_03) 12:09 SFT finished ok MHC functional test (mhc_ft_part1_29_03_04.doc, mhc_ft_part2_29_03_04.doc) 13:09 MHC functional test completed ok Camera ROE testing Stims - md_data.0002 Peak at ~12000, slope 555 -> 585 run vog_max_min cam parameters: Prev 29/03/04 13 c6 c6 14 d4 d4 15 ed ed 10 9a 9a 11 a0 a0 12 a3 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 9a 14 a2 a2 15 a3 a3 10 c6 c6 11 d2 d2 12 ed ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 b1 14 bc bc 15 ba ba 10 b1 b1 11 ba ba 12 ba ba run sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure fsrun0109/md_data.0003, 4, 5 reset roe exit default run sequence 4 & 5 load seq 20, ll 20 fsrun0109/md_data.0006, 7, 8 13:24 Camera roe tests finished ok Clam shell encoder testing 51 AOPT_ENC_ST showing 0 Update parameter table to enable encoders to be always on bytes 0x6f, 0xc0, 0x95, 0, 4, 0x69, 0xc3, 0, 0xff then send act_test_cmd bytes 0x55, 0xc0, 3 then test_cmd_enc bytes 0x77, 0, 0xaa, 0, 2, 0, 4 51 AOPT_ENC_ST showing: 0x0080 (which decodes to CLM_SUN closed) Parameter stays set Nothing about the other encoders turn on vacuum gauge parameter 73 RV_GAUGE shows: 0x31FD (0.93V) [AT partial vacuum] bytes 0x75, 0x60, 0xA3, 0, 2, 0, 1 mbus 1.17A parameter 73 RV_GAUGE shows: 0x31FD (0.93V) [AT partial vacuum] turn off vacuum gauge bytes 0x75, 0x60, 0xA3, 0, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF parameter 73 RV_GAUGE shows: 0x3FFB (1.19V) [AT partial vacuum] 11 P15V_1 decreases (0x016B 0,21A) mbus 1.17A 13:33 standby icu off lunch ------------------------------ 14:23 egse pc off 14:43 egse pc on - fsrun0110 14:45 icu on 0.29A, boot select eeprom 0 standby 0.70A 15:01 st_data.0001 manual 0.86, 1.01A peak exit default load seq 4, 5, 16, 30, ll16 init mhc, 0.91A shutter, 1.14A heaters on run seq30 1.41A run seq16 15:06 Radiated noise test start 15:12 manual 1.42A standby 0.71A run reset_icu 0.29A 15:16 icu off 15:25 icu on 0.30A eeprom 0 standby 0.70A manual 0.86A exit default 15:31 standby 0.70A make up heaters off 15:34 run camon 0.60A exit default 15:37 run camoff 15:40 run mhcon 0.51A emc run number 6 15:44 run mhcoff 15:45 manual 0.86A exit default load seq 4, 5, 16, 30, ll16 init mhc, 0.91A shutter, 1.14A heaters on run seq30 1.41A run seq16 emc run #7 15:55 Change antennas (to log periodical from bi-conical), horizontal polarization 15:57 emc run #8 16:03 Change polarity to vertical 16:06 emc run #10 (#9 does not exist) 16:11 Change antenna to horn (drg) antenna over the centre section of the structure (ie over the roe and mhc). Vertical orientation. 16:22 emc run #11 16:26 Change to horizontal poloarization 16:27 emc run #12 16:32 emc run #13 16:52 emc run #14 - notch, horizontal polarity aborted, repeat 16:56 emc run #14 - notch, horizontal polarity 17:10 aborted 17:16 Repeat emc run #14 17:35 egse stopped Run aborted Panic! egse pc off, rebooted /data 100% full fsrun0109 & fsrun0110 moved to /data1/eis/archive/ icu off Background scan done in the meantime emc a1 (ambient) 17:50 egse pc up new run started - fsrun0111 18:18 Background finished egse started icu on, boot 0.30A eeprom 0 standby 0.70A manual 0.86A exit default load seq 4, 5, 16, 30, ll16 init mhc, 0.91A shutter, 1.14A heaters on run seq30 1.41A 18:23 run seq16 18:25 emc run #14 - notch, horizontal polarity 18:35 manual 1.42A (to stop disk full problems) Antenna to vertical 18:37 auto emc run #15 18:48 manual 1.42A auto Peak seen in 2G notch drifts by -100Hz / min compared to prn file 18:57 manual 1.41A - peak still there standby 0.71A, peak gone make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 bytes 0x36,0 run camon peak appears exit default 0.60A run camoff peak disappears run mhcon no peak run mhcoff 19:00 antenna centered on the icu 19:02 manual 0.86A exit default select sequence 16 standby peak seen lower down in both standby & manual 19:05 manual exit default mhc not valid standby 19:06 manual 0.86A, 1.01A exit default hk valid run mhc_init run seq30 select seq16 19:08 auto emc run #16 - notch, vertical polarity 19:18 manual 1.40A 19:20 Orientation to horizontal 19:23 auto emc run #17 - notch, horizontal 19:33 manual horizontal over icu, no notch 19:35 auto emc run #18 19:41 manual vertical over icu, no notch 19:43 auto emc run #19 19:46 manual standby icu off egse pc off ********************************************* ------------ Sequence and line list used in the emc testing ------------ $sequence_number = 16; sequence_id(0x0074) sequence_repeats(1) # Set CAM y-start to 512 eis_cam_prog_csg_win(0x03,0x0,0x0c,0x82) eis_cam_prog_csg_win(0x83,0x0,0x0c,0x00) # Set CAM y-height to 512 eis_cam_prog_csg_win(0x03,0x0,0x14,0x92) eis_cam_prog_csg_win(0x83,0x0,0x14,0x00) # sci_ops goes here xrt_flare_trigger = disable eis_aec = disable eis_event_trigger = disable eis_flare_trigger = disable eis_sci_op(xrt_flare_trigger, eis_aec, eis_event_trigger, eis_flare_trigger) #eis_slit_slot_manual() id = 0xF00D mip = 0 loop_cntr = 100 data_comp = 0 ocb_x = 1 ocb_y = 1 flush_seq_id = 2 num_flush = 5 exp_per_ras_pos = 1 asrc_ctl = 0 ro_node = 0xF ras_repeats = 4095 asrc_skip = 0 ro_seq_id = 3 mirror_step = 5 line_list = 16 #sci_op is implicitly handled by run_raster. No need to include as parameter eis_run_raster(id, mip, loop_cntr, data_comp, ocb_x, ocb_y, flush_seq_id, num_flush, exp_per_ras_pos, asrc_ctl, ro_node, ras_repeats, asrc_skip, ro_seq_id, mirror_step, line_list) here: # 0 second exposure #exp_time_10ms = 0 * 100 # 1 second exposure exp_time_10ms = 1 * 100 # 6 second exposure #exp_time_10ms = 6 * 100 # 20 second exposure #exp_time_10ms = 20 * 100 # 60 second exposure # exp_time_10ms = 60 * 100 # 2 min exposure #exp_time_10ms = 2 * 60 * 100 # 5 minute exposure #exp_time_10ms = 300 * 100 # 10 minute exposure #exp_time_10ms = 10 * 60 * 100 eis_start_exp(exp_time_10ms) eis_set_seq_loop("here") eis_stop_seq(16) -------- $ll_number = 16; # Length will be supplied by ll_translate ccd_ro_node = 3 num_windows = 4 # Checksum will be supplied by ll_translate; ccd_length = 2148 x_ws = 50 x_w = 1024 y_ws = 512 y_w = 0x200 # Software windows header = 3 xs = 50 x_len = 1024 header = 2 xs = 1074 x_len = 1024 header = 1 xs = 50 x_len = 1024 header = 0 xs = 1074 x_len = 1024 ------------------------ 30 March 2004 08:07 egse pc on fsrun0112, fsrun0113 missing - scsim unable to make directory on /data1 fsrun0114 started 08:12 icu on 0.29A eeprom 0 selected standby 0.70A manual 0.86A, peak 1.02A exit default valid hk 0.87A run mhc_init run seq30 1.41A load seq16, ll16 select seq16 changed loop_counter to 10 in seq.16 compile, reload 08:28 rod antenna, radiated emissions auto emc run #20 repeat emc run #20 08:37 repeat emc run #20 08:40 manual sweep performed to confirm readings 08:42 manual auto 08:45 manual 1.41A emc run #21 08:49 standby 0.71A emc run #22 08:53 icu off 0.03A mdp left running emc run #a2 (ambient) 08:58 power supply off emc run #a3 09:04 egse pc off emc run #a4 (camera in pit still on.) 09:07 pit camera off, tv off emc run #a5 coffee break, ferrite hunt 09:35 egse pc on archive changed to local fpdata 09:36 icu on eeprom 0 standby manual exit default run mhc_int run seq30 run seq16 disconnect utp emc run #23 mission data not shipping? 09:52 manual 09:59 standby icu off egse pc off 10:10 egse pc on - fsrun0116 10:33 Transient measurements on main power bus. Boot 11:10 eeprom 0 standby bakeout run bakeout standby 11:11 bakeout run bakeout standby 11:12 bakeout run bakeout standby 11:16 manual exit default 11:17 standby 11:18 manual exit default 11:20 standby icu off 11:34 icu on eeprom 0 standby manual run mhc_int load seq.30 11:37 run seq30 11:38 auto manual run mhc_htr_off auto manual 11:40 run mhc_htr_off auto manual run mhc_htr_off auto manual run mhc_htr_off 11:41 auto manual run mhc_htr_off auto manual run mhc_htr_off 11:46 run actuator_test saw str1 go up with the 3rd heater turned on (prime #2?) 11:54 run fm_gra_test 11:57 run mir_test 12:01 run slit_slot_test first move nacked, ec = 0x4000 third move nacked, ec = 0x4000 fourth move nacked, ec = 0x4000 12:07 standby icu off 12:09 icu on eeprom 0 standby manual exit default hk valid run mhc_init load & run seq30 load & run seq16, ll16 busy low 12:11 auto 12:25 manual 12:29 standby icu off mdp halt ------------- 13:57 New egse run - fsrun0117 Updated status request table icu on eeprom 0 standby manual exit default run mhc_init 16:31 mdp go 16:38 mdp halt 16:46 mdp go icu on eeprom 0 standby manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq17 emc1.pl logfile con_sus.log 30Hz -> 10kHz, 0.3v auto 16:54 manual 17:01 auto 17:24 manual standby icu off mdp halt 15:53 conducted sus test - running at 3v peak to peak instead of 0.3 30Hz to 10kHz mdp go icu on eeprom 0 standby manual exit default cam_vf invalid exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq17 emc1.pl log con_sus1.log 30Hz -> 10kHz sweep, 3v auto 18:14 manual 18:16 30Hz -> 1kHz sweep, current limit 1A rms, 3v pk to pk during sweep emc1.pl log 2332 con_sus2.log auto 860 mA @ 130 Hz worst seen 18:24 manual standby icu off mdp halt 19:00 EMC document test number: 7.5 (1) emc1.pl log 2588 con_sus3.log mdp go icu on new_st st_data.0004 eeprom 0 standby manual exit default new_st st_data.0005 run mhc_init 19:04 run mhc_htr_off run seq17 (auto) 19:13 manual - abort to do test calibration standby icu off mdp halt 19:56 EMC document test number: 7.5 (1) 150kHz -> 10MHz, 1.5v pk to pk, emc1.pl log 2897 con_sus4.log mdp go icu on eeprom 0 standby manual exit default new_st st_data.0007 run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off 20:00 run seq17 (auto) 20:09 manual 20:13 EMC document test number: 7.5 (1) 150kHz -> 10MHz, 1v pk to pk, emc1.pl log 3219 con_sus5.log run seq17 (auto) 20:37 manual standby 20:39 icu off egse pc off ************************************** 31 March 2004 09:00 egse pc on run FSRUN0118 09:35 mdp go icu on eeprom 0 standby enable mode manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17 EMC document test number: 7.5 (1) 10kHz -> 15kHz, 3v pk to pk, emc1.pl log 1 con_sus6.log auto 09:41 manual 09:46 EMC document test number: 7.5 (1) 15kHz -> 150kHz, start at 3v pk to pk, end at 1.5v emc1.pl log 98 con_sus7.log auto 09:53 manual 09:56 EMC document test number: 7.5 (1) 150kHz -> 500+kHz, 1.5v emc1.pl log 349 con_sus8.log auto 10:02 manual 10:08 EMC document test number: 7.5 (1) 400kHz -> 1MHz, 1.5v emc1.pl log 562 con_sus9.log auto 10:13 manual 10:17 EMC document test number: 7.5 (1) 1Hz -> 5MHz, 1.5v emc1.pl log 769 con_sus10.log auto 10:22 manual 10:25 EMC document test number: 7.5 (1) 5MHz -> 10MHz, 1.5v emc1.pl log 972 con_sus11.log auto 10:31 manual standby 10:32 icu off mdp halt 10:38 mdp go icu on eeprom 0 standby enable mode manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17 new_st st_data.0004 10:41 EMC document test number: 7.5 (1) 5MHz -> 10MHz, 1.5v, cap noise emc1.pl log 1193 con_sus12.log auto 10:47 manual standby icu off mdp halt 11:25 mdp go icu on eeprom 0 standby enable mode 12:07 icu off mdp halt psu left on, output off new run started FSRUN0119 13:47 icu on mdp go busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17 new_st st_data.0001 13:52 Radiated susceptibility 30MHz -> 230Mhz, 10v/m vertical component EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1 rad_sus.log auto 14:15 manual missing modulation on sweep 14:18 Radiated susceptibility 30MHz -> 230Mhz, 10v/m vertical component EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 871 rad_sus1.log auto 14:41 manual test finished 14:49 Radiated susceptibility 30MHz -> 230Mhz, 10v/m vertical component EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1688 rad_sus2.log new_st st_data.0002 auto 15:13 manual test finished new_st st_data.0003 EMC document test number: 7.9 investigate some frequencies emc1.pl log 2526 rad_sus3.log 15:38 manual change polarity 15:45 Radiated susceptibility 30MHz -> 230Mhz, 10v/m horizontal component EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1688 rad_sus4.log new_st st_data.0003 auto 16:22 manual test finished emc1.pl log 4594 rad_sus5.log manual investigation of noise new_st st_data.0004 16:41 auto 16:37 manual standby icu off calibrate next frequency range New egse run started FSRUN0120 17:49 mdp go icu on busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17 new_st st_data.0003 17:55 Radiated susceptibility 200MHz -> 1Ghz, 1khz pulse modulation, 5v/m vertical component EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1 rad_sus6.log auto 18:09 manual end of test Polarity change Radiated susceptibility 200MHz -> 1Ghz, 1khz pulse modulation, 5v/m horizontal component EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1 rad_sus7.log new_st st_data.0004 18:15 auto 18:29 manual end of test standby 18:32 icu off mdp halt Setup and calibration for next range 19:29 mdp go icu on busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17 new_st st_data.0006 19:32 Radiated susceptibility 1GHz -> 2.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component centred on the mirror EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1029 rad_sus8.log auto 19:34 abort test manual 19:37 new_st st_data.0007 Radiated susceptibility 1GHz -> 2.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component centred on the mirror EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1029 rad_sus8.log auto 19:46 manual end of test 19:37 new_st st_data.0008 Radiated susceptibility 1GHz -> 2.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component, 1khz pulse modulation centred on the mirror EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1348 rad_sus9.log auto 20:00 manual end of test Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, notch, 6v/m horizontal component centred on mirror 20:02 new_st st_data.0009 EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1348 rad_sus10.log auto 20:06 manual end of test Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, notch, 6v/m vertical component centred on mirror, pulse mod 20:10 new_st st_data.0010 EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1810 rad_sus11.log auto 20:15 manual end of test Radiated susceptibility 1GHz -> 2.5GHz, 5v/m vertical component centred on mirror, pulse mod new_st st_data.0011 EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1810 rad_sus12.log auto 20:25 manual end of test 20:31 Radiated susceptibility 1GHz -> 2.5GHz, 5v/m vertical component centred on mhc, pulse mod new_st st_data.0012 EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 2252 rad_sus13.log auto 20:37 manual end of test 20:40 Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, 6v/m vertical component centred on mhc, pulse mod, notch new_st st_data.0013 EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 2252 rad_sus14.log auto 20:44 manual end of test standby icu off mdp halt egse off ************************************************** 01 April 2004 08:00 egse on FSRUN0121 08:04 icu on busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17 new_st st_data.0001 Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, 6v/m horizontal component centred on mhc, pulse mod, notch EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1 rad_sus15.log auto 08:11 manual test finished new_st st_data.0002 Radiated susceptibility 1GHz -> 2.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component centred on mhc, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 149 rad_sus16.log auto 08:23 manual end of test 08:28 new_st st_data.0003 Radiated susceptibility 1GHz -> 2.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component centred on icu, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 437 rad_sus17.log auto 08:32 egse stopped msslfp unpingable icu in auto still? (0.86A) 08:37 egse pc reset psu current 0.71A, standby/emergency? 08:45 egse restarted FSRUN0122 icu mode in emergency 08:49 busy low standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17 new_st st_data.0001 08:51 Radiated susceptibility 1GHz -> 2.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component centred on icu, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1 rad_sus18.log auto 08:59 manual test finished 09:00 Repeat test new_st st_data.0002 emc1.pl log 1 rad_sus19.log auto 09:09 manual test finished new_st st_data.0003 Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, 6v/m horizontal component, notch centred on icu, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 571 rad_sus20.log auto 09:15 manual end of test change polarity 09:17 new_st st_data.0004 Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, 6v/m vertical component, notch centred on icu, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 710 rad_sus21.log auto 09:21 manual end of test 09:23 new_st st_data.0005 Radiated susceptibility 1GHz -> 2.5GHz, 5v/m vertical component centred on icu, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 855 rad_sus22.log auto 09:31 manual end of test standby icu off mdp halt Change setup Calibrate setup 10:47 icu on mdp go busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17 new_st st_data.0006 10:53 Radiated susceptibility 2.4GHz -> 8.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component centred on mirror, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1143 rad_sus23.log auto 10:56 manual test aborted 11:23 new_st st_data.0007 Radiated susceptibility 2.4GHz -> 8.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component centred on mirror, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1234 rad_sus24.log auto 11:36 egse pc crash icu in emergency pc reboot FSRUN0123 mdp go busy low standby manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17 new_st st_data.0001 12:09 Radiated susceptibility 2.4GHz -> 8.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component centred on mirror, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1 rad_sus25.log auto 12:23 manual end of test 12:29 new_st st_data.0002 Radiated susceptibility 8.45GHz -> 8.47GHz, 16v/m horizontal component centred on mirror, pulse mod, notch EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 534 rad_sus26.log auto 12:31 manual end of test 12:35 new_st st_data.0003 Radiated susceptibility 8.45GHz -> 8.47GHz, 16v/m vertical component centred on mirror, pulse mod, notch EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 634 rad_sus27.log auto 12:37 manual end of test 12:41 new_st st_data.0004 Radiated susceptibility 2.4GHz -> 8.5GHz, 5v/m vertical component centred on mirror, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 733 rad_sus28.log auto 12:55 manual end of test 12:59 new_st st_data.0005 Radiated susceptibility 2.4GHz -> 8.5GHz, 5v/m vertical component centred on mhc, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1227 rad_sus29.log auto 13:12 manual end of test 13:16 new_st st_data.0006 Radiated susceptibility 8.45GHz -> 8.47GHz, 16v/m vertical component centred on mhc, pulse mod, notch EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1227 rad_sus30.log auto 13:18 manual test finished 13:21 new_st st_data.0007 Radiated susceptibility 8.45GHz -> 8.47GHz, 16v/m horizontal component centred on mhc, pulse mod, notch EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1833 rad_sus31.log auto 13:23 manual end of test 13:27 new_st st_data.0008 Radiated susceptibility 2.4GHz -> 8.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component centred on mhc, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 1934 rad_sus32.log auto 13:40 manual test finished 13:44 new_st st_data.0009 Radiated susceptibility 2.4GHz -> 8.5GHz, 5v/m horizontal component centred on icu, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 2426 rad_sus33.log auto 13:56 manual test finished 13:59 new_st st_data.0010 Radiated susceptibility 8.45GHz -> 8.47GHz, 16v/m horizontal component centred on icu, pulse mod, notch EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 2916 rad_sus34.log auto 14:02 manual test finished 14:05 new_st st_data.0011 Radiated susceptibility 8.45GHz -> 8.47GHz, 16v/m vertical component centred on icu, pulse mod, notch EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 3051 rad_sus35.log auto 14:07 manual test finished 14:10 new_st st_data.0012 Radiated susceptibility 2.4GHz -> 8.5GHz, 5v/m vertical component centred on icu, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 3136 rad_sus36.log auto 14:24 manual test finished 14:27 new_st st_data.0013 Background (EMC document test number: 7.9) emc1.pl log 3685 rad_sus37.log auto 14:38 manual test finished new_st st_data.0014 Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, 6v/m vertical component, notch centred on icu, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 710 rad_sus38.log auto 14:50 manual test finished 14:52 new_st st_data.0015 Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, 6v/m horizontal component, notch centred on icu, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 4219 rad_sus39.log auto 14:56 manual test finished 14:59 new_st st_data.0016 Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, 6v/m horizontal component, notch centred on mhc, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 4368 rad_sus40.log auto 15:03 manual test finished 15:06 new_st st_data.0017 Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, 6v/m vertical component, notch centred on mhc, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 4521 rad_sus41.log auto 15:10 manual test finished 15:13 new_st st_data.0018 Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, 6v/m vertical component, notch centred on mirror, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 4677 rad_sus42.log auto 15:17 manual end of test 15: new_st st_data.0019 Radiated susceptibility 2.2GHz -> 2.3GHz, 6v/m horizontal component, notch centred on mirror, pulse mod EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 4831 rad_sus43.log auto 15:23 manual end of test standby mdp halt 15:53 Calibration 16:41 mdp go icu on busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17, select seq17 16:47 new_st st_data.0021 Radiated susceptibility 30MHz -> 100Mhz, 5v/m vertical component EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 4982 rad_sus44.log emc run31 auto 17:00 manual 17:03 new_st st_data.0022 Radiated susceptibility 30MHz -> 100Mhz, 5v/m horizontal component EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 5441 rad_sus45.log emc run32 auto 17:11 cam powered off manual standby 17:12 manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off sel seq17 17:16 auto 17:20 manual Moved field sensor position to ontop of the structure, 30cms above the groundplane 17: new_st st_data.0023 Radiated susceptibility 30MHz -> 100Mhz, 5v/m horizontal component EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 5864 rad_sus46.log emc run33 auto cam off 17:43 manual standby 17:44 manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17, select seq17 17:47 new_st st_data.0024 Radiated susceptibility 30MHz -> 100Mhz, 5v/m horizontal component EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl log 6134 rad_sus47.log emc run34 auto 18:02 manual 18:05 new_st st_data.0025 Radiated susceptibility 30MHz -> 100Mhz, 5v/m vertical component, active EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl 6682 log rad_sus48.log emc run35 auto 18:20 manual 18:23 new_st st_data.0026 Radiated susceptibility 69Mhz, 5v/m vertical component, active EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl 7238 log rad_sus49.log emc run36 auto 18:30 manual end of test 18:31 run reset_icu mdp halt close down egse start new egse run FSRUN0124 18:34 mdp go 18:51 busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17, select seq17 19:06 new_st st_data.0001 Radiated susceptibility 14kHz -> 30MHz 10v/m, active EMC document test number: 7.9 emc1.pl 1 log rad_sus50.log emc run37 auto 19:24 manual test paused at 1MHz new_st st_data.0002 19:28 new_st st_data.0003 emc1.pl 703 log rad_sus51.log auto 20:13 manual test finished 20: new_st st_data.0004 Radiated susceptibility 21.16MHz 10v/m, active, sniff emc1.pl 2350 log rad_sus52.log emc run37 auto 20:27 manual test finished standby icu off mdp halt egse pc off *********************************** 02 April 04 MSSLFP out of pit into control room 08:10 egse pc on FSRUN0125 cable test 08:19 busy low icu on eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default 08:25 standby icu off mdp halt reroute harnesses 08:44 mdp go 08:49 icu on busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17, select seq17 08:57 standby icu off mdp halt 09:11 mdp go busy low 09:20 icu on 280mA on ammeter for the instrument powered from their waveform generator (at 28v) eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17, select seq17 09:26 Susceptibility to transient voltage, test #7.6, case 1, case 2 (4 positive pulses) (4 negative pulses) new_st st_data.0004 emc1.pl log 1 vol_sus.log auto 09:38 manual 09:43 repeat test new_st st_data.0005 emc1.pl log 454 vol_sus1.log auto new_st st_data.0006 for test 7.8 15ms @ 16v negative pulse restart eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17, select seq17 09:52 new_st st_data.0007 test 7.8 15ms @ 16v pulse negative auto md_data.0635 first mission data icu crash - last md md_data.0677 eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17, select seq17 09:56 new_st st_data.0008 test 7.8 100ms @ 0v auto md_data.0677 first mission data last md_data.0703 eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17, select seq17 10:00 new_st st_data.0009 test 7.8 100ms @ 0v auto md_data.0704 first mission data last md_data.0723 10:01 eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load seq.17, ll.17, select seq17 10:04 manual last md md_data.0804 standby iicu off mdp halt 10:17 mdp go 10:23 busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off load & run seq.30 load seq.16, ll.16 run seq16 Radiative emission testing ------------------------- Rod antenna 10:27 new_st st_data.0020 Test 7.4, instrument set up as in 7.2 emc1.pl log 805 rad_em.log auto 10:34 manual standby icu off psu off egse off detach mdp harness from patch panel ambient sweep emc run 2673-2a 10:41 camera off in chamber camera feed through cables unplugged ambient sweep emc run 2673-3a (?) 10:51 phones off cable unconnected (receiver) ambient sweep emc run 2673-4a (?) 10:56 cable connected (receiver) ambient sweep emc run 2673-5a (?) 11:00 icu psu in chamber on, output off ambient sweep emc run 2673-6a (?) 11:05 icu psu in chamber on, output on ambient sweep emc run 2673-7a (?) 11:28 linear icu psu in chamber on, output on ambient sweep emc run 2673-8a (?) 11:31 linear icu psu in chamber on, output on harness connected, egse pc off (ethernet cable still in) ambient sweep emc run 2673-9a (?) 11:37 linear icu psu in chamber on, output on harness connected, egse pc off (ethernet cable disconnected) ambient sweep emc run 2673-10a (?) 11:41 linear icu psu in chamber on, output on harness disconnected, egse pc off (ethernet cable disconnected) ambient sweep emc run 2673-11a (?) 11:45 linear icu psu in chamber on, output on harness disconnected, egse pc off (ethernet cable disconnected) pc power lead removed ambient sweep emc run 2673-12a (?) 11:58 linear icu psu in chamber on, output on harness connected, egse pc off (ethernet cable disconnected) pc power lead in mains 3 turns on ferrite + absorbing clamp + turkey foil (tesco brand) pc psu on ambient sweep emc run 2673-13a (?) 12:05 linear icu psu in chamber on, output on harness connected, egse pc off (ethernet cable disconnected) pc power lead in mains 3 turns on ferrite + absorbing clamp + turkey foil (tesco brand) pc on ambient sweep emc run 2673-14a (?) 12:05 linear icu psu in chamber on, output on harness connected, egse pc off (ethernet cable disconnected) pc power lead in mains 3 turns on ferrite + absorbing clamp + turkey foil (tesco brand) pc on ethernet connected both ends ambient sweep emc run 2673-15a (?) 