Analysis Programme - Report # 1

22-28 May 1996, Matthew Trow, MSSL-UCL for SOHO-CDS

Table of Contents:


This document is a record of the discussion on Monday 20th May 1996. Alice Breeveld, Alan Smith and Matt Trow were present. The aim was to develop an analysis plan to support in-flight calibration of the GIS detectors of the CDS instrument on SOHO.

Assessing the analysis tasks

The main problem is one of lack of detailed knowledge of the performance of the detectors. There are several questions that need to be answered, and there are many sources of data that could answer these questions.

How do we solve this problem? A network exists in which analysis activites are related to one or more of the objectives. Drawing this network allows us to determine what intermediate steps must exist. The network also shows whether a given task is essential or peripheral. There may be some overlap in the outputs of some of the activities, in which case comparison of their results will help validate the analysis process. The presently understood data analysis network is shown in Figure 1.

We identified the main sources of Basic Data, including data derived from the flight instrument, and data already available in the record of laboratory work. We then listed the information that could be found from these data sources, which we called the Derived Data. We then started to determine how the intermediate products could be synthesised into Final Data sets. Data sets and Activities are referred to by Letter and Number, as shown in Table 1.

Category                               Identifier                              

Objectives, Goals                      G                                       

Basic Data sets                        B                                       

Derived (intermediate) data sets       D                                       

Final data sets                        F                                       

Analysis or data gathering tasks       A                                       

Models                                 M                                       

Table 1. Data or Activity category and identifiers.

Objectives (G)

The main objectives (Goals) are as follows. In each case, a definition of the current position and a method for delivering future performance is required.
Goal or Objective                      Identifier                              

Describe useful future detector life   G1                                      
 Maximise life                          G1.1                                   

Efficiency vs. Observation condition   G2                                      

Performance optimisation               G3                                      
 GSET s                                 G3.1                                   
 Procedure                              G3.2                                   
 Processing                             G3.3                                   

Table 2. Goals of the calibration programme

The relative importance of these goals will be a matter for further discussion.

In the table of Goals, Efficiency should be regarded as a quantity that represesents the Detective Quantum Efficiency as a function of position (on the detector). Observation condition stands for any adjustable parameter of the detector (GSET number, HV, slit number, MCP age, etc.) or condition of the source (spectrum,.flux).

Subject to a compromise analysis (A15), the existence of G2 allows G3 - Performance optimisation, to be achieved. The output of this, whilst not known at this stage, might be a recommendation to acquire data in a particular way, together with GSET parameters to be used, a procedure for data taking, and a description of any necessary post-processing steps that might be required.

It should also be understood that there may be a conflict between Goal 1.1 "Maximise Life" and Goal G3 "Optimise Performance". If this is the case then a compromise should be sought.

Final Data sets (F)

It will be possible to derive the information to support the objectives directly from the final data sets. 
Data Category                           Identifier         

PHD vs. Position and Time               F1                 

Table 3. Final data category

At present, there is only one data set in this category. It will be a record of the Pulse Height Distribution at all positions on the detector surface, consistent with all known observations in the past, and capable of extrapolation to future conditions.

An important input to the preparation of this data set will be a model of the Pulse Height Spectrum (M1).

Using data set F1, it should be straighforward to predict the quantum efficiency at any given condition of observation (G2). Goals G1 and G1.1 can then also be stated.

Basic Data (B)

The sources of Basic Data are CDS in-flight operation, prior laboratory work and theoretical considerations. 
Data Category                           Identifier         

Science Data                                               

SPECT1 study data                       B1                 

GIMCP study data                        B2                 

other study data                        B3                 

Raw Data                                                   

All raw dumps                           B4                 

Other Telemetry                                            

Engineering telemetry                   B5                 

Special Calibrations                                       

Flat field vs. LLD - obtained 18-19     B6                 
May (GC011)                                                

Lines vs. LLD                           B7                 

Lines vs. HV                            B8                 

Laboratory, Design and Theory                              

Line Positions                          B9                 

Gain vs. HV                             B10                

Gain vs. Charge                         B11                
 slit                                    B11.1             
 flat field                              B11.2             

Gain vs. Rate                           B12                
 position-dependance (aka                B12.1             

Electronics Description                 B13                

Table 4. Basic Data categories


This is a Study (in the sense of the CDS Blue Book), that produces a spectral atlas. It is useful for calibration because the results show many lines over a wide range, and that the study is repeated frequently. Technically we are using SPECT_1 (first revision of SPECT).

