These simple functions can be used to generate different types of object catalogues that can then be used as an input for the VIS simulator.
Please note that the script requires files from the data folder. Thus, you should place the script to an empty directory and either copy or link to the data directory.
requires: | NumPy |
requires: | SciPy |
requires: | matplotlib |
author: | Sami-Matias Niemi |
contact: | |
Generate an object catalogue with random positions using the Bachall and Soneira stellar model. Includes also galaxies.
Parameters: |
Returns: | None |
Draw a number of random x values from a cumulative distribution function.
Parameters: |
Returns: | randomly drawn x value |
Return type: | ndarray |
Generate a catalogue of stars and galaxies that follow realistic number density functions.
Parameters: | deg – galactic latitude, either 30, 60, 90 |
Plot the number of objects in the generated catalog. Will generate both cumulative and normal distributions for galaxies and stars separately.
Parameters: | catalog (str) – name of the catalogue file |
Returns: | None |
Generates a simple plot showing the observed data points and the fit that was generated based on these data.
Generate a catalog with stars at random positions.
Generate a catalog with stars of a given magnitude either at random positions or in a rectangular grid.
Generate an object catalogue with random positions using the Bachall and Soneira stellar model.
For a full focal plane the default values should be fine. A full focal plane covers about 0.496 square degrees and in x and y pixels: 5*(4096 + (1.643*1000/12.)) + 4096 and 5*(4132 + (8.116*1000/12.)) + 4132, respectively.
Parameters: |
Returns: | None |
This simple script can be used to generate postage stamp images from a larger mosaic. These images can then be used in the VIS simulator.
requires: | NumPy |
requires: | PyFITS |
requires: | VIS-PP |
author: | Sami-Matias Niemi |
contact: | |
version: | 0.1 |
Generates postage stamp images from an input file given the input catalog position. The output files are saved to FITS files.
Parameters: |
Returns: | None |
This file provides simple functions to calculate the integrated stellar number counts as a function of limiting magnitude and galactic coordinates.
requires: | NumPy |
requires: | matplotlib |
version: | 0.1 |
author: | Sami-Matias Niemi |
contact: | |
Implemented Equation B1 from Bahcall and Soneira 1980 (1980ApJS...44...73B).
Note that the values return do not necessarily agree with the Table 6 of the paper values. Mostly the integrated number of stars agree within 15%, which is the error quoted in the paper.
Parameters: | magnitude – limiting magnitude |
:type magnitude:float :param longitude: galactic longitude in degrees :type longitude: float :param latitude: galactic latitude in degrees :type latitude: float
Returns: | Number of stars per square degree |
Returns constant values for the integrated number counts in the V-band.
Returns: | constants to be used when calculating the integrated number counts. |
Return type: | dict |
Calculate the integrated stellar number counts in a grid of galactic coordinates. Plot the results in two projections.
Parameters: |
Returns: | grid of galactic coordinates and the number of stars in the grid |