12:13 egse started FSRUN0126 mdp go icu on 12:16 busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init load & run seq.30 load seq.16, ll.16 run seq16 12:21 run reset_icu sweep emc run 2673-16 12:25 eeprom 0 standby sweep emc run 2673-17 12:30 mode enable exit default manual run mhc_init load & run seq.30 load seq.16, ll.16 sweep emc run 2673-18 12:35 auto sweep emc run 2673-19 12:39 manual standby icu off mdp halt All instrument harnesses wrapped in even more Tescos foil and grounded 12:47 mdp go icu on busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init load & run seq.30 load seq.16, ll.16 run seq16 sweep emc run 2673-20 12:54 manual standby icu off mdp halt Harnesses between icu & structure wrapped in Tescos foil and grounded 12:59 mdp go icu on busy low eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init load & run seq.30 load seq.16, ll.16 run seq16 sweep emc run 2673-21 13:05 manual icu - structure harness grounded in the middle 13:08 auto sweep emc run 2673-22 13:12 manual sweep emc run 2673-23 (NB: mdpsim using the modified status polling table in all tests) 13:17 standby sweep emc run 2673-24 13:22 icu off psu output on mdp halt egse on sweep emc run 2673-25 13:28 Change to bi-con antenna (30Mhz - 200MHz) - horizontal Ambient icu off psu output on egse on sweep emc run 2673-26 13:46 Change to vertical Ambient icu off psu output on egse on sweep emc run 2673-27 13:51 mdp go busy low icu on eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init load & run seq.30 load seq.16, ll.16 run seq16 auto sweep emc run 2673-28 13:57 manual sweep emc run 2673-29 14:04 change to horizontal manual sweep emc run 2673-30 14:07 auto sweep emc run 2673-31 14:10 manual standby icu off mdp halt Change to vertical orientation egse left on ambient sweep emc run 2673-31 14:14 Change to log periodic 200M - 1G yagi Horizontal orientation ambient sweep emc run 2673-32 14:27 mdp go busy low icu on eeprom 0 standby mode enable manual exit default run mhc_init load & run seq.30 load seq.16, ll.16 run seq16 auto sweep emc run 2673-33 14:32 manual sweep emc run 2673-34 14:38 Change to vertical orientation manual sweep emc run 2673-35 14:45 auto sweep emc run 2673-36 14:49 manual standby icu off mdp halt 14:50 egse left on ambient sweep emc run 2673-37 14:56 egse off end of testing --------------------------------------- 15:07 Clam shell vacuum measured at 1.17E+2 torr Pack up and go ************************************** 6 April 2004 Savers removed from connector panel and tv harness directly plugged in. ************************************** 7 April 2004 EIS moved from tunnel, single bagged and moved to TV facility on a trolley. Cover on clam shell vacuum port removed together with green control knob. Eye bolt removed. Harnesses attached to through port in flange, earth connected and temperature sensors plugged in. 11:00 instrument in RAL vacuum chamber egse pc on FSRUN0127 17/3 22/3 29/3 07/4 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 11k66 11k24 13k89 12k59 SUS_B = 11K62 11k58 11k13 13k83 12k64 SUS_C = 11K69 11k61 11k21 13k90 12k54 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.092k 1.093k 1.072k 1.086k STR2 = OL 1.090k 1.092k 1.070k 1.087k STR3 = 1k088 1.089k 1.090k 1.070k 1.082k STR4 = OL 0L 0L 1.072k 1.088k STR5 = 1k093 1k093 1k110 1.069k 1.087k STR6 = 1k090 1k092 1k115 1.065k 1.084k STR7 = 3R2 2r9 1k109 1.066k 1.084k icu: STR8 = 1k084 1k087 1k05 1.069k 1.081k STR9 = 1k080 1k082 1k099 1.065k 1.076k SUH_A = 477R 477r 477r 476r 477r SUH_B = 525R 525r 525r 524r 525r SUH_C = 515R 514r 514r 513r 514r 11:26 Perform SFT (SFT_07_Apr_04.doc) 11:48 SFT finished OK icu off egse pc off 12:40 TV chamber door closed. 13:55 GC starts roughing the chamber ************************************************* 13 Apr 04 JAT, MCRW 08:02 egse pc on FSRUN0128 17/3 22/3 29/3 07/4 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 11k66 11k24 13k89 12k59 12k170 SUS_B = 11K62 11k58 11k13 13k83 12k64 12k35 SUS_C = 11K69 11k61 11k21 13k90 12k54 12k12 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.092k 1.093k 1.072k 1.086k 1.087k STR2 = OL 1.090k 1.092k 1.070k 1.087k 1.085k STR3 = 1k088 1.089k 1.090k 1.070k 1.082k 1.083k STR4 = OL 0L 0L 1.072k 1.088k 1.087k STR5 = 1k093 1k093 1k110 1.069k 1.087k 1.087k STR6 = 1k090 1k092 1k115 1.065k 1.084k 1.085k STR7 = 3R2 2r9 1k109 1.066k 1.084k 1.085k icu: STR8 = 1k084 1k087 1k05 1.069k 1.081k 1.080k STR9 = 1k080 1k082 1k099 1.065k 1.076k 1.075k SUH_A = 477R 477r 477r 476r 477r 477r SUH_B = 525R 525r 525r 524r 525r 525r SUH_C = 515R 514r 514r 513r 514r 514r 08:20 SFT performed SFT_13_apr_04.doc 08:40 end of sft 17/3 22/3 29/3 07/4 13/04 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 11k66 11k24 13k89 12k59 12k170 11k95 SUS_B = 11K62 11k58 11k13 13k83 12k64 12k35 12k25 SUS_C = 11K69 11k61 11k21 13k90 12k54 12k12 11k95 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.092k 1.093k 1.072k 1.086k 1.087k 1.086k STR2 = OL 1.090k 1.092k 1.070k 1.087k 1.085k 1.085k STR3 = 1k088 1.089k 1.090k 1.070k 1.082k 1.083k 1.082k STR4 = OL 0L 0L 1.072k 1.088k 1.087k 1.087k STR5 = 1k093 1k093 1k110 1.069k 1.087k 1.087k 1.091k STR6 = 1k090 1k092 1k115 1.065k 1.084k 1.085k 1.093k STR7 = 3R2 2r9 1k109 1.066k 1.084k 1.085k 1.087k icu: STR8 = 1k084 1k087 1k05 1.069k 1.081k 1.080k 1.084k STR9 = 1k080 1k082 1k099 1.065k 1.076k 1.075k 1.079k SUH_A = 477R 477r 477r 476r 477r 477r 477r SUH_B = 525R 525r 525r 524r 525r 525r 525r SUH_C = 515R 514r 514r 513r 514r 514r 514r start MHC functional test mhc_ft_part1_13_04_04.doc 09:35 end of mhc test 17/3 22/3 29/3 07/4 13/04 13/04 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 11k66 11k24 13k89 12k59 12k170 11k95 11k76 SUS_B = 11K62 11k58 11k13 13k83 12k64 12k35 12k25 12k02 SUS_C = 11K69 11k61 11k21 13k90 12k54 12k12 11k95 11k72 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.092k 1.093k 1.072k 1.086k 1.087k 1.086k 1.087k STR2 = OL 1.090k 1.092k 1.070k 1.087k 1.085k 1.085k 1.085k STR3 = 1k088 1.089k 1.090k 1.070k 1.082k 1.083k 1.082k 1.083k STR4 = OL 0L 0L 1.072k 1.088k 1.087k 1.087k 1.088k STR5 = 1k093 1k093 1k110 1.069k 1.087k 1.087k 1.091k 1.109k STR6 = 1k090 1k092 1k115 1.065k 1.084k 1.085k 1.093k 1.116k STR7 = 3R2 2r9 1k109 1.066k 1.084k 1.085k 1.087k 1.099k icu: STR8 = 1k084 1k087 1k05 1.069k 1.081k 1.080k 1.084k 1.095k STR9 = 1k080 1k082 1k099 1.065k 1.076k 1.075k 1.079k 1.090k SUH_A = 477R 477r 477r 476r 477r 477r 477r 477r SUH_B = 525R 525r 525r 524r 525r 525r 525r 525r SUH_C = 515R 514r 514r 513r 514r 514r 514r 514r run roe tests Stims - md_data.0002 Peak at ~12000, slope 550 -> 580 run vog_max_min cam parameters: Prev 29/03/04 13/04 13 c6 c6 c6 14 d4 d4 d4 15 ed ed ed 10 9a 9a 9a 11 a0 a0 a0 12 a3 a3 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 9a 9a 14 a2 a2 a2 15 a3 a3 a3 10 c6 c6 c6 11 d2 d2 d2 12 ed ed ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba 10 b1 b1 b1 11 ba ba bc 12 ba ba ba run sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure fsrun0128/md_data.0003, 4, 5 reset roe exit default run sequence 4 & 5 load seq 20, ll 20 fsrun0128/md_data.0006, 7, 8 09:53 end of roe testing - ok 10:00 run cam_test sequence 1 exposure every 5 minutes 10:05 start warming to +45 deg C 11:00 All 3 refererence feet at 35 deg C standby turn off make up heaters 12:30 All 3 refererence feet at 45 deg C 14:43 Cooling to 35 deg C 16:00 Feet all less than 38C. Start soak. Instrument left off till end of 2hr soak. 18:42 17/3 22/3 29/3 07/4 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 11k66 11k24 13k89 12k59 12k170 11k95 11k76 6k43 SUS_B = 11K62 11k58 11k13 13k83 12k64 12k35 12k25 12k02 6k32 SUS_C = 11K69 11k61 11k21 13k90 12k54 12k12 11k95 11k72 6k33 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.092k 1.093k 1.072k 1.086k 1.087k 1.086k 1.087k 1.161k STR2 = OL 1.090k 1.092k 1.070k 1.087k 1.085k 1.085k 1.085k 1.160k STR3 = 1k088 1.089k 1.090k 1.070k 1.082k 1.083k 1.082k 1.083k 1.151k STR4 = OL 0L 0L 1.072k 1.088k 1.087k 1.087k 1.088k 1.150k STR5 = 1k093 1k093 1k110 1.069k 1.087k 1.087k 1.091k 1.109k 1.154k STR6 = 1k090 1k092 1k115 1.065k 1.084k 1.085k 1.093k 1.116k 1.151k STR7 = 3R2 2r9 1k109 1.066k 1.084k 1.085k 1.087k 1.099k 1.151k icu: STR8 = 1k084 1k087 1k05 1.069k 1.081k 1.080k 1.084k 1.095k 1.112k STR9 = 1k080 1k082 1k099 1.065k 1.076k 1.075k 1.079k 1.090k 1.106k SUH_A = 477R 477r 477r 476r 477r 477r 477r 477r 478r SUH_B = 525R 525r 525r 524r 525r 525r 525r 525r 526r SUH_C = 515R 514r 514r 513r 514r 514r 514r 514r 515r 18:45 shortened icu sft sft_13_04_04_no2.doc 19:05 mhc functional test 19:10 jat finds psu and tests survival heaters, which survived 19:53 mhc functional test end roe tests Cam hk parameters: fsrun0065 fsrun0087 fsrun0091(2) fsrun0128(8) 29 c0 c0 c0 bf 4 75 75 75 74 2 bb bb bb ba 8 95 95 95 95 6 82 82 82 82 5 75 75 75 74 3 bb bb bb bb 9 95 95 95 94 7 82 82 82 82 39 0 0 0 0 28 bf c0 bf bf 20 df df e1 db 18 7e 7f 80 7e 24 35 34 33 31 22 a1 a7 a2 a1 21 a4 a5 a5 a3 19 64 63 63 63 25 34 34 34 30 23 9b a1 9d 9d 36 ff ff ff ff 1 84 84 84 84 0 7a 7a 7a 7a 43 20 20 1a 1f 42 db db e8 (+7V) db 44 df df e8 (+8V) df 45 c9 ca cb c9 40 d4 d4 e7 d4 27 74 7a 68 42 17 81 7f 7f 87 16 20 22 20 23 47 65 64 8f (-8VI) 69 46 5f 5f 4b (+7VI) 64 48 5d 5d 82 (+8VI) 57 49 37 37 46 (+13VI) 32 41 61 64 96 (+39VI) 60 26 65 6e 5a 38 32 99 99 99 99 33 99 99 99 99 34 77 77 99 77 10 b2 b1 b2 b2 11 ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba 35 af af af af Stims - md_data.0024 Peak at ~12000, slope 580 -> 860 run vog_max_min cam parameters: Prev 29/03/04 13/04 13/04 13 c6 c6 c6 c6 14 d4 d4 d4 d4 15 ed ed ed ed 10 9a 9a 9a 9a 11 a0 a0 a0 a0 12 a3 a3 a3 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 9a 9a 9a 14 a2 a2 a2 a2 15 a3 a3 a3 a3 10 c6 c6 c6 c6 11 d2 d2 d2 d2 12 ed ed ed ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba 10 b1 b1 b1 b2 11 ba ba bc ba 12 ba ba ba ba run sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure fsrun0128/md_data.0025, 26, 27 reset roe exit default run sequence 4 & 5 load seq 20, ll 20 fsrun0128/md_data.0028, 29, 30 20:10 22/3 29/3 07/4 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 11k24 13k89 12k59 12k170 11k95 11k76 6k43 6k17 SUS_B = 11K62 11k13 13k83 12k64 12k35 12k25 12k02 6k32 6k22 SUS_C = 11K69 11k21 13k90 12k54 12k12 11k95 11k72 6k33 6k16 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.093k 1.072k 1.086k 1.087k 1.086k 1.087k 1.161k 1.158k STR2 = OL 1.092k 1.070k 1.087k 1.085k 1.085k 1.085k 1.160k 1.156k STR3 = 1k088 1.090k 1.070k 1.082k 1.083k 1.082k 1.083k 1.151k 1.151k STR4 = OL 0L 1.072k 1.088k 1.087k 1.087k 1.088k 1.150k 1.152k STR5 = 1k093 1k110 1.069k 1.087k 1.087k 1.091k 1.109k 1.154k 1.177k STR6 = 1k090 1k115 1.065k 1.084k 1.085k 1.093k 1.116k 1.151k 1.182k STR7 = 3R2 1k109 1.066k 1.084k 1.085k 1.087k 1.099k 1.151k 1.165k icu: STR8 = 1k084 1k05 1.069k 1.081k 1.080k 1.084k 1.095k 1.112k 1.117k STR9 = 1k080 1k099 1.065k 1.076k 1.075k 1.079k 1.090k 1.106k 1.110k SUH_A = 477R 477r 476r 477r 477r 477r 477r 478r 478r SUH_B = 525R 525r 524r 525r 525r 525r 525r 526r 526r SUH_C = 515R 514r 513r 514r 514r 514r 514r 515r 515r 20:14 standby makeup heaters off (bytes 0x35, 0 bytes 0x36, 0) 20:22 Start to go cold (aiming for cold survival of -5) 21:30 29/3 07/4 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 13k89 12k59 12k170 11k95 11k76 6k43 6k17 19k95 SUS_B = 11K62 13k83 12k64 12k35 12k25 12k02 6k32 6k22 18k82 SUS_C = 11K69 13k90 12k54 12k12 11k95 11k72 6k33 6k16 20k19 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.072k 1.086k 1.087k 1.086k 1.087k 1.161k 1.158k 1.124k STR2 = OL 1.070k 1.087k 1.085k 1.085k 1.085k 1.160k 1.156k 1.140k STR3 = 1k088 1.070k 1.082k 1.083k 1.082k 1.083k 1.151k 1.151k 1.050k STR4 = OL 1.072k 1.088k 1.087k 1.087k 1.088k 1.150k 1.152k 1.112k STR5 = 1k093 1.069k 1.087k 1.087k 1.091k 1.109k 1.154k 1.177k 1.092k STR6 = 1k090 1.065k 1.084k 1.085k 1.093k 1.116k 1.151k 1.182k 1.125k STR7 = 3R2 1.066k 1.084k 1.085k 1.087k 1.099k 1.151k 1.165k 1.101k icu: STR8 = 1k084 1.069k 1.081k 1.080k 1.084k 1.095k 1.112k 1.117k 1.115k STR9 = 1k080 1.065k 1.076k 1.075k 1.079k 1.090k 1.106k 1.110k 1.109k SUH_A = 477R 476r 477r 477r 477r 477r 478r 478r 477r SUH_B = 525R 524r 525r 525r 525r 525r 526r 526r 525r SUH_C = 515R 513r 514r 514r 514r 514r 515r 515r 515r manual 0.85A, peak 1.0A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 22:30 07/4 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 12k59 12k170 11k95 11k76 6k43 6k17 19k95 34k94 SUS_B = 11K62 12k64 12k35 12k25 12k02 6k32 6k22 18k82 38k07 SUS_C = 11K69 12k54 12k12 11k95 11k72 6k33 6k16 20k19 35k23 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.086k 1.087k 1.086k 1.087k 1.161k 1.158k 1.124k 1.086k STR2 = OL 1.087k 1.085k 1.085k 1.085k 1.160k 1.156k 1.140k 1.103k STR3 = 1k088 1.082k 1.083k 1.082k 1.083k 1.151k 1.151k 1.050k 0.994k STR4 = OL 1.088k 1.087k 1.087k 1.088k 1.150k 1.152k 1.112k 0.937k STR5 = 1k093 1.087k 1.087k 1.091k 1.109k 1.154k 1.177k 1.092k 0.993k STR6 = 1k090 1.084k 1.085k 1.093k 1.116k 1.151k 1.182k 1.125k 1.052k STR7 = 3R2 1.084k 1.085k 1.087k 1.099k 1.151k 1.165k 1.101k 1.039k icu: STR8 = 1k084 1.081k 1.080k 1.084k 1.095k 1.112k 1.117k 1.115k 1.114k STR9 = 1k080 1.076k 1.075k 1.079k 1.090k 1.106k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k SUH_A = 477R 477r 477r 477r 477r 478r 478r 477r 476r SUH_B = 525R 525r 525r 525r 525r 526r 526r 525r 523r SUH_C = 515R 514r 514r 514r 514r 515r 515r 515r 512r manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 23:30 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k74 12k170 11k95 11k76 6k43 6k17 19k95 34k94 39k20 SUS_B = 11K62 12k35 12k25 12k02 6k32 6k22 18k82 38k07 43k00 SUS_C = 11K69 12k12 11k95 11k72 6k33 6k16 20k19 35k23 39k63 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = OL 1.087k 1.086k 1.087k 1.161k 1.158k 1.124k 1.086k 1.057k STR2 = OL 1.085k 1.085k 1.085k 1.160k 1.156k 1.140k 1.103k 1.068k STR3 = 1k088 1.083k 1.082k 1.083k 1.151k 1.151k 1.050k 0.994k 0.988k STR4 = OL 1.087k 1.087k 1.088k 1.150k 1.152k 1.112k 0.937k 0.831k STR5 = 1k093 1.087k 1.091k 1.109k 1.154k 1.177k 1.092k 0.993k 0.931k STR6 = 1k090 1.085k 1.093k 1.116k 1.151k 1.182k 1.125k 1.052k 1.002k STR7 = 3R2 1.085k 1.087k 1.099k 1.151k 1.165k 1.101k 1.039k 1.001k icu: STR8 = 1k084 1.080k 1.084k 1.095k 1.112k 1.117k 1.115k 1.114k 1.113k STR9 = 1k080 1.075k 1.079k 1.090k 1.106k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.107k SUH_A = 477R 477r 477r 477r 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r SUH_B = 525R 525r 525r 525r 526r 526r 525r 523r 524r SUH_C = 515R 514r 514r 514r 515r 515r 515r 512r 511r manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 23:55 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k95 11k76 6k43 6k17 19k95 34k94 39k20 39k63 SUS_B = 12k25 12k02 6k32 6k22 18k82 38k07 43k00 43k40 SUS_C = 11k95 11k72 6k33 6k16 20k19 35k23 39k63 39k94 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.086k 1.087k 1.161k 1.158k 1.124k 1.086k 1.057k 1.046k STR2 = 1.085k 1.085k 1.160k 1.156k 1.140k 1.103k 1.068k 1.054k STR3 = 1.082k 1.083k 1.151k 1.151k 1.050k 0.994k 0.988k 0.988k STR4 = 1.087k 1.088k 1.150k 1.152k 1.112k 0.937k 0.831k 0.796k STR5 = 1.091k 1.109k 1.154k 1.177k 1.092k 0.993k 0.931k 0.912k STR6 = 1.093k 1.116k 1.151k 1.182k 1.125k 1.052k 1.002k 0.986k STR7 = 1.087k 1.099k 1.151k 1.165k 1.101k 1.039k 1.001k 0.989k icu: STR8 = 1.084k 1.095k 1.112k 1.117k 1.115k 1.114k 1.113k 1.113k STR9 = 1.079k 1.090k 1.106k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.107k 1.107k SUH_A = 477r 477r 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 525r 525r 526r 526r 525r 523r 524r 524r SUH_C = 514r 514r 515r 515r 515r 512r 511r 511r manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 23:55 soak started 23:59:39 grating survival heater on 14 Apr 04 00:00:39 grating survival heater off 38k2 on sus_b (-5.293 deg c) 0:02:54 41k on sus_b (-6.738 deg c) grating survival heater on 0:03:54 grating survival heater off 36k6 on sus_b (-4.413 deg c) 0:06:27 40k sus_b (-6.235) 0:07:57 41k on sus_b (-6.738 deg c) grating survival heater on 0:08:57 grating survival heater off 36k7 on sus_b (-4.469 deg c) 0:10:20 38k8 sus_a (-5.613) 39k sus_b (-5.718) 38k89 sus_c (-5.660) 0:14:38 41k sus_b (-6.738) 0:15:11 41k on sus_b (-6.738 deg c) grating survival heater on 0:16:11 grating survival heater off 36k2 sus_b (-4.186) 00:30 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k76 6k43 6k17 19k95 34k94 39k20 39k63 37k46 SUS_B = 12k02 6k32 6k22 18k82 38k07 43k00 43k40 40k8 SUS_C = 11k72 6k33 6k16 20k19 35k23 39k63 39k94 37k1 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.087k 1.161k 1.158k 1.124k 1.086k 1.057k 1.046k 1.036k STR2 = 1.085k 1.160k 1.156k 1.140k 1.103k 1.068k 1.054k 1.042k STR3 = 1.083k 1.151k 1.151k 1.050k 0.994k 0.988k 0.988k 0.990k STR4 = 1.088k 1.150k 1.152k 1.112k 0.937k 0.831k 0.796k 0.766k STR5 = 1.109k 1.154k 1.177k 1.092k 0.993k 0.931k 0.912k 0.903k STR6 = 1.116k 1.151k 1.182k 1.125k 1.052k 1.002k 0.986k 0.972k STR7 = 1.099k 1.151k 1.165k 1.101k 1.039k 1.001k 0.989k 0.981k icu: STR8 = 1.095k 1.112k 1.117k 1.115k 1.114k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k STR9 = 1.090k 1.106k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k SUH_A = 477r 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 525r 526r 526r 525r 523r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 514r 515r 515r 515r 512r 511r 511r 510r manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 0:32:36 suh_b on for 5 minutes (current is 100 mA) 0:37:36 suh_b off sus_b 29k3 (0.248) manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A parameter 40 mhc_hz_t9 rose (359A -2.22) 0:40:39 36k95 sus_a sus_c 36k6 suh_a on for 5 minutes (current is 110 mA) (sus_c shifting quicker) 0:45:39 suh_a off manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A parameter 39 mhc_hz_t8 rose (3618 -1.28) sus_a 36k06 (-4.413) sus_c ~30k 0:51:25 SUS_A = 35k83 SUS_B = 39k22 SUS_C = 34k62 ccda ed -48.94 ccdb the same 0:52:46 suh_c on for 5 minutes (100 mA) 0:57:46 suh_c off ccda = e9 -40.15 ccdb = same manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 38 hz_t7 up 351a -3.07 1:00:10 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k76 6k43 6k17 19k95 34k94 39k20 39k63 37k46 35k88 SUS_B = 12k02 6k32 6k22 18k82 38k07 43k00 43k40 40k8 39k6 SUS_C = 11k72 6k33 6k16 20k19 35k23 39k63 39k94 37k1 35k19 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.087k 1.161k 1.158k 1.124k 1.086k 1.057k 1.046k 1.036k 1.028k STR2 = 1.085k 1.160k 1.156k 1.140k 1.103k 1.068k 1.054k 1.042k 1.032k STR3 = 1.083k 1.151k 1.151k 1.050k 0.994k 0.988k 0.988k 0.990k 0.991k STR4 = 1.088k 1.150k 1.152k 1.112k 0.937k 0.831k 0.796k 0.766k 0.746k STR5 = 1.109k 1.154k 1.177k 1.092k 0.993k 0.931k 0.912k 0.903k 0.906k STR6 = 1.116k 1.151k 1.182k 1.125k 1.052k 1.002k 0.986k 0.972k 0.966k STR7 = 1.099k 1.151k 1.165k 1.101k 1.039k 1.001k 0.989k 0.981k 0.977k icu: STR8 = 1.095k 1.112k 1.117k 1.115k 1.114k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k STR9 = 1.090k 1.106k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k SUH_A = 477r 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 525r 526r 526r 525r 523r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 514r 515r 515r 515r 512r 511r 511r 510r 510r 01:30 ish 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 6k43 6k17 19k95 34k94 39k20 39k63 37k46 35k88 36k26 SUS_B = 6k32 6k22 18k82 38k07 43k00 43k40 40k8 39k6 40k04 SUS_C = 6k33 6k16 20k19 35k23 39k63 39k94 37k1 35k19 36k00 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.161k 1.158k 1.124k 1.086k 1.057k 1.046k 1.036k 1.028k 1.022k STR2 = 1.160k 1.156k 1.140k 1.103k 1.068k 1.054k 1.042k 1.032k 1.025k STR3 = 1.151k 1.151k 1.050k 0.994k 0.988k 0.988k 0.990k 0.991k 0.990k STR4 = 1.150k 1.152k 1.112k 0.937k 0.831k 0.796k 0.766k 0.746k 0.731k STR5 = 1.154k 1.177k 1.092k 0.993k 0.931k 0.912k 0.903k 0.906k 0.915k STR6 = 1.151k 1.182k 1.125k 1.052k 1.002k 0.986k 0.972k 0.966k 0.962k STR7 = 1.151k 1.165k 1.101k 1.039k 1.001k 0.989k 0.981k 0.977k 0.975k icu: STR8 = 1.112k 1.117k 1.115k 1.114k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k STR9 = 1.106k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k SUH_A = 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 475r SUH_B = 526r 526r 525r 523r 524r 524r 524r 524r 523r SUH_C = 515r 515r 515r 512r 511r 511r 510r 510r 510r manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 01:40 Jason and Matt shift over Ady and Rahil shift start 01:55 Start transition to Cold Operational +5degC (cycle 1) 02:30 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 6k17 19k95 34k94 39k20 39k63 37k46 35k88 36k26 26k08 SUS_B = 6k22 18k82 38k07 43k00 43k40 40k8 39k6 40k04 27k67 SUS_C = 6k16 20k19 35k23 39k63 39k94 37k1 35k19 36k00 25k45 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.158k 1.124k 1.086k 1.057k 1.046k 1.036k 1.028k 1.022k 1.018k STR2 = 1.156k 1.140k 1.103k 1.068k 1.054k 1.042k 1.032k 1.025k 1.015k STR3 = 1.151k 1.050k 0.994k 0.988k 0.988k 0.990k 0.991k 0.990k 1.013k STR4 = 1.152k 1.112k 0.937k 0.831k 0.796k 0.766k 0.746k 0.731k 0.714k STR5 = 1.177k 1.092k 0.993k 0.931k 0.912k 0.903k 0.906k 0.915k 0.891k STR6 = 1.182k 1.125k 1.052k 1.002k 0.986k 0.972k 0.966k 0.962k 0.959k STR7 = 1.165k 1.101k 1.039k 1.001k 0.989k 0.981k 0.977k 0.975k 0.985k icu: STR8 = 1.117k 1.115k 1.114k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k STR9 = 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k SUH_A = 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 475r 476r SUH_B = 526r 525r 523r 524r 524r 524r 524r 523r 524r SUH_C = 515r 515r 512r 511r 511r 510r 510r 510r 510r manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 03:20 Decided to turn on MHC and ROE make-up heaters to counter local coolong due to radiators, which is keeping the 3 feet more than 5deg apart. make up heaters on bytes 0x35,1 0.47A bytes 0x36,1 0.70A 03:33 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 19k95 34k94 39k20 39k63 37k46 35k88 36k26 26k08 25k60 SUS_B = 18k82 38k07 43k00 43k40 40k8 39k6 40k04 27k67 26k78 SUS_C = 20k19 35k23 39k63 39k94 37k1 35k19 36k00 25k45 25k12 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.124k 1.086k 1.057k 1.046k 1.036k 1.028k 1.022k 1.018k 1.019k STR2 = 1.140k 1.103k 1.068k 1.054k 1.042k 1.032k 1.025k 1.015k 1.015k STR3 = 1.050k 0.994k 0.988k 0.988k 0.990k 0.991k 0.990k 1.013k 1.016k STR4 = 1.112k 0.937k 0.831k 0.796k 0.766k 0.746k 0.731k 0.714k 0.697k STR5 = 1.092k 0.993k 0.931k 0.912k 0.903k 0.906k 0.915k 0.891k 0.896k STR6 = 1.125k 1.052k 1.002k 0.986k 0.972k 0.966k 0.962k 0.959k 0.974k STR7 = 1.101k 1.039k 1.001k 0.989k 0.981k 0.977k 0.975k 0.985k 0.990k icu: STR8 = 1.115k 1.114k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k STR9 = 1.109k 1.108k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k SUH_A = 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 475r 476r 476r SUH_B = 525r 523r 524r 524r 524r 524r 523r 524r 524r SUH_C = 515r 512r 511r 511r 510r 510r 510r 510r 509r manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby 04:30 13/04 13/04 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 34k94 39k20 39k63 37k46 35k88 36k26 26k08 25k60 23k73 SUS_B = 38k07 43k00 43k40 40k8 39k6 40k04 27k67 26k78 24k55 SUS_C = 35k23 39k63 39k94 37k1 35k19 36k00 25k45 25k12 23k37 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.086k 1.057k 1.046k 1.036k 1.028k 1.022k 1.018k 1.019k 1.020k STR2 = 1.103k 1.068k 1.054k 1.042k 1.032k 1.025k 1.015k 1.015k 1.016k STR3 = 0.994k 0.988k 0.988k 0.990k 0.991k 0.990k 1.013k 1.016k 1.021k STR4 = 0.937k 0.831k 0.796k 0.766k 0.746k 0.731k 0.714k 0.697k 0.690k STR5 = 0.993k 0.931k 0.912k 0.903k 0.906k 0.915k 0.891k 0.896k 0.937k STR6 = 1.052k 1.002k 0.986k 0.972k 0.966k 0.962k 0.959k 0.974k 0.996k STR7 = 1.039k 1.001k 0.989k 0.981k 0.977k 0.975k 0.985k 0.990k 1.007k icu: STR8 = 1.114k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k STR9 = 1.108k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 475r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 523r 524r 524r 524r 524r 523r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 512r 511r 511r 510r 510r 510r 510r 509r 509r manual 0.86A 3 mhc hk acquisitions standby 04:37 start of cold ops soak run cam_test 0.86A doh! abort manual run mhc_init manual run cam_test NB Heaters are still being cycled. 