Analysis [A1/GC022] consists of determining the area of a (pre-defined) selection of lines, and plotting these against time. The plots will also be examined for evidence of "ghosting", etc.


A regular performance monitoring Study, again described in the Blue Book, that aims to monitor GIS performance over a long period. It involves data acquisition with Narrow (1) and Wide (3) slits, with the instrument pointed at quiet sun. Should there be significant loss of efficiency at the narrow slit position, this study should provide some indication of it.

Analysis [A2] consists of defining a metric [GC023] which is sensitive to such differences, and plotting this metric against time [GC024].

Other study data

All studies result in data files in a FITS-compatible format (FITS files), that are accessible at MSSL. All these files contain records of the study i.d. (showing slit conditions, GSETs and so on). Count rates for the detectors can be derived from these files.

A possible drawback is that there may exist periods in which the detectors were active but no study was ongoing.

Raw Dumps

The GIS can be placed into raw data transmission mode, and the readout signals plotted in R-theta mode (bypassing the Look-up table). This is done as a prelude to deriving new GSET's. Alice has a record of all the extant raw files (and keeps the raw files too).

Some rudimentary PHD as a function of position can be derived from the raw data. This is because the MCP/SPAN system exhibits dependance of "R" on pulse height.

Analysis consists of taking slices of event density across the R-theta locus at the position for which pulse height information is desired.

Telemetry (Engineering)

A large amount of data is present in telemetered engineering data that does not find its way into FITS files. Possibly useful items for this activity might be: If thought to be valuable, these data could be extracted, possibly using emon (Eva knows all about it), or possibly as a result of already-planned trend analysis activities at other institutes.

Activity [A7] denotes extraction of TM data using emon. Actions [GC015, GC021, GC026, GC027, GC028] also relate.

Flat Field vs. LLD

This data is the result of an experiment in which, the instrument door being closed, filament flat fields were obtained for each detector at a number of LLD settings at nominal voltages, and supplemented by flat fields at two other voltages.

The value of this data was discussed at previous meetings [GC011], and a plan of operations was drawn up by Eddie with Alice and Matt. At the time of writing, some of the results are in the bag, though maybe not all.

Justification: Ideally, the sensitivity (Quantum efficiency, QE) of the MCP detectors should be fairly uniform across the face of the detectors. If there are any variations then these must be qauntified.

The QE is partly determined by the location of the peak in the MCP pulse height distribution (PHD) in relation to the setting of the Lower Level Discriminator. If, as we believe may be the case, the PHD is a function of position-across-the detector - due to count-rate related ageing effects in the MCP - then adjusting the Discriminator and observing the data for a constant "flat" field (i.e. the filament) should allow us to determine where such variations in PHD exist.

If there is a gross change in the PHD at a single position, then one might see two peaks in the PHD. Acquiring PHD's at other voltages will allow us to see features in the PHD that would not have been seen in the above LLD scanning tests.

Further analysis [A9] will consist of determination of the differences between the flat fields, and plotting these against LLD setting. If there are many positions where this occurs then the differences should be plotted at each position.

Lines vs. LLD, Lines vs. HV

If required, a repitition of the "Flat Field vs. LLD" experiment, using spectral data instead of filament flat field.

The following items are laboratory/theoretical data and are all required.

Line Positions

Positions of important spectral lines on the face of the detectors. Source: Blue Book?

