
Mission Data Reformatter Design Version 1

Running the software

This document is a guide to the design and running of the merged mission data reformatter pipeline software at ISAS.

The software is run as follows:

daily_merge_mission1 [flags] [timing_info]
where timing_info consists of start_date end_date start_time end_time in that order.

The start_date and end_date are in the form yyyymmdd and the start_time and end_time are in the format hhmm and correspond to the dates and times generated by the plan.

Typically, when called from cron, the timing_info is not supplied and the plan dates are discovered by the program.


The flags, which can appear in any order, but are parsed from left to right, are:

Command line flags
Flag Meaning
-c Started by cron (typically will be the only flag)
-p Started by cron using the pending file. The timing_info will also be supplied
no_soda Do not copy the resulting fits files to the server at /soda
fetch_only Only fetch the ccsds packets from the database.

In the case of there being no command line arguments indicates that the program was started by cron.
Where conflicting flags appear on the command line then the last flag has precedence.

The flags have a corresponding variable in the software.
These are:

Internal variables corresponding to command line flags
Flag Internal variable name
-c cron
-p cron_pending
no_soda NO_SODA
fetch_only FETCH_ONLY

The special flag louisa also sets the following flags:

This flag is used once a year when the regcal017 and regcal018 studies are run. These studies are not compressed so this flag is used to by-pass the new method of data rescue which automatically assumes each file is compressed. This is only a problem if the files are damaged and need rescuing.