05:30 13/04 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 39k20 39k63 37k46 35k88 36k26 26k08 25k60 23k73 21k60 SUS_B = 43k00 43k40 40k8 39k6 40k04 27k67 26k78 24k55 22k16 SUS_C = 39k63 39k94 37k1 35k19 36k00 25k45 25k12 23k37 21k59 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.057k 1.046k 1.036k 1.028k 1.022k 1.018k 1.019k 1.020k 1.023k STR2 = 1.068k 1.054k 1.042k 1.032k 1.025k 1.015k 1.015k 1.016k 1.019k STR3 = 0.988k 0.988k 0.990k 0.991k 0.990k 1.013k 1.016k 1.021k 1.027k STR4 = 0.831k 0.796k 0.766k 0.746k 0.731k 0.714k 0.697k 0.690k 0.692k STR5 = 0.931k 0.912k 0.903k 0.906k 0.915k 0.891k 0.896k 0.937k 0.984k STR6 = 1.002k 0.986k 0.972k 0.966k 0.962k 0.959k 0.974k 0.996k 1.021k STR7 = 1.001k 0.989k 0.981k 0.977k 0.975k 0.985k 0.990k 1.007k 1.020k icu: STR8 = 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.116k STR9 = 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.110k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 475r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 523r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 511r 511r 510r 510r 510r 510r 509r 509r 509r 05:47 restarted cam_test 06:12 status clear (didn't do anything which is not suprising) 06:30 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 39k63 37k46 35k88 36k26 26k08 25k60 23k73 21k60 21k98 SUS_B = 43k40 40k8 39k6 40k04 27k67 26k78 24k55 22k16 22k06 SUS_C = 39k94 37k1 35k19 36k00 25k45 25k12 23k37 21k59 22k07 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.046k 1.036k 1.028k 1.022k 1.018k 1.019k 1.020k 1.023k 1.025k STR2 = 1.054k 1.042k 1.032k 1.025k 1.015k 1.015k 1.016k 1.019k 1.022k STR3 = 0.988k 0.990k 0.991k 0.990k 1.013k 1.016k 1.021k 1.027k 1.025k STR4 = 0.796k 0.766k 0.746k 0.731k 0.714k 0.697k 0.690k 0.692k 0.689k STR5 = 0.912k 0.903k 0.906k 0.915k 0.891k 0.896k 0.937k 0.984k 0.963k STR6 = 0.986k 0.972k 0.966k 0.962k 0.959k 0.974k 0.996k 1.021k 1.033k STR7 = 0.989k 0.981k 0.977k 0.975k 0.985k 0.990k 1.007k 1.020k 1.027k icu: STR8 = 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.116k 1.119k STR9 = 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.110k 1.112k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 475r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 523r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 511r 510r 510r 510r 510r 509r 509r 509r 509r 06:36 2hrs into soak Run SFT from document (sft_14_apr_04.doc) -> manual ABORT sequence -> standby -> halt re start for new run - fsrun0129 07:00 mhc sft run 08:20 run roe tests Cam hk parameters: fsrun0065 fsrun0087 fsrun0091(2) fsrun0128(8) fsrun0129(1) +35 +5 29 c0 c0 c0 bf c0 4 75 75 75 74 75 2 bb bb bb ba bb 8 95 95 95 95 95 6 82 82 82 82 82 5 75 75 75 74 75 3 bb bb bb bb bb 9 95 95 95 94 95 7 82 82 82 82 82 39 0 0 0 0 0 28 bf c0 bf bf c0 20 df df e1 db e2 18 7e 7f 80 7e 82 24 35 34 33 31 35 22 a1 a7 a2 a1 a2 21 a4 a5 a5 a3 a6 19 64 63 63 63 66 25 34 34 34 30 34 23 9b a1 9d 9d 9b 36 ff ff ff ff ff 1 84 84 84 84 84 0 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 43 20 20 1a 1f 1f 42 db db e8 (+7V) db dc 44 df df e8 (+8V) df df 45 c9 ca cb c9 c9 40 d4 d4 e7 d4 d4 27 74 7a 68 42 91 17 81 7f 7f 87 80 16 20 22 20 23 22 47 65 64 8f (-8VI) 69 6b 46 5f 5f 4b (+7VI) 64 64 48 5d 5d 82 (+8VI) 57 57 49 37 37 46 (+13VI) 32 34 41 61 64 96 (+39VI) 60 60 26 65 6e 5a 38 7c 32 99 99 99 99 99 33 99 99 99 99 99 34 77 77 99 77 77 10 b2 b1 b2 b2 b1 11 ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba 35 af af af af af Stims - fsrun0129/md_data.0002 Peak at ~12000, slope 548 -> 549 (cold ccda,b -56.59) run vog_max_min cam parameters: Prev 29/03/04 13/04 13/04 14/04 +5 cycle 1 13 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 14 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 15 ed ed ed ed ed 10 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 11 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 12 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 14 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 15 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 10 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 11 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 12 ed ed ed ed ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba 10 b1 b1 b1 b2 b1 11 ba ba bc ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba run sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure fsrun0129/md_data.0003, 4, 5 reset roe exit default run sequence 4 & 5 load seq 20, ll 20 fsrun0129/md_data.0006, 7, 8 08:45 13/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 37k46 35k88 36k26 26k08 25k60 23k73 21k60 21k98 21k56 SUS_B = 40k8 39k6 40k04 27k67 26k78 24k55 22k16 22k06 21k96 SUS_C = 37k1 35k19 36k00 25k45 25k12 23k37 21k59 22k07 21k69 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.036k 1.028k 1.022k 1.018k 1.019k 1.020k 1.023k 1.025k 1.028k STR2 = 1.042k 1.032k 1.025k 1.015k 1.015k 1.016k 1.019k 1.022k 1.026k STR3 = 0.990k 0.991k 0.990k 1.013k 1.016k 1.021k 1.027k 1.025k 1.025k STR4 = 0.766k 0.746k 0.731k 0.714k 0.697k 0.690k 0.692k 0.689k 0.684k STR5 = 0.903k 0.906k 0.915k 0.891k 0.896k 0.937k 0.984k 0.963k 0.969k STR6 = 0.972k 0.966k 0.962k 0.959k 0.974k 0.996k 1.021k 1.033k 1.037k STR7 = 0.981k 0.977k 0.975k 0.985k 0.990k 1.007k 1.020k 1.027k 1.032k icu: STR8 = 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.116k 1.119k 1.121k STR9 = 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.110k 1.112k 1.114k SUH_A = 476r 476r 475r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 524r 524r 523r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 510r 510r 510r 510r 509r 509r 509r 509r 510r ccda f0 -56.59 ccdb f0 -56.59 09:08 calibration led flat fielding, using sequence 44 10ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0009 (TI-1 0x519DC377, TI-2 0x519DC59B, MHC dur 0xFFFFFFFF, Dur 0x0100) (Coarse, fine, slit position all 0xFFFF in md header) data looks like camera not set up properly 09:16 reset roe exit default run mhc_init 10ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0010 (TI-1 0x5222783B, TI-2 0x52227A5C, MHC dur 0xFFFFFFFF, Dur 0x0100) (Coarse, fine, slit position all 0xFFFF in md header) good data, max 8443, black spot seen on ccda *** probably 100ms as this parameter set command was not commented out in sequence *** 1000ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0011 (TI-1 0x5266758F, TI-2 0x526677BB, MHC dur 0xFFFFFFFF, Dur 0x0100) (Coarse, fine, slit position all 0xFFFF in md header) good data, max 16383, no black spot seen on ccda 100ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, led 1 on (eis_flat_field, exp_time, 1) md_data.0012 (TI-1 0x52B7F37C, TI-2 0x52B7F5A0, MHC dur 0xFFFFFFFF, Dur 0x0100) (Coarse, fine, slit position all 0xFFFF in md header) good data, max 7500, ccda illuminated, black spot seen on ccda 100ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, led 2 on (eis_flat_field, exp_time, 2) md_data.0013 (TI-1 0x52DDAb03, TI-2 0x52DDAD21, MHC dur 0xFFFFFFFF, Dur 0x0100) (Coarse, fine, slit position all 0xFFFF in md header) good data, max 8434, ccdb illuminated turn off cal power: bytes 0x66, 0, 0xA5, 0, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF 100ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, led 2 (ccd b) md_data.0014 (TI-1 0x53652F5C, TI-2 0x5365319B, MHC dur 0xFFFFFFFF, Dur 0x0100) good data, max ~550, no black spot seen on ccda reference image turn on cal power: bytes 0x66, 0, 0xA5, 0, 2, 0, 1 09:44 100ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, led 2 (ccd b) md_data.0015 good data, max ~550, no black spot seen on ccda 100ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0016 (TI-1 0x53AC6D38, TI-2 0x53AC6F5B, MHC dur 0xFFFFFFFF, Dur 0x0100) good data, max 8361, black spot seen on ccda 200ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0017 (TI-1 0x53D6CB09, TI-2 0x53D6CD2A (diff = 545), Dur 0x0100) good data, max 14610, black spot seen on ccda 150ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0018 (TI-1 0x53FE5FA9, TI-2 0x53FE61CA (diff = 545), Dur 0x0100) good data, max 11417, black spot seen on ccda 80ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0019 (TI-1 0x541FE84D, TI-2 0x541FEA8B (diff = 547), Dur 0x0100) good data, max 7200, black spot seen on ccda 60ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0020 (TI-2 - TI-1 = 551, Dur 0x0100) good data, max 5990, black spot seen on ccda 40ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0021 (TI-2 - TI-1 = 548, Dur 0x0100) good data, max 4732, black spot seen on ccda 20ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0022 (TI-2 - TI-1 = 542, Dur 0x0100) good data, max 3383, black spot seen on ccda 10ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0023 (TI-2 - TI-1 = 552, Dur 0x0100) good data, max 2581, black spot seen on ccda 0ms mhc on time, 1 second exposure time, both leds on md_data.0024 (TI-2 - TI-1 = 3de-1bc, Dur 0x0100) good data, max 714, no black spot seen on ccda 10:15 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 35k88 36k26 26k08 25k60 23k73 21k60 21k98 21k56 21k39 SUS_B = 39k6 40k04 27k67 26k78 24k55 22k16 22k06 21k96 21k88 SUS_C = 35k19 36k00 25k45 25k12 23k37 21k59 22k07 21k69 21k56 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.028k 1.022k 1.018k 1.019k 1.020k 1.023k 1.025k 1.028k 1.029k STR2 = 1.032k 1.025k 1.015k 1.015k 1.016k 1.019k 1.022k 1.026k 1.027k STR3 = 0.991k 0.990k 1.013k 1.016k 1.021k 1.027k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k STR4 = 0.746k 0.731k 0.714k 0.697k 0.690k 0.692k 0.689k 0.684k 0.683k STR5 = 0.906k 0.915k 0.891k 0.896k 0.937k 0.984k 0.963k 0.969k 0.976k STR6 = 0.966k 0.962k 0.959k 0.974k 0.996k 1.021k 1.033k 1.037k 1.041k STR7 = 0.977k 0.975k 0.985k 0.990k 1.007k 1.020k 1.027k 1.032k 1.034k icu: STR8 = 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.116k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k STR9 = 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.110k 1.112k 1.114k 1.115k SUH_A = 476r 475r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 524r 523r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 510r 510r 510r 509r 509r 509r 509r 510r 509r 10:18 standby bakeout ccda 0xf0 -56.59 ccdb same run bakeout 1.60A 10:20 ccda ccdb str4 -53.93 -53.93 683r (-80.4) 10:20 -42.4 -42.4 683r (-80.4) 10:21 -28.07 -28.07 684r (-79.8) 10:22 -17.36 -18.33 685r (-79.6) 10:22.5 -11.07 -13.17 685r 10:23 -6.77 -7.22 686r (-79.3) 10:23.5 -2.99 -3.65 687r (-79.1) 10:24 0.67 -0.23 688r (-78.8) 10:24.5 3.51 2.85 690r (-78.3) 10:25 7.56 6.77 691r (-78.1) 10:25.5 1.5A 11.93 11.47 692 (-77.8) 10:26 15.87 16.38 694 (-77.3) 10:26.5 20.62 22.25 696 (-76.8) 10:27 24.99 27.18 697 (-76.6) 10:27.5 30.43 32.01 699 (-76.1) 10:28 34.59 36.08 701 (-75.6) 10:28.5 37.54 39.42 702 (-75.3) 10:29 standby 0.70A manual exit default 10:30 39.42 ccda peak 40.77 ccdb peak 706 (-74.3) str4 10:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 36k26 26k08 25k60 23k73 21k60 21k98 21k56 21k39 22k00 SUS_B = 40k04 27k67 26k78 24k55 22k16 22k06 21k96 21k88 22k23 SUS_C = 36k00 25k45 25k12 23k37 21k59 22k07 21k69 21k56 22k06 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.022k 1.018k 1.019k 1.020k 1.023k 1.025k 1.028k 1.029k 1.029k STR2 = 1.025k 1.015k 1.015k 1.016k 1.019k 1.022k 1.026k 1.027k 1.027k STR3 = 0.990k 1.013k 1.016k 1.021k 1.027k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k STR4 = 0.731k 0.714k 0.697k 0.690k 0.692k 0.689k 0.684k 0.683k 0.716k STR5 = 0.915k 0.891k 0.896k 0.937k 0.984k 0.963k 0.969k 0.976k 0.976k STR6 = 0.962k 0.959k 0.974k 0.996k 1.021k 1.033k 1.037k 1.041k 1.036k STR7 = 0.975k 0.985k 0.990k 1.007k 1.020k 1.027k 1.032k 1.034k 1.033k icu: STR8 = 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.116k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.122k STR9 = 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.110k 1.112k 1.114k 1.115k 1.115k SUH_A = 475r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 523r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 510r 510r 509r 509r 509r 509r 510r 509r 514r 10:40 end of soak START CYCLE 2 start warming to +35 deg C run mhc_init run cam_test (first md is md_data.0025) 10:50 msslqa hang - out of memory (jat mucking about) msslqa reboot FSRUN0130 icu in emergency on restart 10:55 standby maual exit default run mhc_init run cam_test md_data.0001 start 11:08 -46.60 ccda -46.60 ccdb 704 (-74.8) str4 11:27 nothing happening 11:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 26k08 25k60 23k73 21k60 21k98 21k56 21k39 22k00 11k02 SUS_B = 27k67 26k78 24k55 22k16 22k06 21k96 21k88 22k23 10k85 SUS_C = 25k45 25k12 23k37 21k59 22k07 21k69 21k56 22k06 10k74 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.018k 1.019k 1.020k 1.023k 1.025k 1.028k 1.029k 1.029k 1.047k STR2 = 1.015k 1.015k 1.016k 1.019k 1.022k 1.026k 1.027k 1.027k 1.033k STR3 = 1.013k 1.016k 1.021k 1.027k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.083k STR4 = 0.714k 0.697k 0.690k 0.692k 0.689k 0.684k 0.683k 0.716k 0.700k STR5 = 0.891k 0.896k 0.937k 0.984k 0.963k 0.969k 0.976k 0.976k 0.978k STR6 = 0.959k 0.974k 0.996k 1.021k 1.033k 1.037k 1.041k 1.036k 1.054k STR7 = 0.985k 0.990k 1.007k 1.020k 1.027k 1.032k 1.034k 1.033k 1.068k icu: STR8 = 1.113k 1.113k 1.113k 1.116k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k STR9 = 1.107k 1.107k 1.107k 1.110k 1.112k 1.114k 1.115k 1.115k 1.115k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r SUH_C = 510r 509r 509r 509r 509r 510r 509r 514r 510r ccda ef -53.93 ccdb same 11:49 Make seq.38 to turn on heater 12 (11 in John's terminology) to be on for 100% of the time and all others at 100/11 % of the time. Manual load seq38 select seq38 auto 1.4A maual Facility sees reference foot 1 (foot c in eis terms) increase in temperature straight away. 12:00 restart cam_test 12:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 25k60 23k73 21k60 21k98 21k56 21k39 22k00 11k02 7k43 SUS_B = 26k78 24k55 22k16 22k06 21k96 21k88 22k23 10k85 6k62 SUS_C = 25k12 23k37 21k59 22k07 21k69 21k56 22k06 10k74 7k33 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.019k 1.020k 1.023k 1.025k 1.028k 1.029k 1.029k 1.047k 1.075k STR2 = 1.015k 1.016k 1.019k 1.022k 1.026k 1.027k 1.027k 1.033k 1.056k STR3 = 1.016k 1.021k 1.027k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.083k 1.125k STR4 = 0.697k 0.690k 0.692k 0.689k 0.684k 0.683k 0.716k 0.700k 0.707k STR5 = 0.896k 0.937k 0.984k 0.963k 0.969k 0.976k 0.976k 0.978k 1.009k STR6 = 0.974k 0.996k 1.021k 1.033k 1.037k 1.041k 1.036k 1.054k 1.095k STR7 = 0.990k 1.007k 1.020k 1.027k 1.032k 1.034k 1.033k 1.068k 1.114k icu: STR8 = 1.113k 1.113k 1.116k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k STR9 = 1.107k 1.107k 1.110k 1.112k 1.114k 1.115k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r SUH_C = 509r 509r 509r 509r 510r 509r 514r 510r 510r ccda ee -51.38 ccdb same mir base 3d39 25.88 gra motor 3d40 26.08 shutter motor 3ca5 21.53 lunch --------------- 13:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 23k73 21k60 21k98 21k56 21k39 22k00 11k02 7k43 6k21 SUS_B = 24k55 22k16 22k06 21k96 21k88 22k23 10k85 6k62 5k61 SUS_C = 23k37 21k59 22k07 21k69 21k56 22k06 10k74 7k33 6k18 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.020k 1.023k 1.025k 1.028k 1.029k 1.029k 1.047k 1.075k 1.102k STR2 = 1.016k 1.019k 1.022k 1.026k 1.027k 1.027k 1.033k 1.056k 1.087k STR3 = 1.021k 1.027k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.083k 1.125k 1.143k STR4 = 0.690k 0.692k 0.689k 0.684k 0.683k 0.716k 0.700k 0.707k 0.721k STR5 = 0.937k 0.984k 0.963k 0.969k 0.976k 0.976k 0.978k 1.009k 1.048k STR6 = 0.996k 1.021k 1.033k 1.037k 1.041k 1.036k 1.054k 1.095k 1.129k STR7 = 1.007k 1.020k 1.027k 1.032k 1.034k 1.033k 1.068k 1.114k 1.143k icu: STR8 = 1.113k 1.116k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k STR9 = 1.107k 1.110k 1.112k 1.114k 1.115k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r SUH_C = 509r 509r 509r 510r 509r 514r 510r 510r 511r ccda EC -46.6 ccdb same mir base 3e16 34.44 gra motor 3e3e 46.54 shutter motor 3ddf 32.04 13:38 modified seq38 to have heater 12 on 100%, 2,3,4,5 on at 25% 1.40A 13:47 run cam_test 14:00 CYCLE 2 2 hour hot soak starts 14:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 21k60 21k98 21k56 21k39 22k00 11k02 7k43 6k21 6k08 SUS_B = 22k16 22k06 21k96 21k88 22k23 10k85 6k62 5k61 5k60 SUS_C = 21k59 22k07 21k69 21k56 22k06 10k74 7k33 6k18 6k07 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.023k 1.025k 1.028k 1.029k 1.029k 1.047k 1.075k 1.102k 1.122k STR2 = 1.019k 1.022k 1.026k 1.027k 1.027k 1.033k 1.056k 1.087k 1.122k STR3 = 1.027k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.083k 1.125k 1.143k 1.148k STR4 = 0.692k 0.689k 0.684k 0.683k 0.716k 0.700k 0.707k 0.721k 0.733k STR5 = 0.984k 0.963k 0.969k 0.976k 0.976k 0.978k 1.009k 1.048k 1.074k STR6 = 1.021k 1.033k 1.037k 1.041k 1.036k 1.054k 1.095k 1.129k 1.148k STR7 = 1.020k 1.027k 1.032k 1.034k 1.033k 1.068k 1.114k 1.143k 1.157k icu: STR8 = 1.116k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k STR9 = 1.110k 1.112k 1.114k 1.115k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r 478r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r SUH_C = 509r 509r 510r 509r 514r 510r 510r 511r 511r ccda ea -42.2 ccdb same mir base 3e4d 35.65 gra motor 3e74 38.27 shutter motor 3e43 35.09 15:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 21k98 21k56 21k39 22k00 11k02 7k43 6k21 6k08 6k06 SUS_B = 22k06 21k96 21k88 22k23 10k85 6k62 5k61 5k60 5k68 SUS_C = 22k07 21k69 21k56 22k06 10k74 7k33 6k18 6k07 6k05 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.025k 1.028k 1.029k 1.029k 1.047k 1.075k 1.102k 1.122k 1.134k STR2 = 1.022k 1.026k 1.027k 1.027k 1.033k 1.056k 1.087k 1.122k 1.127k STR3 = 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.083k 1.125k 1.143k 1.148k 1.150k STR4 = 0.689k 0.684k 0.683k 0.716k 0.700k 0.707k 0.721k 0.733k 0.742k STR5 = 0.963k 0.969k 0.976k 0.976k 0.978k 1.009k 1.048k 1.074k 1.089k STR6 = 1.033k 1.037k 1.041k 1.036k 1.054k 1.095k 1.129k 1.148k 1.157k STR7 = 1.027k 1.032k 1.034k 1.033k 1.068k 1.114k 1.143k 1.157k 1.163k icu: STR8 = 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k STR9 = 1.112k 1.114k 1.115k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r 478r 478r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r 526r SUH_C = 509r 510r 509r 514r 510r 510r 511r 511r 511r ccda e9 -40.15 ccdb same mir base 3e5c 36.49 gra motor 3e7a 38.53 shutter motor 3e61 36.89 15:31 run mhc_init to use the usual heater schedule (1.13A) Ref foot 1 starts to cool rapidly. Re-run seq 38 with same parameter settings as before. 16:00 sft started: SFT_14_04_04_no2.doc 16:20 start of mhc functional test: mhc_ft_part1_14_04_04_no2.doc 17:06 end of mhc functional test run roe tests Cam hk parameters: fsrun0087 fsrun0091(2) fsrun0128(8) fsrun0129(1) fsrun0130 +35 +5 +35 29 c0 c0 bf c0 bf 4 75 75 74 75 74 2 bb bb ba bb ba 8 95 95 95 95 95 6 82 82 82 82 82 5 75 75 74 75 75 3 bb bb bb bb bb 9 95 95 94 95 94 7 82 82 82 82 82 39 0 0 0 0 0 28 c0 bf bf c0 bf 20 df e1 db e2 e1 18 7f 80 7e 82 7c 24 34 33 31 35 33 22 a7 a2 a1 a2 a4 21 a5 a5 a3 a6 a4 19 63 63 63 66 67 25 34 34 30 34 31 23 a1 9d 9d 9b 9f 36 ff ff ff ff ff 1 84 84 84 84 84 0 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 43 20 1a 1f 1f 20 42 db e8 (+7V) db dc db 44 df e8 (+8V) df df df 45 ca cb c9 c9 c9 40 d4 e7 d4 d4 d4 27 7a 68 42 91 4d 17 7f 7f 87 80 86 16 22 20 23 22 1f 47 64 8f (-8VI) 69 6b 6b 46 5f 4b (+7VI) 64 64 65 48 5d 82 (+8VI) 57 57 56 49 37 46 (+13VI) 32 34 32 41 64 96 (+39VI) 60 60 60 26 6e 5a 38 7c 41 32 99 99 99 99 99 33 99 99 99 99 99 34 77 99 77 77 77 10 b1 b2 b2 b1 b2 11 ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba 35 af af af af af Stims - fsrun0130/md_data.0040 Peak at ~12000, slope 543 -> 544 (cold ccda,b -36.3) run vog_max_min cam parameters: Prev 29/03/04 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 +5 cycle 1 +35 cycle 2 13 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 14 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 15 ed ed ed ed ed ed 10 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 11 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 12 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 14 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 15 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 10 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 11 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 12 ed ed ed ed ed ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba 10 b1 b1 b1 b2 b1 b1 11 ba ba bc ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba run sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure fsrun0129/md_data.0041, 42, 43 reset roe exit default run sequence 4 & 5 load seq 20, ll 20 fsrun0129/md_data.0044, 45, 46 17:23 end of roe tests reset roe exit default run mhc_init 17:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 21k56 21k39 22k00 11k02 7k43 6k21 6k08 6k06 5k83 SUS_B = 21k96 21k88 22k23 10k85 6k62 5k61 5k60 5k68 5k63 SUS_C = 21k69 21k56 22k06 10k74 7k33 6k18 6k07 6k05 5k85 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.028k 1.029k 1.029k 1.047k 1.075k 1.102k 1.122k 1.134k 1.150k STR2 = 1.026k 1.027k 1.027k 1.033k 1.056k 1.087k 1.122k 1.127k 1.146k STR3 = 1.025k 1.025k 1.025k 1.083k 1.125k 1.143k 1.148k 1.150k 1.154k STR4 = 0.684k 0.683k 0.716k 0.700k 0.707k 0.721k 0.733k 0.742k 0.758k STR5 = 0.969k 0.976k 0.976k 0.978k 1.009k 1.048k 1.074k 1.089k 1.086k STR6 = 1.037k 1.041k 1.036k 1.054k 1.095k 1.129k 1.148k 1.157k 1.152k STR7 = 1.032k 1.034k 1.033k 1.068k 1.114k 1.143k 1.157k 1.163k 1.155k icu: STR8 = 1.121k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.124k STR9 = 1.114k 1.115k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.117k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r 478r 478r 478r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r 526r 526r SUH_C = 510r 509r 514r 510r 510r 511r 511r 511r 511r ccda e7 -36.3 ccdb same mir base 3e70 37.87 gra motor 3e82 38.95 shutter motor 3e71 37.87 17:33 start cooling to +5 turned operational heaters off at icu (bytes 0x39, 0), mhc still switching 17:42 run cam_test (starts with md_data.0047) 18:46 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 21k39 22k00 11k02 7k43 6k21 6k08 6k06 5k83 15k90 SUS_B = 21k88 22k23 10k85 6k62 5k61 5k60 5k68 5k63 16k43 SUS_C = 21k56 22k06 10k74 7k33 6k18 6k07 6k05 5k85 16k15 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.029k 1.029k 1.047k 1.075k 1.102k 1.122k 1.134k 1.150k 1.122k STR2 = 1.027k 1.027k 1.033k 1.056k 1.087k 1.122k 1.127k 1.146k 1.134k STR3 = 1.025k 1.025k 1.083k 1.125k 1.143k 1.148k 1.150k 1.154k 1.061k STR4 = 0.683k 0.716k 0.700k 0.707k 0.721k 0.733k 0.742k 0.758k 0.762k STR5 = 0.976k 0.976k 0.978k 1.009k 1.048k 1.074k 1.089k 1.086k 1.068k STR6 = 1.041k 1.036k 1.054k 1.095k 1.129k 1.148k 1.157k 1.152k 1.119k STR7 = 1.034k 1.033k 1.068k 1.114k 1.143k 1.157k 1.163k 1.155k 1.099k icu: STR8 = 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.124k 1.123k STR9 = 1.115k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.117k 1.116k SUH_A = 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r 478r 478r 478r 477r SUH_B = 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r 526r 526r 525r SUH_C = 509r 514r 510r 510r 511r 511r 511r 511r 511r ccda E8 -38.18 ccdb same mir base 3cf4 23.72 gra motor 3d3e 23.03 shutter motor 3d6f 27.76 19:10 run mhc_heater_test no heaters turned on because no power to relays 19:20 run mhc_heater_test (no power to relays yet) to turn on power to relays: bytes 0x39, 1 19:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 22k00 11k02 7k43 6k21 6k08 6k06 5k83 15k90 21k14 SUS_B = 22k23 10k85 6k62 5k61 5k60 5k68 5k63 16k43 23k48 SUS_C = 22k06 10k74 7k33 6k18 6k07 6k05 5k85 16k15 21k34 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.029k 1.047k 1.075k 1.102k 1.122k 1.134k 1.150k 1.122k 1.102k STR2 = 1.027k 1.033k 1.056k 1.087k 1.122k 1.127k 1.146k 1.134k 1.114k STR3 = 1.025k 1.083k 1.125k 1.143k 1.148k 1.150k 1.154k 1.061k 1.036k STR4 = 0.716k 0.700k 0.707k 0.721k 0.733k 0.742k 0.758k 0.762k 0.764k STR5 = 0.976k 0.978k 1.009k 1.048k 1.074k 1.089k 1.086k 1.068k 1.059k STR6 = 1.036k 1.054k 1.095k 1.129k 1.148k 1.157k 1.152k 1.119k 1.097k STR7 = 1.033k 1.068k 1.114k 1.143k 1.157k 1.163k 1.155k 1.099k 1.074k icu: STR8 = 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.124k 1.123k 1.123k STR9 = 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.117k 1.116k 1.116k SUH_A = 476r 477r 478r 478r 478r 478r 478r 477r 476r SUH_B = 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r SUH_C = 514r 510r 510r 511r 511r 511r 511r 511r 510r ccda EA -42.2 ccdb same mir base 3b5f 14.34 gra motor 3b74 14.82 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 7k43 6k21 6k08 6k06 5k83 15k90 21k14 24k05 25.28k SUS_B = 6k62 5k61 5k60 5k68 5k63 16k43 23k48 27k61 28.54k SUS_C = 7k33 6k18 6k07 6k05 5k85 16k15 21k34 24k03 25.20k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.075k 1.102k 1.122k 1.134k 1.150k 1.122k 1.102k 1.079k 1.06k STR2 = 1.056k 1.087k 1.122k 1.127k 1.146k 1.134k 1.114k 1.088k 1.067k STR3 = 1.125k 1.143k 1.148k 1.150k 1.154k 1.061k 1.036k 1.024k 1.022k STR4 = 0.707k 0.721k 0.733k 0.742k 0.758k 0.762k 0.764k 0.772k 0.787k STR5 = 1.009k 1.048k 1.074k 1.089k 1.086k 1.068k 1.059k 1.050k 1.047k STR6 = 1.095k 1.129k 1.148k 1.157k 1.152k 1.119k 1.097k 1.077k 1.067k STR7 = 1.114k 1.143k 1.157k 1.163k 1.155k 1.099k 1.074k 1.054k 1.044k icu: STR8 = 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.124k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.122k STR9 = 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.117k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.116k SUH_A = 478r 478r 478r 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 526r 526r 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 510r 511r 511r 511r 511r 511r 510r 510r 511r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda E9 -40.15 deg C ccdb EA -42.20 deg C mir base 38b8 4.88 deg C gra motor 37db 2.56 deg C shutter motor 395a 6.72 deg C 61 qcm_1 130f 62 qcm_2 1148 shutter motor 3c24 18.34 61 qcm_1 1319 62 qcm_2 11B1 20:00 Jason and Matt finished their shift (rather too promptly in my opinion) and handed over to Ady and Rahil 20:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 11k02 7k43 6k21 6k08 6k06 5k83 15k90 21k14 24k05 SUS_B = 10k85 6k62 5k61 5k60 5k68 5k63 16k43 23k48 27k61 SUS_C = 10k74 7k33 6k18 6k07 6k05 5k85 16k15 21k34 24k03 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.047k 1.075k 1.102k 1.122k 1.134k 1.150k 1.122k 1.102k 1.079k STR2 = 1.033k 1.056k 1.087k 1.122k 1.127k 1.146k 1.134k 1.114k 1.088k STR3 = 1.083k 1.125k 1.143k 1.148k 1.150k 1.154k 1.061k 1.036k 1.024k STR4 = 0.700k 0.707k 0.721k 0.733k 0.742k 0.758k 0.762k 0.764k 0.772k STR5 = 0.978k 1.009k 1.048k 1.074k 1.089k 1.086k 1.068k 1.059k 1.050k STR6 = 1.054k 1.095k 1.129k 1.148k 1.157k 1.152k 1.119k 1.097k 1.077k STR7 = 1.068k 1.114k 1.143k 1.157k 1.163k 1.155k 1.099k 1.074k 1.054k icu: STR8 = 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.124k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k STR9 = 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.117k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k SUH_A = 477r 478r 478r 478r 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r SUH_B = 525r 526r 526r 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r SUH_C = 510r 510r 511r 511r 511r 511r 511r 510r 510r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda EA -42.2 ccdb same mir base 39b5 7.89 gra motor 3919 6.04 shutter motor 3adc 12.06 61 qcm_1 1302 62 qcm_2 1159 21:00 Start of soak: A0 = 3.39, B0 = 2.74, C0 = 5.88 21:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 7k43 6k21 6k08 6k06 5k83 15k90 21k14 24k05 25.28k SUS_B = 6k62 5k61 5k60 5k68 5k63 16k43 23k48 27k61 28.54k SUS_C = 7k33 6k18 6k07 6k05 5k85 16k15 21k34 24k03 25.20k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.075k 1.102k 1.122k 1.134k 1.150k 1.122k 1.102k 1.079k 1.06k STR2 = 1.056k 1.087k 1.122k 1.127k 1.146k 1.134k 1.114k 1.088k 1.067k STR3 = 1.125k 1.143k 1.148k 1.150k 1.154k 1.061k 1.036k 1.024k 1.022k STR4 = 0.707k 0.721k 0.733k 0.742k 0.758k 0.762k 0.764k 0.772k 0.787k STR5 = 1.009k 1.048k 1.074k 1.089k 1.086k 1.068k 1.059k 1.050k 1.047k STR6 = 1.095k 1.129k 1.148k 1.157k 1.152k 1.119k 1.097k 1.077k 1.067k STR7 = 1.114k 1.143k 1.157k 1.163k 1.155k 1.099k 1.074k 1.054k 1.044k icu: STR8 = 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.124k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.122k STR9 = 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.117k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.116k SUH_A = 478r 478r 478r 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 526r 526r 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 510r 511r 511r 511r 511r 511r 510r 510r 511r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda E9 -40.15 deg C ccdb EA -42.20 deg C mir base 38b8 4.88 deg C gra motor 37db 2.56 deg C shutter motor 395a 6.72 deg C 61 qcm_1 130f 62 qcm_2 1148 22:00 Turn on MHC_HTR_28V using bytes 0x39,1 run mhc_heater_test HZ8: current is 1.14A, ETS8 seen to rise to 5.53degC (from 3.19) at end of 5 mins HZ3: current is 1.13A, ETS3 seen to rise to 7.23degC (from 3.68) at end of 3 mins HZ7: current is 1.13A, ETS7 seen to rise to 3.91degC (from 2,54) at end of 2 mins HZ2: current is 1.13A, ETS2 seen to rise to 5.24degC (from 3.42) at end of 4 mins HZ6: current is 1.13A, ETS6 seen to rise to 2.35degC (from 2.28) at end of 5 mins (long way from heater) HZ11: current is 1.13A, ETS11 seen to rise to 4.65degC (from 4.12) at end of 3 mins HZ5: current is 1.13A, ETS5 seen to rise to 4.61degC (from 2.50) at end of 3 mins HZ1: current is 1.13A, ETS1 seen to rise to 3.19degC (from 2.61) at end of 5 mins (long way from heater) HZ4: current is 1.13A, ETS4 seen to rise to 4.04degC (from 2.39) at end of 5 mins HZ10: current is 1.13A, ETS10 seen to rise to 1.61degC (from 0.68) at end of 5 mins (long way from heater) HZ12: current is 1.13A, ETS12 seen to rise to 3.82degC (from 3.50) at end of 5 mins (long way from heater) HZ9: current is 1.13A, ETS9 seen to rise to 2.24degC (from 0.80) at end of 5 mins Current back to 0.85A 22:50 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 7k43 6k21 6k08 6k06 5k83 15k90 21k14 24k05 25.60k SUS_B = 6k62 5k61 5k60 5k68 5k63 16k43 23k48 27k61 26.43k SUS_C = 7k33 6k18 6k07 6k05 5k85 16k15 21k34 24k03 25.50k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.102k 1.122k 1.134k 1.150k 1.122k 1.102k 1.079k 1.06k 1.043k STR2 = 1.087k 1.122k 1.127k 1.146k 1.134k 1.114k 1.088k 1.067k 1.046k STR3 = 1.143k 1.148k 1.150k 1.154k 1.061k 1.036k 1.024k 1.022k 1.019k STR4 = 0.721k 0.733k 0.742k 0.758k 0.762k 0.764k 0.772k 0.787k 0.811k STR5 = 1.048k 1.074k 1.089k 1.086k 1.068k 1.059k 1.050k 1.047k 1.047k STR6 = 1.129k 1.148k 1.157k 1.152k 1.119k 1.097k 1.077k 1.067k 1.064k STR7 = 1.143k 1.157k 1.163k 1.155k 1.099k 1.074k 1.054k 1.044k 1.042k icu: STR8 = 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.124k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k STR9 = 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.117k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k SUH_A = 478r 478r 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 526r 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 511r 511r 511r 511r 511r 510r 510r 511r 511r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda E7 -36.30 deg C ccdb E7 -36.30 deg C mir base 384c 3.77 deg C gra motor 3761 1.61 deg C shutter motor 38c6 5.00 deg C 61 qcm_1 131b 62 qcm_2 114a 23:01 -> standby -> halt start new log fsrun0131 -> standby 23:00 start SFT_14_04_no3 23:33 start mhc sft 00:16 start ROE sft run roe tests Cam hk parameters: fsrun0087 fsrun0091(2) fsrun0128(8) fsrun0129(1) fsrun0130 fsrun0131 +35 +5 +35 +5 29 c0 c0 bf c0 bf