Gain vs. HV

Functional relationship of MCP gain and HV. Source: Alice.

Gain vs. Charge

Function that relates MCP gain and abstracted charge (i.e. countsgain, C). There will be separate functions for wide-slit (Flat field) and narrow-slit illumination conditions. Source: Alice.

Gain vs. Rate

At high count rates, the MCP gain is reduced from its low-rate value. A quantative description of this phenomenon is required. Source: Alice.

Electronics Description

The features of the electronics which interact with pulse height distributions should be characterised. These are: gain of PHA, locations of LLD steps, ULD position, depth of PHA counters, throughput vs. Rate of events in all modes. Source: Alice, Phil T.

Derived data (D)

The following table lists the intermediate data sets that could be obtained from the basic data
Data set description                    Identifier         Source(s)          

Line area vs. time                      D1                 B1                 

"Metric" of Slit 1 vs. Slit 3 vs. time  D2                 B2                 

Total count vs. position                D3                 B3, D7             

PHD vs. Time                            D4                 B4                 

RMSIG                                   D5                 B4                 

PHD vs. HV                              D6                 B4                 

Total, Processed & ULD counts           D7                 B5                 

HK parameters                           D8                 B5                 

Efficiency vs. Position                 D10                B6                 

Efficiency vs. Line                     D11                B7, B8             

Historical Record                       D12                logbooks           

Table 5. Derived (intermediate) data sets

RMSIG is Root Mean Square Inverse Gain, a previously used metric of Pulse Height Distributions.

HK Parameters are the (TBD) set of telemetry parameters derived from telemetry files.

Efficiency is ideally Relative Detective Quantum Efficiency, although it might be found that some derived parameter (e.g. slope of count rate vs. LLD setting) is all that can be known directly.

Historical record is a list (file?) of important details in the detector history, such as dates of HV changes, turn-on or off, which can then be the basis of an estimate of Total Charge vs. Position.

Other parameters should need no further explanation.

Models (M)

Model                                   Identifier         

Model of PHD vs. Any parameter          M1                 

Adaptation of Simpha                    M2                 

Table 6. Models used in analysis tasks

As alluded to above, some of the observations or derived data sets may not be directly interpretable. To make sense of the data, it has been proposed to construct a model of the pulse height distribution of the MCPs, which can then be used to simulate the distribution at any given condition.

An existing model (simpha) of detector performance under conditions of varying pulse height distribution can be adapted [M2] to the present problem. Simpha was produced (by Matt) to help understand gain depression effects in the Yohkoh-BCS proportional counters. It was described in the meeting on 17 May. Model M1 will be a necessary component of the adapted scheme, which should be able to reproduce the effects of the observations.

M2 is not yet shown on the network, but its use will probably be a component of A14.

Plan of Work (A)

Activity                      Priority  People          Identifier / Action     

Analysis of SPECT1 data       high      Eva             A1 / GC022              

Analysis of GIMCP data        high      Alice, Eva      A2 / GC023, GC024       

Derive Total Count from                 Alice           A3                      
Science observations                                                            

PHD vs. Time from Raw Dumps             Alice           A4                      

"RMSIG" Metric from Raw                 Alice           A5                      

PHD vs. HV from Raw Dumps                               A6                      

Event Counters from TM        if        Eva             A7                      
archive                       needed                                            

PHD vs. Time from trickle                               A8                      

Analysis of FlatField vs.               Alice, Matt     A9 / GC008, GC009       
ULD data                                                                        

Analysis of Lines vs. LLD,    Later?                    A10 / GC007             
Lines vs. HV                                                                    

Define content of history                                                       

General Analysis                        Alice, Matt,    A14                     

Performance Tradeoff                                    A15                     

Table 7. Plan of work

A14 - General Analysis is a catch-all task representing all future activities that lead to understanding of the evolution of the PHD.

The meaning of other tasks will be apparent from their description and relationship with their input and output data sets.


[to contents]