
Mission Data Reformatter Design Version 1


  1. This diagram shows the top-level structure of the program flow.
  2. The rounded rectangles indicate major computational processes in the program flow.
  3. The dashed lines indicates the program flow between states.
    The arrowhead shows the direction of the program flow.
  4. Dashed lines labelled with uppercase words represent the path taken when the corresponding flags are set.
    These are used to modify the flow through the software.
    The flags are set on the command line.
  5. Dashed lines labelled with words in lowercase are paths taken when errors or certain events occur.
    The label indicates the error or event that has happened.
  6. Unlabelled dashed lines are the normal program flow in the absence of flags, errors or events.
  7. The program begins at the start node and exits at the Exit node, unless non-recoverable errors have occurred when the alternative Pipeline_exit path is taken.