c0 4 75 75 74 75 74 75 2 bb bb ba bb ba bb 8 95 95 95 95 95 95 6 82 82 82 82 82 82 5 75 75 74 75 75 75 3 bb bb bb bb bb bb 9 95 95 94 95 94 95 7 82 82 82 82 82 82 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 c0 bf bf c0 bf c0 20 df e1 db e2 e1 e0 18 7f 80 7e 82 7c 7e 24 34 33 31 35 33 33 22 a7 a2 a1 a2 a4 a3 21 a5 a5 a3 a6 a4 a5 19 63 63 63 66 67 64 25 34 34 30 34 31 34 23 a1 9d 9d 9b 9f 9c 36 ff ff ff ff ff ff 1 84 84 84 84 84 84 0 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 43 20 1a 1f 1f 20 20 42 db e8 (+7V) db dc db db 44 df e8 (+8V) df df df df 45 ca cb c9 c9 c9 c9 40 d4 e7 d4 d4 d4 d5 27 7a 68 42 91 4d 80 17 7f 7f 87 80 86 80 16 22 20 23 22 1f 21 47 64 8f (-8VI) 69 6b 6b 6b 46 5f 4b (+7VI) 64 64 65 64 48 5d 82 (+8VI) 57 57 56 57 49 37 46 (+13VI) 32 34 32 33 41 64 96 (+39VI) 60 60 60 60 26 6e 5a 38 7c 41 6c 32 99 99 99 99 99 99 33 99 99 99 99 99 99 34 77 99 77 77 77 77 10 b1 b2 b2 b1 b2 b1 11 ba ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba 35 af af af af af af > mhc_init load seq 45 load sel_seq 45 load LL 45 -> auto Stims - fsrun0131/md_data.0002 Peak at ~12000, slope none seen (cold ccda,b -29degC) run vog_max_min cam parameters: Prev 29/03/04 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 +5 cycle 1 +35 cycle 2 +5 cycle 2 13 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 14 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 15 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed 10 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 11 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 12 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 14 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 15 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 10 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 11 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 12 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 10 b1 b1 b1 b2 b1 b1 b1 11 ba ba bc ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba run sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure fsrun0131/md_data.0003, 004, 005 reset roe exit default run sequence 4 & 5 load seq 20, sel_seq 20, ll 20 got SEQ_ABORT 0x3 got SEQ_ABORT)EC 0x1 stat_clr -> auto fsrun0131/md_data.0006,7,8 THURSDAY 15th April 2004 00:39 end of roe tests 00:40 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 6k21 6k08 6k06 5k83 15k90 21k14 24k05 25.28k 25.43k SUS_B = 5k61 5k60 5k68 5k63 16k43 23k48 27k61 28.54k 26.91k SUS_C = 6k18 6k07 6k05 5k85 16k15 21k34 24k03 25.20k 25.31k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.102k 1.122k 1.134k 1.150k 1.122k 1.102k 1.079k 1.06k 1.032k STR2 = 1.087k 1.122k 1.127k 1.146k 1.134k 1.114k 1.088k 1.067k 1.033k STR3 = 1.143k 1.148k 1.150k 1.154k 1.061k 1.036k 1.024k 1.022k 1.019k STR4 = 0.721k 0.733k 0.742k 0.758k 0.762k 0.764k 0.772k 0.787k 0.846k STR5 = 1.048k 1.074k 1.089k 1.086k 1.068k 1.059k 1.050k 1.047k 1.048k STR6 = 1.129k 1.148k 1.157k 1.152k 1.119k 1.097k 1.077k 1.067k 1.063k STR7 = 1.143k 1.157k 1.163k 1.155k 1.099k 1.074k 1.054k 1.044k 1.041k icu: STR8 = 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.124k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k STR9 = 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.117k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k SUH_A = 478r 478r 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 526r 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 511r 511r 511r 511r 511r 510r 510r 511r 511r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda E2 -28.07 deg C ccdb E2 -28.07 deg C mir base 3838 3.5 deg C gra motor 37a6 2.16 deg C shutter motor 38d2 5.13 deg C 61 qcm_1 1326 62 qcm_2 1158 00:47 start of hot cycle #3 to +35 deg C run heaters script to help heat up load seq #38, sel_seq #38 -> auto 01:35 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 6k08 6k06 5k83 15k90 21k14 24k05 25.28k 25.43k 18.96k SUS_B = 5k60 5k68 5k63 16k43 23k48 27k61 28.54k 26.91k 14.50k SUS_C = 6k07 6k05 5k85 16k15 21k34 24k03 25.20k 25.31k 13.51k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.122k 1.134k 1.150k 1.122k 1.102k 1.079k 1.06k 1.032k 1.042k STR2 = 1.122k 1.127k 1.146k 1.134k 1.114k 1.088k 1.067k 1.033k 1.033k STR3 = 1.148k 1.150k 1.154k 1.061k 1.036k 1.024k 1.022k 1.019k 1.066k STR4 = 0.733k 0.742k 0.758k 0.762k 0.764k 0.772k 0.787k 0.846k 0.864k STR5 = 1.074k 1.089k 1.086k 1.068k 1.059k 1.050k 1.047k 1.048k 1.063k STR6 = 1.148k 1.157k 1.152k 1.119k 1.097k 1.077k 1.067k 1.063k 1.084k STR7 = 1.157k 1.163k 1.155k 1.099k 1.074k 1.054k 1.044k 1.041k 1.084k icu: STR8 = 1.123k 1.124k 1.124k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k STR9 = 1.117k 1.117k 1.117k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k SUH_A = 478r 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 511r 511r 511r 511r 510r 510r 511r 511r 511r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda df -23.98 deg C ccdb df -23.98 deg C mir base 396d 6.93 deg C gra motor 38ac 4.78 deg C shutter motor 3973 7.12deg C 61 qcm_1 138f 62 qcm_2 11b2 02:22 start of soak at +35 deg C cycle #3 c0 35.04 deg C a0 37.45 deg C b0 36.73 deg C 02:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 6k06 5k83 15k90 21k14 24k05 25.28k 25.43k 18.96k 6.75k SUS_B = 5k68 5k63 16k43 23k48 27k61 28.54k 26.91k 14.50k 5.95k SUS_C = 6k05 5k85 16k15 21k34 24k03 25.20k 25.31k 13.51k 6.56k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.134k 1.150k 1.122k 1.102k 1.079k 1.06k 1.032k 1.042k 1.079k STR2 = 1.127k 1.146k 1.134k 1.114k 1.088k 1.067k 1.033k 1.033k 1.057k STR3 = 1.150k 1.154k 1.061k 1.036k 1.024k 1.022k 1.019k 1.066k 1.144k STR4 = 0.742k 0.758k 0.762k 0.764k 0.772k 0.787k 0.846k 0.864k 0.899k STR5 = 1.089k 1.086k 1.068k 1.059k 1.050k 1.047k 1.048k 1.063k 1.118k STR6 = 1.157k 1.152k 1.119k 1.097k 1.077k 1.067k 1.063k 1.084k 1.136k STR7 = 1.163k 1.155k 1.099k 1.074k 1.054k 1.044k 1.041k 1.084k 1.140k icu: STR8 = 1.124k 1.124k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k STR9 = 1.117k 1.117k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k SUH_A = 478r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r SUH_B = 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 526r SUH_C = 511r 511r 511r 510r 510r 511r 511r 511r 512r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda d2 -11.73 deg C ccdb d2 -11.73 deg C mir base 3d3c 26.02 deg C gra motor 3d03 24.23 deg C shutter motor 3cda 23.04 deg C 61 qcm_1 14c9 62 qcm_2 1351 03:17 -> manual run mhc_init 03:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 5k83 15k90 21k14 24k05 25.28k 25.43k 18.96k 6.75k 6.75k SUS_B = 5k63 16k43 23k48 27k61 28.54k 26.91k 14.50k 5.95k 6.59k SUS_C = 5k85 16k15 21k34 24k03 25.20k 25.31k 13.51k 6.56k 6.74k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.150k 1.122k 1.102k 1.079k 1.06k 1.032k 1.042k 1.079k 1.099k STR2 = 1.146k 1.134k 1.114k 1.088k 1.067k 1.033k 1.033k 1.057k 1.086k STR3 = 1.154k 1.061k 1.036k 1.024k 1.022k 1.019k 1.066k 1.144k 1.138k STR4 = 0.758k 0.762k 0.764k 0.772k 0.787k 0.846k 0.864k 0.899k 0.936k STR5 = 1.086k 1.068k 1.059k 1.050k 1.047k 1.048k 1.063k 1.118k 1.150k STR6 = 1.152k 1.119k 1.097k 1.077k 1.067k 1.063k 1.084k 1.136k 1.163k STR7 = 1.155k 1.099k 1.074k 1.054k 1.044k 1.041k 1.084k 1.140k 1.151k icu: STR8 = 1.124k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.123k STR9 = 1.117k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k SUH_A = 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 477r SUH_B = 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 526r 526r SUH_C = 511r 511r 510r 510r 511r 511r 511r 512r 513r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda c2 -4.00 deg C ccdb c2 -4.00 deg C mir base 3df0 32.90 deg C gra motor 3e12 34.52 deg C shutter motor 3cdfd 33.47 deg C 61 qcm_1 14ad 62 qcm_2 137e 04:15 14/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 15k90 21k14 24k05 25.28k 25.43k 18.96k 6.75k 6.75k 6.26k SUS_B = 16k43 23k48 27k61 28.54k 26.91k 14.50k 5.95k 6.59k 6.04k SUS_C = 16k15 21k34 24k03 25.20k 25.31k 13.51k 6.56k 6.74k 6.25k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.122k 1.102k 1.079k 1.06k 1.032k 1.042k 1.079k 1.099k 1.114k STR2 = 1.134k 1.114k 1.088k 1.067k 1.033k 1.033k 1.057k 1.086k 1.103k STR3 = 1.061k 1.036k 1.024k 1.022k 1.019k 1.066k 1.144k 1.138k 1.145k STR4 = 0.762k 0.764k 0.772k 0.787k 0.846k 0.864k 0.899k 0.936k 0.959k STR5 = 1.068k 1.059k 1.050k 1.047k 1.048k 1.063k 1.118k 1.150k 1.158k STR6 = 1.119k 1.097k 1.077k 1.067k 1.063k 1.084k 1.136k 1.163k 1.170k STR7 = 1.099k 1.074k 1.054k 1.044k 1.041k 1.084k 1.140k 1.151k 1.157k icu: STR8 = 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k STR9 = 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k SUH_A = 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 477r 478r SUH_B = 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 526r 526r 526r SUH_C = 511r 510r 510r 511r 511r 511r 512r 513r 513r ** STR1 showing on TV monitor ** ccda b8 -0.82 deg C ccdb b8 -0.82 deg C mir base 3e2a 33.83 deg C gra motor 3e3a 34.76 deg C shutter motor 3e35 34.41 deg C 61 qcm_1 14c3 62 qcm_2 138d 04:22 start SFT_15_Apr_04_no1 ->manual ->standby new run : fsrun0132 emergency -> standby 04:46 start mhc_ft_part1_15_Apr_04_no1 05:26 start ROE sft run roe tests Cam hk parameters: fsrun0091(2) fsrun0128(8) fsrun0129(1) fsrun0130 fsrun0131 fsrun 0132 +35 +5 +35 +5 +35 29 c0 bf c0 bf c0 bf 4 75 74 75 74 75 74 2 bb ba bb ba bb ba 8 95 95 95 95 95 95 6 82 82 82 82 82 82 5 75 74 75 75 75 74 3 bb bb bb bb bb bb 9 95 94 95 94 95 94 7 82 82 82 82 82 82 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 bf bf c0 bf c0 bf 20 e1 db e2 e1 e0 dd 18 80 7e 82 7c 7e 80 24 33 31 35 33 33 31 22 a2 a1 a2 a4 a3 a3 21 a5 a3 a6 a4 a5 a2 19 63 63 66 67 64 66 25 34 30 34 31 34 31 23 9d 9d 9b 9f 9c 9f 36 ff ff ff ff ff ff 1 84 84 84 84 84 84 0 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 43 1a 1f 1f 20 20 20 42 e8 (+7V) db dc db db db 44 e8 (+8V) df df df df df 45 cb c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 40 e7 d4 d4 d4 d5 d4 27 68 42 91 4d 80 42 17 7f 87 80 86 80 83 16 20 23 22 1f 21 23 47 8f (-8VI) 69 6b 6b 6b 6a 46 4b (+7VI) 64 64 65 64 65 48 82 (+8VI) 57 57 56 57 56 49 46 (+13VI) 32 34 32 33 32 41 96 (+39VI) 60 60 60 60 60 26 5a 38 7c 41 6c 37 32 99 99 99 99 99 99 33 99 99 99 99 99 99 34 99 77 77 77 77 77 10 b2 b2 b1 b2 b1 b2 11 ba ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba 35 af af af af af af > run mhc_init -> manual load seq 45 load sel_seq 45 load LL 45 -> auto Stims - fsrun0132/md_data.0002 Peak at ~12000, slope 537/547 (are not cold ccda,b 5.00degC) run vog_max_min cam parameters: 29/03/04 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 15/04 +5 cycle 1 +35 cycle 2 +5 cycle 2 +35 cycle 3 13 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 14 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 15 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed 10 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 11 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 12 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 14 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 15 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 10 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 11 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 12 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 10 b1 b1 b2 b1 b1 b1 b2 11 ba bc ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba run sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure fsrun0132/md_data.0003, 004, 005 reset roe exit default run mhc_init load seq 20, sel_seq 20, ll 20 -> auto x 3 fsrun0132/md_data.0006,7,8 -> manual -> standby 05:43 end of roe tests start of cold transition cycle 3 06:30 14/04 14/04 14/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 21k14 24k05 25.28k 25.43k 18.96k 6.75k 6.75k 6.26k 14.06k SUS_B = 23k48 27k61 28.54k 26.91k 14.50k 5.95k 6.59k 6.04k 13.80k SUS_C = 21k34 24k03 25.20k 25.31k 13.51k 6.56k 6.74k 6.25k 14.24k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.102k 1.079k 1.06k 1.032k 1.042k 1.079k 1.099k 1.114k 1.118k STR2 = 1.114k 1.088k 1.067k 1.033k 1.033k 1.057k 1.086k 1.103k 1.127k STR3 = 1.036k 1.024k 1.022k 1.019k 1.066k 1.144k 1.138k 1.145k 1.075k STR4 = 0.764k 0.772k 0.787k 0.846k 0.864k 0.899k 0.936k 0.959k 1.015k STR5 = 1.059k 1.050k 1.047k 1.048k 1.063k 1.118k 1.150k 1.158k 1.151k STR6 = 1.097k 1.077k 1.067k 1.063k 1.084k 1.136k 1.163k 1.170k 1.158k STR7 = 1.074k 1.054k 1.044k 1.041k 1.084k 1.140k 1.151k 1.157k 1.127k icu: STR8 = 1.123k 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.121k STR9 = 1.116k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.115k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 477r 478r 477r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 526r 526r 526r 525r SUH_C = 510r 510r 511r 511r 511r 512r 513r 513r 513r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda 9f 7.56 deg C ccdb a0 7.16 deg C -> manual mir base 3d6f 27.76 deg C gra motor 3db4 30.31 deg C shutter motor 3deb 32.64 deg C 61 qcm_1 1403 62 qcm_2 12bd 7:20 make up heaters off (oops a little late) bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 07:30 14/04 14/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 24k05 25.28k 25.43k 18.96k 6.75k 6.75k 6.26k 14.06k 28.57k SUS_B = 27k61 28.54k 26.91k 14.50k 5.95k 6.59k 6.04k 13.80k 32.05k SUS_C = 24k03 25.20k 25.31k 13.51k 6.56k 6.74k 6.25k 14.24k 28.50k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.079k 1.06k 1.032k 1.042k 1.079k 1.099k 1.114k 1.118k 1.082k STR2 = 1.088k 1.067k 1.033k 1.033k 1.057k 1.086k 1.103k 1.127k 1.096k STR3 = 1.024k 1.022k 1.019k 1.066k 1.144k 1.138k 1.145k 1.075k 1.007k STR4 = 0.772k 0.787k 0.846k 0.864k 0.899k 0.936k 0.959k 1.015k 1.011k STR5 = 1.050k 1.047k 1.048k 1.063k 1.118k 1.150k 1.158k 1.151k 1.085k STR6 = 1.077k 1.067k 1.063k 1.084k 1.136k 1.163k 1.170k 1.158k 1.092k STR7 = 1.054k 1.044k 1.041k 1.084k 1.140k 1.151k 1.157k 1.127k 1.070k icu: STR8 = 1.122k 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.121k 1.119k STR9 = 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.115k 1.112k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 477r 478r 477r 476r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r SUH_C = 510r 511r 511r 511r 512r 513r 513r 513r 513r ** STR1 showing on TV monitor ** ccda aa 3.51 deg C ccdb aa 3.51 deg C -> manual mir base 39dd 8.41 deg C gra motor 3a27 9.42 deg C shutter motor 3ba8 15.75 deg C 61 qcm1_t 12b5 62 qcm2_t 113d -> standby make up heaters off (oops a little late) bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 08:30 14/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 25.28k 25.43k 18.96k 6.75k 6.75k 6.26k 14.06k 28.57k 27k95 SUS_B = 28.54k 26.91k 14.50k 5.95k 6.59k 6.04k 13.80k 32.05k 31k27 SUS_C = 25.20k 25.31k 13.51k 6.56k 6.74k 6.25k 14.24k 28.50k 27k59 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.06k 1.032k 1.042k 1.079k 1.099k 1.114k 1.118k 1.082k 1.062k STR2 = 1.067k 1.033k 1.033k 1.057k 1.086k 1.103k 1.127k 1.096k 1.069k STR3 = 1.022k 1.019k 1.066k 1.144k 1.138k 1.145k 1.075k 1.007k 1.012k STR4 = 0.787k 0.846k 0.864k 0.899k 0.936k 0.959k 1.015k 1.011k 1.007k STR5 = 1.047k 1.048k 1.063k 1.118k 1.150k 1.158k 1.151k 1.085k 1.047k STR6 = 1.067k 1.063k 1.084k 1.136k 1.163k 1.170k 1.158k 1.092k 1.051k STR7 = 1.044k 1.041k 1.084k 1.140k 1.151k 1.157k 1.127k 1.070k 1.039k icu: STR8 = 1.122k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.121k 1.119k 1.117k STR9 = 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 477r 477r 478r 477r 476r 476r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r SUH_C = 511r 511r 511r 512r 513r 513r 513r 513r 512r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda b2 0.97 ccdb b2 0.97 -> manual -> exit default 0.86A mir base 3815 3.22 gra motor 376a 1.60 shutter motor 398e 7.4 61 qcm1_t 1212 62 qcm2_t 1121 -> standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 09:00 manual 0.86A, peak 1.02A exit default 0.86A run mhc_init 1.14A manual run cam_test (start with md_data.0009) 09:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 25.43k 18.96k 6.75k 6.75k 6.26k 14.06k 28.57k 27k95 26k46 SUS_B = 26.91k 14.50k 5.95k 6.59k 6.04k 13.80k 32.05k 31k27 28k73 SUS_C = 25.31k 13.51k 6.56k 6.74k 6.25k 14.24k 28.50k 27k59 26k33 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.032k 1.042k 1.079k 1.099k 1.114k 1.118k 1.082k 1.062k 1.048k STR2 = 1.033k 1.033k 1.057k 1.086k 1.103k 1.127k 1.096k 1.069k 1.051k STR3 = 1.019k 1.066k 1.144k 1.138k 1.145k 1.075k 1.007k 1.012k 1.015k STR4 = 0.846k 0.864k 0.899k 0.936k 0.959k 1.015k 1.011k 1.007k 1.006k STR5 = 1.048k 1.063k 1.118k 1.150k 1.158k 1.151k 1.085k 1.047k 1.042k STR6 = 1.063k 1.084k 1.136k 1.163k 1.170k 1.158k 1.092k 1.051k 1.051k STR7 = 1.041k 1.084k 1.140k 1.151k 1.157k 1.127k 1.070k 1.039k 1.033k icu: STR8 = 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.121k 1.119k 1.117k 1.117k STR9 = 1.116k 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.111k SUH_A = 476r 476r 477r 477r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 524r 524r 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 511r 511r 512r 513r 513r 513r 513r 512r 513r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda b5 0.07 ccdb b4 0.37 mir base 37e6 2.7 gra motor 36fa 0.61 shutter motor 3892 4.54 61 qcm1_t 1302 62 qcm2_t 1138 10:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 18.96k 6.75k 6.75k 6.26k 14.06k 28.57k 27k95 26k46 26k22 SUS_B = 14.50k 5.95k 6.59k 6.04k 13.80k 32.05k 31k27 28k73 27k65 SUS_C = 13.51k 6.56k 6.74k 6.25k 14.24k 28.50k 27k59 26k33 26k13 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.042k 1.079k 1.099k 1.114k 1.118k 1.082k 1.062k 1.048k 1.039k STR2 = 1.033k 1.057k 1.086k 1.103k 1.127k 1.096k 1.069k 1.051k 1.040k STR3 = 1.066k 1.144k 1.138k 1.145k 1.075k 1.007k 1.012k 1.015k 1.016k STR4 = 0.864k 0.899k 0.936k 0.959k 1.015k 1.011k 1.007k 1.006k 1.006k STR5 = 1.063k 1.118k 1.150k 1.158k 1.151k 1.085k 1.047k 1.042k 1.050k STR6 = 1.084k 1.136k 1.163k 1.170k 1.158k 1.092k 1.051k 1.051k 1.062k STR7 = 1.084k 1.140k 1.151k 1.157k 1.127k 1.070k 1.039k 1.033k 1.038k icu: STR8 = 1.123k 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.121k 1.119k 1.117k 1.117k 1.119k STR9 = 1.116k 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.111k 1.113k SUH_A = 476r 477r 477r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 524r 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 511r 512r 513r 513r 513r 513r 512r 513r 513r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda b4 0.37 ccdb b4 0.37 mir base 37d7 2.55 gra motor 371a 0.88 shutter motor 385b 3.92 61 qcm1_t 130d 62 qcm2_t 1144 11:00 Perform sft: SFT_15_Apr_04_no2.doc Perform mhc: mhc_ft_part1_15_04_04_no2.doc Perform roe tests Cam hk parameters: fsrun0128(8) fsrun0129(1) fsrun0130 fsrun0131 fsrun 0132 fsrun0132(5) +35 +5 +35 +5 +35 +5 29 bf c0 bf c0 bf c0 4 74 75 74 75 74 75 2 ba bb ba bb ba bb 8 95 95 95 95 95 95 6 82 82 82 82 82 82 5 74 75 75 75 74 75 3 bb bb bb bb bb bb 9 94 95 94 95 94 95 7 82 82 82 82 82 82 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 bf c0 bf c0 bf c0 20 db e2 e1 e0 dd e2 18 7e 82 7c 7e 80 7f 24 31 35 33 33 31 33 22 a1 a2 a4 a3 a3 a1 21 a3 a6 a4 a5 a2 a5 19 63 66 67 64 66 63 25 30 34 31 34 31 33 23 9d 9b 9f 9c 9f 9c 36 ff ff ff ff ff ff 1 84 84 84 84 84 84 0 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 43 1f 1f 20 20 20 20 42 db dc db db db dc 44 df df df df df df 45 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 40 d4 d4 d4 d5 d4 d5 27 42 91 4d 80 42 7d 17 87 80 86 80 83 82 16 23 22 1f 21 23 20 47 69 6b 6b 6b 6a 6b 46 64 64 65 64 65 64 48 57 57 56 57 56 57 49 32 34 32 33 32 33 41 60 60 60 60 60 5f 26 38 7c 41 6c 37 69 32 99 99 99 99 99 99 33 99 99 99 99 99 99 34 77 77 77 77 77 77 10 b2 b1 b2 b1 b2 b1 11 ba ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba 35 af af af af af af > run mhc_init -> manual load seq 45 load sel_seq 45 load LL 45 -> auto Stims - fsrun0132/md_data.0023 Peak at ~12000, slope 554/558 (are not cold ccda,b 1.0ish degC) run vog_max_min cam parameters: 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 14/04 15/04 15/04 +5 cycle 1 +35 cycle 2 +5 cycle 2 +35 cycle 3 +5 cycle 3 13 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 14 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 15 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed 10 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 11 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 12 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 14 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 15 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 10 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 11 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 12 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 10 b1 b2 b1 b1 b1 b2 b1 11 bc ba ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba run sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure fsrun0132/md_data.0024, 25, 26 reset roe exit default run mhc_init load seq 20, sel_seq 20, ll 20 -> auto x 3 fsrun0132/md_data.0027, 28, 29 12:13 end of roe tests CYCLE 4 Start warming to +35 load and run seq.30 12:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 6.75k 6.75k 6.26k 14.06k 28.57k 27k95 26k46 26k22 25k32 SUS_B = 5.95k 6.59k 6.04k 13.80k 32.05k 31k27 28k73 27k65 27k11 SUS_C = 6.56k 6.74k 6.25k 14.24k 28.50k 27k59 26k33 26k13 25k27 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.079k 1.099k 1.114k 1.118k 1.082k 1.062k 1.048k 1.039k 1.027k STR2 = 1.057k 1.086k 1.103k 1.127k 1.096k 1.069k 1.051k 1.040k 1.028k STR3 = 1.144k 1.138k 1.145k 1.075k 1.007k 1.012k 1.015k 1.016k 1.014k STR4 = 0.899k 0.936k 0.959k 1.015k 1.011k 1.007k 1.006k 1.006k 1.010k STR5 = 1.118k 1.150k 1.158k 1.151k 1.085k 1.047k 1.042k 1.050k 1.056k STR6 = 1.136k 1.163k 1.170k 1.158k 1.092k 1.051k 1.051k 1.062k 1.068k STR7 = 1.140k 1.151k 1.157k 1.127k 1.070k 1.039k 1.033k 1.038k 1.043k icu: STR8 = 1.123k 1.123k 1.124k 1.121k 1.119k 1.117k 1.117k 1.119k 1.121k STR9 = 1.116k 1.117k 1.117k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.111k 1.113k 1.115k SUH_A = 477r 477r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 526r 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 512r 513r 513r 513r 513r 512r 513r 513r 513r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda b1 1.28 ccdb b2 0.97 mir base 37d5 2.59 gra motor 3742 1.18 shutter motor 3893 4.51 61 qcm1_t 130e 62 qcm2_t 1146 12:38 run mhc_init Edit seq.38 to turn off heaters 2 & 5, heaters 3 & 4 on 50%, heater 12 100% run seq38 12:42 run cam_test 13:21 abort cam_test seq.38 altered to have heaters 2 & 11 on 50%, heater 12 on 100% seq.38 run run cam_test (starts at md_data.0038) 13:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 6.75k 6.26k 14.06k 28.57k 27k95 26k46 26k22 25k32 9k16 SUS_B = 6.59k 6.04k 13.80k 32.05k 31k27 28k73 27k65 27k11 8k89 SUS_C = 6.74k 6.25k 14.24k 28.50k 27k59 26k33 26k13 25k27 8k80 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.099k 1.114k 1.118k 1.082k 1.062k 1.048k 1.039k 1.027k 1.055k STR2 = 1.086k 1.103k 1.127k 1.096k 1.069k 1.051k 1.040k 1.028k 1.037k STR3 = 1.138k 1.145k 1.075k 1.007k 1.012k 1.015k 1.016k 1.014k 1.109k STR4 = 0.936k 0.959k 1.015k 1.011k 1.007k 1.006k 1.006k 1.010k 1.020k STR5 = 1.150k 1.158k 1.151k 1.085k 1.047k 1.042k 1.050k 1.056k 1.091k STR6 = 1.163k 1.170k 1.158k 1.092k 1.051k 1.051k 1.062k 1.068k 1.109k STR7 = 1.151k 1.157k 1.127k 1.070k 1.039k 1.033k 1.038k 1.043k 1.112k icu: STR8 = 1.123k 1.124k 1.121k 1.119k 1.117k 1.117k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k STR9 = 1.117k 1.117k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.111k 1.113k 1.115k 1.115k SUH_A = 477r 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r SUH_B = 526r 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r SUH_C = 513r 513r 513r 513r 512r 513r 513r 513r 513r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda aa 3.51 ccdb aa 3.51 mir base 3bb1 15.92 gra motor 3b09 12.94 shutter motor 3b27 13.51 61 qcm1_t 144f 62 qcm2_t 128a 13:33 Alter seq.38 to have heaters 2 & 3 on 50%, heater 12 100% restart cam_test (md_data.0040) 14:37 Alter seq.38 to have heaters 2 and 12 on at 100% restart cam_test (md_data.0041) 13:52 set heaters to 'normal' operation by aborting cam_test and by running mhc_init 13:55 seq.38 run to get foot C into spec 14:10 Cycle Four Hot soak starts Leave heaters at 100% on 2 and 12 until foot c well into 35-38C range. 14:12 run cam_test (md_data.0044 start) temperature reached 14:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 6.26k 14.06k 28.57k 27k95 26k46 26k22 25k32 9k16 7k00 SUS_B = 6.04k 13.80k 32.05k 31k27 28k73 27k65 27k11 8k89 6k37 SUS_C = 6.25k 14.24k 28.50k 27k59 26k33 26k13 25k27 8k80 6k94 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.114k 1.118k 1.082k 1.062k 1.048k 1.039k 1.027k 1.055k 1.087k STR2 = 1.103k 1.127k 1.096k 1.069k 1.051k 1.040k 1.028k 1.037k 1.070k STR3 = 1.145k 1.075k 1.007k 1.012k 1.015k 1.016k 1.014k 1.109k 1.141k STR4 = 0.959k 1.015k 1.011k 1.007k 1.006k 1.006k 1.010k 1.020k 1.044k STR5 = 1.158k 1.151k 1.085k 1.047k 1.042k 1.050k 1.056k 1.091k 1.146k STR6 = 1.170k 1.158k 1.092k 1.051k 1.051k 1.062k 1.068k 1.109k 1.158k STR7 = 1.157k 1.127k 1.070k 1.039k 1.033k 1.038k 1.043k 1.112k 1.152k icu: STR8 = 1.124k 1.121k 1.119k 1.117k 1.117k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.123k STR9 = 1.117k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.111k 1.113k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k SUH_A = 478r 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r SUH_B = 526r 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r SUH_C = 513r 513r 513r 512r 513r 513r 513r 513r 514r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda 95 11.93 ccdb 96 11.47 mir base 3d3c 30.75 gra motor 3ddb 31.73 shutter motor 3dce 31.32 61 qcm1_t 14cb 62 qcm2_t 1384 14:42 abort cam_test run mhc_init run cam_test (start md_data.0052) 15:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 14.06k 28.57k 27k95 26k46 26k22 25k32 9k16 7k00 6k47 SUS_B = 13.80k 32.05k 31k27 28k73 27k65 27k11 8k89 6k37 6k13 SUS_C = 14.24k 28.50k 27k59 26k33 26k13 25k27 8k80 6k94 6k45 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.118k 1.082k 1.062k 1.048k 1.039k 1.027k 1.055k 1.087k 1.109k STR2 = 1.127k 1.096k 1.069k 1.051k 1.040k 1.028k 1.037k 1.070k 1.098k STR3 = 1.075k 1.007k 1.012k 1.015k 1.016k 1.014k 1.109k 1.141k 1.143k STR4 = 1.015k 1.011k 1.007k 1.006k 1.006k 1.010k 1.020k 1.044k 1.064k STR5 = 1.151k 1.085k 1.047k 1.042k 1.050k 1.056k 1.091k 1.146k 1.165k STR6 = 1.158k 1.092k 1.051k 1.051k 1.062k 1.068k 1.109k 1.158k 1.175k STR7 = 1.127k 1.070k 1.039k 1.033k 1.038k 1.043k 1.112k 1.152k 1.159k icu: STR8 = 1.121k 1.119k 1.117k 1.117k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k STR9 = 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.111k 1.113k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k SUH_A = 477r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r SUH_B = 525r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r SUH_C = 513r 513r 512r 513r 513r 513r 513r 514r 514r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda 88 18.47 ccdb 89 17.94 mir base 3e1c 33.14 gra motor 3e39 34.54 shutter motor 3e44 35.34 61 qcm1_t 14c9 62 qcm2_t 138b 16:10 Perform sft: SFT_15_Apr_04_no3.doc 16:24 Perform mhc: mhc_ft_part1_15_04_04_no3.doc 17:01 Perform roe tests Cam hk parameters: fsrun0129(1) fsrun0130 fsrun0131 fsrun 0132 fsrun0132(5) fsrun0132(9) +5 +35 +5 +35 +5 +35 29 c0 bf c0 bf c0 bf 4 75 74 75 74 75 73 2 bb ba bb ba bb ba 8 95 95 95 95 95 95 6 82 82 82 82 82 82 5 75 75 75 74 75 74 3 bb bb bb bb bb ba 9 95 94 95 94 95 94 7 82 82 82 82 82 81 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 c0 bf c0 bf c0 bf 20 e2 e1 e0 dd e2 db 18 82 7c 7e 80 7f 80 24 35 33 33 31 33 32 22 a2 a4 a3 a3 a1 a1 21 a6 a4 a5 a2 a5 a3 19 66 67 64 66 63 61 25 34 31 34 31 33 31 23 9b 9f 9c 9f 9c 9f 36 ff ff ff ff ff ff 1 84 84 84 84 84 84 0 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 43 1f 20 20 20 20 1f 42 dc db db db dc db 44 df df df df df df 45 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 40 d4 d4 d5 d4 d5 d4 27 91 4d 80 42 7d 3f 17 80 86 80 83 82 87 16 22 1f 21 23 20 21 47 6b 6b 6b 6a 6b 6a 46 64 65 64 65 64 65 48 57 56 57 56 57 56 49 34 32 33 32 33 32 41 60 60 60 60 5f 60 26 7c 41 6c 37 69 35 32 99 99 99 99 99 99 33 99 99 99 99 99 99 34 77 77 77 77 77 77 10 b1 b2 b1 b2 b1 b2 11 ba ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba 35 af af af af af af > run mhc_init -> manual load seq 45 load sel_seq 45 load LL 45 -> auto 1.28A Stims - fsrun0132/md_data.0065 Peak at ~12000, slope 540/605 (are not cold ccda,b 26 degC) run vog_max_min cam parameters: 13/04 13/04 14/04 14/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 +35 cycle 2 +5 cycle 2 +35 cycle 3 +5 cycle 3 +35 cycle 4 13 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 14 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 15 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed 10 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 11 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 12 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 14 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 15 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 10 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 11 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 12 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 10 b1 b2 b1 b1 b2 b1 b2 11 bc ba ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba run sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure 0.84A -> 1.24A fsrun0132/md_data.0066, 67, 68 reset roe exit default run mhc_init 1.13A load seq 20, sel_seq 20, ll 20 -> auto x 3 1.14A -> 1.29A readout fsrun0132/md_data.0069, 70, 71 17:15 end of roe tests standby turn of makeup htrs: bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 17:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 28.57k 27k95 26k46 26k22 25k32 9k16 7k00 6k47 6k81 SUS_B = 32.05k 31k27 28k73 27k65 27k11 8k89 6k37 6k13 6k48 SUS_C = 28.50k 27k59 26k33 26k13 25k27 8k80 6k94 6k45 6k81 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.082k 1.062k 1.048k 1.039k 1.027k 1.055k 1.087k 1.109k 1.135k STR2 = 1.096k 1.069k 1.051k 1.040k 1.028k 1.037k 1.070k 1.098k 1.131k STR3 = 1.007k 1.012k 1.015k 1.016k 1.014k 1.109k 1.141k 1.143k 1.143k STR4 = 1.011k 1.007k 1.006k 1.006k 1.010k 1.020k 1.044k 1.064k 1.093k STR5 = 1.085k 1.047k 1.042k 1.050k 1.056k 1.091k 1.146k 1.165k 1.174k STR6 = 1.092k 1.051k 1.051k 1.062k 1.068k 1.109k 1.158k 1.175k 1.178k STR7 = 1.070k 1.039k 1.033k 1.038k 1.043k 1.112k 1.152k 1.159k 1.161k icu: STR8 = 1.119k 1.117k 1.117k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k STR9 = 1.112k 1.110k 1.111k 1.113k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r 478r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r SUH_C = 513r 512r 513r 513r 513r 513r 514r 514r 514r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** manual exit default ccda 79 26.64 ccdb 79 27.84 mir base 3e4a 37.49 gra motor 3e5d 38.51 shutter motor 3e6d 39.51 61 qcm1_t 14a8 62 qcm2_t 1391 standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 18:45 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 27k95 26k46 26k22 25k32 9k16 7k00 6k47 6k81 24k36 SUS_B = 31k27 28k73 27k65 27k11 8k89 6k37 6k13 6k48 26k40 SUS_C = 27k59 26k33 26k13 25k27 8k80 6k94 6k45 6k81 24k65 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.062k 1.048k 1.039k 1.027k 1.055k 1.087k 1.109k 1.135k 1.097k STR2 = 1.069k 1.051k 1.040k 1.028k 1.037k 1.070k 1.098k 1.131k 1.113k STR3 = 1.012k 1.015k 1.016k 1.014k 1.109k 1.141k 1.143k 1.143k 1.022k STR4 = 1.007k 1.006k 1.006k 1.010k 1.020k 1.044k 1.064k 1.093k 1.087k STR5 = 1.047k 1.042k 1.050k 1.056k 1.091k 1.146k 1.165k 1.174k 1.106k STR6 = 1.051k 1.051k 1.062k 1.068k 1.109k 1.158k 1.175k 1.178k 1.107k STR7 = 1.039k 1.033k 1.038k 1.043k 1.112k 1.152k 1.159k 1.161k 1.082k icu: STR8 = 1.117k 1.117k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.118k STR9 = 1.110k 1.111k 1.113k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.112k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r 478r 476r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r 524r SUH_C = 512r 513r 513r 513r 513r 514r 514r 514r 514r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** manual exit default ccda 84 20.62 ccdb 83 21.16 mir base 3b95 15.38 gra motor 3c02 17.59 shutter motor 3ccb 22.48 61 qcm1_t 12b1 62 qcm2_t 11b4 standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 19:17 edit seq.38 for heaters 3 & 12 to be on 35.7% of the time, to give 2.5W on each 19:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 26k46 26k22 25k32 9k16 7k00 6k47 6k81 24k36 27k50 SUS_B = 28k73 27k65 27k11 8k89 6k37 6k13 6k48 26k40 31k13 SUS_C = 26k33 26k13 25k27 8k80 6k94 6k45 6k81 24k65 27k28 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.048k 1.039k 1.027k 1.055k 1.087k 1.109k 1.135k 1.097k 1.078k STR2 = 1.051k 1.040k 1.028k 1.037k 1.070k 1.098k 1.131k 1.113k 1.090k STR3 = 1.015k 1.016k 1.014k 1.109k 1.141k 1.143k 1.143k 1.022k 1.012k STR4 = 1.006k 1.006k 1.010k 1.020k 1.044k 1.064k 1.093k 1.087k 1.075k STR5 = 1.042k 1.050k 1.056k 1.091k 1.146k 1.165k 1.174k 1.106k 1.068k STR6 = 1.051k 1.062k 1.068k 1.109k 1.158k 1.175k 1.178k 1.107k 1.070k STR7 = 1.033k 1.038k 1.043k 1.112k 1.152k 1.159k 1.161k 1.082k 1.053k icu: STR8 = 1.117k 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.118k 1.116k STR9 = 1.111k 1.113k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r 478r 476r 476r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r 524r 524r SUH_C = 513r 513r 513r 513r 514r 514r 514r 514r 514r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** manual exit default ccda 90 14.35 ccdb 90 14.35 mir base 3964 6.88 gra motor 392c 6.21 shutter motor 3ae8 12.31 61 qcm1_t 122e 62 qcm2_t 1131 20:45 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 26k22 25k32 9k16 7k00 6k47 6k81 24k36 27k50 25k81 SUS_B = 27k65 27k11 8k89 6k37 6k13 6k48 26k40 31k13 29k60 SUS_C = 26k13 25k27 8k80 6k94 6k45 6k81 24k65 27k28 25k49 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.039k 1.027k 1.055k 1.087k 1.109k 1.135k 1.097k 1.078k 1.057k STR2 = 1.040k 1.028k 1.037k 1.070k 1.098k 1.131k 1.113k 1.090k 1.062k STR3 = 1.016k 1.014k 1.109k 1.141k 1.143k 1.143k 1.022k 1.012k 1.018k STR4 = 1.006k 1.010k 1.020k 1.044k 1.064k 1.093k 1.087k 1.075k 1.062k STR5 = 1.050k 1.056k 1.091k 1.146k 1.165k 1.174k 1.106k 1.068k 1.040k STR6 = 1.062k 1.068k 1.109k 1.158k 1.175k 1.178k 1.107k 1.070k 1.041k STR7 = 1.038k 1.043k 1.112k 1.152k 1.159k 1.161k 1.082k 1.053k 1.032k icu: STR8 = 1.119k 1.121k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.118k 1.116k 1.115k STR9 = 1.113k 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.109k SUH_A = 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r 478r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 513r 513r 513r 514r 514r 514r 514r 514r 513r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** manual exit default ccda 9b 9.23 ccdb 9b 9.23 mir base 384a 3.80 gra motor 3727 1.00 shutter motor 3902 5.73 61 qcm1_t 129b 62 qcm2_t 1131 standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 21:05 start of cold op soak, cycle 4, +5deg C 21:18 manual 0.88A, peak 1.01A exit default 0.86A run mhc_init 1.14A manual run cam_test (start with md_data.0072) 21:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 25k32 9k16 7k00 6k47 6k81 24k36 27k50 25k81 25k11 SUS_B = 27k11 8k89 6k37 6k13 6k48 26k40 31k13 29k60 28k23 SUS_C = 25k27 8k80 6k94 6k45 6k81 24k65 27k28 25k49 25k01 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.027k 1.055k 1.087k 1.109k 1.135k 1.097k 1.078k 1.057k 1.048k STR2 = 1.028k 1.037k 1.070k 1.098k 1.131k 1.113k 1.090k 1.062k 1.050k STR3 = 1.014k 1.109k 1.141k 1.143k 1.143k 1.022k 1.012k 1.018k 1.020k STR4 = 1.010k 1.020k 1.044k 1.064k 1.093k 1.087k 1.075k 1.062k 1.057k STR5 = 1.056k 1.091k 1.146k 1.165k 1.174k 1.106k 1.068k 1.040k 1.036k STR6 = 1.068k 1.109k 1.158k 1.175k 1.178k 1.107k 1.070k 1.041k 1.039k STR7 = 1.043k 1.112k 1.152k 1.159k 1.161k 1.082k 1.053k 1.032k 1.029k icu: STR8 = 1.121k 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.118k 1.116k 1.115k 1.115k STR9 = 1.115k 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k SUH_A = 476r 477r 478r 478r 478r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 513r 513r 514r 514r 514r 514r 514r 513r 513r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda 9e 7.97 ccdb 9e 7.97 mir base 384e 3.79 gra motor 3725 0.98 shutter motor 38c4 5.09 61 qcm1_t 1312 62 qcm2_t 1146 22:25 run cam_test (start with md_data.0072) 22:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 9k16 7k00 6k47 6k81 24k36 27k50 25k81 25k11 25.76k SUS_B = 8k89 6k37 6k13 6k48 26k40 31k13 29k60 28k23 28.76k SUS_C = 8k80 6k94 6k45 6k81 24k65 27k28 25k49 25k01 25.69k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.055k 1.087k 1.109k 1.135k 1.097k 1.078k 1.057k 1.048k 1.037k STR2 = 1.037k 1.070k 1.098k 1.131k 1.113k 1.090k 1.062k 1.050k 1.040k STR3 = 1.109k 1.141k 1.143k 1.143k 1.022k 1.012k 1.018k 1.020k 1.017k STR4 = 1.020k 1.044k 1.064k 1.093k 1.087k 1.075k 1.062k 1.057k 1.051k STR5 = 1.091k 1.146k 1.165k 1.174k 1.106k 1.068k 1.040k 1.036k 1.051k STR6 = 1.109k 1.158k 1.175k 1.178k 1.107k 1.070k 1.041k 1.039k 1.061k STR7 = 1.112k 1.152k 1.159k 1.161k 1.082k 1.053k 1.032k 1.029k 1.038k icu: STR8 = 1.122k 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.118k 1.116k 1.115k 1.115k 1.118k STR9 = 1.115k 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.111k SUH_A = 477r 478r 478r 478r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 525r 526r 526r 526r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 513r 514r 514r 514r 514r 514r 513r 513r 513r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda a0 7.16 ccdb a0 7.16 mir base 3828 3.34 gra motor 372b 0.98 shutter motor 3875 4.13 61 qcm1_t 130b 62 qcm2_t 1144 23:04 seq abort to stop cam_test -> manual -> standby start new run fsrun0133 23:05 Perform sft: SFT_15_Apr_04_no4.doc 23:22 Perform mhc: mhc_ft_part1_15_04_04_no4.doc FRIDAY 16th APRIL 2004 00:03 Perform roe tests Cam hk parameters: fsrun0130 fsrun0131 fsrun 0132 fsrun0132(5) fsrun0132(9) fsrun0133 +35 +5 +35 +5 +35 +5 29 bf c0 bf c0 bf c0 4 74 75 74 75 73 75 2 ba bb ba bb ba bb 8 95 95 95 95 95 95 6 82 82 82 82 82 82 5 75 75 74 75 74 75 3 bb bb bb bb ba bb 9 94 95 94 95 94 95 7 82 82 82 82 81 82 39 0 0 0 0 0 00 28 bf c0 bf c0 bf c0 20 e1 e0 dd e2 db e2 18 7c 7e 80 7f 80 7e 24 33 33 31 33 32 34 22 a4 a3 a3 a1 a1 a1 21 a4 a5 a2 a5 a3 a5 19 67 64 66 63 61 66 25 31 34 31 33 31 33 23 9f 9c 9f 9c 9f 9c 36 ff ff ff ff ff ff 1 84 84 84 84 84 84 0 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 7a 43 20 20 20 20 1f 20 42 db db db dc db dc 44 df df df df df df 45 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 40 d4 d5 d4 d5 d4 d4 27 4d 80 42 7d 3f 7c 17 86 80 83 82 87 80 16 1f 21 23 20 21 22 47 6b 6b 6a 6b 6a 6b 46 65 64 65 64 65 64 48 56 57 56 57 56 57 49 32 33 32 33 32 34 41 60 60 60 5f 60 5f 26 41 6c 37 69 35 69 32 99 99 99 99 99 99 33 99 99 99 99 99 99 34 77 77 77 77 77 77 10 b2 b1 b2 b1 b2 b2 11 ba ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba 35 af af af af af af > run mhc_init -> manual load seq 45 load sel_seq 45 load LL 45 -> auto 1.15A Stims - fsrun0133/md_data.0002 Peak at ~12000, slope 554/5635 (are not cold ccda,b +7 degC) run vog_max_min cam parameters: 13/04 14/04 14/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 16/04 +35 cy2 +5 cy2 +35 cy3 +5 cy3 +35 cy4 +5 cy4 13 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 14 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 d4 15 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed 10 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 11 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 12 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 run vog_min_max cam parameters: 13 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 14 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 15 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 10 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 c6 11 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 d2 12 ed ed ed ed ed ed ed run vog_nom cam parameters: 13 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 b1 14 bc bc bc bc bc bc bc 15 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 10 b2 b1 b1 b2 b1 b2 b2 11 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba 12 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba load seq 46, sequence 46, ll 46 3 images, 0 second exposure 0.84A -> 1.25A fsrun0133/md_data.0003, 4, 5 reset roe exit default run mhc_init 1.13A load seq 20, sel_seq 20, ll 20 -> auto x 3 : md_data.006, 7, 8 1.14A -> 1.29A readout fsrun0133/md_data.006, 7, 8 00:25 end of roe tests 00:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 16/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 7k00 6k47 6k81 24k36 27k50 25k81 25k11 25.76k 25.6k SUS_B = 6k37 6k13 6k48 26k40 31k13 29k60 28k23 28.76k 27.97k SUS_C = 6k94 6k45 6k81 24k65 27k28 25k49 25k01 25.69k 25.57k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.087k 1.109k 1.135k 1.097k 1.078k 1.057k 1.048k 1.037k 1.027k STR2 = 1.070k 1.098k 1.131k 1.113k 1.090k 1.062k 1.050k 1.040k 1.028k STR3 = 1.141k 1.143k 1.143k 1.022k 1.012k 1.018k 1.020k 1.017k 1.016k STR4 = 1.044k 1.064k 1.093k 1.087k 1.075k 1.062k 1.057k 1.051k 1.045k STR5 = 1.146k 1.165k 1.174k 1.106k 1.068k 1.040k 1.036k 1.051k 1.060k STR6 = 1.158k 1.175k 1.178k 1.107k 1.070k 1.041k 1.039k 1.061k 1.071k STR7 = 1.152k 1.159k 1.161k 1.082k 1.053k 1.032k 1.029k 1.038k 1.046k icu: STR8 = 1.123k 1.123k 1.122k 1.118k 1.116k 1.115k 1.115k 1.118k 1.12k STR9 = 1.116k 1.116k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.111k 1.113k SUH_A = 478r 478r 478r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r SUH_B = 526r 526r 526r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r SUH_C = 514r 514r 514r 514r 514r 513r 513r 513r 513r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda a2 6.38 ccdb a2 6.38 mir base 37fd 2.97 gra motor 3739 1.10 shutter motor 38ca 5.04 61 qcm1_t 131a 62 qcm2_t 1149 start +35 deg C transition 00:37 start seq38 running 01:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 16/04 16/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 6k47 6k81 24k36 27k50 25k81 25k11 25.76k 25.6k 9.78k SUS_B = 6k13 6k48 26k40 31k13 29k60 28k23 28.76k 27.97k 9.60k SUS_C = 6k45 6k81 24k65 27k28 25k49 25k01 25.69k 25.57k 9.39k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.109k 1.135k 1.097k 1.078k 1.057k 1.048k 1.037k 1.027k 1.051k STR2 = 1.098k 1.131k 1.113k 1.090k 1.062k 1.050k 1.040k 1.028k 1.035k STR3 = 1.143k 1.143k 1.022k 1.012k 1.018k 1.020k 1.017k 1.016k 1.102k STR4 = 1.064k 1.093k 1.087k 1.075k 1.062k 1.057k 1.051k 1.045k 1.049k STR5 = 1.165k 1.174k 1.106k 1.068k 1.040k 1.036k 1.051k 1.060k 1.088k STR6 = 1.175k 1.178k 1.107k 1.070k 1.041k 1.039k 1.061k 1.071k 1.103k STR7 = 1.159k 1.161k 1.082k 1.053k 1.032k 1.029k 1.038k 1.046k 1.102k icu: STR8 = 1.123k 1.122k 1.118k 1.116k 1.115k 1.115k 1.118k 1.12k 1.121k STR9 = 1.116k 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.111k 1.113k 1.114k SUH_A = 478r 478r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r SUH_B = 526r 526r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r SUH_C = 514r 514r 514r 514r 513r 513r 513r 513r 514r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda 9f 7.56 ccdb 9f 7.56 mir base 3ae7 12.36 gra motor 3a08 8.99 shutter motor 3a8e 10.98 61 qcm1_t 1410 62 qcm2_t 1235 02:03 -> manual -> standby make up heaters off bytes 0x35,0 0.53A bytes 0x36,0 0.29A 02:11 -> manual I= 0.85A exit default 02:30 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 16/04 16/04 16/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 6k81 24k36 27k50 25k81 25k11 25.76k 25.6k 9.78k 6.81k SUS_B = 6k48 26k40 31k13 29k60 28k23 28.76k 27.97k 9.60k 6.14k SUS_C = 6k81 24k65 27k28 25k49 25k01 25.69k 25.57k 9.39k 6.72k HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.135k 1.097k 1.078k 1.057k 1.048k 1.037k 1.027k 1.051k 1.085k STR2 = 1.131k 1.113k 1.090k 1.062k 1.050k 1.040k 1.028k 1.035k 1.066k STR3 = 1.143k 1.022k 1.012k 1.018k 1.020k 1.017k 1.016k 1.102k 1.143k STR4 = 1.093k 1.087k 1.075k 1.062k 1.057k 1.051k 1.045k 1.049k 1.067k STR5 = 1.174k 1.106k 1.068k 1.040k 1.036k 1.051k 1.060k 1.088k 1.135k STR6 = 1.178k 1.107k 1.070k 1.041k 1.039k 1.061k 1.071k 1.103k 1.143k STR7 = 1.161k 1.082k 1.053k 1.032k 1.029k 1.038k 1.046k 1.102k 1.138k icu: STR8 = 1.122k 1.118k 1.116k 1.115k 1.115k 1.118k 1.12k 1.121k 1.121k STR9 = 1.115k 1.112k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.111k 1.113k 1.114k 1.114k SUH_A = 478r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r SUH_B = 526r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r SUH_C = 514r 514r 514r 513r 513r 513r 513r 514r 514r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda 8e 15.36 ccdb 8e 15.36 mir base 3d92 29.05 gra motor 3d7c 28.33 shutter motor 3d55 26.64 61 qcm1_t 14d6 62 qcm2_t 1377 02:30 start of last soak at +35 deg C ********************************************************************************* read_act_status Enables and reads the clamshell actuator encoder status. Run this script before and after running either of the 2 following scripts. open_clam_outer Fires the clamshell prime 3 actuator for 3 minutes before disarming it. open_clam_inner Fires the clamshell prime 1 actuator for 3 minutes before disarming it So: run read_act_status run open_clam_outer run read_act_status ... run read_act_status run open_clam_inner run read_act_status ********************************************************************************* fsrun0133/st_data.0005 06:39 run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 -> 0080 (outer closed) 06:40:19 run open_clam_outer 0.88A -> 1.06A str1 = 1.296 str2 = 1.137 06:43 run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0080 -> 0040 (outer open) 06:48 run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST no change str2 = 1.137 06:49:00 run open_clam_inner 0.88A -> 1.06A 06:50:39 str2 = 1.138 06:52:30 str2 = 1.138 run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0040 (no change) 06:54 str2 = 1.139 06:55 standby str2 = 1.140 07:00 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 16/04 16/04 16/04 16/04 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 24k36 27k50 25k81 25k11 25.76k 25.6k 9.78k 6.81k 6k60 SUS_B = 26k40 31k13 29k60 28k23 28.76k 27.97k 9.60k 6.14k 6k61 SUS_C = 24k65 27k28 25k49 25k01 25.69k 25.57k 9.39k 6.72k 6k58 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.097k 1.078k 1.057k 1.048k 1.037k 1.027k 1.051k 1.085k 1.179k STR2 = 1.113k 1.090k 1.062k 1.050k 1.040k 1.028k 1.035k 1.066k 1.141k STR3 = 1.022k 1.012k 1.018k 1.020k 1.017k 1.016k 1.102k 1.143k 1.144k STR4 = 1.087k 1.075k 1.062k 1.057k 1.051k 1.045k 1.049k 1.067k 1.119k STR5 = 1.106k 1.068k 1.040k 1.036k 1.051k 1.060k 1.088k 1.135k 1.180k STR6 = 1.107k 1.070k 1.041k 1.039k 1.061k 1.071k 1.103k 1.143k 1.189k STR7 = 1.082k 1.053k 1.032k 1.029k 1.038k 1.046k 1.102k 1.138k 1.168k icu: STR8 = 1.118k 1.116k 1.115k 1.115k 1.118k 1.12k 1.121k 1.121k 1.122k STR9 = 1.112k 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.111k 1.113k 1.114k 1.114k 1.115k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r SUH_C = 514r 514r 513r 513r 513r 513r 514r 514r 515r ** STR7 showing on TV monitor ** ccda 6d 33.06 ccdb 6d 33.06 manual exit default mir base 3e3d 35.00 gra motor 3e43 35.17 shutter motor 3e5d 36.65 61 qcm1_t 149d 62 qcm2_t 137c standby 07:03 icu off mdp halt egse pc off end of test ****************************************************************************** 20 Apr 04 Structure moved to cleanroom clm1 unplugged. Clam shell removed. 21 Apr 04 JAT, BW, AMJ, CC cleanroom MCRW cotrol room Icu moved to cleanroom. All harnesses connected. 13:35 Egse pc on Power supply on, 28V, 2.99A current limit Output on, 0.03A FSRUN0134 icu on, 0.29A, boot mode eeprom 0 selected standby 0.70A manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default 0.86A 13:58 icu off 14:15 clam shell checks clm1 connected, clam shell in tie inputs low on mhc side icu on 0.29A eeprom 0 selected standby 0.70A manual 0.85A exit default run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0 -> 0 (no change) 14:26 standby 14:29 manual standby manual exit default run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0 -> 0x80 (outer closed) short between pins 35, 36 on connector clm1 14:31 standby short between pins 18, 35 on connector clm1, looking for 0x40 in hk 14:33 manual exit default run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 -> 0040 (outer open) standby short between pins 28, 29 on connector clm1 14:35 manual exit default run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 -> 0000 14:37 standby short between pins 48, 49 on connector j11 on mhc, looking for 0x in hk manual run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 -> 0000 14:43 standby short between pins 28, 29 on connector clm1 manual run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 -> 0002 (inner closed) standby 14:47 short between pins 7, 29 on connector clm1 manual exit default run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 -> 0001 (inner open) standby 14:55 clam shell in, inner door open manual exit default run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 -> 0080 (outer closed) 14:57 standby 15:17 Unplugged clm1 connector and removed clam shell 15:22 Dust seen on some mhc connectors - take pictures and hoover 15:43 Structure on 3 feet, putting template back in Tea 16:50 JAT cleanroom MCRW control room Structure uncovered clamshell set up on bench next to structure 16:55 icu on 0.29A boot eeprom 0 standby 0.70A manual 0.85A exit default 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 -> 0x0080 (outer closed) pin 9 is +2.7V positive compared to pin 30 on clm1 pin 16 is +2.63V compared to pin 34 These are the 2 sets of diodes which shine onto the encoders Measure detectors sunside: voltage across 35 -> 36: 0.09V (which indicates closed sunside) sunside: voltage across 35 -> 18: +4.96V inner: compare 29 to 28: +4.72V voltage on clamshell inner open 29 -> 7:+5.08V the 2 circuits for the encoder sunside work Try swapping over the inner and the outer: change the one the that goes to the sunside open to the inner closed 17:16 standby break 18 (sunside open) & break 28 (closed inner) (cross connect pin 28 to pin 18 so that the clamshell closed inner should read sunside open) 17:20 manual exit default run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 -> 0x0080 (outer closed) [ploy did not work] no change in voltages shine torch at it - slightly different voltage 4.72V -> 5.1V with light on it - phototransistor not enough grunt (or enough light) to switch 17:28 standby 18 & 28 back in pull out pin 9 and put in ammeter in series 17:30 manual run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ACT_ST 0000 -> 0x0080 (outer closed) measure 16.32mA 17:32 standby unplug ammeter, replace pin 9 17:35 remove pins 35, 36, 18, 28, 29, 7 manual Resistance when in standby 35/18 35/36 29/7 29/28 clamshell sunside open 8.0M clamshell sunside closed 6.5M inner open 0L inner closed 0L (11M)? red lead on pin 36, measure something to pin 35 black lead on pin 35 red on pin 18 meas 8M manual exit default run read_act_status 35/18 35/36 29/7 29/28 clamshell sunside open 1.7M clamshell sunside closed 87.7r* inner open 100k1** inner closed 3k4 (600r now) -> 50r (depends on which way round meter is?) * black on 35 ** 90k1 depending on heaters on/off - no change to 51 AOPT_ENC_ST (0) jat says transistors working ok ... 17:54 29 & 35 back in outer door phototransistor connected to pins 28 & 36 inner door phototrannies 17:58 run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ENC_ST 0000 -> 0082 (both doors closed) pin 7 back in manually open inner door voltage across phototrannis on inner door now 4.6V - gone down by same amount as other one taken links 18,36 out run read_act_status 51 AOPT_ENC_ST 0000 measure the resistance from 29 (red) -> 7(black): 86r which seems to be the correct value 29, 35 common for both sides inner door open: red 29, black 7: 86r inner door closed: red 35, black 36: 0L (red 36, black 35: 92r) red 29, black 28: 88r with inner door closed black 29, red 28: much higher resistance with inner closed 18:14 closing inner door standby 18:16 unplug the clamshell & bob from structure and recover icu off egse pc off ==================================================================== = SUNDAY 25th April 2004 =========================================== ==================================================================== crashed msslqa - system_log for the day seems lost - re-starting at 19:23 was on fsun0135 ICU in emergency -> manual run mhc_init 19:24 fsrun0136 opps!! exit default run mhc_init edit seq.44 to give 10ms exposure make nseq44 load_seq=44, lec_seq=44, load_LL=44 19:39 ->standby couldn't get IDL licence manager to work so re-booting system ==================================================================== = MONDAY 26th April 2004 =========================================== ==================================================================== 12:08 power up EGSE fsrun0137 ICU power on , I=0.29A HK ok BUSY -> low EEPROM select 0 -> standby, I=0.70A -> mode enable -> manual -> exit default -> stat_clear, I=0.85A noted CAM_IF_ERR = 0x800 re do -> exit default all ok run mhc_init -> manual CM_POS (48) = AAC0 (43712) # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0079 (121) # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x07F1 (2033) # mir_f_auto 3000 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xrun ro_upper_ccdB, 0xB8 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0F6B (3947) 12:35 -> standby lunch 15:27 -> manual -> exit default -> stat_clear run mhc_init CM_POS (48) = AAC0 (43712) PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0019 (25) -> manual # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0078 (120) # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x07F1 (2033) # mir_f_auto 2000 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0xD0 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0931 (2353) # mir_f_auto 2150 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x8, 0x66 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0A1D (2589) # mir_f_auto 2200 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x8, 0x98 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0A6F (2671) # mir_f_auto 3000 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xB, 0xB8 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0F6B (3947) -> standby making slight adjustment to mirror 16:13 -> manual -> exit default I = 0.85A -> stat_clear run mhc_init CM_POS (48) = AB00 (43776) PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0028 (40) -> manual # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0078 (120) # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x07F1 (2033) # mir_f_auto 3000 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xB, 0xB8 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0F69 (3946) # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x07F1 (2033) # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0078 (120) run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 nothing happened... trying: load seq = 00, selc_seq = 09, ll = 09, -> auto -> manual 16:43 run ro_upper_ccd, 10mins, mip = 900, 40" slit, md_data.0001 run aborted run ss_to_slot250 run align_seqs run ro_upper_ccd, 10mins, mip = 900, 250" slit, md_data.0001 opps! still in manual -> manual edited to give 2 min exposure run ro_upper_ccd, 2mins, mip = 900, 250" slit, md_data.0002 -> manual run ro_upper_ccd, 2mins, mip = 900, 250" slit, md_data.0003 ABORT -> MHC -> manual run ss_to_slit1 NAK, but reporting position reached SS_POS (49) = 0042 (1") run ro_upper_ccd, 2mins, mip = 900, 250" slit, md_data.0004 -> manual run ss_to_slit2 got NAK, but SS position is: SS_POS (49) = 8062 (2") run ro_upper_ccd, 2mins, mip = 900, 250" slit, md_data.0005 -> manual -> standby 17:11 ICU OFF EGSE OFF ==================================================================== = thursDAY 29th April 2004 =========================================== ==================================================================== 13:57 egse pc on fsrun0138 14:07 icu on 290mA boot select eeprom 0 standby 0.70A mode enable 14:28 manual exit default 1.13A run mhc_init PZT_SGO (1) = 0x1C (28) run ss_to_slot40 CM_POS (48) = AAC0 (43712) # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0079 (121) # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x07F1 (2033) # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0078 (120) # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x07F1 (2033) # mir_f_auto 3000 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xB, 0xB8 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0F69 (3945) # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0078 (120) # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x07F1 (2033) # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0078 (120) 15:08 standby 15:12 icu off egse pc off ==================================================================== = FRIDAY 7th May 2004 =========================================== ==================================================================== A lot of cleaning has been happening. Mirror has been taken out and put back in. Test mirror before moving system to blue tank for euv check. Power system. set time on msslfp fsrun0139 turn on psu (28V 3A) 0.03A switch on , boot 0.29 select eeprom 0 standby 0.70A manual 0.85 - 1.02 amp exit default mhc and camera valid 0.85A Mirror three temperatures are valid (as are the rest are OK) run mhc_init 1.13A # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0078 (120) # mir_f_auto 1800 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x07F1 (2033) # mir_f_auto 3000 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xB, 0xB8 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0F6A (3946) # mir_f_auto 600 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x2, 0x58 PZT_SGO (1) = 0x0078 (120) run mir_test ack 32dec ack 36dec parm 48 0xfea0 OK 1.39A ack 37dec parm 48 0x09d3 OK 1.38A ack 38dec parm 48 0xf383 OK run mhc_init oops in auto, run again. move mirror back bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xAA, 0xC0 1.37A parm 48 0xaac7 shut down system 15:40 20:21 System is set up in blue tank. One lid fitted, front one at BU. Radiators on. Clamshell is not fitted. 15/04 15/04 15/04 15/04 16/04 16/04 16/04 16/04 07/05 10k thermistor temp sensors: SUS_A = 27k50 25k81 25k11 25.76k 25.6k 9.78k 6.81k 6k60 11k72 SUS_B = 31k13 29k60 28k23 28.76k 27.97k 9.60k 6.14k 6k61 11k78 SUS_C = 27k28 25k49 25k01 25.69k 25.57k 9.39k 6.72k 6k58 11k68 HKU temp sensors: STR1 = 1.078k 1.057k 1.048k 1.037k 1.027k 1.051k 1.085k 1.179k Clamshell STR2 = 1.090k 1.062k 1.050k 1.040k 1.028k 1.035k 1.066k 1.141k Clamshell STR3 = 1.012k 1.018k 1.020k 1.017k 1.016k 1.102k 1.143k 1.144k 1.087k STR4 = 1.075k 1.062k 1.057k 1.051k 1.045k 1.049k 1.067k 1.119k 1.092k STR5 = 1.068k 1.040k 1.036k 1.051k 1.060k 1.088k 1.135k 1.180k 1.092k STR6 = 1.070k 1.041k 1.039k 1.061k 1.071k 1.103k 1.143k 1.189k 1.089k STR7 = 1.053k 1.032k 1.029k 1.038k 1.046k 1.102k 1.138k 1.168k 1.090k icu: STR8 = 1.116k 1.115k 1.115k 1.118k 1.12k 1.121k 1.121k 1.122k 1.086k STR9 = 1.110k 1.109k 1.108k 1.111k 1.113k 1.114k 1.114k 1.115k 1.081k SUH_A = 476r 476r 476r 476r 476r 477r 478r 478r 477r SUH_B = 524r 524r 524r 524r 524r 525r 526r 526r 526r SUH_C = 514r 513r 513r 513r 513r 514r 514r 515r 514r run SFT_07_May_04 SFT OK go back to manual , 2nd time lucky, mode enable again! run mhc_init 1.13a Action Value OK? / Comment Act count = n Load sequence #31 y Act count = 28 Select sequence #31 and go to Auto y Ack count = n+3 (QCM 1) 31 y Record parameter 58 = 0x1000 1001 y Record parameter 59 005c Record parameter 60 745c Ack count = +1 (QCM 2) 33 y Record parameter 58 = 0x2000 2400 y Record parameter 59 006c Record parameter 60 ba7e Ack count = +1 34 Record parameter 58 = 0x0000 0040 Go back to Manual when stopped standby all off 21:33 OK to pump. ********************************************* Tuesday 11 May 2004 CB, MCRW blue chamber clean room Alignment, ccd checks, using NRL collimator and He lightsource, running at 450 - 490V at 250mA. Lamp presure 5e10-4. --------------------------------------------------- NRL lightsource log: (from Christian's notes) (friday, 2.50pm to 6:15 until I/V unstable) 14:50pm 390V, 172mA, coll press 6e-5, press lamp 2e-4 He/Mg 380V, 200mA, coll press 6e-5, press lamp 2e-4 He/Mg sat 14:00 410V, 200mA, coll press 6e-5, press lamp 8e-5 He/Mg 14:30 I/V unstable, then He flow increased 14:50 1.35kV, 200mA, coll press 1.6e-5, press lamp 1.4e-4 He/Mg 16:24 finish at: 1.5kV, 200mA, coll press 1.5e-5, press lamp 3.3e-4 He/Mg 19:00 400V, 200mA, coll press 1.8e-5, press lamp 7.3e-5 Ne/Mg voltage climbing 20:20 840V, 200mA switch off Sun 00:20 900V, 350mA, coll press 1.4e-5, press lamp 1.8e-4 Ne/Mg 1:20 1.6kV, 500mA, coll press 1.4e-5, press lamp 1.7e-4 Ne/Mg --------------------------------------------------------- 10:00 egse pc on FSRUN0141 psu on 28V current limit 2.99A output on 0.03A green button, boot 0.29A status received ok select eeprom 0 standby 0.70A mode enable manual 0.85A exit default run mhc_init manual run align_seqs run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0001 manual standby 10:25 started cooling (pressure at 3.5e10-5 mbar) ccda, ccdb ~19.5C 11:05 manual 0.85A, 1.01A peak exit default run mhc_init run align_seqs run ss_to_slot250 49 SS_POS 0xC03D (250") [was at 40"] 48 CM_POS 0xAAFF run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=900, 250 slot) md_data.0002 11:17 source on (200 mA), window valve still closed run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=900, 250 slot) md_data.0003 11:19 open gate valve flowing helium in the lamp, current 250mA run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=900, 250 slot) md_data.0004 change mip to 1800 from 900 (both sequences) run align_seqs ccda = 4.54 ccdb = 4.19 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1800, 250 slot) md_data.0005 change mip to 1200 (both sequences) run align_seqs ccda = 3.51 ccdb = 3.18 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1200, 250 slot) md_data.0006 change mip to 1050 (both sequences) run align_seqs ccda = 2.21 ccdb = 2.21 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1050, 250 slot) md_data.0007 These exposures taken with vertical at 230, horizontal at 260 vertical to 270 mip changed to 1000 run align_seqs ccda = 0.67 ccdb = 0.67 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1000, 250 slot) md_data.0008 image moved up vertical changed to 100 ccda = -0.23 ccdb = -0.52 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1000, 250 slot) md_data.0009 mip changed to 900 ccda = -1.12 ccdb = -1.42 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=900, 250 slot) md_data.0010 mip changed to 1050 ccda = -2.04 ccdb = -2.04 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1050, 250 slot) md_data.0011 mip changed to 1100 ccda = -2.66 ccdb = -2.66 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1100, 250 slot) md_data.0012 mip changed to 1150 ccda = -3.32 ccdb = -3.32 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1150, 250 slot) md_data.0013 mip changed to 1250 ccda = -4.00 ccdb = -4.00 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1250, 250 slot) md_data.0014 mip changed to 1300 ccda = -4.72 ccdb = -5.10 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1300, 250 slot) md_data.0015 mip changed to 1400 ccda = -5.50 ccdb = -5.90 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1400, 250 slot) md_data.0016 mip changed to 1500 ccda = -6.33 ccdb = -6.33 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1500, 250 slot) md_data.0017 mip changed to 1450 ccda = -7.70 ccdb = -7.70 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1450, 250 slot) md_data.0018 12:12 run ss_to_slot40 (nacked...) ccda = -8.72 ccdb = -9.27 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1450, 40 slot) md_data.0019 (2460 centre pixel, 10 counts/s) 12:17 run ss_to_slit2 ccda = -10.44 ccdb = -10.44 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1450, 2 slit) md_data.0020 (2449 centre pixel) 12:21 run ss_to_slit1 ccda = -11.07 ccdb = -11.73 run ro_upper_ccd (60s, mip=1450, 1 slit) md_data.0021 (2457 centre pixel, 4 pixels wide) 12:50 valve closed lamp off standby lunch ---------------------------------------- 15:00 calibration led test manual 0.85A, peak 1.01A exit default run mhc_init manual load seq.44 10ms, both leds on select seq44 auto ll xsum abort manual load line list 44 auto md_data.0022 ccda -42.2 ccdb -42.2 Row plot gives average of 1500 counts (-42 degrees C) fsrun0093/md_data.0018 has 1700 counts (probably done at room temperature) *** 2 calibration led tests, covering full height of both ccds *** 10 ms, both leds Edit seq.44 & ll.44 so cal led exposure starts at row 1 Reload seq.44, ll.44 Auto md_data.23 ccda -42.2 ccdb -42.2 Edit seq.44 & ll.44 so cal led exposure starts at row 512 Reload seq.44, ll.44 Auto md_data.24 ccda -42.2 ccdb -42.2 ------------------------ 16:48 standby manual exit default 72 STATUS_CODE 0X2220 16:51 run mhc_init manual CM_POS 0xAAC0 run align_seqs run ro_upper_ccd md_data.0025 NRL source set to: 410V, 200mA, coll press 6e-5, press lamp 6e-4 He/Mg ccda, ccdb -48 SS_POS in unknown position (0x0080) run ss_to_slot250 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=1450) md_data.0026 run ss_slot40 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 60s, mip=1450) md_data.0027 run ss_to_slit2 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 60s, mip=1450) md_data.0028 run ss_to_slit1 SS_POS 0x003D (ie close enough) run ro_upper_ccd (1" slit, 60s, mip=1450) md_data.0029 NRL source set to: 410V, 200mA, coll press 6e-5, press lamp 6e-4 He/Mg ----------------- 17:40 Cooling off MHC code testing 72 STATUS_CODE 0xA306 dump_mhcram 0, 0x7fff mem_data.0000 new_mem standby manual exit default 72 STATUS_CODE 0x2620 dump_mhcram 0, 0x7fff mem_data.0001 new_mem Select mhc ram mode: bytes 0x6B, 0x88, 0x11, 0, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF wait 10 seconds mhc_vf invalid send mhc abort command mhc_vf valid 72 STATUS_CODE 0x2020 70/71 on_time reset to 0 mhc running ok No change in 28V current ---------------------------------- 16:00 standby icu off egse off ************************************ Thursday 13 May 2004 08:50 Chamber cooling started RAL source in use Neon/Aluminium 505V, 2A, 7e-1mbar, 154.05 on translator 09:29 Egse on FSRUN0142 psu on 28V, current limit 2.99A, 0.03A output on boot, 0.29A ccd temps 15 deg select eeprom 0 standby 0.70A 09:53 mode enable manual 0.85A, peak 1.00A exit default run mhc_init select 250" slot 1.26A run align_seqs coarse mirror 0xAAFF 09:56 source on ccda,b 3.85C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=1450) fsrun0142/md_data.0001 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=1450) fsrun0142/md_data.0002 Take source aperture off ccda,b 0.97C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=600) fsrun0142/md_data.0003 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=600) fsrun0142/md_data.0004 10:10 Source changed to helium/aluminum 10:19 ccda,b -2.35C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=600) fsrun0142/md_data.0005 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=600) fsrun0142/md_data.0006 10:24 ccda,b -4.00C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=900) fsrun0142/md_data.0007 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=900) fsrun0142/md_data.0008 10:30 ccda,b -5.10C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=1200) fsrun0142/md_data.0009 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=1200) fsrun0142/md_data.0010 10:34 ccda,b -6.33C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=1500) fsrun0142/md_data.0011 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=1500) fsrun0142/md_data.0012 10:38 ccda,b -7.70C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=1800) fsrun0142/md_data.0013 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=1800) fsrun0142/md_data.0014 10:43 ccda,b -8.72C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=2100) fsrun0142/md_data.0015 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=2100) fsrun0142/md_data.0016 10:46 ccda,b -9.84C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=2400) fsrun0142/md_data.0017 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=2400) fsrun0142/md_data.0018 10:51 ccda,b -11.07C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=2700) fsrun0142/md_data.0019 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=2700) fsrun0142/md_data.0020 10:55 ccda,b -12.42C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=3000) fsrun0142/md_data.0021 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=3000) fsrun0142/md_data.0022 11:03 ccda,b -14.71C run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=3300) fsrun0142/md_data.0023 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=3300) fsrun0142/md_data.0024 11:14 ccda,b -17.36 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=600) fsrun0142/md_data.0025 source off run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=600) fsrun0142/md_data.0026 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=600) fsrun0142/md_data.0027 source on run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=600) fsrun0142/md_data.0028 Subtracting dark exposure from source exposure (md_data.25 - 26) shows a possible smudge in the correct position high up on the ccd (ccda). Move away with fine mirror, repeat to see if smudge disappears. 11:25 ccda,b -20.43 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=2100) fsrun0142/md_data.0029 source off run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=2100) fsrun0142/md_data.0030 run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=2100) fsrun0142/md_data.0031 source on run ro_lower_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=2100) fsrun0142/md_data.0032 Try 5 minute exposure and background at mip=600 11:37 ccda,b -22.74 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 300s, mip=600) fsrun0142/md_data.0033 source off run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 300s, mip=600) fsrun0142/md_data.0034 Can see faint slot image when background subtracted 11:53 source on ccda,b -25.28 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 300s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0035 Slot image centered. source elevation changed by +4 minutes 12:08 ccda,b -26.64 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 300s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0036 9' 30" on source elevation 12:19 ccda,b -29 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 300s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0037 slot image moved down the ccd nitrogen gives out - replaced Calibration aperture in 12:30 ccda,b -29 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 300s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0038 Comparison with fsrun0095/md_data.0044 and above gives good counts agreement Run 2 minute exposure for direct comparison 12:48 source off ccda,b -29 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0039 aborted - 2 exposure times in sequence 12:53 ccda,b -29.57 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0039 source on run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0040 Comparison between 40-39 and fsrun0095/44-43 is very good translator at 164 13:03 ccda,b -29.57 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0041 13:07 standby lunch ------------------------------ 13:50 manual exit default mhc_init coarse mirror 0xAB00 align_seqs translation is 174 13:52 source on ccda,b -29.57 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0042 source off run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0043 14:00 translation is 184 source on ccda,b -29.57 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0044 source off 14:05 translation is 194 source on ccda,b -28.07 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0045 source off 14:12 translation is 204 source on ccda,b -28.07 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0046 source off Nothing in image - off edge of mirror 14:16 translation is 199 source on ccda,b -26.64 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0047 source off looks like image is partly on the mirror - found the edge 14:21 standby telecon ------------------------ 15:38 manual exit default mhc_init coarse mirror 0xAAC0 manual align_seqs ccda,b -15.55 source changed to neon 16:00 translation is 199 source on ccda,b -17 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 60s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0048 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0049 source off run ro_upper_ccd (250" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0050 [compare with fsrun0094/data45,44] translation is 193.992 16:15 source on ccda,b -20 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0051 source off run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0052 translator 100 16:28 source on ccda,b -23 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0053 source off run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0054 [compare with fsrun0095/15 16] 16:40 move to 2" slit source parameters: 498V 2A 6.7e-1mbar 16:43 source on ccda,b -23 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0055 source off run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0056 [compare with fsrun0095/17 18] Nothing seen repeat exposure 16:53 source on ccda,b -28 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0057 source off run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0058 17:01 source on ccda,b -30 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 300s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0059 source off run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 300s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0060 translator at 89.98 17:15 source on ccda,b -33 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 300s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0061 source off 17:30 source on ccda,b -36 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0062 17:37 source off ccda,b -37 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0063 translator at 80 17:42 source on ccda,b -37 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0064 translator at 69.970 17:45 source on ccda,b -38 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0065 translator at 60 17:49 source on ccda,b -38 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0066 translator at 52 17:52 source on ccda,b -38 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0067 translator at 140 17:57 source on ccda,b -38 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0068 [compare fsrun0095/31 32] 18:00 source off ccda,b -40.15 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0069 translator at 150 18:07 source on ccda,b -40 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0070 translator at 160 18:10 source on ccda,b -40 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0071 translator at 170 18:13.30 source on ccda,b -42 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0072 translator at 180 18:17 source on ccda,b -42 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0073 translator at 190 18:20 source on ccda,b -42 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slot, 120s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0074 translator at 140 18:25 source on ccda,b -42 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0075 18:35 source off ccda,b -44 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0076 translator at 110 18:48:13 source on ccda,b -44 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) fsrun0142/md_data.0077 19:01 standby icu off egse off *********************************** *********************************** Add Jim's bit re coming out of blue tank. Use survival heaters to warm ccds. *********************************** *********************************** Instrument taken apart. Optics out. ROE, FPA, MHC, QCMs all taken out. All connectors go through demate. GW and SH Optics in travel containers, purged with dry N2 once a week. Vacuum harness removed from CNP connectors (no savers as harness is clean and savers now have dirty end as used with EMC harnesses. Repair work done on STR. BU and RAL and MSSL STR baked out. RAL CCDs and FPA inspected and cleaned. SH LJB *********************************** Tues and Wed 8th and 9th June 2004. 8th JAT and GW 9th GW and SH EGSE set up so can run system in clean room. ICU moved from blue tank room into clean room (savers are in). Clamshell PCBs for inside door changed and tested. Harness repaired. ********************************** Thurs 10th June 2004 GW and SH in cleanroom Clamshell o-rings 'greesed'. Pump to check vacuum. Harness repair work. ROE and MHC boxes inspected for contamination. ROE, FPA, MHC and QCMs put back in. ********************************** Fri 11th June 2004 JAT Vacuum harness directly plugged back into CNP. Perform tests to check system as is is OK. Note, no mechanisms and no clamshell. Power qa and fp. measure on hce sim: sus_a (sus 1) 11.67 k sus_b (sus 2) 11.64 k sus_c (sus 3) 11.63 k suh_a (suh 1) 0.477 k suh_b (suh 2) 0.525 k suh_c (suh 3) 0.517 k icu 1 (icu 8) 1.086 k icu 2 (icu 9) 1.081 k str-1 open (no clamshell) str-2 open (no clamshell) str-3 1.089 k str-4 open (O/C on circular connector) str-5 1.092 k str-6 1.089 k str-7 1.089 k get egse going after reboot. Could not get qa to see fp. Seemed to be a qa prob;em. fsrun0143 power instrument. Remember no shutter connected to mhc. Use data from SFT_07_May_04 to compare with present values. Power supply 28.00V current limit 3A Power supply output on 0.03A Boot 0.29A Standby 0.70A Makeup heaters are on PSU and CAM voltages compare well with data from SFT_07_May_04, +/-one bit except 28V current and voltage monitors which are a bit more out, but to be expected. CCDA temp 0x85 20.08 CCDB temp 0x85 20.08 ICU temp 0x7b 25.54 Try bakeout 0.29A run bakeout 1.54A see CCD temps go up, about 28 C from 20 C Standby 0.70A Change to manual 0.84A peaks to 1.00A exit default CAM and MHC valid. Voltage and currents are good. MHC temperature data looks good for the ones that are there. edit on msslfp seq01 to give 0 second exposure in /data/eis/fm/egse/scripts cp it to seq01.jat seq01.old is the original because edit seq.01 in /data/eis/fm/icu/sequences make seq01 and make nseq01 does not work having changed exposure time to zero Load edited script See exposure happen and get data from camera, current goes up to 0.99A Do MDP busy low then get the data. Check first packet of /data/eis/fs//data/fsrun0143/md_data.0001 Looks ok TI-1 0x05acd185 TI-2 0x05acd186 mhc 0xffffffff Dur 0000 HSL status 79cc set seq01 back to how it was. set seq.01 back to how it was. have problems with idl license manager. timed demo get to look at data data looks ok. See light increase up ccd with lights on and no radiators on the structure. Try some MHC test scripts led test script Act count = 2 Nack count= 0 Type ’¡Ærun calibration_led_test’¡Ç and hit enter data from mhc_ft_part1_15_04_04_no4 below here y 1) Verify Act = n+3 5 Verify Green LED on 0 Record subcom 4 parm 74 Parameter 75 >0x273D <0x275B 0x274b was 0x2748 Record subcom 6 parm 74 Parameter 75 >0x1166 <0x1184 0x0b21 was 0x0b39 1) Verify Act = +1 6 Verify LEDs off 0 Record subcom 4 parm 74 Parameter 75 >0x3FEE <0x4002 0x3ff8 0x3ff8 Record subcom 6 parm 74 Parameter 75 >0x3FED <0x4001 0x3ff5 0x3ff7 1) Verify Act = +1 7 Verify Red LED on 0 Record subcom 5 parm 74 Parameter 75 >0x2736 <0x2754 0x2745 0x2742 Record subcom 7 parm 74 Parameter 75 >0x0A45 <0x0A63 0x0b28 0x0b42 1) Verify Act = +1 8 Verify LEDs off 0 Record subcom 5 parm 74 Parameter 75 >0x3FED <0x4001 0x3ff7 0x3ff8 Record subcom 7 parm 74 Parameter 75 >0x3FEB <0x3FFF 0x3ff5 0x3ff7 Try heater test:- load and run seq 30 Current goes to 1.39A from 0.84A (expect 1.40A) See current go up and dowm with one heaters to 1.12A. MHC HK reports two heaters on PARM 58 eg 0104 or 0082 run mhc_htr_off 0.84A Try QCM test new old data Act count = n 26 Load sequence #31 Select sequence #31 and go to Auto Ack count = n+3 (QCM 1) 29 Record parameter 58 = 0x1000 0x1000 Record parameter 59 0x005c 0x005d Record parameter 60 0xef3c 0x3e4f Ack count = +2 (QCM 2) 31 Record parameter 58 = 0x2000 0x2000 Record parameter 59 0x006b 0x0073 Record parameter 60 0x9696 0x1cd3 Ack count = +1 32 Record parameter 58 = 0x0000 0x0000 Go back to Manual when stopped Stop testing. What has been tested looks ok. Turn off EIS. Shut down msslfp Leave msslqa on ==================================================================== = WEDNESDAY 16th June 2004 ========================================= ==================================================================== 14:04 - RAC msslfp ON - trying to connect from msslqa. Can not "see" msslfp. Found network cable to msslfp trapped in door way (between clean room and user area). Could be damaged!!! Connected VDU to msslfp - "-" key looks stuck on: boot prompt is at LILO> ------------------------ . Checked keyboard, re-booted. System has recovered. All booted up - ready to go. 15:46 FSRUN0144 load CAL FM tables PSU ON, output ON, I28 = 0.29A select EEPROM 0 -> STANDBY, I28= 0.70A mode enable -> MANUAL , I28=0.85A EXIT_DEFAULT run mhc_init, wait for SEQ_STAT to go to "STOPPED", (mode = AUTO), I= 1.13A -> MANUAL , I=113A run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) fsrun0144/md_data.001 -> MANUAL #============ HELP NOTES ================================== # # ### mip = PZT #### # # mir_f_auto 1500 #bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x5, 0xDC # mir_f_auto 1200 #bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x4, 0xB0 #========================================================== # mir_f_auto 800 = 0x320 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) fsrun0144/md_data.002 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xb, 0xb8 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 PZT_SGO= 01b5 (437), PZT_DRV = 300.56V ->MANUAL run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) PZT_SGO= 06b1 (1713), PZT_DR$V = 35.83V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 PZT_SGO= 01b5 (437), PZT_DRV = 300.56V ->ABORT to MHC (could not see shutter open) -> RESET to MHC -> RESET to ROE -> STANDBY -> MANUAL exit default run mhc_init -> MANUAL run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) PZT_SGO = 6b1, PZT_DRV = 36.68V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 PZT_SGO= 01b5 (437), PZT_DRV = 1.71V # mir_f_auto 3000 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xB, 0xB8 PZT_SGO= 0f6b (3947), PZT_DRV = 99.15V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 39.37V run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) PZT_SGO = 6b1, PZT_DRV = 36.68V could not see shutter open again. ABORTED and re-start exposure. -> STANDBY -> MANUAL run mhc_init -> MANUAL run align_seqs run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) PZT_SGO = 6b1, PZT_DRV = 35.5V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 45.96V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 PZT_SGO= 01b5 (437), PZT_DRV = 0.39V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 43.33V Busy -> low, -> MANUAL, -> STANDBY I = 0.70A -> MANUAL I=0.85/1.01A exit default run mhc_init ->MANUAL run align_seqs run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) PZT_SGO = 6b1, PZT_DRV = 35.5V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 46.53V 2'44", elevation=2'42" bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 PZT_SGO= 01b5 (437), PZT_DRV = 0.84V -> MANUAL -> STANDBY halt power off msslfp power down msslqa left ON ==================================================================== = THURSSDAY 17th June 2004 ========================================= ==================================================================== 09:24 - RAC msslfp ON FSRUN0145 load CAL FM tables PSU ON, output ON, I28 = 0.29A => GO select EEPROM 0 -> STANDBY, I28= 0.70A -> MODE ENA ### note: PZT_SGO, PZT_DRV "go off the scale" in the plot ### PZT_DRV = 300V in parm 55 -> MANUAL , I28=0.85A/1.01A ### note: PZT_DRV = 291.02V, PZT_SGO = 0045 (67) EXIT_DEFAULT run mhc_init, wait for SEQ_STAT to go to "STOPPED", (mode = AUTO), I= 1.13A -> MANUAL , I=113A => BUSY LOW run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 -> STANDBY 10:06 -> MANUAL , I28=0.85A/1.01A exit default run mhc_init, wait for SEQ_STAT to go to "STOPPED", (mode = AUTO), I= 1.13A -> MANUAL , I=113A run align_seqs ; this will load seq=00, seq=09, ll=9, ll=47 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 PZT_SGO= 01b5 (437), PZT_DRV = 4.07V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.95V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xb, 0xb8 PZT_SGO= 0f6b (3947), PZT_DRV = 98.05V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 38.9V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 PZT_SGO= 01b5 (437), PZT_DRV = 300.01V -> STANDBY 10:37 ICU power off 11:05 power on => GO select EEPROM 0 -> STANDBY MODE ENA -> MANUAL exit default run mhc init oppes!!! BUSY was high, BUSY => low -> MANUAL run align_seqs bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 PZT_SGO= 01b5 (437), PZT_DRV = 3.47V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 21.33V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0xb, 0xb8 PZT_SGO= 0f6b (3945), PZT_DRV = 98.27V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 PZT_SGO= 01b5 (437), PZT_DRV = 299.84V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 42.95V 11:23 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) PZT_SGO = 6b1 (1713), PZT_DRV = 35.04V bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 45.74V 11.33 exposure finished, -> MANUAL 11:35 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1000) PZT_SGO = 6b1 (1713), PZT_DRV = xxxV bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 46.04V 11:45 exposure finished -> MANUAL edit seq00: new PZT_SGO (mip) = 0x708 (1800) >make nseq00 >make ll47 run align_seqs run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1800) PZT_SGO = 0bad (2989), PZT_DRV = 69.9V position not right, so do manual PZT move: bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 41.12V run ss_to_slot250 12:14 exposure finished -> MANUAL -> STANDBY I=0.70A halt lunch --------------------------------------------------- 13:27 GO EMERGENCY -> STANDBY BUSY = high, -> low -> MANUAL exit default, I=0.85A run mhc_init -> MANUAL edit seq.00 mip=1800, exp-time = 6 sec edit seq.09 mip=1000 re-make seq/ll run align_seqs run ss_to_slit2 got a NAK,NACK_EC_LS = 4000 (16384) so try 2" slot move again run ss_to_slit2 got a NAK,NACK_EC_LS = 4000 (16384) again. 13:44 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 6s, mip=1800) PZT_SGO = 0bad (2989), PZT_DRV = 69.37V -> MANUAL #### NOTE: PZT does not appear to move to same position when commanded #### using "bytes 0x62, 0xa0... compared with seq00, even though the #### position param is the same (0x0708) ### ANSWER: there is a 600 step off-set to add to "bytes" command bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 40.82V edit seq.00, mip = 1200 (600 step off-set) 14:35 run ro_upper_ccd (2" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = xxxV noticed "spike" in PZT_DRV (beyond scale), and Clarence observed PZT movement repeat PZT move using bytes command bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x7, 0x08 PZT_SGO= 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 43.61V - no motion observed. 14:55 exposure finished -> MANUAL run ss_to_slot250 SS_POS = c047 15:19 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 43.94V no sudden spike this time... 15:28 exposure finished -> MANUAL 15:29 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.13V run ss_to_slot40 run ss_to_slot250 -> MANUAL 15:40 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.22V spike in PZT_DRV graph from ~44V to ~65V 15:50 exposure finished -> MANUAL run ss_to_slot40 15:51 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.16V 15:54 run ss_to_slit1 15:56 run ss_to_slit2 15:57 run ss_to_slot40 15:58 run ss_to_slot250 16:01 exposure finished -> MANUAL 16:02 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.20V 16:12 exposure finished -> MANUAL 16:14 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.20V 16:24 run ss_to_slot40 exposure finished -> MANUAL 16:25 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.31V 16:27 run ss_to_slot250 16:35 exposure finished -> MANUAL 16:35 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.26V 16:46 exposure finished -> MANUAL 16:46 run ro_upper_ccd (250" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.26V 16:51 run ss_to_slot40 16:57 exposure finished -> MANUAL 16:57 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), spike on PZT_DRV = ~288V, then -> 44.22V 17:07 exposure finished -> MANUAL 17:08 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.31V 17:18 exposure finished -> MANUAL 17:18 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.35V 17:28 exposure finished -> MANUAL 17:28 run ro_upper_ccd (40" slit, 600s, mip=1200) PZT_SGO = 07f1 (2033), PZT_DRV = 44.13V 17:32 bytes 0x62, 0xA0, 0x93, 0, 2, 0x3, 0x20 PZT_SGO= 01b5 (437), PZT_DRV = SPIKE 300.76V, -> 0.26V ->ABORT to MHC ->SAFE to MHC ->RESET to MHC -> MANUAL to ICU ->RESET to MHC -> STANDBY power off msslfp off ==================================================================== = FRIDAY 18th June 2004 ============================================ ==================================================================== 09:58 - RAC msslfp ON PSU I/P on, O/P on run EGSE s/w FSRUN0146 noticed that PSU I=0.29A (WITHOUT hitting GREEN ICU-power ON button) hit RED ICU-power OFF button, I=0.03A 11:47 turn on, I=0.29A => GO load CAL FM tables BUSY flag to low select EEPROM 0 -> STANDBY, I28= 0.70A -> MODE ENA -> MANUAL , I=0.86/1.02A exit default run mhc_init -> MANUAL run align_seqs run ss_to_slot250 MHC_IF_ERR: 0x100, MHC_VF: INVALID, => VALID SS_POS = 250", NAK count = 0 -> STANDBY 11:55 ICU off 15:33 power on , I=0.29A select EEPROM 0 -> STANDBY, I28= 0.70A -> MODE ENA -> MANUAL , I=0.86/1.02A exit default run mhc_init -> MANUAL run align_seqs run ss_to_slit1 -> STANDBY ------------------------------------------ -> MANUAL exit default run mhc_init -> MANUAL run align_seqs run ss_to_slit2 (I = 1.26A) -> STANDBY ------------------------------------------ -> MANUAL exit default run mhc_init -> MANUAL run ss_to_slot250 (I = 1.27A) -> STANDBY ------------------------------------------ -> MANUAL exit default run mhc_init -> MANUAL run ss_to_slit2 (I = 1.27A) -> STANDBY ------------------------------------------ -> MANUAL exit default run mhc_init -> MANUAL run ss_to_slot250 (I = 1.27A) -> STANDBY 17:00 -> MANUAL exit default run mhc_init -> MANUAL run align_seqs run fm_gra_test GRA_S_POS: ff9c (65436) I=>1.40A, -> 1.13A, cancel delay 0064 (100) I=>1.40A, -> 1.13A, cancel delay 0000 (0) I=>1.40A, -> 1.13A, cancel delay run fm_gra_test GRA_S_POS: ff9c (65436) I=>1.40A, -> 1.13A, cancel delay 0064 (100) I=>1.40A, -> 1.13A, cancel delay 0000 (0) I=>1.40A, -> 1.13A, cancel delay -> STANDBY ------------------------------- -> MANUAL exit default run mhc_init -> MANUAL run ss_to_slit2 (I = 1.27A) -> STANDBY -------------------------------- -> MANUAL exit default run mhc_init -> MANUAL run ss_to_slit1 (I = 1.27A) -> STANDBY -------------------------------- 17:55 halt power off shut down msslfp ==================================================================== = SATURDAY 19th June 2004 ========================================== ==================================================================== 10:55 msslfp ON PSU mains ON, O/P ON, I=>0.29A, hit RED DIST O/P off button, I=>0.03A Turned off PSU, waited ~1 min. PSU mains ON, O/P ON I=>0.29A, hit RED DIST O/P off button, I=>0.03A Turned off PSU, left it off whilst starting EGSE s/w. Started SCSIM - ok Started COMSHELL, no text in window. logoff & shut down msslfp logoff & sut down msslqa - looks like I didn't load RT modules RE-START.... msslqa, then msslfp boot run EGSE forget fsrun0147..0149 FSRUN0150 turn on, I=0.29A => GO load CAL FM tables BUSY flag to low do SFT_19_jun_04_no1.doc finished SFT @ 13:00 Start MHC SFT @ 13:01 (mhc_ft_part1_19_Jun_04.doc) stopped at "run actuator_test" - not sure about running SFT. > STANDBY power off msslfp shut down ==================================================================== = SUNDAY 20th June 2004 ============================================ ==================================================================== 09:10 - RAC msslfp ON PSU I/P on noticed that PSU I=0.29A (WITHOUT hitting GREEN ICU-power ON button) hit RED ICU-power OFF button, I=0.03A run EGSE s/w FSRUN0151 turn on, I=0.29A => GO Start MHC SFT @ 09:23 (mhc_ft_part1_20_Jun_04.doc) After "mir_test" move the CS_POS back to 0xAAC0, got I=1.37A, NAK=1, param 68: 0903, 69: 4000, CS_POS=0xaac5 retried to move to 0xAAC0, got 2nd NAK, CS_POS=0xAAc5 still move to: bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xAA, 0x00 CS_POS=0xAA05, no NAK move to 0xAAC0: bytes 0x6C, 0x28, 0x27, 0, 2, 0xAA, 0xC0 got CS_POS=0xAAB9 run trace_dump; mem_dump.0->7 10:35 finished MHC_SFT 10:44 CAMERA SFT: Cam hk parameters: 29 c0 4 75 2 bb 8 95 6 82 5 75 3 bb 9 95 7 82 39 0 28 bf 20 df e2 18 7e 7d 24 35 34 22 a1 a2 21 a4 a5 19 64 66 25 34 32 23 9b 9d 36 ff 1 84 0 7a 43 20 42 db 44 df 45 c9 40 d4 27 74 6a 17 81 84 16 20 47 65 67 46 5f 62 48 5d 5a 49 37 35 41 61 5f 26 65 5c 32 99 33 99 34 77 10 b2 11 ba 12 ba 13 b1 14 bc 15 ba 35 af run seq 4 & 5 (run mhc_init). Heaters on, 1.13A. load load_seq: 45, load_LL: 45, select_seq: 45, goto AUTO fsrun0151, md_data.0001. ok -> MANUAL run vog_max_min 10 9a 26.36 - 11 a0 15.70 - 12 a3 8.29 - 13 c6 33.89 - c6 14 d4 20.81 - 15 ed 12.06 - 32 f0 - 33 f0 - 34 f0 - run vog_min_max 10 c6 33.81 - 11 d2 20.61 - 12 ed 12.06 - 13 9a 26.36 - 14 a2 15.90 - 15 a3 8.92 - 32 0f - 33 0f - 34 0f - run vog_nom 10 b2 30.47 - 11 ba 18.25 - 12 ba 9.46 - 13 b1 30.30 - 14 bc 18.45 - 15 ba 9.46 - 32 99 - 33 99 - 34 77 - load load_seq: 46, load_LL: 46, select_seq: 46, goto AUTO md_data.0002, ->manual ->auto md_data.0003, ->manual ->auto md_data.0004, ->manual st_data.0002 cam: , followed by , look for valid HK again Run seq 4 & 5 (run mhc_init) -> MANUAL load load_seq: 20, load_LL: 20, select_seq: 20 ->auto md_data.0005, ->manual ->auto md_data.0006, ->manual ->auto md_data.0007, ->manual st_data.0002 11:06 finished CAMERA SFT run mhc_init -> manual 11:11 PRE_FLASH LED flat field testing: All lights off in clean room, covers over instrumnet. run sequence 4 & 5 (run mhc_init) >make nseq44 >make ll44 10ms exposure: ms_data.0008: load load_seq: 44, slect_seq: 44, LL_seq: 44 -> auto -> manual run idl, top 2/3 image is dark on both CCD's, bottom 1/3 "lost sync" - windowing a little off.Bottom 1/3 of data probably from previous dataa in ICU memory. HSL_IF_STAT: 0x7dcc CAM:, run mhc_init -> manual Both LED's, 10ms exposure: ms_data.0009: load load_seq: 44, slect_seq: 44, LL_seq: 44 -> auto looks good, counts from: column plot> approx 2000 edit seq.44, exp_time = 100ms >make nseq44 >make ll44 Both LED's, 100ms exposure: ms_data.0010: load load_seq: 44, slect_seq: 44, LL_seq: 44 -> manual -> auto -> manual looks good, counts from: column plot> approx 11000 edit seq.44, exp_time = 50ms >make nseq44 >make ll44 Both LED's, 50ms exposure: ms_data.0011: load load_seq: 44, slect_seq: 44, LL_seq: 44 -> manual -> auto -> manual looks good, counts from: column plot> approx 5700 edit seq.44, to turn on 1st LED only >make nseq44 >make ll44 1st LED ON only, 50ms exposure: ms_data.0012: load load_seq: 44, slect_seq: 44, LL_seq: 44 -> auto -> manual looks good, counts from: column plot> approx 5700 opps! same LED parma... edit seq.44, to turn on 1st LED only this time for good >make nseq44 >make ll44 1st LED ON only, 50ms exposure: ms_data.0013: load load_seq: 44, slect_seq: 44, LL_seq: 44 -> auto -> manual FIRST window to open is darker, counts approx 700, SECOND window, counts approx 5700 edit seq.44, to turn on 2nd LED only >make nseq44 >make ll44 2nd LED ON only, 50ms exposure: ms_data.0014: load load_seq: 44, slect_seq: 44, LL_seq: 44 -> auto -> manual SECOND window to open is darker, counts approx 700, FIRST window, counts approx 5700 -> STANDBY halt power off, shut down msslfp 12:07 lunch ==================================================================== = TUESDAY 22th June 2004 =========================================== ==================================================================== 13:55 moved EIS into blue vacuum chamber doors open connected harnesses via feedthrough flang sus_a (sus 1) 11.35 k sus_b (sus 2) 11.40 k sus_c (sus 3) 11.30 k suh_a (suh 1) 0.477 k suh_b (suh 2) 0.525 k suh_c (suh 3) 0.514 k icu 1 (icu 8) 1.085 k icu 2 (icu 9) 1.081 k str-1 open (no clam shell) str-2 open (no clam shell) str-3 1.09k str-4 open str-5 1.094 k str-6 1.091 k str-7 1.091 k 15:00 start SFT look at image at x:700, y:300 - there seems to be a scratch there. 15:33 finished SFT ==================================================================== = THURSDAY 24th June 2004 ========================================== ==================================================================== 12:55 fsrun0153 EIS in blue vacuum chamber. Has been pumping since Wednesday. Pressure = 2.58e-6 mBar TC1 (ROE radiator) = -166.95 deg C TC2 (MHC radiator) = -177.71 deg C 13:00 sus_a (sus 1) 13.82 k sus_b (sus 2) 12.43 k sus_c (sus 3) 13.73 k suh_a (suh 1) 0.477 k suh_b (suh 2) 0.526 k suh_c (suh 3) 0.512 k icu 1 (icu 8) 1.083 k icu 2 (icu 9) 1.078 k str-1 open (no clam shell) str-2 open (no clam shell) str-3 1.081k str-4 0.803 str-5 0.961 k str-6 1.037 k str-7 1.054 k 13:25 power on msslfp, boot egse, tunr psu on, o/p on (*** LED STAUS is ON I=0.29) HK is ok eeprom 0 -> standby I= 0.70A -> mode enable -> manual I=0.85/1.01A exit default CCD_A = 0xe7 -36.30 deg C CCD_B = 0xe8 -38.18 deg C ICU_Temp = 0x80 22.80 deg C -> standby power off -> halt msllfp on lunch 14:43 PSU ON, DIST switch came ON again , I=0.29A -> standby I=0.70A str-1 open (no clam shell) str-2 open (no clam shell) str-3 1.076 k str-4 0.743 k str-5 0.941 k str-6 1.023 k str-7 1.043 k icu 1 (icu 8) 1.084 k icu 2 (icu 9) 1.079 k sus_a (sus 1) 14.64 k sus_b (sus 2) 12.76 k sus_c (sus 3) 14.52 k suh_a (suh 1) 0.477 k suh_b (suh 2) 0.526 k suh_c (suh 3) 0.511 k CCD_A = 0xec -46.60 deg C CCD_B = 0xec -46.60 deg C ICU_Temp = 0x82 21.70 deg C mode enable -> manual I=0.85/1.01A exit default busy -> low [23] mir base 3bc0 16.22 deg C [26] gra motor 3c40 19.04 deg C [21] shutter motor 3b8c 15.27 deg C -> standby hit DIST OFF button, I=0.03A PSU o/p left on 15:23 DIST ON (green button) str-1 open (no clam shell) str-2 open (no clam shell) str-3 1.075 k str-4 0.731 k str-5 0.941 k str-6 1.022 k str-7 1.043 k icu 1 (icu 8) 1.086 k icu 2 (icu 9) 1.082 k sus_a (sus 1) 14.90 k sus_b (sus 2) 12.86 k sus_c (sus 3) 14.78 k suh_a (suh 1) 0.477 k suh_b (suh 2) 0.525 k suh_c (suh 3) 0.512 k CCD_A = 0xed -48.94 deg C CCD_B = 0xed -48.94 deg C ICU_Temp = 0x7d 24.44 deg C -> standby I=0.70A mode enable -> manual I=0.85/1.01A exit default busy -> low [23] mir base 3bae 15.93 deg C [26] gra motor 3c3b 18.86 deg C [21] shutter motor 3b7b 14.95 deg C -> standby hit DIST OFF button, I=0.03A PSU o/p left on -> halt PSU off, PSU on DIST O/P came on (Status LED ON) I =0.29A -> 16:39 str-1 open (no clam shell) str-2 open (no clam shell) str-3 1.074 k str-4 0.714 k str-5 0.932 k str-6 1.012 k str-7 1.036 k icu 1 (icu 8) 1.087 k icu 2 (icu 9) 1.082 k sus_a (sus 1) 15.31 k sus_b (sus 2) 13.00 k sus_c (sus 3) 15.18 k suh_a (suh 1) 0.478 k suh_b (suh 2) 0.526 k suh_c (suh 3) 0.511 k CCD_A = 0xef -53.93 deg C CCD_B = 0xef -53.93 deg C ICU_Temp = 0x7c 24.99 deg C -> standby I=0.70A mode enable -> manual I=0.85/1.01A exit default busy -> low [23] mir base 3b88 15.20 deg C [26] gra motor 3c2b 18.49 deg C [21] shutter motor 3b4c 14.10 deg C -> standby hit DIST OFF button, I=0.03A PSU o/p left on -> halt 16:54 Helium/Magnesium source in position, pumped to pressure DIST ON, I=0.29A eeprom 0 busy->low -> standby mode enable -> manual I=0.85/1.01A exit default run mhc_init -> manual I=1.14A edit seq09 to give exp-time = 1 min, mip=1200 edit seq00 to give exp-time 1min, mip=1200 run align_seqs -> auto exp seems too short!!!! re-made seq's (seq00, ll47, seq09, ll09) run align_seqs 17:16 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 1200, 250" slit, md_data.0001 17:17:43 stopped, busy=> low, -> manual can see source in (high wavelength band) 2nd CCD window edit seq09 to give exp-time = 1 min, mip=1000 edit seq00 to give exp-time 1min, mip=1000 run align_seqs 17:22 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 1000, 250" slit, md_data.0002 17:123 stopped, busy=> low, -> manual image ok, need to move over some more. run align_seqs 17:25 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 800, 250" slit, md_data.0003 17:26 stopped, busy=> low, -> manual image ok, need to move over some more. run align_seqs 17:29 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 525, 250" slit, md_data.0004 17:31 stopped, busy=> low, -> manual image ok, nearly in the middle. run align_seqs 17:33 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 400, 250" slit, md_data.0005 17:34 stopped, busy=> low, -> manual good!!, near enough in the middle Charlie has moved source "down" a bit 17:36 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 400, 250" slit, md_data.0006 17:37 stopped, busy=> low, -> manual source has moved closer to bottom of imaging area in upper half of CCD move source down a touch lower 17:46 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 400, 250" slit, md_data.0007 source in good position (approx 2600, 600) run ss_to_slit1 , (49 ss_pos: 0x0040) 17:40 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 400, 1" slit, md_data.0008 in IDL select "average along slit" - energy in approx 2 pixels, peak at 2671 run ss_to_slit2, (49 ss_pos: 0x8063) got a [66] NAK_CNT = 1 17:55 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 400, 2" slit, md_data.0009 image good, energy in approx 2 pixels run ss_to_slot40, (49 ss_pos: 0x4072) 18:00 run ro_upper_ccd ; 60s ; mip = 400, 40" slit, md_data.0010 good! nice flat top to image. 18:04 str-1 open (no clam shell) str-2 open (no clam shell) str-3 1.074 k str-4 0.704 k str-5 0.952 k str-6 1.042 k str-7 1.048 k icu 1 (icu 8) 1.100 k icu 2 (icu 9) 1.085 k sus_a (sus 1) 14.99 k sus_b (sus 2) 12.68 k sus_c (sus 3) 14.94 k suh_a (suh 1) 0.477 k suh_b (suh 2) 0.525 k suh_c (suh 3) 0.510 k CCD_A = 0xef -53.93 deg C CCD_B = 0xef -53.93 deg C ICU_Temp = 0x71 30.96 deg C [23] mir base 3b8c 15.21 deg C [26] gra motor 3c3a 18.84 deg C [21] shutter motor 3b4e 14.07 deg C -> standby hit DIST OFF button, I=0.03A PSU o/p left on -> halt ehse stop msslfp off ==================================================================== = FRIDAY 25th June 2004 ============================================ ==================================================================== Source NeMg penning source NRL colomator. Cooling CCDs fsrun0154 10:37 boot up system. boot 0.29A CCDA 0xeb -44.35C CCDB 0xeb -44.35C standby 0.70A manual 0.85A to 1.00A Exit default. run ss_to_slot250 get a nack from mhc, no motor enable? run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off cm_pos 0xaac0 gra_s_pos 0 ss_pos 0xc069 250" edit seq00 to 2mins mip 400 load ll47 load seq09 busy low goto auto SHOULD have loaded seq09 load seq00 goto auto manual something not right. (md_data.0001 seen later, maybe impatient) reset mhc and camera goto standby run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off manual reload seq00, ll00, sel seq00 auto md_data.0002 can not see any line. manual edit seq00 to 5 mins mip 400 ss_pos=250" reload seq00 , sel seq00, auto. md_data.0003 pzt_sgo 02f6 758 pzt_drv 0264 11.38V -------- change source back to HeMg NRL colomator -------- check running system correctly with known line edit seq00 to 60sec exp forget to make it!!!! Note: seq in /data/eis/fm/icu/sequences emacs seq.00 make nseq00 scripts in /data/eis/fm/egse/scripts reload seq00 sel seq00 still at 5mins! md_data.0004 spot a little low but there! change seq00 to 60s collomator mirror moved md_data.0005 moved wrong way move other way md_data.0006 11:44 ccds at -49C move again. md_data.0007 looks like started moving in correct direction. Move back again. md_data.0008 move some more (1/4 turns) md_data.0009 off for lunch 13:19 boot 0.29A CCDs at -53.93 0xef sel eprom 0 standby 0.70A mode enable, manual, exit default 0.85A run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off manual load ll47, load seq00, sel seq00, auto, busy low md_data.0010 manual auto md_data.0011 -------------------------- Flatfielding or background measurement edit sequence to have one or other of the following in. # neither LEDS ON background measurement eis_flat_field(exp_time_10ms, 0) #normal exposure #eis_start_exp(exp_time_10ms) use flat field image as 'dark current' file in xfiles -------------------------- get light image manual auto md_data.0012 set to background in seq.00 reload seq00 select and goto auto md_data.0013 in xfiless use 13 as dark current file when looking at 12 then just get source 14:20 change source back to Ne Source NeMg penning source NRL colomator. Cooling CCDs CCDA 0xef -53.93C, CCDB 0xf0 -56.59C still fsrun0154 manual emacs seq.00 to 5mins exposure MIP 400 #normal exposure eis_start_exp(exp_time_10ms) make nseq00 load seq00 sel seq00 14:29 auto (still purging Ne into the source but have a look anyway) (white/blue glow) md_data.0014 emacs seq.00 to 5mins exposure MIP 400 # neither LEDS ON background measurement or dark current file eis_flat_field(exp_time_10ms, 0) make nseq00 load seq00 sel seq00 14:36 auto md_data.0015 #use this line to copy into dark current path /data/eis/fs/data/fsrun0154/md_data.0015 flush source (see orange/red glow) emacs seq.00 to 5mins exposure MIP 400 #normal exposure eis_start_exp(exp_time_10ms) make nseq00 load seq00 sel seq00 14:50 auto md_data.0016 15:02 auto md_data.0017 manual 15:11 auto md_data.0018 (can not see anything in this one) start background image 15:19 md_data.0019 start another image 15:26 md_data.0020 still no source seen try rebooting instrument manual standby manual exit default init_mhc mhc_htr_off manual load seq00 load ll47 15:39 auto md_data.0021 manual check seq00 loaded ok so load again having recompiled with normal exposure in and flat field out 15:44 auto md_data.0022 still no sign of the source. manual Change source back to He and check that that can still be seen. 16:01 auto still same seq00, 5 min exp, mip 400, ll47 md_data.0023 can see image of source have cup of coffee 17:10 take 60S exp before going back to Ne. CCDs at -56.59 0xf0 17:13 auto md_data.0024 manual cm_pos 0xaac0 pzt_sgo 0x02f5 pzt_drv 0x257 11.14 image looks ok. Change back to Ne and try again. drive source harder 300mA 420V seq00 edited back to 5min exp, mip 400 ss_pos 250" 0xc040 loaded and selected 17:29 auto md_data.0025 manual SEE THE SOURCE!!! (Not driving hard enough?) take back ground 17:38 auto md_data.0026 manual image looks good taking difference crash status monitor. restart it. change exposure to 20mins run ss_to_slit1 ss_pos 0x0040 1" 17:52 auto get erro from ICU seq_abort_ec 0x2 manual change time back to 10mins 17:55 auto OK this time source gives up. Manual Stop for tea EIS off 19:00 re build source 19:20 boot 0.29 CCDs at -56.59 0xf0 sel eprom 0 standby 0.70A mode enable, manual, exit default 0.85A run mhc_init run mhc_htr_off manual load ll47, load seq00, sel seq00, busy low cm_pos 0xaac0 ss_pos 0x0040 1" edit seq.00 for background measure ment 10mins 19:30 auto pzt_sgo 0x2f7 759 pzt_drv 0x23e 10.68V /data/eis/fs/data/fsrun0154/md_data.0027 md_data.0027 manual edit seq.00 for normal readout. 10mins mip 400, ss 1" load and sel seq.00 source playin up get 300mA 460V on source volts fluctuate as pressure does See over 1KV at one point. 17:59 auto md_data.0028 manual LOOKS good take another 300mA 740V 20:15 auto /data/eis/fs/data/fsrun0154/md_data.0029 manual Get good data NeMg NRL Colamator 1"Slitslot, MIP400, CCDs at -57C, Mirror 0xAAC0, gra 00, pzt_sgo 0x02f6 758, pzt_drv 0x0245 10.81V, 10min exp. Back ground /data/eis/fs/data/fsrun0154/md_data.0027 Data /data/eis/fs/data/fsrun0154/md_data.0028 /data/eis/fs/data/fsrun0154/md_data.0029 All off *************************************************************** Tuesday 29 June 2004 MCRW / jat (with l plates) boot egse fsrun0155 boot 0.29A CCDs at -17.36 0xd9 sel eeprom0 Standby 0.70A Mode enble, Manual, exit default 0.85A Load new mhc code run revr3_1d_cmds ***************************** remember mhc cal_led on time is now a tenth of what it used to be so on time should be multiplied by ten to get the same value. ***************************** 65 mhc ack_cnt = 256 72 status_code 0x2220 Select mhc ram mode: bytes 0x6B, 0x88, 0x11, 0, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF wait about 10 seconds mhc_vf invalid send mhc abort command mhc_vf valid 72 STATUS_CODE 0x2022 70 on_time reset to 0 mhc running ok No change in 28V current 0.85A 49 SS_pos 1" 0x0040 48 cm_pos 0xaac0 1 pzt_sgo 0x0032 55 pzt_drv 0x3dec 52 gra_s_pos 0x0000 run mhc_init manual 1.13A run mhc_htr_off 0.85A run align_seqs (loads seq 00 & 09 ll 47 & 09) busy low try new mhc cal led timing edit seq00 to have what was 100ms eis_mhc_parameter_set(0xa903,10) and try it expect not to see much light now that time is ten times less than it was. auto md_data.0001 (long 2690 short 2925) manual but with new mhc code it should then be 100 ms is eis_mhc_parameter_set(0xa903,100) make nseq00, load seq00, sel seq00 auto md_data.0002 (long 11829 short 12554) manual edit leds out of seq00, so now back to 60S normal exposure make load and select. while source is getting ready, try mhc slit slot moves with new mhc code rev 3.1d run slot slot test Act count = n Nack count = m 41/0 Type ’¡Ærun slit_slot_test’¡Ç and hit enter Verify Act count = n+4 (find 0) 45/0 Record parameter 49 and verify >=0x0032 <0x0072 0x003F unknown Verify Act count = +1 (+90°) 46/0 Record parameter 49 and verify >=0xC02C <0xC06C 0xc062 250" Verify Act count = +1 (+90°) 47/0 Record parameter 49 and verify >=0x8040 <0x8080 0x8042 2" Verify Act count = +1 (+90°) 48/0 Record parameter 49 and verify >=0x407F <0x40BF 0x406c 40" Verify Act count = +1 (-180°) 49/0 Record parameter 49 and verify >=0xC02C <0xC06C 0xc02f 250" Verify Act count = +1 (-90°) 50/0 Record parameter 49 and verify >=0xFFF0 <0x0030 0x003b unknown Verify Act count = +1 (+90°) 51/0 Record parameter 49 and verify >=0xC05E <0xC09E 0xc02f 250" 0.99A when moving compared to 0.85A looks OK 10:39 take 2min exposure mip 400 ss 250" CCDs at -36 source NeAl hollow cathode fsrun0155/md_data.0003 take 2min exposure mip 200 ss 250" Source NeAl fsrun0155/md_data.0004 take 2min exposure mip 000 ss 250 Source NeAl fsrun0155/md_data.0005 10:51 reduce source window size take 2min exposure mip 000 ss 250" Source NeAl fsrun0155/md_data.0006 move source by 60" toward pump (Didcot) to try and get rid of straight edge 11:01 take 2min exposure mip 000 ss 250" CCDs at -42 Source NeAl fsrun0155/md_data.0007 wrong way move source by 120" other way (Wantage) 11:11 take 2min exposure mip 000 ss 250" CCDs at -42 Source NeAl fsrun0155/md_data.0008 run ss_to_slot40 49 ss_pos 0x406d 40" 11:18 take 2min exposure mip 000 ss 40" CCDs at -42 Source NeAl fsrun0155/md_data.0009 move 20" toward Wantage 11:24 take 2min exposure mip 000 ss 40" CCDs at -42 Source NeAl fsrun0155/md_data.0010 move 20" toward Wantage 11:29 take 2min exposure mip 000 ss 40" CCDs at -42 Source NeAl fsrun0155/md_data.0011 move 120" toward Wantage 11:38 take 2min exposure mip 000 ss 40" CCDs at -44 Source NeAl fsrun0155/md_data.0012 move fine mirror to Wantage to catch up with source 11:29 take 2min exposure mip 200 ss 40" CCDs at -42 Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x01B7 PZT_DRV 0x00F1 4.59V fsrun0155/md_data.0013 see a little of the source (note: mip 2400steps = 5mins) move fine mirror another 200 steps towards Wantage 11:47 take 2min exposure mip 400 ss 40" CCDs at -47C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x02F7 PZT_DRV 0x02BC 13.01V fsrun0155/md_data.0014 move fine mirror another 200 steps towards Wantage 11:52 take 2min exposure mip 600 ss 40" CCDs at -47C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x0435 PZT_DRV 0x0468 20.84V fsrun0155/md_data.0015 nearly at middle move fine mirror another 200 steps towards Wantage 11:52 take 2min exposure mip 800 ss 40" CCDs at -47C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x0574 PZT_DRV 0x0611 28.66V fsrun0155/md_data.0016 move fine mirror another 200 steps towards Wantage 12:00 take 2min exposure mip 1000 ss 40" CCDs at -47C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x06B1 PZT_DRV 0x07BB 36.46V fsrun0155/md_data.0017 move fine mirror to 700 steps 12:10 take 2min exposure mip 700 ss 40" CCDs at -47C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x050D 23.87V fsrun0155/md_data.0018 looks to be in the middle x axis, centre of mirror 131mm, travel +/-75mm Source 410V 1.5A 8*10-1mBar x-trans 150mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line run ss_to_slit1 ss_pos 0x004D 1" 12:20 take 10min exposure mip 700 ss 1" CCDs at -47C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x0515 24.04V fsrun0155/md_data.0019 12:35 take a background file 10mins /data/eis/fs/data/fsrun0155/md_data.0020 run ss_to_slot250 x axis, centre of mirror 131mm, travel +/-75mm Source 504V 2.0A 6.8*10-1mBar x-trans 150mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line ss_pos 0xC051 250" 14:13 take 2min exposure mip 700 ss 250" CCDs at -51C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x0515 24.04V fsrun0155/md_data.0021 Ooops, seq was flat field so no source. Try again... x axis, centre of mirror 131mm, travel +/-75mm Source 504V 2.0A 6.8*10-1mBar x-trans 150mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line 14:20 take 2min exposure mip 700 ss 250" CCDs at -51C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x0515 24.04V fsrun0155/md_data.0022 Take background, valve one closed on source. 14:22 Running same seq00, ei not flat field, use source vavlve as shutter. /data/eis/fs/data/fsrun0155/md_data.0023 Counts are low. Do a ten minute exposure, edit seq.00 x axis, centre of mirror 131mm, travel +/-75mm Source 504V 2.0A 6.8*10-1mBar x-trans 150mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line 14:29 take 10min exposure mip 700 ss 250" CCDs at -53C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x0515 24.04V fsrun0155/md_data.0024 Take background, valve one closed on source. 10min exp 14:40 Running same seq00, ei not flat field, use source valve as shutter. /data/eis/fs/data/fsrun0155/md_data.0025 Move STR x axis above background can be used with this. x-trans 110mm Source 504V 2.0A 6.8*10-1mBar x-trans 110mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line 14:51 take 10min exposure mip 700 ss 250" CCDs at -53C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x0515 24.04V fsrun0155/md_data.0026 take another the same to get enough counts Source 504V 2.0A 6.8*10-1mBar x-trans 110mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line 15:05 take 10min exposure mip 700 ss 250" CCDs at -53C Source NeAl PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x0515 24.04V fsrun0155/md_data.0027 Take background, valve one closed on source. 10min exp. CCDs -53C. 15:22 Running same seq00, ei not flat field, use source valve as shutter. /data/eis/fs/data/fsrun0155/md_data.0028 **** Source change **** 15:33 Source 505V 2.0A 2.1 mBar x-trans 110mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line take 10min exposure mip 700 ss 250" CCDs at -53C Source He PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V fsrun0155/md_data.0029 aborted, wrong position on translator (short band instead of long) md_data.0029 not written 15:36 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 150mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 600s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0029 16:13 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0030 16:18 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0031 16:22 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0032 16:26 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0033 16:29 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0034 16:33 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 194mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0035 16:37 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 204mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0036 No image 16:41:41 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 199mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0037 Faint, crap image 16:46:22 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 194mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0038 Image back 16:51 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 194mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0039 16:56:44 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0040 17:00:14 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 139mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0041 17:03:46 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0042 Image still present 17:07:49 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0043 Image still present 17:13:17 Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0044 Faint image 17:17:44 Source off, background image Source 505V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 28mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0045 y-translation alteration (downwards) source left on during this time 17:52:19 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0046 Faint image 17:57:37 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0047 18:01:03 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0048 18:04:54 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0049 18:08:35 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 154.000mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0050 18:12:30 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0051 18:16:00 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0052 18:19:44 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0053 18:23:20 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 194mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0054 18:26:50 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 199mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0055 18:30:23 No reflection off alignment mirror Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 204mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0056 No image 18:35:12 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 201.5mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0057 Faint image 18:40:27 Source off, background image Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 201.5mm, y-trans 18mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0058 y-translation alteration (upwards) source left on during this time 19:15:56 Source off, background image Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0059 19:19:07 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0060 19:22:42 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0061 19:25:19 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0062 19:28:50 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0063 19:31:51 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0064 19:35:30 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0065 19:38:49 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0066 19:41:56 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0067 19:45:09 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 194mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0068 19:48:49 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 196.5mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0069 No image 19:53:23 Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 191.5mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0070 19:57:00 Source off, background image Source 506V, 2.0A, 2.0 mBar, x-trans 191.5mm, y-trans 38mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D3 PZT_DRV 0x0510 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0155/md_data.0071 20:00 standby 0.70A icu off egse off **************************************************** Wed 30 June 2004 MCRW, AMJ 08:35 egse on attempt to change eth0 to use dhcp FSRUN0156 10:15 psu on 27.99V, current limit 3.01A output on 0.03A green button 0.29A ccd temps -42C holocathode seems to be in the right place horizontal, vertical out? *********************************** y translator positions recalculated 18 -> 13 28 -> 23 38 -> 33 This applies to all the images taken on 29th June The telescope is pointed 30 mm high *********************************** 10:59 sel eeprom0 Standby 0.70A Mode enble, Manual, exit default 0.85A 49 SS_pos 250" 0xC040 48 cm_pos 0xaac0 1 pzt_sgo 0x006E 55 pzt_drv 0x3ded 52 gra_s_pos 0x0000 run mhc_init manual 1.13A run mhc_htr_off 0.85A run align_seqs (loads seq 00 & 09 ll 47 & 09) busy low Translator y positions are the corrected ones for this run Source He 11:03:32 Auto Source off, background image PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EC 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -47, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0001 Manual when busy low 11:08:04 Translator position is corrected Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -47, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0002 11:13:31 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -48, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0003 11:18:15 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -48, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0004 11:24:47 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -49, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0005 11:28:35 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm OR 144mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -49, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0006 11:33:30 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -49, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0007 11:38:02 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -49, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0008 11:42:05 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -49, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0009 11:47:37 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -49, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0010 11:50:50 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 194mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0011 11:55:38 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 189mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050B 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -49, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0012 12:01:27 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 186.5mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x0502 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0013 source off, background image 12:05:40 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 45mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0014 12:22:22 Source off, background image Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0015 Source on 12:25:09 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0016 Good image 12:29:47 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0017 Counts 250 12:35:13 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0018 Counts 550 12:41:13 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 124mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0019 No image 12:45:23 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 126mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0020 Counts 40 12:49:53 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0021 Counts 500 12:53:53 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0022 Counts 450 12:56:56 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0023 Counts 400 12:59:55 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0024 Counts 70 13:03:40 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0025 No image 13:08:10 Source off, dark image Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 57mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0026 translated to 67mm above centre line 13:40:10 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 67mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x04EE 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -52, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0027 13:44:55 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 67mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.87V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0028 13:48:55 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans 67mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x0509 23.80V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0029 13:52:09 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 67mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.82V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0030 13:54:54 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans 67mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0031 13:57:47 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans 67mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050E 23.91V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0032 14:00:45 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 150mm, y-trans 67mm above centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0033 14:04 start to move to lower quadrant translated to 7mm below centre line 14:06:00 Source OFF, DARK IMAGE, x-trans 150mm PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He seq aborted error 14:10:20 Source OFF, DARK IMAGE, x-trans 150mm PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0034 14:43:10 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 150mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0035 counts ~450 14:49:02 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0036 counts ~70 14:52:52 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0037 counts ~300 14:56:21 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0038 no image 15:00:24 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0039 counts ~400 15:04:40 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0040 counts ~350 15:08:07 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0041 counts ~300 15:12:09 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0042 counts ~300 15:18:18 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0043 counts ~300 15:21:28 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 194mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0044 counts ~300 15:25:55 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 204mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0045 No image 15:31:10 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm again, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0046 counts 0 15:35:05 Source OFF, DARK IMAGE, x-trans 134mm, y-trans 7mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x0509 23.8V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0047 15:38 translated to 17mm below centre line 15:44:00 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0048 peak counts ~450 (from av along slit) 15:47:48 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0505 23.72V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0049 counts ~280 15:50:37 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0050 counts ~390 15:53:40 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0051 counts ~480 15:57:02 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0052 counts ~550 16:00:34 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0053 counts ~520 16:03:31 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 174mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0054 counts ~470 16:07:19 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 184mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0055 counts ~450 16:10:45 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 194mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0056 counts ~350 16:14:52 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 204.1mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0057 counts 0 16:18:32 Source OFF, DARK IMAGE, x-trans ?mm again, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D4 PZT_DRV 0x050A 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0058 counts 0 possible cosmic ray on this one 16:20 13.79 on vernier between front plates translated to 27mm below centre line autocollimator no longer looking through window so need to reset this. 12.815 on the vernier (this is now 17mm below base line) 17:52 Source OFF, DARK IMAGE, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0059 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 17:54:50 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0060 peak counts ~300 (from av along slit) DARK PATCH IN BEAM??? 17:57:33 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0061 peak counts ~40 (from av along slit) 18:00:27 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0062 peak counts ~300 (from av along slit) DARK PATCH IN BEAM?? MOVED 18:04:37 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0063 peak counts ~450 (from av along slit) 18:08:50 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0064 peak counts ~500 (from av along slit) 18:12:50 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0065 peak counts ~470 (from av along slit) 18:15:59 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0066 peak counts ~500 (from av along slit) 18:19:19 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0067 peak counts ~300 (from av along slit) 18:22:03 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 194mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0068 peak counts ~270 (from av along slit) 18:26:05 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 204mm, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -57, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0069 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 18:29:36 Source OFF, DARK IMAGE, x-trans moving, y-trans 17mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0070 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 18:30 move to x-trans 131mm translate y to 26mm below centre line vernier now at 11.90 18:45:33 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0071 peak counts ~350 (from av along slit) 18:48:35 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0072 peak counts ~35 (from av along slit) 18:51:26 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0073 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 18:54:27 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0074 peak counts ~450 (from av along slit) 18:59:41 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0075 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 19:02:43 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0076 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 19:06:13 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0077 peak counts ~450 (from av along slit) 19:09:24 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0078 peak counts ~350 (from av along slit) 19:12:21 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 194mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0079 peak counts ~25 (from av along slit) 19:16:24 Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 189mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0080 peak counts ~250 (from av along slit) 19:20:34 Source off, DARK IMAGE Source 497V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 189mm, y-trans 26mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0081 19:23 move to x-trans 131mm translate y to -34.5mm below centre line vernier now at 11.05 19:35 Source playing up 19:49:00 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans -34.5mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0082 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 19:52:22 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans -34.5mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0083 peak counts ~70 (from av along slit) 19:55:38 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans -34.5mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0084 peak counts ~450 (from av along slit) 19:58:31 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans -34.5mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0085 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 20:01:11 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans -34.5mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0086 peak counts ~450 (from av along slit) 20:04:16 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans -34.5mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0087 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 20:06:53 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans -34.5mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0088 peak counts ~350 (from av along slit) 20:09:36 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans -34.5mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0089 peak counts ~250 (from av along slit) 20:12:21 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 194mm, y-trans -34.5mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0090 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 20:15:43 Source off, DARK IMAGE Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 204mm, y-trans -34.5mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0091 20:16 translate y to -46mm below centre line vernier now at 9.9 20:47:25 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans -46mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0092 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 20:50:04 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans -46mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0093 peak counts ~200 (from av along slit) 20:52:44 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans -46mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0094 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 20:55:31 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans -46mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0095 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 20:58:10 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans -46mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0096 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 21:00:44 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans -46mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0097 peak counts ~350 (from av along slit) 21:03:19 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans -46mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0098 peak counts ~120 (from av along slit) 21:07:09 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans -46mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0099 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 21:12:40 Source off, DARK IMAGE Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 184mm, y-trans -46mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0100 21:13 translate y to -56mm below centre line vernier now at 8.9 21:25:08 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans -56mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0101 peak counts ~350 (from av along slit) 21:27:48 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans -56mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0102 peak counts ~70 (from av along slit) 21:30:25 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans -56mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0103 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 21:33:01 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans -56mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0104 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) 21:36:13 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans -56mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0105 peak counts ~200 (from av along slit) 21:39:00 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans -56mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0106 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 21:43:45 Source off, DARK IMAGE Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 174mm, y-trans -56mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0107 peak counts ~ (from av along slit) 22:07 NOTE: the source may have been thrown off in x due to rack and pinion problems. Obstruction removed. translate y to -66mm below centre line vernier now at 7.9 22:08:18 Source off, DARK IMAGE 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0108 22:11:50 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans -66mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0109 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 22:14:24 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans -66mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0110 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 22:17:26 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans -66mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0111 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 22:20:23 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 144mm, y-trans -66mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0112 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 22:24:10 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans -66mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0113 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 22:30:13 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans -66mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0114 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 22:40 translate y to -55mm below centre line vernier now at 9.1 22:41:50 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 164mm, y-trans -55mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0115 peak counts ~0 (from av along slit) 22:45:51 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 154mm, y-trans -55mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0116 peak counts ~300 (from av along slit) 22:50:19 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 128mm, y-trans -55mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0117 peak counts ~8 (from av along slit) 22:53:43 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 131mm, y-trans -55mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0118 peak counts ~270 (from av along slit) 22:5 Source 496V, 2.0A, 2.1 mBar, x-trans 134mm, y-trans -55mm below centre line PZT_SGO 0x04D5 PZT_DRV 0x0506 23.93V 250", 120s, mip 700, ccds -54, source He fsrun0156/md_data.0119 peak counts ~400 (from av along slit) Finish for the night standby 0.70A icu off egse off ***********************************************